We’re early since I’m riding with the American Rider crew to Arizona Bike Week today. Watch this magazine as it transforms into a solid book about American Riders and their efforts to have a blast or rock the world.

I’m fuckin’ confused. Bikernet is growing like crazy and the daily deadlines are getting to me. The move busted my ass and the women around here are about to drive me off my highbars. I fell behind on mag deadlines and the new phone lines were ringing off the hook, when Mark Lonsdale called. He’s in Afghan hunting Bin Laden. He ordered me to fly to Afghanistan so that I could help in the search. My first thought was, he?s outta his fuckin? mind. But he reminded me of how he made it possible for me to go to base camp of Mount Everest, one of the highlights of my life. And how he saved me from drowning while we were kayaking in the Bermuda Triangle. I was beholding, so after I return from Arizona, I?m off the Middle East. I better get to the news?
BLONDE AUTO REPAIR– A blonde pushes her car into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly.
She says, “What’s the story?”
He replies, “Just crap in the carburetor.”
She asks, “How often do I have to do that?”
–from Chris T.

IRISH RICH ON FAB KEVIN– I thought I’d send you some pics of the adapter brackets Fabricator Kevin http:// www.fabkevin.com made for my new TC88 A engine-powered CFL I’m building.
The front one is for a Gixx’r 6 piston Tokico, to mate with the FLT lower sliders. The second is for a rt/ft VFR 4 piston Nissin, to tuck in between the rear frame rails, to mate with the softail-style brake mount. Very kool work.
I’ll send more pictures of the build as it goes along, but not too many. There’s going to be a lot of one-off stuff on this bike.
As Always, Irish Rich
Visit our website:http:// www.shamrockfabrication.com

STEALTH DAYTONA EPIC–I pulled into Daytona Tuesday afternoon at 2 p.m. I met my brother Gary at where we were staying and got checked in. It was his first trip to Daytona bike week. Before delving into my assignment handed down by the big guy, Bandit, I would like to touch on a few highlights of the week. I hope you don’t mind me taking the liberty.
Tuesday night we headed to Main Street, and the first thing I did was look up my cousin, Jose. We talked for awhile and discussed the awards for the 6th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin.” Jose talked about doing something with leather for the awards. They should be interesting. Jose introduced me to Fabricator Kevin. Kevin is one of those people who after talking to him for ten minutes, I felt I had known for a long time. Kevin asked me if I was the guy who put on the Run for Breath. I told him I was the one and he volunteered to make a couple of awards for the bike show and to deliver them at this year’s Smoke-Out. Thanks Kevin and thanks for the deal on the necklace for “THE MEANEST!” In keeping with her nickname, it’s a small replica of a set of brass knuckles! It matches the set she keeps in her boot!

Kevin is one of the nicest people you will ever meet and as far as being a biker, he is the real deal! Across from Jose and Kevin was Indian Larry and his crew. Indian Larry is an old school guy and I really get into his bikes. He is very friendly to the public with autographs and such. In contrast to this right around the corner OCC had their booth set up with a big sign plastered on the front that read “NO AUTOGRAPHS!” I guess they are too big for the everyday people who watch their Discovery show!
Now onto my assignment, which was to cover the Harley-Davidson events and the H-D side of Daytona. Harley held it’s ride-in bike show at the Ocean Center on Wednesday. My brother Gary and I showed up there that morning. H-D of Charlotte had an entry in the show, an ’04 Deuce. I went to the show just to see how the bike would fare, since it was the first bike I had a hand in doing since the appointment of my new job as design consultant. While we were there my arm was twisted to enter my bike, a 1991 high bar springer softail, better known as Skeletor. I entered the bike since I was going to be there most of the day covering what was going on inside and outside of the Ocean Center. H-D uses this show to highlight their parts and accessories. They even give away $500 in each class for the best use of their P&A product. All the entry fees for the bike show go to MDA.

Once inside the Ocean Center, all of the new product offerings from the Motor Company were on display. There was a V-Rod on display built by Wyatt Fuller that was very futuristic, whether you are a V-Rod fan or not. Judging from the bike show entries V-Rods are catching on. The big deal is H-D’s six speed trannys. You can buy the complete assembly or you can buy the gear sets for your case. The paint sets from the H-D color shop keep getting better also, incorporating more flames and skulls. Yeah I know it took them awhile but they finally caught onto the skull thing! The H-D traveling museum was on hand as well and had some great bikes inside like a ’47 Knuckle with 8 miles showing on the speedo! Also on display was the Sreamin’ Eagle and Vance & Hines V-rod drag bike. It is an awesome looking machine.
Now back to the bike show. It was time for the awards to be handed out and the H-D of Charlotte Deuce took runner up in it’s class and the “Best Use of Genuine P&A Product” and even old Skeletor got into the act with a Honorable Mention award! This turned out to be a great day for us at H-D of Charlotte. Harley-Davidson put on a great show and it was highlighted by none other than Willie G. and his son Bill presenting the awards.

