
This has been a massively exciting week. While the bros party in Daytona under summer-like skies, we struggle to stoke the fires of freedom in the cold northwest. Our governor sliced away regulation while other states attempt to reenact helmet laws that harm more than they protect.

The news is interesting, let’s hit it:

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum.

Here is a little more information from the interweb on Toyota’s hydrogen car.

The flagship Toyota Mirai limited has a list price of US $67,095, meaning the list price could drop as low as $27,095-or 60% less than its current cost.

A Toyota Mirai takes a total of 5 kg of hydrogen. So, a full tank would cost around $180 and return around $312 miles of EPA-estimated range (taking the 2018 model as an example). That works out to $0.58 per mile, which is abysmal.

Currently there are only 59 open retail refueling sites in the United States, most of them in California.


Harry Sucher was the founding member of the SoCal AMCA with Chuck Vernon and John Eagle.

–from Don Whalen


We’re hustling on the next Sturgis Rally Magazine. It will be packed with Sturgis resources and rally info.

“You still have a couple of days to buy an ad. It’s an annual book. One ad lasts all year.” –Bandit


I have been blown away by the strong advocacy efforts that have been made by our friends at the USCCA For Saving Lives Action Fund – and I wanted YOU to hear about it.

A new website section has been launched on the Action Fund site, centered around pieces of state-specific legislation. This is a great place to check out legislation happening not only in your home state but around the country as well.

Today, I invite you to go check out what is happening in your neck of the woods – because YOU deserve to know. YOUR God-given 2A rights deserve to be protected, no matter where you are in the country. Our friends at the Action Fund are determined to advocate for your rights every single day at both the state and national levels, and want to ensure you are kept in the loop on all the latest developments.

Take a few minutes TODAY to check out the newly launched site here.

This is an exciting update that I am proud to share with you – 2024 is a crucial year and now is a more important time than ever to make sure you are kept in the loop.

Take care and stay safe,

Tim Schmidt
USCCA Chairman & Co-Founder



I know your crew is super busy with one case after another, but don’t you see a trend? It’s almost absurd that this terrific country is going through two decades or strife over something that could have been addressed in two weeks.

It’s also nuts that our entire government has allowed this to get to a point where the only thing that might save the entire country is your group, the Supreme Court.

I would hope, but I don’t expect the Supreme Court to make the decisions, but you can force the right people to step up and address the climate alarmism once and for all.

At one time this country was all about finding the truth and the answers. We need American unity once more. We need kids all over the world to know we are living in the best of times and not doomed. Don’t you see what’s happening?

All the best of times ahead,

The Bastard Biker in the Black Hills

This is a work in progress…


“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.” – Winston Churchill

from Epoch Times


Though many people try to make the case that religion and politics don’t mix, the truth is that political affiliations have been a part of history for thousands of years. Even your most beloved biblical figures were committed supporters of specific political parties.

The Babylon Bee is here to shed more light on the topic by revealing the following list of Bible characters and their political parties:

Noah: Democrat. Huge believer in climate change.

Methuselah: Democrat. Currently serving as President of the United States.

Sodom & Gomorrah: The entire city was filled with Libertarians.

Lazarus: Republican when he was alive. Democrat when he wasn’t.

Caiaphas: Democrat. He loved dragging his political enemies to court on false charges.

Balaam’s Donkey: Democrat. Party mascot.

Job: Republican. Couldn’t stop losing.

Peter: Denied party affiliation three times.

Satan: Democrat. Founder of the party.

Jesus: Republican. Everybody knows this.

–Babylon Bee

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–

DAYTONA BIKE WEEK BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS for February 29th, 2024– click here to read

Proposed 15-yr no repair bill!? They will have to pry my Shovelhead out of my dead cold hands!

–Rob Rhoades


Chrome and crowds: Motorcycles take over Main Street as Daytona’s Bike Week begins

It wasn’t even 11 a.m. on Bike Week’s opening day, but Dan and Sue Phillips already had claimed a prime viewing spot for the parade of chrome and characters outside the Boot Hill Saloon on Main Street.

“I’ve had this spot for a long time,” said Dan, 70, referring to more than the two hours that the Daytona Beach couple already had spent that morning on the outside deck of the landmark watering hole.

“My first Bike Week was in 1978 and this is where I was,” he said.

Sue, his wife of 50 years, joined him for the first time two years later. For most of the years since, the couple traveled on their Harley-Davidsons from their home in Dayton, Ohio.

‘A big party, yes?’ Bike Week newcomers explore Main Street.

On opening day, Bike Week rumbled at full throttle on Main Street, the epicenter of the 10-day event that now attracts an estimated crowd of 300,000-400,000 motorcycle fans throughout a region that includes Volusia, Flagler, Brevard, Seminole, Orange, St. Johns and Duval counties.

The scene offered a familiar carnival for the senses that blended the tantalizing aromas of grilled sausages and burgers melded with the scent of leather and exhaust fumes, the sound of molar-rattling engines and the sight of gleaming chrome, custom paint jobs and colorful crowds.

An informal survey of license plates illustrated the event’s appeal: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Georgia, South Carolina, Michigan, Illinois, Minnesota, New York, South Dakota, Ontario and Quebec, among others.

The throng also included more far-flung visitors, such as the boisterous group of roughly two dozen members of the Scamps Motorcycle Club from Woerden, a city in the Utrecht province of The Netherlands.

