Daytona Twin Tec LLC Announces New Fuel Injection Technology for2001 and Later Harley-Davidson( Motorcycles with Delphi Controller.TCFI Twin Cam Fuel Injection controller with optional WEGO Wide-bandExhaust Gas Oxygen sensor interface allows quickly auto-tuning fuelcurves on highly modified engines without dyno time.
Daytona Beach, Florida April 21, 2003: The new TCFI Twin CamFuel Injection controller solves tuning problems with highly modifiedengines.
Fully programmable plug-in replacement for the Delphi controller
Robust alpha-N (throttle position and RPM based) fuel controleliminates problems with long duration/high overlap camshafts
Fast on-road auto-tuning with the optional WEGO Wide-bandExhaust Gas Oxygen sensor interface. Competitive “band-aid” productssuch as the Dynojet Power Commander III require extensive dyno tuning.
Built-in data logging (free software available for downloadon our website)
The TCFI and WEGO are competitively priced with other vendors’units. Product shipments will begin in June 2003. Major distributorsthat have committed to carrying these new products include: ArlenNess, Axtell, Drag Specialties, Head Quarters (Canada) and TECDistributing.
About Daytona Twin Tec LLCDaytona Twin Tec LLC has a simple philosophy – do one thing and do itwell. Our product focus is electronic fuel injection and ignitionsystems for Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Our Twin Tec product line isbased on the most advanced technology and manufactured locally in ahighly automated ISO9000 rated facility.
How does the Twin Tec TCFI compare to the RevTech DFO, DynojetPower Commander, and Screamin Eagle EFI Tuner?
Each system has optimum applications, where it is the most costeffective alternative or offers a clear performance advantage:
Stock engines and engines with basic mods (aftermarket aircleaner and exhaust). The most cost effective choice is the RevTechDFO. This unit sells for under $200 retail and allows the user toeasily trim the fuel delivery by means of screwdriver adjustments.The biggest drawback is that hookup requires cutting the OE wireharness and splicing in connections using crimp terminals. Ouch!
88 CID engines with performance camshaft and aftermarket aircleaner and exhaust. The Dynojet Power Commander III will get the jobdone for about $400 as long as the camshaft profile is not tooradical. The Power Commander modifies the stock ECU injector drive,but is still a speed-density system. Past a certain point, manifoldpressure becomes too erratic and the injector pulse width varies allover the place at idle and low RPM cruise. At this point, you need arobust alpha-N system like the Twin Tec TCFI. Also, Power Commandersystems have no built-in auto-tune capability for fuel tables. If youget lucky you can download a table from their website that may work -else plan on spending a lot of time and money on the dyno. At$100-150/hour for dyno time, it doesn’t take long to burn through thedifference between the cost of the $400 Power Commander and acomplete TFCI+WEGO kit for $950. The TCFI also features extensivedata logging capability that will help you resolve any driveabilityissues.
95 CID engines with high compression, performance camshaft andaftermarket air cleaner, throttle body and exhaust. The Dynojet PowerCommander III will still work OK at wide open throttle, but dependingon the camshaft profile, you are likely to be left with some residualidle and cruise driveability issues. The more radical the enginemods, the better the Twin Tec TCFI will perform in comparison, andyou won’t have to spend much time on a dyno. The TCFI also gives youthe ability to change warmup enrichment and idle air controlparameters–very important with the more radical camshaft profiles.The data logging capability will help you resolve any driveabilityissues.
Screamin’ Eagle Stage I and II kits. At $460, the EFI Tuner ishard to beat – with fuel and ignition tables carefully mapped out bythe factory. But deviate from the exact Screamin’ Eagle combo and youare back to the same scenario as the Power Commander – lots of timeon the dyno. The EFI Tuner provides two additional benefits: scantool capability for reading and resetting diagnostic codes andminimal data logging capability. The biggest drawback is that the EFITuner “marries” itself to your ECU’s serial number and can never beused on another bike.
Do I need a load control dyno with exhaust sniffer?Regardless of what some people may claim, it is impossible toproperly tune a fuel injection system on a modified engine withoutsome means of covering the entire engine load range (from decel towide open throttle) and exhaust gas analysis. If you use a systemlike the Dynojet Power Commander III, you had better find a shop withthe DynoJet Model 250 load control dyno and optional air/fuel ratiomonitor.