Wednesday night I sat on my bike down on Main Street and felt a tap on my back and turned and there was a tv camera crew wanting to ask me a few questions and I obliged them since I have never been camera shy!
Thursday morning rolled around and we headed out to the Last Resort Bar and Grill. I had heard stories of the Johnny Law handing out tickets for high bars. As we pulled past the Last Resort, the blue lights came on behind me. The cop said my bars were too high and began to write my ticket for $44. As long as you stayed in the Daytona city limits you were fine, but venture out on Route 1 to the Last Resort or to Iron Horse and the Port Orange and the Ormond Beach boys were waiting for you. I talked to a couple of guys with Florida plates with high bars and asked them about the law and they said “The only time we have a problem is during Daytona Bike Week, the rest of the year they leave us alone.” So I guess the police look at it this way, “You gotta make hay when the sun shines” and in this case the hay was real green!
Saturday morning rolled around and my brother Gary and I took one last ride down to Main Street, and across Beach Street and headed back and began packing for the trip home. We headed back that afternoon. The weather was beautiful all week, temps between 75 and 80 degrees and nothing but sunshine, no rain at all! I had a great time even with the ticket. I am already planning next year’s trip to Bike Week!
It’s time to ride!

SCREAMIN’ BLUE MESSIAH–Hey Keith, don’t know if you remember me, we worked together at E.R. coupla yrs back,just finishing up the rebuild on my ’86 FXR. Thought I’d send you a few pics. That’s blue powdercoat with a silver metal flake basecoat. this thing glows in the sunlight!

Engine Specs: 80c.i. 1340 cc 100+ H.P. 98+ lbs torque
Engine built by the late Bruce Malm, Head Mechanic at
Victorville Harley-Davidson in Victorville California
Screamin Eagle Dominator kit: Supplied by Easyriders Magazine and Paisano Publications, Thanks to OZ and Bandit
H-D Dominator Heads
10MM plug wires
Roller Rockers and High performance springs ect.
Screamin Eagle 57 Cam kit
10.5.1 Alum. Pistons
Screamin eagle selectable curve race ignition module
H-D High performance quick install adjustable pushrods
Transmission is stock 5 speed H-D with a Hayden M6 primary chain adjuster
Jagg oil cooler
H-D Triple trees
H-D .35 mm front forks
17 by 9″ Billit Alum. rear wheel
Avon 190 rear tire, font tire
Front wheel is stock H.D. 19″
Performance Machine sprocket and rear brake rotor
Frame and wheels are blue candy coat powder with silver metal flake base coat,
Custom mixed and sprayed by Oscar Jordan at Advanced
Powercoating of Baton Rouge, Louisiana 225-273-9797
Brakes are stock H-D with black powercoat finish
Rear swingarm is made in Holland by JMC, From The WEERD Bros. from Pheonix Arizona
Rear shocks are by Progressive Suspinsion
Chromed rear fender is from some old horse trailer
Seat (was) a Lepera re-built by Weasel Thad and Weasel Ritchie Terabeli
Gas tank is stock H-D with modifications by Weasel Thad
Exhaust is an LSR by RB Racing (This pipe added 11 HP! at the rear wheel)
Dynoed by Rob at Canyon Cycle in Agoura Hills CA
–Weasel Thad Cranford
CARLISLE SUMMER BIKER FEST–This year’s Carlisle Summer Bike Fest features famous customizers includingthe Teutuls from Discovery Channel’s “American Chopper.” There will also bejudged bike competitions, test rides, hundreds of vendors selling all sortsof accessories and apparel, and much more.
MADE IN… Joe Smith started the day early having set his alarm clock (MADE IN JAPAN) for 6:00 a.m. While his coffeepot (MADE IN CHINA) was perking. He shaved with his electric razor (MADE IN HONG KONG). He put on a dress shirt (MADE IN SRI LANKA), designer jeans (MADE IN SINGAPORE) and tennis shoes (MADE IN KOREA). After cooking his breakfast in his new electric skillet (MADE IN INDIA), he sat down with his calculator (MADE IN MEXICO) to see how much he could spend today. After setting his watch (MADE IN TAIWAN) to the radio (MADE IN INDIA) he got in his car (MADE IN GERMANY) and continued his search for a good paying AMERICAN JOB.
At the end of yet another discouraging and fruitless day, Joe decided to relax for a while. He put on his sandals (MADE IN BRAZIL) poured himself a glass of wine (MADE IN FRANCE) and turned on his TV (MADE IN INDONESIA), and then wondered why he can’t find a good paying job in…..AMERICA…..
–from Bob T.