“If it ain’t Dutch, it ain’t much,” said Rob Kromwijk, 44, a welder informally nominated as the group’s spokesman as they nursed cold beers outside Dirty Harry’s Pub.

He and his friends also were early birds on opening day, arriving on Main Street before 7 a.m.

Merchants, vendors expect ‘a great week’
On opening day, merchants and vendors also were optimistic about the 10-day event.

“We’ve been working around the clock, literally, getting ready for this,” said Laura Humphreys, vice president of family-owned Humphreys & Son Jewelers, a Main Street fixture since 1954.

Rain: An unwelcome Bike Week wild card?
Weather could be a question mark, reflected in cloudy skies on opening day that yielded misty rain around lunch time. Based on the extended forecast issued by the National Weather Service in Melbourne, rain chances range from 30-60% into next week.

The prospect of a few raindrops didn’t faze Chris Snyder, 62, a retired building inspector who left behind much less hospitable weather in Buffalo.

“It was snowing and 20 degrees when I left,” said Snyder, watching the scene across from the Full Moon Saloon. “It’s great to get out of Buffalo this time of year. This is a perfect spot. I would stand here all day and do this.”

Snyder is among the visitors who have made multiple trips to Bike Week.

History lesson: Daytona Beach’s Bike Week: A history of beer, bikes, cole slaw and ‘rowdyism’

Those returning fans are the best part of the event, said Johnny Sanchez, owner of John’s Rock ‘N Ride, another longtime Main Street business.

“To me, it’s like a homecoming,” he said. “These are people I only see once or twice a year. I look forward to seeing them, and they look forward to seeing me. They were customers, but now we’re one big family. Yeah, it’s just like a homecoming.”

–By Jim Abbott, Daytona Beach News-Journal

“I cut the hell out of Jim’s report. While it snowed in the Black Hills and I worked with museum projects, but fielded many calls from Daytona. An excited old friend Catherine Palmer called and spoke of a terrific time riding through downtown and out to the Broken Spoke. Some complain to the gentrification of Daytona and the efforts to force the bikers out.

Hamster brothers reported from one party to the next. Michael Lichter hit the ground running with his ammo belt of cameras and note pad. We’ve been back and forth about exciting museum projects and his history with the rally.

Rogue reported in and already submitted reports from Billy Lane’s vintage bike racing events and training for youngsters. More reports on their way…”



This is our biggest giveaway EVER! SOMEONE will WIN this Truck + Chopper + $5,000!


That’s right- every dollar you spend at gets you entered, INCLUDING hard parts!

We’re launching with a HUGE 10X multiplier on all entries! Don’t miss this limited bonus period!
Check it out!


The eagle, er, the Assalt Weapan has landed at Accurate Engineering’s World Headquarters. We are making our list but first there are a couple customers to finalize. Thank you so much, Keith R. Ball. Much Love my Brother.

Five-Ball Racing, Rough Boy Racing, Ben Stuck Speed and Machine, and Accurate Engineering.

–Barry Wardlaw


You asked, we listened. Phone calls start today. Tell Representative Didech NO on his mandatory helmet bill!

State Representative Daniel Didech appears to be standing alone on his legislation (HB5620) to force motorcyclists in Illinois to wear DOT rated helmets. Many of you asked about making calls, so today we start the calls.

Starting today 3/5/24 after 9am, and until the bill is pulled from consideration.

1) Call Representative Daniel Didech’s Springfield office at 217-782-0499.

We are only calling his office at this time. If the situation changes and ABATE feels that other legislators need to hear from us, we’ll send out another alert.

2) Firmly, but politely let the Legislative Coordinator know that you are a rider who will be affected by his legislation, and that you want the Representative to pull his bill from consideration. Let them know that you want Representative Didech to work with us on issues that actually affect motorcycle safety such as distracted driving and restoring Motorcycle Safety Training in Northern Illinois.

Again, be polite. The young lady who will be answering these calls is a very nice person and she didn’t file the bill. ABATE is known for being some of the best at lighting up phone lines and “killing with kindness”. Let’s keep that reputation going.

3) Share the webpage with your friends and family. It will have the latest on this fight including videos and links to witness slips.

4) Check our this map of the 59th District. Call your friends, family, and businesses in this district to encourage them to call his district office and complain about the helmet bill.

5) Don’t forget to file your slips “opponent” to the original bill, “record of appearance only”.

“It’s time for ABATE to do what ABATE does best” – Josh “SKI” WItkowski, Legislative Coordinator


“Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”

–Stephen Covey

The words of Henry Ford ring with a profound truth: “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Our beliefs shape the reality we experience, as the Universe responds to the level of our conviction. The Universal Law of cause and effect operates impartially, manifesting in accordance with our predominant thoughts.

Napoleon Hill’s timeless wisdom in “Think and Grow Rich” resonates deeply: “What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind will achieve.” Consider the power of this statement.

Many of us unwittingly reinforce negative affirmations, declaring, “I’ll never lose weight, can’t afford it, I always attract the wrong people or ????? Such beliefs inevitably materialize in our lives. Conversely, those who affirm their perfect weight, ideal relationships, and alignment with their life’s purpose witness the manifestation of good through the Universal Law.

To alter our lives, we must transform our thoughts. Zig Ziglar so profoundly said, “Get rid of your stinkin’ thinkin’ and have a checkup from the neck up.” It’s imperative to shift our core beliefs and conversations towards positivity.