You can accomplish the same result with the TCFI and optional WEGOby simply riding the bike on the road for several hours. As you runthrough different engine loads and RPM levels, the system auto-tunesthe fuel tables.
Will the TCFI work with the older Marelli fuel injection system,the fuel injection used on new Buell® models, or with the V-RodTM?
No, the TCFI is specifically intended for use with 2001 and laterH-D® models with the Delphi® ECU. The Delphi® ECU has a 36 pinconnector. The older Marelli system has a 35 pin connector. NewerBuell® models use a small ECU with two 12 pin Deutsch connectors. TheV-RodTM uses a more complex Delphi® ECU with additional outputs and alink to the electronic instrument cluster. Due to the limited market,we have no plans to support these applications.

Can I use the TCFI on a custom engine?
Probably not. The TCFI is not intended for fuel injectionretrofit. It requires all the same sensors and actuators as the stockDelphi ECU. This includes the crankshaft position sensor.
What applications has the TCFI been tested with?
We have tested and qualified the TCFI with modified 88 CID and 95CID engines. Setup files are provided for these applications. Intime, we will test the unit with larger engine displacements.
What are the limitations of the stock throttle body?
The stock throttle body is inadequate for engines greater than 88CID. With a 95 CID engine, the stock throttle body will not flowsufficient air above 4500 RPM. Maximum power will be limited to about105 HP. Our tests have shown that boring out the stock throttle bodyis ineffective. An aftermarket throttle body greater than 50mm isrequired for maximum power. The stock air cleaner is grosslyrestrictive and must always be replaced for any performanceapplication.
You can easily verify air flow restrictions with the TCFI Log datalogging software. Examine MAP (manifold pressure) at wide openthrottle. If MAP drops off as RPM increases, you know you have aproblem.
If the WEGO is used for auto-tuning fuel tables, should it beleft hooked up?
There are pros and cons. Modern race cars run wide-band exhaustgas oxygen sensors that continually make corrections as track andengine conditions change. You will have the same benefit – automaticcorrections, if your operating conditions change or if you makefurther engine modifications. However, the WEGO sensor is delicateand expensive. It will not tolerate exposure to any leaded fuel. Ifthe sensor degrades, engine performance will be affected. If sensorlife is not an issue in your application, leave it hooked up. If youwant to remove the sensor, we sell an 18 x 1.5mm hex plug.
The WEGO-LCD unit is intended for fair weather use or dyno labenvironments. Water splash may damage the LCD display. If you use aWEGO-LCD for initial tuning, you should later relocate it near theTCFI module under the seat or side cover where it will be protected.The standard WEGO unit is fully sealed and impervious to moisture.
How do I set up and tune the TCFI for a particular application?We provide setup files for common applications based on using theWEGO for auto-tuning fuel tables. Some tweaking of idle fuel andignition advance is generally required. We suggest that you downloadand the latest version of the TCFI instructions and PC Link TCFIsoftware for more details.
Do I need to spend time on a dyno?
On-road auto-tuning using the WEGO generally gives much betterresults as the operating conditions are more realistic. Do theon-road auto-tuning first. Then, if you want to get maximumhorsepower at wide open throttle, do dyno runs to fine tune theignition advance and air/fuel ratio.What kind of engines can I tune with the WEGO (Wide-band Exhaust GasOxygen Sensor System)?
The WEGO system can be used to tune most four stroke gasolinepowered internal combustion engines:
Harley-Davidson® Twin-Cam 88® with fuel injection and Twin TecTCFI unit. The WEGO or WEGO-LCD can be used to auto-tune fuel tables.This is the primary application that the WEGO technology was designedfor. It eliminates the need for a load control dyno with exhaustsniffer and allows for tuning under more realistic on-road operatingconditions.
Harley-Davidson carbureted engines. The WEGO-LCD is an idealtuning aid, either for on-road or dyno tuning. Knowing the exactair/fuel ratio greatly simplifies the task of carburetor jetting.
