It’s one of those weeks. I wish I knew which direction to turn. There’s a benefit to having a small but sexy staff. The project list contained the news, Beach Ride efforts, King techs, Panhead tuning and the need to work on book projects. Yet, in amongst the crap it takes to make a living we could take a break and hit the bed for some serious business. Puts the entire day on a positive note and reestablishes what’s really important in life.
Makin’ money ain’t what it’s all cracked up to be. The touch of a woman and the open road is way above it on the list. Let’s hit the news:

BIKERNET REPORTER EMBEDDED IN THE REAR–Bandit, I made it safely back to the rear. Iraq is great, if you’re a fly. Iguess they really are attracted to shit. There ain’t one thing up thereworth my time.
Mark your calendar. April 8th. Today Saddam Hussien is in hell. Confidenceis high that Special Operators performed survielance and directedlaser-guided bombs from stealth aircraft onto a meeting place where Saddamand his sons were planning their escape from Iraq. That place is now asmoking hole in Iraqi earth. Reporting from the rear area (where I deserveto be).
–Doc In Iraq
UNSCHEDULED DEATH SENTENCE–[The News of the Weird]: Michael Anderson Godwin made News of the Weirdposthumously. He had spent several years awaiting South Carolina’selectric chair on a murder conviction, but his sentence had just beenreduced to life in prison. While sitting on a metal toilet in his cellattempting to fix his small TV set, he bit into a wire and was electrocuted.
–from Miss Kris

HACKASAW FEATURE TRIUMPH–The girl is Kat, Hacksaw is the owner of thissnake and several other exotics. Any day now we will launch a full feature on this classic Triumph. Watch for it.

STREET REPORT–What a surprise to see our old Buell photos in the bikernet news this week. It has been a long time since I last updated you and thought this a good opportunity to say hello and what’s been going on.

The Buell thing got old real quick. After Buell dropped the M2 model I had enough. What really got me was how docile it seemed to get in a short while. The claimed rear wheel 90hp kick in the pants seemed to fade as the miles rolled by. I sold it amazingly and moved on to a “bike in a box” project. When I was my son’s age (11) all I craved was a set of motorized wheels. As a kid I pored over the monthly Popular Mechanics ads, drooling over the minibike and go-kart plans. It wasn’t until I was 15 and had my first summer job that my folks agreed to my plea and let me purchase a Harley 125cc Rapido. It was black of course and cost $425 including helmet. I rode it everywhere and anywhere, it was my street and trail ride and I just rode it without concern. I remember riding out of town on it for the first time. As I got out past the interstate and into the country I thought I could just go on forever and there were no limits to the adventures possible. Well this winter I ! found a minibike kit and the kids and I assembled it in a couple evenings. It is a red framed, wide tired, high bar wheelie machine that scoots along at 25mph. It is squirrely as hell and a hoot to ride. My son’s riding it fulfills my wish as a kid.