Today, let us embrace change in our thinking. Let us open ourselves to the unfolding goodness in our lives, releasing any limiting beliefs. By harnessing the Universal Law of cause and effect, we invite wonderful new outcomes. Our days are filled with uplifting thoughts, and we revel in the results. We acknowledge our Divine guidance, trusting in right thinking.

Grateful for this truth, we affirm: Today, I know I can.

And So It Is.


“The mind is everything. What you think you become.” –Buddha

Confirmed Motorcycle Monk



Hey, it’s almost time for Babes in Borrego, the ultimate homecoming weekend!

Some call it Motorcycle Spring break but we call it Babes Ride Out Borrego Springs! We are just 2.5 weeks away from racing down the grades and into our favorite desert oasis. Ticket sales and transfer end March 8th so if you plan on coming, this is your reminder to get your tickets now.

Friendly reminder that no passes will be sold the week leading up to the event or on site. If you are ready to kick back, relax, and ride with friends near and far in an amazing area, let’s GO GALS!

MAJOR NEWS–Wyoming Senators Standing Tall in the Saddle

We recently reported on Wyoming and climate change in our latest regional publication. This was supported by our team of experts that toured the Cowboy State, speaking at three universities and testifying before the Wyoming Senate Agriculture Committee.

On February 28, the state Senate voted to strip $347 million from the governor’s Energy Matching Funds program. Projects eliminated include carbon capture utilization and storage, carbon dioxide transportation, industrial carbon capture, hydrogen production, biomass, lithium processing and battery storage for wind and solar energy.

This legislative success was led by Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Cheri Steinmetz. In an email thanking us for providing the scientific basis that confirmed that increases in carbon dioxide were hugely beneficial for both Wyoming and the planet, she stated:

“We are extremely grateful for the work of the CO2 Coalition and their ability to provide sound scientific data to public policy makers. It is essential that we have accurate information and place a high regard on the truth as we govern the State of Wyoming. The CO2 Coalition has provided invaluable research, support and willingness to tackle the tough issues we are facing.”

–CO2 Coalition


Next up on the schedule for our state and regional climate series is Arkansas. Breaking news! There is no climate crisis in Arkansas.

Rather than unusual and unprecedented warming, there has been a nearly 3-degree Fahrenheit decline in maximum temperatures since the 1930s in “The Natural State,” which is the state’s nickname.

–CO2 Coalition

[page break]


—-General Bill by Transportation & Collins Violations Against Vulnerable Road Users: Designating the “Vulnerable Road User Act”; requiring a person who commits a moving violation that causes serious bodily injury to or the death of a vulnerable road user to pay specified fines & attend a specified driver improvement course; requiring the court to revoke the person’s driver license for a specified period; defining the term “vulnerable road user”, etc. Effective Date: 07/01/2024

CS/CS/SB 838: Proceeds Funding

Motorcycle Safety Education GENERAL BILL by Appropriations ; Transportation ; Collins Proceeds Funding Motorcycle Safety Education; Requiring that the motorcycle safety education fee be used for a safety & education program administered by FL not-for-profit corporations; specifying requirements for the administrators of such program; requiring the Dept of Hwy Safety & Motor Vehicles to enter into certain contracts for a specified purpose; specifying the requirements of the safety awareness & education programs; requiring the department to select program administrators & enter into specified contracts by a specified date, etc. Effective Date: 7/1/2023

ABATE of Florida, Inc – Legion Riders and LAMA

The bill moves the state’s motorcycle safety program into the hands of 3 charities. 3 motorcycle safety organizations are set to receive funding for promotional campaigns under legislation Gov. Ron DeSantis just signed. “FL is home to more than 650,000 motorcyclists who are able to ride all year long,” DeSantis said in a released statement. “It is important to continue promoting motorcycle safety & education programs that will prevent accidents & make our roads safer.”

According to DeSantis’ Office, he signed the bill (SB 838) on Wed, even though he held a bill signing ceremony on Tues after the Cabinet meeting with members of the organizations . Before the ceremony, his aides kicked out all members of the press out of the Cabinet room. FL Channel cameras rolled as the ceremony took place, but the audio feed was cut off. The bill shifts revenues from the $2.50 motorcycle safety education fee included in motorcycle registration fees used by the Dept of Hwy Safety & Motor Vehicles (DHSMV) for a safety education program.

Instead, those funds will go to three nonprofit groups to administer their own program. The groups must be licensed charities in FL & have existed for 20 years as a motorcycle safety “grassroots” organization with at least 1,000 members. Under the new law, the DHSMV must select the 3 groups by Oct. 1, & enter into 5-year contracts with them. The law directs the agency to “award the contracts pursuant to this act to eligible entities even if a sufficient number of qualified entities have not applied.” Payments are to be issued quarterly, with the first payment due on Oct. 1.

(that is my husband with the beard behind Gov Desantis – they call him Griz, he is also the new president of ABATE of FL, Inc)

“V “- Newsletter Editor
ABATE of Florida, Inc
Lake County Chapter
PO Box 492
Astatula, FL 34705
‘A Motorcycle Rights Organization’ ABATE state LAKE FB LAKE Web

New TECH Bikernet Reader Comment!–Forking by Frank is Still a Thing!

“Thanks for the walk down memory lane. Forking by Frank. That’s great!” –Sam

Head into the H-D Museum and you could be rolling out on a new Hydra-Glide Revival

Plus, MOTOR has you set for Lenten fish frys, Easter brunch and egg hunt, and a pop-up Supper Club.