Other motorcycle engines and small engines in general. The smallsize and low power consumption make the WEGO-LCD an ideal tuning aid.For applications without an alternator, the WEGO-LCD can be run froma small 12 volt gel cell lead acid battery such as the type used forbackup power in alarm systems. The WEGO-LCD should not be used withtwo stroke or marine engines where oil or water vapor in the exhaustwill cause serious problems with the sensor.

Can I use the WEGO in place of an exhaust sniffer when dyno tuning?
Regardless of what some people may claim, it is impossible toproperly tune a fuel injection system on a modified engine withoutsome means of exhaust gas analysis. Shops can use the WEGO in placeof expensive exhaust gas sniffers. If your dyno has a dataacquisition system with a spare 0-5 volt input, you can connect theoutput of the WEGO and log air/fuel ratio during dyno runs.
Will exhaust reversion affect the WEGO?
The WEGO system will give inaccurate results if your exhaustsystem suffers from reversion effects. Reversion is the term for anegative pressure wave that can suck ambient air back into theexhaust. Open exhausts, such as drag pipes, always suffer from severereversion effects and are not suitable for use with the WEGO. Werecommend slip-on type mufflers such as the Cycle Shack “M” type.These eliminate the crossover and have a moderate amount of bafflingthat limits reversion while still allowing maximum power at high RPM.
Reversion effects will also occur with certain exhausts used on”bagger” style motorcycles, where two pipes split off near the rearcylinder. You may have to block off the pipe running to the leftside.Reversion effects will be most noticeable at idle, part throttle lowRPM cruise, and decel. If you see a very lean mixture under theseconditions, the cause is most likely reversion of ambient air. If youare using the WEGO with a TCFI unit, you can disable closed loopoperation under conditions where reversion occurs. Refer to the TCFIinstructions for details.
What is the difference between a wide-band and conventionalexhaust gas oxygen sensor?
Conventional (narrow-band) exhaust gas oxygen sensors have beenwidely used in automotive applications since 1981. Conventionalsensors have one to four wires and can only sense air/fuel ratio overa relatively narrow 14.5 to 15.0 range. They are intended to be usedwith 3-way catalytic converters that require operation near thestoichiometric point (14.7 air/fuel ratio). The range of thenarrow-band sensors is inadequate for closed loop control outside ofidle and cruise conditions. Wide-band sensors were developed for laband specialized automotive applications. The 5-wire NTK/Honda sensorused with the WEGO operates over a range of 10.4 to infinite air/fuelratio. This allows closed loop control under all engine operatingconditions.
Where can I find out more information about wide-band sensortechnology?
For more information about wide-band oxygen sensors, we suggestthat you visit the Tech Edge website. The NTK L1H1 UEGO sensormentioned on this website is similar to the Honda sensor used withthe WEGO.
What are the limitations of the wide-band sensor?
The sensor will be quickly degraded if leaded racing gasoline isused. Under these conditions, expected sensor life will be less than10 hours. As the sensor degrades, free air calibration will becomeimpossible.
Oil or other hydrocarbon residues in the exhaust will affect thesensor readings. Likewise, gasoline containing ethanol will result isslight air/fuel reading errors.
The sensor responds to the partial pressure of oxygen. Excessiveexhaust back pressure will affect sensor readings. This should not bea problem with any performance exhaust system. When used with aturbo, make sure the sensor is located downstream of the turbo.
Make sure the WEGO power is on whenever the engine is run. Withoutpower to the internal heating element, the sensor will clog withhydrocarbon residues and may be permanently degraded. If you want toremove the sensor, we sell an 18 x 1.5mm hex plug.
If the WEGO is used for auto-tuning fuel tables, should it beleft hooked up?
The O2 sensor is installed in the rear pipe as close to the exhaust valve aspossible what this does is take the air fuel ratio and gives the info to theWego which converts the info to the TCFI unit and the TCFI adjust the airfuel and adjusts it to the optimum for the best performance for whatmodifications the bike has had done to it.
