Continued From Page 3

BRAND NEW TRIPLE OIL SEAL–New triple lip oil seal, spacer, installation tool (required for properinstallation) en route. Works in all 5-speeds, install answers on web> seals and spacers. (Note: champfer on spacer matches chamferon seal lip.)
–John Siebenthaler,
STROKER’S LAMENT–I was waking up late after a ruff night. I had 35 minutes to get tothe shop for a quart, hit the bank, fuel up, and run 35 milessouth……. it could be done!
I handed the clerk at the gas station a 20 and checked the receipt forthe time. I never wear a watch because I refuse to live my life by theclock–20 minutes left! Time to let my girl breath. If everyone willkeep the fuck outa my way I can make it…
No such luck. Getting there late caused the oncoming lane to befilled with bikes and I was closing fast on something in the center ofmy lane on this narrow stretch of highway 491. What the hell is thatin the road? It’s big ….. it’s black…. and it’s ugly….. a turkeybuzzard. No problem, they always fly before you get there. Not thisbastard, he must have gone deaf from all the bikes passing the otherdirection. He certainly had no fear of motorcycles, in fact he seemedto be eyeing the riders as his next meal. The feather toting garbagedisposal had his back to me. I figured when he did fly he would headaway from the pack and toward the shoulder of the road, so I picked aline between the vulture and the double yellow stripe. I backed off andstart pulling down my two wheeled pavement eater. It’s now clear theskin headed road kill eater was not going to move. Visions of gettingsmacked in the face by a 30-pound feather duster are looming in mysubconscious. It’s to late. I’m there….. hit the juice andget past before the dumb bastard can move. Did you know that birdscan bug their eyes out. That was one surprised buzzard as I blew pastthrowing enough flame to light his tail feathers. I bet he was evenmore surprised to meet that 18 wheeler on my six.
I manage to make it to Fort Dade Avenue in one piece, almost there. This winding byway is covered by an arched canopy of live oaks, a greatride. What’s this? A dozen more buzzards on the side of the roadgnawing on the remains of a black bear. I hope this isn’t a sign ofthings to come.
So where am I heading? Last weekend was the first annual Nature CoastBikefest and I was on my way to the kick off poker run. Last out atnoon! Did I make it? Oh hell yeah.
Did I win? I pulled two pair, ducks and 8’s. The winning hand held fiveaces to take the 290 clams.
It wasn’t an event you’d travel across the country for but, it was agreat time and their first try at it. We will see what the 2nd AnnualNature Coast Bikefest has to offer.
CHARLESTON ORDINANCE BANS “REVVING”– Just days before the Heritage Motorcycle Rally, expected to attract tens of thousands of bikers to South Carolina’s Lowcountry, Charleston City Council passed an anti-revving ordinance that riders view as a rude welcome.
The ordinance, which bans loud revving, amends Chapter 21 of the Code of the City of Charleston by amending Section 21-16 to prohibit persons from “engaging in clamorous singing, yelling, shouting, whooping, bellowing, hollering, or other loud, obstreperous, wanton and unnecessary noises, or from riding, driving, propelling, or otherwise operating any motorized vehicle, including but not limited to cars, trucks, vans and motorcycles, in a manner which emits unnecessary and loud noise or long continued noise, either in the day time or at night which disturbs the peace and quiet of the City, whether in the public street or within enclosures, public or private, and further amending Section 21-16 to provide that operating a motorized vehicle by rapid throttle advancing (revving) of an internal combustion engine resulting in increased noise from the engine is prohibited.”
This is an excerpt from the Bish Report launched today. The A.I.M. sponsored legislative news is posted twice a month. Check out the full story in the Bikernet Biker’s Rights department.

A HERO’S TRIBUTE–Every once in a while, I run across a bike that deserves a bit of special attention. Something out of the ordinary that was built purely on inspiration.
I met up with Paul Teutul Jr of Orange County Choppers while on a Sunday outing in Upstate New York and his bike just blew me away. OCC took the time, energy and money to put together a riding tribute to the 343 NYC Firefighters that lost their lives during the rescue operations at the 9/11 World Trade center disaster.
This bike blew me away. Equipped with a 100″ Rev-Tech motor, fire hydrant carburetor, fire hose exhaust, fire axe and ladder rear chain guard, red and gold NYFD paint, plenty of diamond plate and even a working siren and claxon. Crowds gathered and cheered where ever Paul Jr. pulled up on the bike. God knows how many hours went into this sweet, entirely hand crafted one of a kind creations. My hat’s off to the Paul Teutul’s Sr. & Jr. of Orange County Choppers for their creativity and spirit in remembering our brothers lost.

Old shot from Bob T.
AIR DISASTER– Poland’s worst air disaster occurred today when a small two-seater planecrashed into a cemetery this morning. Polish search and rescue workershave recovered 826 bodies so far and expect that the number will climb asthedigging continues into the night.
–from Chris T.

VICTORY SECRET–Victory Motorcyles, part of the Polaris Industries vehicle product line, is developing a unique customization experience on the Victory Motorcycles Web site
I can’t tell you any more. I’m sworn to secrecy.
WHAT LAYLA WANTS–Layla gets… And right now, all she wants is to show you some really cool items available in the Bikernet Gulch. In case you didn’t know, that little row of building across the bottom of all Bikernet pages is our own little shopping center. You can get shirts, hats, books, the finest leather around and CCI’s complete catalog. Check out a few items from Johnny Suede, Crime Inc., Joker Apparel and HA Leather, to name a few and see if you agree that this shit is bad-ass!

POUR THE JACK–I need a break. We spaced the pulley on the King yesterday and detailed the monster. Just waiting on the Nacelle covers and it will roll again. Can’t wait. Next week, we’ll launch out Powder Coating story. If you need powder, you can find it on the home page of Bikernet. Custom Powder Coating in Dallas. They did a helluva job.
Now for a little color. I’m working with the factory paint department on something special. I’ll report more next week. Another crazy weekend approaching. Laughlin is next weekend, the Hamsters are headed to Paso Robles, I’m trying to kick the King into gear. Who knows where Jose will be.
Ride Forever–Bandit