GUITAR GREATCHUCK ALVAREZLIVE at The COACH HOUSE April 18, 2003– For those looking for a great ride and great entertainment…..Chuck Alvarez will be playing this weekend, Sunday April 13th at 12PM noon at Paradise Corners where Hwys. 74 & 371 meet in Garner Valley between Hemet and Palm Desert.
For those of you who might appreciate a ‘blast from the past’ of rock and roll history, The Sons of Champlin will be playing at the Coachhouse The Sons of Champlin began in 1965 in Marin County, Ca. They brought a unique mix of technical skill, eclectic breadth and solid musical passion. What distinguished the band from their electric guitar-dominated contemporaries playing the San Francisco ballroom circuit was their mix of jazz, blues, R & B, folk and a section of horns. Opening for the Sons of Champlin is the local blues group, the Chuck Alvarez Blues Band. San Pedro born Chuck Alvarez has been a rockin’ fixture of Southern California blues scene. Chuck often plays at biker related venues and events, both here and in Arizona. Don’t miss this event, it will be a unique experience for those hip enough to attend. –Nuttboy KNITTING BLOND–A highway patrolman pulled alongside a speeding car on the freeway.Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see that the blonde behindthe wheel was knitting! Realizing that she was oblivious to his flashinglights and siren, the trooper cranked down his window, turned on hisbullhorn and yelled, “PULL OVER!” “NO!” the blonde yelled back, “IT’S A SCARF!” NEW 51MM SCREAMIN? EAGLE SUPER BORE CARB KIT FORDEEP-BREATHING, HIGH-REVVING TWIN CAM 88 ENGINES– This is the largest CV carburetor available and is designed to work well on engines displacing at least 95 cubic inches. The CV (constant velocity) design allows the carburetor to compensate for various changes in temperature and engine load. It features easy access to the main and pilot jets without removing the bowl. This exclusive Harley-Davidson kit comes complete with a carburetor, intake manifold, high flow air cleaner and mounting hardware, and fits 1999 and newer carbureted Twin Cam models, using stock throttle and idle cables. It is not compatible with standard HTCC heads. For race applications only, the Screamin? Eagle Super Bore 51MM CV Carburetor Kit has a U.S. retail price of $689.95 The Screamin? Eagle Super Bore 51MM CV Tuners Kit (P/N 27432-02) includes a variety of jets and needles to fine-tune the Screamin? Eagle 51mm CV carburetor for top track performance. For race applications only, the Screamin?Eagle Super Bore 51MM CV Tuners Kit has a U.S. retail price of $74.95. The Screamin? Eagle Super Bore 51MM CV Rebuild Kit (P/N 27524-02) includes all the necessary components needed to rebuild the Screamin? Eagle 51mm CV carburetor. For race applications only, Screamin? Eagle Super Bore 51MM CV Rebuild Kit has a suggested U.S. retail price of $74.95. For photography and information on Harley-Davidson Motor Company and Buell Motorcycles, visit For additional information on other Screamin? Eagle and Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts and Genuine Motor Accessories, visit the Harley-Davidson Web site at To find a dealer near you, call toll free 1-800-443-2153 in the U.S.A. or Canada. HOUSE FOR RENT THREE BEDROOMS, TWO BATHS, DEN CONVENIENT STURGIS LOCATION– For rent during Sturgis Rally, available prior to Rally if needed. Close to all the action, but on a quiet residential street south of the interstate. Deck, large yard, very nice and clean, new furniture. Mountain views. Washer and dryer, etc. Attached garage for your bikes. Photos, map available. ?Sleeps up to six people, three separate bedrooms, perfect for three couples. NEW LINK ON BIKERNET–Please add a web link to FastFred’s Motorcycle Rights E-zine on your Bikernet site under Online Magazines. FastFred’s Motorcycle Rights E-zine “The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”~ Plato FastFred – Learn the Five Steps to Liberty at “In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man and brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.” Samuel Clemmens –FF EDITOR ATTEMPTS TO FORCE BANDIT TO ATTEND HONDA EVENT–I received a strict, unconditional assignment from the editor of Cruising Rider Magazine, “Cover this event and don’t come back until you do.” I didn’t and won’t, but here’s the scoop:The Honda Hoot is June 17-21in Knoxville. This is a laid back affairwith the focus on area rides/scenery, local attractions, some officialHonda-sponsored events (barbecue, etc.). There will be a vendor area, bikeshow and an okay downtown area worth a cruise or two. to ride. There are some real cornball things like Dollywood and Ripley’sBelieve It Or Not Museum within striking distance, which could be good stroyfodder. Continued On Page 2
MILWAUKEE, Wis. (April 4, 2003) ? Unleash the full potential of a modified Harley-Davidson Twin Cam 88 engine with the new Screamin? Eagle Super Bore 51MM CV Carburetor Kit (P/N 27926-02).
?$500 per night, seven day minimum. Available prior to Rally.
?Contact Erica at (605) 645-4636 and at