When it was first debuted in 1949, Harley-Davidson’s Hydra-Glide represented a significant new chapter in Harley-Davidson history. The introduction of the Hydra-Glide telescopic front suspension for Harley-Davidson E and F models offered a smoother ride for folks looking to explore the highways and byways of America.

Today, the 2024 Hydra-Glide Revival model, the fourth installment in the Harley-Davidson Icons Motorcycle Collection, celebrates the 75th anniversary of that 1949 landmark bike, a champion of the Panhead era. And the new bike could be yours.

Visit the H-D Museum to check out the original 1949 model in the H-D Museum’s Motorcycle Gallery. Then throw a leg over the 2024 Icon in the Experience Gallery and learn how you could be riding home on one of these limited-edition bikes.

But that’s not the only new installation coming to the crossroads of 6th & Canal. Learn more about how H-D put the “motor” in Motor Company in the 1920s and 1930s and then head to the Clubs & Competition Gallery to get a look at the threads motorcycle crews sported in the 20th century.

Hoop heads, there’s still time to hop on the Marquette Golden Eagles bandwagon before the madness begins this month. Hear directly from the head coach Shaka Smart, head coach for the Marquette men’s basketball team, as the finale of Marquette Thursdays at MOTOR® Bar & Restaurant arrives on March 7.

March is also a great time to check out what’s cooking at MOTOR Bar & Restaurant. Whether it’s the famous AYCE Friday Fish Fry for the last weeks of Lent, the St. Pat’s-inspired Irish specials or the Easter Brunch and Egg Hunt, MOTOR has you covered any day of the week. And 1903 Events are showing off there Wisconsin roots with a special pop-up Supper Club.

And tickets are moving fast for this summer’s Harley-Davidson Homecoming™ Festival. Visit to secure your two-day general admission tickets at this year’s lowest prices for headliners like Jelly Roll and the Red Hot Chili Peppers in July.

The end of winter is nigh, which means the H-D Museum is back to being open seven days a week. Check out H-D Museum 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. every day of the week. The Harley-Davidson Shop and H-D Factory Outlet will both be open 11 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. And MOTOR Bar & Restaurant keeps rolling, opening at 11 a.m. daily (Sun – Wed, 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.; Thu – Sat, 11 a.m. – 9 p.m.)


“Mama Tried: Bringing it Together” (on display now)

The Mama Tried Motorcycle Show and adjoining Flat Out Friday races are a bright spot in the dead of cold, Wisconsin winters. The show has amassed an army of followers and fans that give the weekend its signature style: People are the heart of the show; the bikes are the social lubrication. The Harley-Davidson Museum’s special exhibit, “Mama Tried: Bringing it Together,” focuses on the builders, the racers and the fans that gather over a bike or a brew.

A riot of bikes awaits you: outrageous custom bikes, lovingly restored vintage machines and one as rare as hen’s teeth – 1929 FHAC with FLXI Sidecar Factory Racer. Don’t come alone; bring your crew. That’s what Mama Tried is about, after all. And if you haven’t already tuned in, hear directly from David Kreidler, curator of the exhibit, on the Mama Tried podcast.

1972 Custom Sprint 350 Single (on display now)

J. Shia’s unconventional 1972 350cc Sprint custom just went on display at the Harley-Davidson Museum. Inspired by Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet “Swan Lake,” Shia designed a dual bike project to reflect both the contrast and parallels of the black and white swans. The “white swan” can now be found at the H-D Museum. Shia’s build style for this project is unique in both function and materials, which she designed and fabricated all out of her Boston-based shop, Madhouse Motors.

Shia incorporated unexpected parts from other products to create the bike: The headlight is the projector from a microscope and the taillight is a pencil sharpener. The carburetor intake is a modified juicer, and the foot-pegs are stove handles, while the turbocharger’s exhaust is a soprano saxophone bell. This amazing build is a symbol of ingenuity in moto customization and needs to be seen to be believed.

“My Papi Has a Motorcycle” / “Mi Papi Tiene una Moto” (on display now)

From award-winning children and YA author Isabel Quintero and illustrator Zeke Peña comes the Harley-Davidson Museum’s first-ever bilingual exhibit, “My Papi has a Motorcycle” / “Mi papi tiene una moto.” Based on the beloved children’s book of the same name, “My Papi has a Motorcycle” shares a story of family bonds strengthened by the simple act of taking a joy ride on a two-wheeled machine. With brilliant, colorful art from Peña paired with heart-warming stories from Southern Californian riding families, “My Papi has a Motorcycle” will draw smiles from kids of all ages. It’s an exhibit that focuses not only on where you can take a motorcycle, but where a two-up motorcycle ride with a loved one can take you.

Experience Gallery (on display now)

With inspiring stories from riders who have turned their dream of learning to ride into reality, a look at the epic journeys you can only experience behind the bars of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, plus the chance to throw a leg over a new Harley-Davidson #FreedomMachine, the Experience Gallery shows the world how United We Ride!

And now you can hop in the saddle of a limited-edition 2024 Icons Collection Hydra-Glide Revival motorcycle that celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the original with graphics and design cues taken from Hydra-Glide models of the 1950s and ‘60s.