Modern race cars run wide-band exhaust gas oxygen sensors thatcontinually make corrections as track and engine conditions change.You will have the same benefit – automatic corrections if youroperating conditions change or if you make further enginemodifications. However, the WEGO sensor is delicate and expensive. Itwill not tolerate exposure to any leaded fuel. If the sensordegrades, engine performance will be affected. If sensor life is notan issue in your application, leave it hooked up. If you want toremove the sensor, we sell an 18 x 1.5mm hex plug.

Why do I need a Twin Tec ignition?
If you like to go slow and don’t mind being embarrassed when yourbuddies leave you in the dust, you don’t need our products!
Most Harley® owners want to improve their motorcycle’sperformance, it’s just part of the scene. You can easily add 20-30 HPwith relatively simple and low cost modifications. You will get thegreatest return on investment with the following modifications:
· Twin Tec ignition
· Low restriction air cleaner and exhaust (typically slip-on mufflers)
· Carburetor tuning (jetting)
· Performance camshaft and related valvetrain components
The Twin Tec ignition gives you several important benefits:
Adjustable RPM limiter. Depending on the camshaft and othervalvetrain modifications you make, peak power will likely be around6000 RPM, well above the RPM limit of the stock ignition.
Adjustable advance. You can fine tune the advance to meet yourrequirements. The Twin Tec systems comes with enough adjustment rangefor most applications. You can also program a custom advance curveusing our optional PC link and free software.
Single fire (further explained below). Note that all Twin Cam 88engines are already factory equipped with single fire ignition. OtherHarley-Davidson engines will benefit from conversion to single fire.If you make certain camshaft and carburetor jetting changes,conversion to single fire may be required to avoid backfiringproblems.
Multiple spark (further explained below). Enhances starting andidle quality. Reduces plug fouling – especially if the carburetor hasbeen re-jetted.
How do I set a safe RPM limit?
Twin Tec ignitions have an adjustable RPM limiter. You can set theRPM limit from 3,000 to 9,900 RPM in 100 RPM steps by means of tworotary switches. The only exception is our Model 1005-OE that has afixed RPM limit.
Harley-Davidson stock ignition modules generally have the RPMlimit programmed at 5,600 RPM. If you modify the valvetrain, peakhorsepower will probably occur above 6,000 RPM and you will need toincrease the RPM limit. Check with the manufacturer. They canrecommend a safe RPM limit. We do not recommend increasing the RPMlimit of a stock engine above 5,800 RPM.
How can I optimize the timing advance?
Twin Tec ignitions allow you to easily tailor the ignition timingadvance to your application. Most Harley-Davidson owners makeperformance modifications in stages. The advantage of a Twin Tec unitis that you will always be able to optimize the timing to match yourexact requirements.
Models 1005, 1006, and 1007 come with two families of advancecurves: street and race. The actual curves are listed in theinstallation instructions that you can download. Use the streetadvance curves for stock or mildly modified engines. The mode switchis used to select the advance curve family. Once you have selected anadvance curve family, you can use the advance slope switch to changethe shape of the curve. Higher switch settings result in a moreaggressive curve. You can experiment with progressively higher switchsettings. As a general rule of thumb, you will obtain maximum powerby sing the highest setting possible without audible spark knock.Additional details are given in the instructions.
The TC88 unit has a 3D advance surface based on RPM and manifoldpressure. Since Twin Cam 88® engines have a non-adjustable crankshaftposition sensor, there is no mechanical means for setting the initialtiming. The TC88 unit solves the problem. Initial timing can beadjusted over a ±5° range by means of a rotary switch. A secondswitch allows you to change the slope of the advance surface. Higherswitch setting result in more aggressive advance. The use of a 3Dsurface and the wide adjustment range afforded by the two switchesallows you to accommodate most applications.
If you are doing dyno tuning or have specialized requirements, youcan program your own advance curve or surface by using our optionalPC link and free software. The software allows you to graphicallyedit the advance. You can also offset the rear cylinder timing over a±5° range. Harley-Davidson engine tuners have found that the rearcylinder often runs somewhat hotter and thus reaches the knock limitfirst. Slightly retarding the rear cylinder allows more overalladvance and may generate more power.
What is the difference between single fire and dual fire?