DAVID MANN BENEFIT RUN–We have written several articles about renown motorcycle artist, Dave Mann since Wide Open began. From his life story to what it is like to inspire one of his paintings. Other magazines have also covered Dave and his colorful life over the years.
Dave doesn’t live in a big house on the hill. He and his wife, Jacquie, moved back to Kansas City a few years ago to enjoy a slower and easier life. Unfortunately medical issues have been a major cause of slowing down Dave. Staggering medical bills and a mortgage have put a damper on his golden years. Now it is time to take things a step further. It’s time to help Dave live his golden years with ease.
Who better to lead this effort than the one and only Ralph Roades, publisher of Wide Open and the many friends of Dave Mann?
“Dave has been a friend of mine for many years. I consider him the Godfather of the motorcycle lifestyle. It was time to try to give back to him for everything he has given us,” Ralph says.
So Ralph began planning the July 17th benefit for Dave Mann at the Kansas City International Raceway. Basically Ralph picked up a paint brush and began “whitewashing the fence” like the Mark Twain story.
At this time the entertainment for the David Mann benefit will be Bad Company former lead singer Brian Howe and his band, a KISS tribute band, a ZZ Top tribute band, Bob Harvey, Rukus, Levee Town, Blue 88, Sugar Bush and Nervous Rex. They will be playing all of your favorites. Ralph has also booked the King Harley Race and World League Wrestling, fireworks, field events, bikini contest and plenty of food and drink. The bike show will be judged by all out of town judges. So there will be no local influences in the judge’s decisions. It will be strictly on the quality of the bike.
There will also be some great stunt riding from Midwest Stunters. This talented group includes Jeff Schneider from Motorcycle Works in Olathe, Kansas. They really know how to ride!
If you can’t make the event on July 17th but still want to contribute to Dave, you can send a $50 or more donation and you will receive an official Dave Mann benefit shirt. Whatever you can send will be appreciated by Dave and Jacquie Mann. Checks should be made payable to Dave Mann and sent to Rt 1, Box 328A, Edwards, Missouri 65326.
So if you are an old friend of Dave’s, a new rider who loves his work or just someone who wants to help out a good cause come out on July 17th for the fun and party. This is a monumental day for Wide Open and Dave Mann. Don’t miss the excitement! For more information visit http://www.wideopencycle.com.

BIKERNET PARENTAL ADVICE–A three year old boy in his bath examined his testicles andasked, “Mommy, are these my brains?”
Mom answered, “Not yet, honey.”
–from Bob T.
BIKERNET LOVERS ADVICE– A cop was patrolling late one night in a well-known spot called, “Lovers’ Lane.” He sees a couple in a car, with the interior light brightly glowing.
The cop carefully approaches the car to get a closer look. Then he sees a young man behind the wheel, reading a computer magazine. He immediately notices a young woman in the rear seat, knitting.
Puzzled by this surprising situation, the cop walks to the car and gently raps on the driver’s window.
The young man lowers his window … Uh, yes, officer?
What are you doing?
Well, isn’t it obvious? I’m reading a magazine, sir …”
Pointing towards the young woman in the back seat, the cop says: “And her, what is she doing?”
The young man shrugs: “Sir, I believe she’s knitting a pullover sweater.”
Now, the cop is totally confused. A young couple. alone, in a car, at night … in a lovers’ lane . and nothing obscene is happening!
“What’s your age, young man?”
“I’m 25, sir…”
“And her … what’s her age?”
The young man looks at his watch and replies: “She’ll be 18 in 20 minutes
–from Dave Florence

