Amazing Starter Switch

Some 90 percent of all breakdowns are attributed to electrical problems. So, if you’re a hardcore maniac, an electrically challenged individual, or a bastard who likes to keep his scoot as clean as possible, here’s the unit. The company that developed this invention builds a handful of quality parts, Custom Cycle Engineering. They show up at all the major shows with their array of components shinning in the sun. But instead of scrambling for all the business, they just hammer out a small but significant line of products. For instance, Bandit uses a pair of their dogbone risers on every bike he builds. I’m not kidding. He does it because the bastard likes the way they position his bars. Plus, the neoprene cushions in the dogbones isolate vibration from the handlebars and ultimately the grips. Makes for a seriously more comfortable ride.

 Here’s an example of his dedication. Bandit has a Dave Royal and Lee Clemens ’48 Panhead that he restored by himself. Well, I’m helping the drunken bastard rebuild the top end and install dual-carbed Panheads. In the process, while I’m out on a run for the weekend, he installs dogbone Custom Cycle Engineering risers to the stock springer front end. You’ll see a tech of it here shortly.

He made studs and wedged, then brazed them into the springer legs, took a Paughco top springer tree, and fashioned it to the offset front end and bolted on the 4-inch risers. Super clean, although I wouldn’t change a damn thing on that Pan—he just can’t leave anything alone.

I’m getting off track. Randy and Rick at Custom Cycle Engineering developed this simple starter button for the guy who wants a simple, wireless machine. But wait; make sure if you install this devise that you can reach it without burning your hands on your steaming exhaust system. That’s the only criteria. Other than that, it will fit all Evolution starter motors (photo 1).

This one simple switch eliminates the starter relay, the button on the handlebars and all the wiring inbetween. 
 Disconnect your battery first, then take the solenoid cover off the starter (photo 2). Replace it with the new unit after putting a drop of Loctite on the three screws, and that’s it. No shit, that’s all. I’d like to shower you with in-depth details, but I ain’t got none. Hell, I’d like to regale you with my expansive electrical knowledge, but there is no substance to my fleeting knowledge and hunt and peck ability, so screw it. Let’s hit happy hour and go for a ride.



Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3


Custom Cycle Engineering
1970 Peacock Blvd.
Dept. HB
Oceanside, CA 92056

(760) 941-6487
(800) 472-9253

Starter Motor
Custom Chrome Inc.
See Your Local Dealer


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