Single fire and dual fire refers to the number of times the sparkplug fires during each four stroke cycle. The terminology is somewhatunique to Harley-Davidson engines and is by no means consistentlyapplied. For example, Custom Chrome Industries, one of the largestdistributors of Harley-Davidson aftermarket parts, uses the oppositeterminology. Their single fire systems correspond to what most othercompanies refer to as dual fire.
With the exception of the new Twin-Cam 88 and late model Sportster1200 engines, all carbureted Harley-Davidson engines have been dualfire. A single coil winding with two high voltage output terminalsfires the spark plugs on both cylinders simultaneously. Each plug isfired twice during each four stroke cycle. This approach was used tocut costs as it eliminates the need for a dual-point distributor or asecond coil and additional electronics. Dual fire results in a numberof potential problems.
Most late model automotive engines are distributorless. Many ofthese engines use coil packs where a single coil winding fires twospark plugs. When one spark plug fires on the compression stroke theother spark plug is firing on the exhaust stroke. This approach istermed “wasted spark” and is widely used. The wasted spark alwaysoccurs on the exhaust stroke because the engines have even firingintervals (i.e. 90° for a V8) and cylinders are always paired so thatthe pistons are 360° out of phase (i.e. one on the compression strokewhen the other is on the exhaust stroke). The wasted spark causeslittle energy loss and no harmful effect on the exhaust stroke.
The situation is quite different with a dual-fire ignition on aHarley-Davidson V-twin engine with 315° and 405° firing intervals.The graphic shows what occurs. When the rear cylinder is fired on thecompression stroke, the front cylinder is on the exhaust stroke -which is OK. But when the front cylinder is fired on the compressionstroke, the rear cylinder is already on the intake stroke! Under someconditions, a combustible mixture may exist in the rear cylinder atthis point and the wasted spark causes a backfire through thecarburetor. Long duration camshafts and improper carburetor jettingcan contribute to the problem. Additional information on this subjectmay be found on the Mikuni web site.

The Problem with Dual Fire IgnitionA single-fire ignition eliminates the backfire problem and enhancesidle quality. The single-fire ignition uses separate coil windingsand electronics to fire each spark plug independently. Spark firingoccurs only on the compression stroke. Conversion of older carburetedHarley-Davidson engines to single fire is highly recommended. Thereis no downside to single fire, other than the cost of the conversion.
Twin Tec Models 1005, 1006, and 1007 have switch selectable singleand dual-fire operating modes. You can initially install one of ourunits and run in dual fire mode with your original equipment coil.You can then easily upgrade to single fire by adding an appropriatecoil. If you have a tach, it will continue to operate properly whenconnected to the tach output from the Twin Tec ignition (somecompetitive systems require that you purchase a tach adapter).
How does multiple spark work?
Many readers may be familiar with automotive multiple sparkignitions, such as the MSD 6-series. These are capacitive dischargesystems that fire a series of short sparks. The Twin Tec multiplespark technology works on a somewhat different principle but the endresult is similar. Coil primary current is repeatedly switched on andoff by the processor. When the current is switched on, energy isstored in the coil’s magnetic field. When the current is switchedoff, the stored energy is discharged as a spark. All Twin Tec unitscan fire a continuous series of sparks from the advanced timing pointto top dead center.
Multiple sparks are of no benefit if conditions of homogeneousmixture distribution and good swirl turbulence exist in thecombustion chamber. Under these ideal conditions, a single spark(even of relatively short duration) can generate a flame kernel thatwill rapidly propagate into a well established flame front. Multiplesparks can provide significant benefits under less than idealcombustion conditions. If a flammable mixture is not present at thespark plug when the first spark is fired, better conditions may existduring subsequent sparks. Instead of a complete misfire, it may stillbe possible to initiate combustion and generate some power.
Multiple spark will improve starting and idle quality. It willalso reduce lean surge during part throttle cruise.
What spark plugs wires are recommended for optimum performance?