Worthington Scout Overgreen Engine (on display now)

In 1927, the Worthington Lawn Mower Company launched the Scout Overgreen model, the first walking mower with three connected – also known as “ganged” – decks. Between 1929 and 1935, Worthington contracted Harley-Davidson to build about 500 engines for the innovative triplex mowers.

Long-Time Riders: Lee & Pearl (on display now)

At the H-D Museum entrance, a new case featuring two long-time Wisconsin riders is on display. Lee and Pearl Christopherson have been together since meeting on a motorcycle in 1958. Lee was a member of the Blue Knights, a group of active or retired law enforcement officers.

While Lee can’t begin to guess how many miles he’s ridden over 76 years, Pearl has kept track of her time in the saddle and surpassed 175,000 miles in the summer of 2023.?The display features Pearl’s Motor Maids shirt and vest along with a Blue Knights Club vest from Lee, and the couple’s H.O.G.® patch and pin collection.

Clubs & Competition (on display now)

The early days of motorcycle culture were marked by board track racing, hillclimbs, endurance events, and more. Our latest Clubs & Competition gallery update is a reflection of how these riders shaped the future of bikes.

In the early part of the 20th century, motorcycle culture was a homegrown phenomenon. It grew out of the passion of riders for their evolving sport. The camaraderie that developed around riding and attending competitive events led to the formation of motorcycle clubs that hosted destination rides, family picnics with motorcycle games and other riding competitions.

The latest clothing selection on view in the gallery includes uniforms from clubs organized by region or city. Some of the clubs represented in the case are the Beer City Riders from right here in Milwaukee; the Red Wing Motorcycle Club in Detroit; and the Aztec Motorcycle Club from National City, California. The H-D Archives collection includes Motorclothes® apparel sold in H-D® product catalogs but also non-H-D produced clothing items that have been proudly customized by riders.

“Off-Road Harley-Davidson” (on display now)

In the decades before America paved its highways, early riders had to be prepared for all sorts of terrain: sand, clay or dirt – and wandering those makeshift byways were Harley-Davidson® motorcycles. Today, it’s called off-road or adventure touring; back then it was just called riding. Since 1903, Harley-Davidson® motorcycles proved their toughness by riding over wooded hills, through stone-choked creek beds and up mountain sides.

“Off-Road Harley-Davidson” tells the history of motorcycles designed for rough roads, the people who rode them and the adventures they shared. This exhibition will close this month, so make tracks to see “Off-Road Harley-Davidson” before it hits the road.


Frankie would like to buy a house, but he keeps buying more motorcycles. He can’t seem to get one complete, before he’s into another one. I wonder how tall these bars are?

His shop is coming together and I found a print he needed for the wall of the one and only Denver Chopper I built back in the ‘70s. I loved the way they fit big guys, but didn’t like the handling for a hard-riding LA freeway rider.

Check out his shop if you’re in the Venice area of LA between the homeless tents.

Tackling PFAS Regulations in Maine and Minnesota–

Maine and Minnesota have both passed PFAS chemical bans into law that will go into full effect in 2030 and 2032, respectively, and their regulatory agencies are now considering exceptions under “Currently Unavoidable Use” designations – when there is no alternative to PFAS in the manufacturing of a wide variety of consumer products.

“With so many critical powersports vehicle components dependent on PFAS use, we are advocating for sensible and targeted relief for our powersports industry from overly broad PFAS laws,” said Scott Schloegel, senior vice president of the MIC Government Relations Office. “These bans won’t go into full effect for several years, but the regulations are being written today and any exclusions for currently unavoidable use must be made now.

Minnesota is trying to define currently unavoidable use and Maine is considering which individual products and parts will be designated CUU for when the statewide ban goes into effect in 2030.”

In a letter to the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, and a similar one sent to Minnesota, the GRO stated:

“Motorcycles, ATVs, and ROVs are complex vehicles that are required to comply with many state and federal regulations…. Numerous parts and components in our powersports vehicles contain PFAS to withstand extreme heat and chemical blends in fuel and other fluids, and for water resistance, corrosion resistance, and friction properties…. Without a CUU exclusion for these vehicles and parts the state risks an exit from the market of motorcycles, ATVs, and ROVs which are used by Mainers for commuting, recreation, agriculture, law enforcement, parks and forest officials, fire, rescue, and the military…. In addition to granting our vehicles and parts CUU designation, there needs to be recognition and allowance for parts, vehicles, and replacement parts that are already in inventory across Maine awaiting sale.”

PFAS BACKGROUND: Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances are a class of synthetic chemicals used for decades in a wide range of consumer products. Some PFAS chemicals are water-soluble and can easily enter the environment, and there are others that are polymerized and widely considered to be lower risk. The powersports industry largely uses the low-risk, polymerized PFAS.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, these are “long lasting chemicals, components of which break down very slowly over time” and “are found in the blood of people and animals all over the world and are present at low levels in a variety of food products and in the environment.”

Both federal and state governments have examined the health impacts of PFAS chemicals in recent years and many bills have been introduced to ban their use. Some states are also setting up registries to list any vehicles, components, parts, and clothing that contain PFAS.

As you know, we are at war with Fossil Fuels for all the wrong reasons. As Alex states over and over, “We are never looking at the benefits of Fossil Fuels,” which are massive, unrelenting and unstoppable. Interesting. In some respects, PFAS is dusts, but it’s under attack, hence because of climate doom it’s not really challenged. Someday it will be…



“A true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”

–submitted by Wayfarer
International Editor™


The Sturgis Buffalo Chip has elevated the roles of executive team members Daymon Woodruff and Jeff D’Entremont. Woodruff is moving to President from Executive Vice President, and D’Entremont is moving to Executive Vice President from Vice President of Global Brand Alliances. Rod Woodruff remains at the helm as Sturgis Buffalo Chip CEO.

