April 12, 2001 Part 1


That’s right, deep in the dusty confines of the basement, next to the shackles and the torture rack, we discovered a shining relic. You’ll have to get a membership to the Cantina and check it out. Man, I hate to do that to you guys, but we’re trying to make enough bucks to keep the women happy, the cupboard full of Jack and parts in the garage. Speaking of parts, the Blue Flame is at Micah McCloskey’s Custom Motorcycles in Canoga Park, (818) 348-8967, if you want to have a look. It’s for sale. I hate to let it go, but it’s fresh, clean, a fighting machine. What a nice ride for a rigid.

/bikernet ad

Here’s the new Bikernet ad to be run in HORSE magazine. I don’t know what got into them when they changed the name. Distributors and retailers must go crazy when it shows up at the shop down from the stables. Why didn’t they call it IRON? I’ll never know, but it’s growing. They’re fighting back, and word on the street is that they are the new breed Easyriders. We’ll see. Let’s get to the news.

Bob's T's Girl

LONG LOST BRO–No, she’s not the bro, but the bro’s babe, friend, relative, hell, I don’t know. I used to ride with some guys in Long Beach in the early ’70s and we just found each other again. I wouldn’t want to ruin your day with a shot of his ugly mug, so I ran this shot of this babe sitting on his new Softail, which we will feature shortly.–Thanks, Bob.

SUM BITCH– crossed the yellow line on a highway near Anza, Calif. Our brother, (Hydro) Mike, was left with a broken back and they said he would never walk again. Good thing he mentioned that he had feeling in his thighs. They fused his back and today he is walking with two crutches and sometimes uses a wheelchair.

My brothers and I got together and built him a trike with an 88-inch RevTech motor and 5-speed transmission, ultima Softail frame and a 1947 servi car rear frame and differential. The servi car diff and frame are welded to the softail swing arm so that when Hydro is ready for two wheels we just unbolt and bolt another up and off he goes. It’s been up for a month and we will tear it down again as any good chopper should be and have it painted and touched up. But the best thing is Hydro’s ass is back in the wind with us.


–Gayle Mcguire

TILL DEATH DO US PART…TA husband and wife were having dinner at a fine restaurant whenthisabsolutely stunning young woman comes over to their table, gives thehusbanda big open-mouthed kiss, then says she’ll see him later and walks away.

The wife glares at her husband and says, “Who the hell was that?””Oh,” replies the husband, “she’s my mistress.””Well, that’s the last straw,” says the wife. “I’ve had enough, I wanta divorce!”

“I can understand that,” replies her husband, “but remember, if we getadivorce, it will mean no more shopping trips to Paris, no more winteringinBarbados, no more summers in Tuscany, no more Infiniti or Lexus in thegarage and no more yacht club. But the decision is yours.”

Just then, a mutual friend enters the restaurant with a gorgeous babeon hisarm.

“Who’s that woman with Jim?” asks the wife.

“That’s his mistress,” says her husband.

“Ours is prettier,” she replies.

BIKERNET TESTIMONIAL FROM FAMOUS BIKE BUILDER–When I built my Web site and Web store in ’97, I already knew that a site withouttraffic is like a store without an address. So I tried different marketing andadvertising strategies to “build” digital highways leading to my two sites.

Everyday I check my Web site traffic through the services of a specializedcompany called Webtrends. Not only did Bikernet.com always rank very high inthe list of URLs providing my site with traffic, but I also observed thatthese visitors come back on a regular basis. And regular visitors makerepeat buyers of my accessories.

The reason is probably that Bikernet.com isthe only full weekly digital magazine written by bikers for bikers with realnews, useful tech tips, classifieds and even a bike show. Bikernet.com is, forme, like a giant billboard on Sunset Boulevard inviting bikers to make adetour to my shop. And a lot of them are visiting…and buying.

–Cyril Huze
Custom Builder

Thanks brother, we needed that!–Bandit

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