Three types of spark plug wires are commonly available: originalequipment style carbon core suppression, low resistance spiral core,and solid core. Carbon core suppression wires cause some energy lossdue to their high resistance (about 5,000 ohms/foot). Replacingcarbon core suppression wires with low resistance spiral core wiresonly increases spark energy by about 10%. Contrary to any claims, youwill not see a performance improvement by changing spark plug wires.On the other hand, carbon core wires can deteriorate over time andany wires more than a few years old are candidates for replacement.If you are going to install new spark plug wires, buy a set of lowresistance spiral core wires. Most are less than 500 ohms/foot.At that point, almost no energy is lost in the wire. There are somenew versions with very low resistance (50 ohms/foot), but theadvantage is insignificant for the short lengths encountered inmotorcycle applications.
Do not use solid core spark plug wires. These radiate excessiveelectromagnetic noise that will cause radio interference and may evencause the processor in the ignition module to glitch. We do notrecommend Nology spark plug wires. These have a partially shieldedjacket that forms a energy storage capacitor. When the spark plugfires, energy stored in this capacitor is rapidly discharged causinga short but intense arc discharge. There may be some advantage if thespark plugs are fouled, but the Nology wires tend to radiate moreelectromagnetic noise.
How about spark plugs?Contrary to much of the marketing hype, novel spark plug designsgenerally fail to show any measurable performance improvements. Don’twaste your money! The biggest problem with spark plugs forHarley-Davidson engines is fouling. The trick is to find a heat rangethat is a good compromise between fouling and pre-ignition. Aplatinum tipped plug would also be a waste of money, since it wouldlikely foul long before it eroded. Stay with the recommended plug gap.
Use only resistor type spark plugs. The non-resistor type radiateexcessive electromagnetic noise that will cause radio interferenceand may even cause the processor in the ignition module to glitch.

Daytona Twin Tec ProductFeatures
1. Provides fuel auto-tune capability when used with Twin TecTCFI fuel injection controller
2. Versatile tuning aid for all carbureted and fuel injected engines
3. Requires wide-band oxygen sensor P/N 36531-PHM-A01 availablefrom Honda car dealers. Sensor fits standard 18×1.5mm exhaust fitting.
4. Highly accurate with less than (0.1 AFR error over 10.4- 19.5 AFR range
5. Easy free-air calibration procedure corrects for sensor aging effects
6. 0-5V analog output (other ranges available on special order)
7. Optional LCD display provides great readability in bright sunlight
8. Wide supply voltage range from 11-18V allows operation frombattery on small engines. Current drain is approximately 1 amp.
9. Compact size: 3.7-in. L x 1.7-in.W x 0.75-in.H. Standard WEGOunit without LCD is fully encapsulated and impervious to moisture.The WEGO is a versatile instrument with multiple applications. Whenused with the Twin Tec TCFI fuel injection controller, the WEGOallows fuel auto-tuning capability during actual on-road ridingconditions. WEGO units with the optional LCD display can also be usedas a tuning aid for almost any gasoline powered engine. The compactsize and wide supply voltage range allows operation from smallrechargeable batteries in a broad range of applications.
Wide-Band Oxygen Sensor on Rear Pipe
The WEGO uses a high tech sensor originally developed for the newHonda Insight hybrid vehicle. By utilizing miniature surface mountelectronics technology, digital signal processing techniques, and aswitching power supply for the sensor heater, the WEGO provides thesame level of accuracy as lab systems costing thousands of dollars.WEGO units have a 0-5V analog output that is compatible with the TCFIfuel injection controller and most data acquisition systems.
Part Number DescriptionSuggested Retail
WEGO, Wide-band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Interface(Requires $254.00Sensor P/N 36531-PHM-A01 Available from Honda Car Dealer)
WEGO-LCD Wide-band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Interface with$419.00Optional LCD Display (Requires Sensor P/N 36531-PHM-A01Available from Honda Car Dealer)
EGO-36531 Wide-band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Kit (for WEGO or $358.00WEGO-LCD. Consists of sensor P/N 36531-PHM-A01 and18x1.5mm weld nut for exhaust pipe)WEGO Wide-Band Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor Interface
Daytona Twin Tec LLC,
933 Beville Road, Suite 101-H
S.Daytona, FL 32119
(386) 304-0700
Allen Alvarez
Sales Manager