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CHARLOTTE H-D OPEN HOUSE– Here are some of my favorite bikes that were at our open house April 7. This is a ’95 S2 Buell done up the North Carolina way. It’s a 96-inch S&S engine with turbo and nitrous! The owner also had the rims polished for a cool look. The other Buell is a 1988 RR1200 Battletwin. Only 65 of these were made. This version usesthe 1203 Evo Sportster engine. This replaced the XR-1000 engine used in the RR1000 through 1988, of which only 50 were made. Both of RR1000 and RR1200 are some of mostsought after Buells by collectors.
And the Indian ain’t bad!
–Charlotte H-D

–Helen Wolfe ANOTHER BRAND OF FUN– A girl goes into the doctor’s office for a checkup. As she takes off her blouse, he notices a red “H” on her chest. “How did you get that mark on your chest?” asks the doctor. “Oh, my boyfriend went to Harvard and he’s so proud of it that he never takes off his Harvard sweatshirt, even when we make love,” she replies. A couple of days later, another girl comes in for a checkup. As she takes off her blouse, he notices a blue “Y” on her chest. “How did you get that mark on your chest?” asks the doctor. “Oh, my boyfriend went to Yale and he’s so proud of it that he never takes off his Yale sweatshirt, even when we make love,” she replies. A couple of days later, another girl comes in for a checkup. As she takes off her blouse, the doctor notices a green “M” on her chest. “Do you have a boyfriend at Michigan?” asks the doctor. “No, but I have a girlfriend at Wisconsin. Why do you ask?” –FP TIM CONDER IS ALIVE–Hey man, I took a little four-day detour from Top Fuel and built thisthing. *1,400 razor blades welded edge up. Yeah, it’s a sharp bike man. Know anybody up here who can shoot it?These are digital photos that a sign painter friend of mine took. Thingsare going good. I had to drop out and be productive on my rails…I willbe contacting you soon about links and stuff. Haven’t done a thing on myKnuckle. Still just one guy. –Tim Conder HERE’S THE OFFICIAL CHINESE APOLOGY–(AP)Washington, D.C.The United States of America apologizes to the People’s Republic of Chinaforallowing our slow, lumbering reconnaissance plane to be hit by your poorlytrained, hot-dogging fighter pilot while flying in international airspace. We’re sorry we have to fly surveillance missions to monitor a country thathasnuclear missiles pointed at us.We’re sorry your pilot didn’t follow international standards of fighterintercept protocol.We’re sorry his aircraft recognition skills were so poor he didn’t realizetheEP-3 aircraft was propeller driven and flew his aircraft through itspropellerarc, destroying his aircraft and nearly killing 24 American crewmen. We’re sorry your fighter pilot’s survival training and equipment was soinadequate that he couldn’t survive until your poorly trained and equippednavycould find him. (They turned down our offer for search and rescueassistance.) We’re sorry you violated international law and arrested the crewmen of anaircraft that legally diverted into your airfield under emergency conditionscaused by your pilot’s actions, after being led there by one of your otherpilots. We’re sorry you violated international law and boarded a state aircraft.We’re sorry the world is now seeing you for the enemy of freedom, truth anddemocracy that you really are. We’re sorry you see yourself as a superpower when in reality you are a thirdworld nation. (The average Chinese worker earns less than $.10 a day.) We’re sorry you are losing so much face over this.We’re sorry that you were able to steal some missile and nuclear secretsfromus. We’re sorry you haven’t learned from the Soviet Union’s collapse and failedtoembrace democracy and capitalism (compare tiny Taiwan and mainland China;samepeople, same culture, but Taiwan’s capitalistic economy is a powerhouse andChina’s economy is still mired in communism). We’re sorry for the future Chinese military deaths that will occur when weretaliate for your roughish behavior.And most of all, we’re sorry for the Chinese people who suffer its leaders’incompetence. –Rogue P.S. If a speed boat goes out to inspect a cruise ship and they collide,who doyou think is at fault? BIG TIME, FIRST TIME, ANNUAL EVENT!– Last year (2000) was the first year that Nebraska had a burn camp. This camp is to send burn victims (children) to a summer camp and all the logistical support necessary. St. Elizabeth Hospital in Lincoln, Neb., is our state’s burn center and the direct sponsor for the Nebraska Burn Camp. The camp was held in Burwell, Neb., last August. Sixchildren attended, ranging in age from 8 to 15 years. The Wind and Fire Motorcycle Club (LINOMA) chapter is going to put on a poker run to raise money for the burn camp. The date for this event is July 7. Sign-ups are 9 a.m. to noon with escort. We are starting at two locations at the same time–the Lincoln and Omaha firefighter halls. The last stop will be at Linoma Beach. Cost is $8.50, including an all-you-can-eat buffet of ribs and chicken. Cash prizes and raffles will be drawn here. All bikes and bikers welcomed. What is the Wind and Fire MC? My name is MC Flott and I am with the Omaha Fire Department and a Local 385 member. We are firefighters who own and ride Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Anyone who owns a Harley and is a firefighter may join. The W&F MC Burn Camp Poker Run has been approved by the national W&F organization and St. Elizabeth?s hospital in Lincoln, Neb. Contact- –MC Flott On to Page 3
*2 three-pound boxes of nails. (seat and floorboards)
*10 feet of barbed wire.
*Tank shift with a REAL MONKEY SKULL!
*Suicide clutch.
*No front brake.
*Angle iron rigid struts.