ABATE of Florida Faces Challenges

Keith and Rogue
Rogue on left with Bandit, Daytona 1973.

ABATE needs your help to continue these efforts! Currently, less than 1 percent of Florida’s 900,00+ endorsed motorcyclists are among the 7,500 members, in 30 Chapters that make up ABATE of Florida, Inc. These dedicated motorcyclists represent and work to preserve and protect the rights of all Florida bikers; sport riders, cruisers, organized riders and free-riders alike. Come for the party! Stay for the mission! For additional information on ABATE of Florida, Inc. visit us on the web at www.abateflorida.com.

Myself and others received the message above from ABATE.The first part has been deleted because of its length and I have some disagreement with their claims as well. I want to be very clear that I Support ABATE as an organization BUT like many members I have problems with the current leadership. They have not been successful stopping anti-motorcycle legislation I, and others, feel should not have passed.

Here is an organization claiming to represent the motorcycle riders of Florida yet they openly admit their membership is less than 1 percent. The president of ABATE James “Doc” Reichenbach gets upset when other motorcycle rights organizations like the American Motorcycle Association get involved. The AMA has been fighting unjust laws for many years around the country and has been very successful. Their Florida membership is large, and I, and other members of that association request they represent us on issues in the state until ABATE of Florida is successful.

Many people join ABATE as they become motorcyclist then fall out, disillusioned. Until recently their newsletter listed folks who didn't renew. Now many long time members are not renewing as well. I am not sure why this is but obviously ABATE did not turn out to be what they expected.

There is much disagreement among members on how to handle various situations, pending legislation and present laws that need to be repealed. There are those who feel it is time for new leadership and that the $50,000 that “Doc” gets as lobbyist is not worth what the members of ABATE and the riders of Florida are getting in return. It should also be noted as President of ABATE he does not get paid but his expenses are covered. Exactly what those expenses are is not entirely clear to some of the membership. The majority of dues paying members are the ones who need to decide who runs their organization.

For those who disagree with “Doc” and or ABATE’s policy, you have a right to support other organizations and have them represent you in Florida. As always you do not need to belong to any organization to contact your legislator with your opinion on issues that affect you.

ABATE's success rate of stopping laws that make things mandatory for motorcycle riders is not good. Years ago they did repeal the mandatory helmet law for those over 21, if they had insurance. That was a compromise situation that some favor and others think should not have been linked to insurance. With folks defending this country in foreign lands and putting their lives on the line and then be told they have to wear a helmet because they are not 21 yet is not acceptable. Then, of course, there are those who will argue everyone should wear helmets. This discussion has been going on for years and will continue for many more.

Motorcycles are more and more popular, and many people and organizations are looking to see how they can make money from this growth. One organization is the Motorcycle Safety Foundation who is funded by the major motorcycle manufactures. They originally started out offering a course to teach people how to operate motorcycles. Over the years they have grown and now are lobbying to make their schools Mandatory. Now let me get this right. The motorcycle companies make a product then they have a foundation that will teach you for a fee how to operate their product and NOW they want to Force You To Take These Courses.

At present there is a law in the state of Florida forcing anyone, under the age of 21, to enroll in the mandatory motorcycle courses before they receive a motorcycle license. There is no law to make schooling mandatory for other types of vehicle to my knowledge. The answer is not to play along with these for-profit organizations by making schooling mandatory for any type of motor vehicle license.

The state issues the operators permit for operating motor vehicles and they should do the testing. If some one can pass the test they should be allowed that opportunity to do so. If they do not pass, then they should have the option of going to a school or learning from other sources. They should then be required to return and be retested by the state and not by supplying a note saying they passed the test they paid for. Is this buying a license?

When I last checked the Harley Dealer was charging $295.00 to take their course and there are reports of others charging more. Since these are private businesses there is no cap on what they can charge for these classes and the price is likely to go up with supply and demand.

ABATE has Not Defeated or overturned this law and as a matter of fact there is a new law that is scheduled to take affect in 2008 that will force everyone without a motorcycle endorsement to take the mandatory course.

There is also information that the organizations pushing for Mandatory schooling are going to try and make re-schooling mandatory every 5 years. Yeah, you got that right, you will be forced to pay to go to school on a regular basis to ride your motorcycle.

There are a couple of bills that are in the works. One is House Bill 137 that will allow for the confiscation of motorcycles for traffic offenses. Through the efforts of numerous motorcycle rights groups and concerned motorcyclist this bill has been tabled. That does not mean it will not come back again, as the sponsor said he would re-write and re-submit it. Then there is a companion bill Senate Bill 802.

There will also be other bills to watch and act on. Hopefully we can all work together for the benefit of motorcycle riders of Florida.

I will continue to support ABATE and the American Motorcycle Association in their efforts to improve motorcycling in the State of Florida. I will look forward to information from both of them so I can make informed decisions and let my elected officials know how I feel on the issues. Yes it will take a little work but I want to make decisions on the issues that affect me and not have some one else do it.


2008 is going to be a very important year for ABATE of FLORIDA. Hopefully they will resolve their internal problems and their membership will increase, but more important is that they defeat pending bills that infringe on the rights of motorcyclist and also repeal laws mandating schooling. If they are successful, they will prosper. If they are not successful I believe membership will continue to decline.



If this stirs your soul, read the article about the real reason behind motorcycle crashes from Garry Van Kirk. It will put Rogue's report in perspective. We all need to join and support motorcycle rights organizations, and make sure you vote for the leadership you believe will perform the best.–Bandit

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