Daymon Woodruff has quite literally been bred into the music and motorcycle entertainment business. Learning from the ground up over his decades-long tenure, the previous Executive Vice President has immersed himself in every aspect it takes to execute a world-renowned destination like The Largest Music Festival in Motorcycling, including marketing & media, artist entertainment, merchandising, reservations, bar operations and many others.

Woodruff’s journey has prepared him well for this new role and molded him into the unique leader he is today. He is not your typical suit-and-tie exec and is the first to point out you shouldn’t take yourself too seriously when your job is selling fun.

“In the olden days, families became known for the fabrics they wore. It just so happens that our Woodruff family fabric is woven from a mission to throw the Best Party Anywhere for the nicest people on the planet,” says Daymon Woodruff. “If we stick to our mission, pump it full of vision and bring people together to share the magic of real human connection, we’re going somewhere big. Together.”

D’Entremont has been in the motorcycling scene for decades and has been an invaluable asset to the Buffalo Chip since starting full-time in January of 2023. Leading national touring events like the International Motorcycle Show Tour has brought him a level of customer and sponsor perspective few others can match. His work with a variety of OEMs, sponsors, international clients, and the aftermarket gives him the ideal foundation for helping to lead The Largest Music Festival in Motorcycling. As VP of Global Brand Alliances at the Chip, his influence helped bring in powerful relationships like Progressive Motorcycle Insurance, TIXR and many others.

“The next few years will be outstanding for the Buffalo Chip and our partners, and I’m excited to expand my role and build on our momentum,” says D’Entremont. “History is on our horizon with the 85th Anniversary of the Rally followed by the 45th Anniversary of the Chip. It’s time to celebrate our legacy while building an even more unforgettable future. Chip fans better cinch their helmets tight; it’s going to be a helluva ride!”

“The future is looking bright,” says Sturgis Buffalo Chip CEO Rod Woodruff. “Daymon grew up in this business and has held almost every role there is. The more responsibilities and leadership he has, the better off the Buffalo Chip is. Jeff has been a dream come true for the Buffalo Chip ever since he arrived. His industry and event experience will allow him to provide the top experience for our guests and sponsors. We’re making plans for the future, and with these two hardworking and intelligent guys running the ship, we’ll be ready for all the coming years including the 85th anniversary of the Sturgis Rally in 2025, the Buffalo Chip’s 45th anniversary in 2026, and even the 100th anniversary in 16 short years!”

The Sturgis Buffalo Chip remains one of the oldest and longest-running family-owned-and-operated music festivals in the country. Rod Woodruff is the CEO of the Buffalo Chip, with son Daymon taking the title of President. CFO is Carol Woodruff overseeing box office operations. Daughter Toni Woodruff is the Vending and Biker Belles director.

BANDIT ABOUT TO TURN 76—Shares his life’s thoughts:

Good to talk to you. Make sure all your kids take some sort of martial arts training. Is the IMB academy still around? I liked there Pilipino stick fighting and close quarters combat training. Today, especially in cities kids need awareness and self-defense training.

It goes way beyond fighting, situational awareness, threat recognition, understanding evil in all social circumstances. Each one could save lives, reputations, relationships and more. Besides they afford confidence and calm in tough situations.

Let it be written, let it be done.



Aimee Lindee works at Freelance Photographer and Studied Welding and Metal Fabrication at Daytona State College. She is an avid free diver and is known as Coralia Dives.

–Sam Burns
Talent Scout™

[page break]

New EDITORIAL Bikernet Reader Comment!-

MAKING STUFF HAPPEN BIKERNET WEEKLY NEWS for February 22, 2024– click here to read.

Another great article. Keep up the great work! Speaking of which, I wanted to ask if there has ever been a comparison of springer front ends vs. hydraulic?

Is it nostalgia for springers or do they actually function better than hydraulic forks? Care to provide your wisdom on the topic?

–Kolohe West
Citrus Heights, CA

Hey K. West,

“Springers and girders do function. But in general, springers don’t have damping. If the girder uses a shock, then it does have damping. Late Harley springers have shocks. Damping controls the rebound effort.

Here’s the other drawback to springers and girders, travel is limited. If you look at the rockers on a springer you can see the travel is limited to 2-4 inches. Whereas, a hydraulic frontend can travel 6 inches plus.

Bottom line. If you ride like a madman or you like to race, stick with a glide front end. If you cruise springers and girders do the trick and can be a lot of fun.”



They’re made by the Nash Crew and sponsored by Choppers Magazine.

Get ‘em while you can. But there’s more:



Studies Reveal Chrome to Release Pollutants 500 Times more Toxic than Diesel Fumes

Hexavalent chromium – chromium-6 or Cr(VI) – is used in the process of welding, spray painting, and acid dipping. Known to cause lung and nose cancer, the stuff is particularly bad for you if airborne and inhaled, being archived as a lung and nose cancer, as well as a cause for liver damage and reproductive issues.