LA CALENDAR BIKE SHOW–FastDates.com and Performance Machine present the 2004Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show Weekend July 17-18th 2004Iron Works Charity Ride, Jardine Performance West Coast Dyno Shootout,America’s Top Builders, Live Blues and Rock Concert Festivals, Purrfect Angelz and Las Vegas Extremes featured There’s an incredible lineup of activities including the Jardine Performance West Coast Horsepower Dyno Shootout – now an exclusive permanent feature attraction at the Show, new bike demo rides from select motorcycle manufacturers, and complimentary admission to the Queen Mary historic ocean liner (Normally a separate $26 charge to tourists, Queen Mary admission is included free to Bike Show spectators with their low $20 admission to the Bike Show). The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show again supports an important charity, the Iron Works magazine Readers Ride to benefit Olive Crest Children’s Shelters (the biggest shelter for orphans, abused children and families in Southern California), as its ride-to destination. Saturday morning the 17th riders will start at the Olive Crest Children’s Home in Santa Ana, CA, from where they will then ride to the Calendar Bike Show in Long Beach, just 25 miles away and receive VIP parking, a complimentary lunch and weekend admission for their charity donation.
Each year’s Show features exciting live on-stage entertainment. This year will there will be different musical themes each day. Saturday the 17th will feature an all day Mini Blues Festival headlined by 2000 lbs of Blues, one of Los Angeles’ most popular blues bands, together with a number of special guests. On Sunday the 18th the Show will shift to a Classic Rock ‘n’ Roll Festival with the hugely popular Unauthorized Rolling Stones out of San Francisco, together with the Janis Joplin style rock/blues vocals of the beautiful Boudeeka. Also featured both days will be the beautiful Purrfect Angelz with their sigglin’ on-stage performances both days, and the Las Vegas Extremes sportbike stunt riding team of heart throb Pauly Sherer and sexy Jolleen “JoJo” Farmer with their wild tire smookin’ antics
Spectators and Exhibitors can find out more about The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show, the Bike Contest and all the available weekend activities online athttp:// www.FastDates.com/BIKESHOW.HTM .
TIM CONDOR TOOL BIKE FOR SALE–Okay, Walter is selling Conder’s Monster Garage “TOOL BIKE” on Ebay to finance another project. He’s put roughly 2000 miles on it and it’s been shown all over the northwest. It’s a brand new bike and is listed under “Custom built motorcycles.” So back ol’ Walter up, ’cause Tim’s gonna build him some crazy assed 100-inch flathead with no brakes…….
Walter (360) 531-2207, Conder (206) 356-0891
The Conderosa
BIKERNET SPONSOR ROADHOUSE SHOWS–Check http:// www.hrroadhouse.com . The tour dates are included on the site except Myrtle Beach has changed to May 12 – 16 located as noted but reference it as “just south of MB Harley-Davidson”.
Our goal is to build the Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse up as an exciting platform for the builders & sponsors, one of the “must-stops” at the rallies because I promise it WILL be one of the coolest locales with it’s design, the Hard Rock gals, the Hard Rock twins, entertainment, Hard Rock bar, etc. Also and above all is the chance for anyone to WIN one of the Hard Rock bikes! Drawing will be at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino during the Fort Lauderdale Sun Run – Dec 2-5.
Happy to have you on board! Feel free to share any ideas as we hope to make this a win-win-win for everyone involved!!

THE POWER OF THE HUMAN MIND–The pweor of the hmuan mnid. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch codnutcedat Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrodare tpyed, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be inthe rghit oedrer. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed itwouthit porbelm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter byistlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.
Amzanig huh?
–from Gene Koch
Drag Specialties
FLEEING FELONY BILL–Ten years have passed since a man fleeing police hit Gayle Bouie’s car and killed her young daughter.
Alicyn Bouie would have been 22 this year. She might have been finishing college. Maybe she’d be married. The thought of what might have been still haunts Gayle and her husband, Al, a former principal at DeLand High School.
The House on Monday unanimously passed the bill (HB 295), which would make fleeing and eluding a felony charge instead of a misdemeanor and carry a mandatory minimum prison sentence of three years if another person dies or is injured. It would also allow police to confiscate drivers’ vehicles and suspend their licenses for one to five years — up from the current one year.
A similar Senate bill (SB 1322), sponsored by Sen. Evelyn Lynn, R-Ormond Beach, is still being heard in committees.
This bill covers one side of the story, although I do feel sympathy for the family’s who lost people. The bill Fails To Address why Police Departments around Florida Do Not Pursue or call off chases of speeding vehicles unless it is for a Serious Felony.
Often more Innocent People are Injured or Killed by The Chase. Also the amount of wrecked cop cars and personal property damage is astronomical proportions. The question is: was the chase justified? Many Police Officers LIKE High Speed Chases.
The fact that Police will confiscate vehicles is scary. Exactly what would constitute Fleeing and Eluding? Could it include not pulling over immediately, since you were looking for a safe place to park?
The Bill should include a section ON UNDER WHAT CIRCUMSTANCES A POLICE AGENCY COULD INSTITUTE A CHASE and when they should resort to other methods or call it off.
— Rogue
Continued On Page 2