A Tribute To A Downed Brother


In the profound words of my pit-bull of a partner, Chet O.E.P. Burozski…”ready, fire, aim.” And I respond today… Go with God, but never leave myheart.

I met Chet, when he emailed me from a biker website asking me if I wouldpinstripe his next bike build. He mentioned he had met East Coast Artie(who is a friend of mine and veteran striper at Myrtle Beach), and hadgained an interest in hand painted bikes.


He proceeded to email me photos of a previous build, an edgy green “O.E.P.”creation. I immediately knew he was a contender… I hesitated for amoment… For the first time ever, I wanted to duck and run from a validpaint job.


This was the real deal. He knew EVERYBODY in the motorcycle industry… So Iproceeded to respond with a small novel, recommending three other MasterPinstripers that I know, (Alan Johnson, Jim Norris and Mark Peters) alongwith my phone number and I thanked him for considering me. I don't think asecond had passed when my phone rang… And a booming voice barked at me,”If I wanted somebody else to paint my bike, I would have called them. Yourfuckin' painting it and that's that!”

…I laughed my ass off, knowing immediately this voice, was my future.

Upon founding our first marketing venture, OEP Productions, we had to createa tag phrase that captured his style of sales. After many charming debateshe agreed on: “Aggressive problem solving… Not for the timid.” becauseNOTHING else described what he did.


I have never known a more giving, talented, honest man. An amazing father, agreat friend and teacher, a champion for the disabled, a hero for children'scharities and one hell of a salesman.

Well, Chet, you did it, man… You changed the world. You changed my lifeforever. Not many men, even great men, can say that. It has been the quite aride, my friend. I wish it would never end… You set the bar for others.

Chet O.E.P. Burozski, a force comparable to a human tsunami, my partner, mydear friend and life coach. (I miss you like a fat boy loves cake!)


For every waking moment of many, many lives… You will be missed!

I believe in you.
Your silent but deadly shadow

In Loving Memory of
Chet “OEP” Burozski
(Chester Anthony Burozski, Jr.)
August 20, 1963 – February 29, 2008

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