Existing machines are safe for the time being, though any change of color to a vehicle must still be reported to the Direccion General de Trafico (DGT) and insurance providers “to comply with regulations and insurance policies.”

the ban, by the way, also floats over newer machines like Triumph’s Chrome Collection, Norton’s V4SS, and a slew of Harleys( including the 2023 Harley-Davidson Road Glide® Special).

–from Geno and web bike world

“Again, we’re not getting the whole story. Hang on for more reports.” –Bandit

E15 CHANGES–In The Midwest

Last week the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced a policy change related to gasoline with 15% ethanol (E15). In 2025 this new policy will allow gas stations in eight Midwestern states to sell E15 fuel year-round. Current policy prohibits E15 sales between June 1st and September 15th because of concerns that it adds to smog on hot days.

In 2022 and 2023 the EPA announced emergency waivers that allowed for summertime E15 sales, citing market disruptions, including the war in Ukraine. This move by the EPA will make those temporary changes permanent in the selected eight states.

The rule, which takes effect in April 2025, will apply in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin. This decision comes after governors and farm groups in these eight states requested that the federal government change this policy.

This modification is a prime opportunity to remind everyone to be mindful of the fuel that you use. Verify that the fuel you are using in your bike is compatible with manufacturers’ guidelines. Stay vigilant as these changes take effect over the next year!

Ride Safe and Ride Free



Experience the timeless elegance of the Brough Superior SS 100 at its exclusive launch in California. Be among the first to own this motorcycle icon.


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Experience the thrill of riding a Super Sports 100. Its updated look and cutting-edge materials like a titanium chassis and quad-disc brakes ensure both style and performance.

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AMA National and Regional News

Washington, D.C. — The Biden administration is planning to give carmakers more time to ramp up sales of electric vehicles amid weak demand for EVs, according to a report by the New York Times. The relaxed rule is part of a pending regulation that limits tailpipe emissions that will soon be finalized by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Under the EPA proposal submitted for review to the White House Office of Management and Budget, about 67 percent of new car sales — including sedans, crossovers, SUVs and light trucks — would be required to be electric by 2032, a dramatic increase from over 7 percent in 2023. It would also require up to 50 percent of buses and garbage trucks, 35 percent of short-haul freight tractors and 25 percent of long-haul freight tractor purchases to be electric.

Automakers and the Alliance for Automotive Innovation have urged the Biden administration to slow the proposed ramp-up in EV sales. They have said EV technology is still too costly for many mainstream U.S. consumers, and more time is needed to develop the charging infrastructure.

The availability of functioning charging stations remains a key issue, both for automakers and for many consumers. Although many EV drivers charge their vehicles at home, advocates have complained about a lack of functioning public charging stations across the country.

San Francisco — Waymo’s application to expand its robotaxi service in Los Angeles and San Mateo counties has been suspended for 120 days by the California Public Utilities Commission’s Consumer Protection and Enforcement Division. The decision doesn’t change Waymo’s ability to commercially operate driverless vehicles in San Francisco. However, it does put an abrupt halt to the company’s goals to expand where it can operate — at least until June 2024.

The Commission said on its website that the application has been suspended for further staff review. According to Waymo, the “suspension” is a procedural part of the CPUC’s standard and robust review process. However, San Mateo County Board of Supervisors vice president David J. Canepa took a different position. He stated that Waymo has hindered meaningful discussions regarding planned expansion into Silicon Valley and that this delay will provide the opportunity to fully engage the autonomous vehicle maker on their public safety concerns.

Waymo operates a commercial service 24 hours a day, seven days a week throughout San Francisco. Waymo is also allowed to give people free driverless rides in parts of Los Angeles. The company kicked off robotaxi ride testing with employees in Santa Monica around March 2023 and has since opened it up to some members of the public, but is still not able to charge for those rides.

State News

Carson City, Nev. — The Bureau of Land Management announced that the Sierra Front- Northern Great Basin Resource Advisory Council (RAC) will host a public meeting on April 11, and a field tour on April 12. The 15-member BLM Sierra Front-Northern Great Basin RAC serves in an advisory capacity concerning issues relating to land use planning and the management of the public land resources located within the BLM’s Winnemucca, Elko, and Carson City Districts. The meeting and the field tour are open to the public.

The April 11 meeting will be held in-person at the Carson City BLM District Office, 5665 Morgan Mill Road, Carson City, Nev., from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PDT. A virtual participation option will also be available. Agenda items include district updates, Sage Grouse effort, Sand Mountain Recreation Area, Mining Law, Tribal Consultation process, and Solar Preliminary Environmental Impact Statement.

The meeting agenda and meeting access information for individuals that prefer to participate virtually will be posted two weeks in advance of the meeting at

Also — Nevada State Parks is currently accepting grant applications for motorized trail projects in anticipation of the 2024 Federal Highway Administration funding of the Recreational Trails Program. RTP funding may be awarded to counties, municipalities, state and federal agencies, non-profit organizations and tribal governments.

Applications must fall within one of the following categories:

Industry News

AMA News

Jeff Emig was awarded the AMA Veteran/Senior Racer of the Year, while Jack Brucks was recognized as the AMA Youth Racer of the Year.

The AMA Female Racer of the Year was Mikayla Moore, who brought home the MotoAmerica Build, Train, Race Championship in 2023.

American Motorcyclist Association

13515 Yarmouth Dr
Pickerington, OH 43147

Phone: (800) AMA-JOIN
(800) 262-5646
(614) 856-1900


Here we go mates! Issue 103 is ready to roll out to you beautiful people.

