Aeromach Manufacturing Inc. has once again designed a kick ass set of levers for your Harley Davidson. The Tribal levers are designed to mount to H-Ds from 1996-2006. They will NOT fit the V-Rod or '04-'06 Sportsters. Constructed out of T6 extruded billet aluminum, they will also fit some of the other manufactured bikes in the American market such as Big Dog, American Ironhorse, Saxon, etc. You can order them in a chrome finish or anodized black. I personally dug the black.

I decided to try a pair on my 2005 Springer Classic and see how they looked and more importantly, how they worked. The package arrived with a set of easy instructions that lay out the exact sequence to change the levers. You will notice I had chrome nostalgic mirrors on my bike, but I decided to change to a pair of H-D short stem black mirrors half way into the switch. I believe they still keep in the style of the bike while accentuating the contrast between the flat black housings and mirrors as compared to the gloss finish on the levers and springer forks. Or you can say I just think they looked cool.

I started working on the bike at maybe 9 am and was finished by 9:30. The job was straightforward and easy. I believe my nine year old daughter could install these mirrors without much trouble.
I took the bike out for a spin and immediately noticed the feel to the levers. While they are different than the “soft” feel of the stock levers, these feel very strong and raw.
Kind of like the difference between a pair of big fake titties and a set of smaller more athletic pair; the big ones look great and feel real nice, but you can really appreciate and admire the work that goes into the keeping a hardbody that sports a set of rock hard tits.
My bike may not be as wild and tricked out as a West Coast Chopper, but I liked the new look the levers gave the front end. I would definitely recommend these for anyone who is looking for a subtle touch that will add a personal touch to their bike.
Besides, if someone starts shit with you, all you need to do is remove the brake lever and stab them in the neck with it. Blood and grime wipes away easily and the mirror will fit right back into the housing in a matter of minutes.
Check out the following pictures detailing the extremely simple steps I went through while installing the levers. The only tools required would be a set of snap ring removal pliers, and a ½ inch wrench. Like I said, anyone could handle this modification. Take care everyone, and remember to get out there and ride. That’s why we’re all in this deal. God Bless America and especially all our troops!See ya!