You can grab a print or digital subscription or even just a single.

Enjoy DicE responsibly.


Regarding motorcycle safety equipment, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation has long advocated that the government should “Let Those Who Ride Decide.” That is why recent news out of Illinois should make all bikers take notice.

A new bill, HB5620, would require all motorcyclists riding in the state to wear helmets. Illinois is one of thirty-three (33) states that allow some level of choice in the use of motorcycle helmets. In fact, Illinois, along with Iowa and New Hampshire, is one of only three (3) states that do not have a law regarding the use of motorcycle helmets. While states like Missouri and Nebraska have moved to allow more options for riders, this proposed plan in Illinois would be a step backward for those who believe in freedom of choice.

ABATE of Illinois is a powerful and effective organization for riders in the Land of Lincoln. They have engaged state lawmakers and are pushing back against this proposed legislation. But it should be a warning to all state motorcyclist rights organizations that if they can try it in Illinois, they can try it anywhere. Illinois has a long and proud tradition of allowing those who ride to decide what they wear. The MRF applauds their vigilance, and we will help them however we can.

There will be a committee hearing on Wednesday, March 6th, regarding HB5620.

To learn more about the battle in Illinois and help ABATE of Illinois with their coming efforts, click the “Help Illinois” button below.

Now more than ever, ride safe and ride free!


Women veterans are dying by suicide at a staggering rate, especially when compared with their male and civilian counterparts.

This week, DAV released a new report, Women Veterans: The Journey to Mental Wellness, showing that despite years of progress in recognizing, serving and understanding women veterans, too many women continue to be at risk of falling through the cracks due to gaps in lifesaving mental health care.

This in-depth report — DAV’s third report focused on the unique experiences and needs of women veterans — shares alarming new statistics and calls on the VA to step up efforts to ensure the health and safety of our nation’s women veterans. We can and must do better for the women who served — and sacrificed — for our country.

Read the full report today, which includes personal stories from women veterans and more than 50 policy and legislative recommendations to spark change and save lives.


“The most powerful factors in the world are clear ideas in the minds of energetic men of good will.” — J Arthur Thomson

–from Epoch times

ALERT, Hidden Helmet Legislation–

The Connecticut Motorcycle Riders Association (CMRA) has identified helmet legislation within a bill called HB5330:


This legislation covers several topics, with language regarding wetlands, building permits and bicycles. However, section 19(b) on page 22 of the 29-page bill introduces the topic of helmets. This section seems aimed toward new riders, following section 19(a), which requires helmets for riders under the age of eighteen (18). Section 19(b) would require wearing a helmet for the first three (3) years after receiving a motorcycle endorsement on their license.

The wording is such that it would require an experienced rider moving to Connecticut to wear a helmet for the next three (3) years.

The CMRA is working to organize riders in the Constitution State to attend a hearing on the bill at 10:00 am on March 4th, 2024. They will address lawmakers in an effort to push back against this proposed legislation. This bill in Connecticut is a second warning in as many days to all state motorcyclist rights organizations that attempts at helmet legislation are not dead. We must remain vigilant to continue allowing those who ride to decide what they wear. The MRF applauds this vigilance, and we will help them however we can.

To learn more about the bill in Connecticut and help CMRA with its efforts, click the buttons below.

Now more than ever, ride safe and ride free.


“When you’re righteous, you don’t have to tell people that you’re righteous.” – Shaquille O’Neal

from 1440 Daily Digest


This year is nuts. I was asked about Museum auction items for Hamster banquet and it got me thinking. I haven’t been inspired to go metal art mad in the Black Hills. There’s a lot metal art talent in the area, and I suppose I’ve been intimidated.

So, I had a notion. And immediately another Hamster stepped up, Randy Cramer at Dakota V-twin. I’m going to wrap a spoked 21-inch wheel with a metal diamondback rattlesnake.

Hang on for reports. My son Frank is working on a tattoo-styled sketch.

Lee Clemens, another Hamster and former bike shop owner works on 45 flatheads and came up with an additional pump to pull oil out of the lower end. I don’t get it yet, although he’s explained it a couple of times. It’s complicated.

We are having a discussion about our logo going forward with the rebuilt site. Jon Towle passed away awhile ago. I still miss him and his talents.  

Jon Towle penned this illustration for my dad’s birthday. Son Frank came and tattooed my 80-some year old dad with a Hamster tattoo, since Hamsters were kind enough to ride to his block party every year until he passed. This year Son Frank packed Frankie on his back.

Here’s the original stencil. My Dad saved it, and I gave it to Frank for his 50th birthday. Big spender…

Here’s the major challenge of the week. I got the front chain lined up, the ring gear was spaced properly with the starter jackshaft.

The rear chain is aligned after making more space for the Sprotor bolts. Then I bolted up the starter and the chain rubs. Plus I ran the thinnest chain I could find from D.I.D.

I machined the transmission mainshaft nut down to allow the starter plate to be moved back 1/16th of an inch, helped some.

Fuck, it’s whiskey night and I ran across another poster for Doughboy Whiskey. Maybe tonight’s the night.

Johnny Humble’s chopper. He likes the new Tobacco line of Harleys and is seriously tempted to buy the Softail with the fairing. He’s also posting a report on Mama Tried.

I found this from Milwaukee Iron from the ’80 and offered it to the master, Randy Simpson. I mounted it and will take a shot before I ship it out.

In the meantime, ride fast and free forever.


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