April 19, 2001 Part 1

News crews swarmed the Devil Dolls’ clubhouse in San Francisco and ultimately the Bikernet headquarters was called. Was the president hiding in our basement with the other girls? Could we deny any link to the notorious female motorcycle club spreading like wildfire throughout the country, leaving a trail of illegal activities, stale booze and broken hearts? It was a dicey situation at best.

The Pan Riders
Hiding from our nefarious activities, I rolled out the ’48 Pan with the dual Mikunis that were recently installed and decided to go for a ride. For protection, I recruited the grand master of the IMB Martial Arts Academy in Carson, Calif., and his main instructor, Brad Olsen. Coincidentally, both men ride Panheads with jockey shifts. Richard has owned the same stretched Panhead with a long Dick Allen front end since 1975. Brad has owned his ’62 Pan for 12 years. We attempted to ride to our favorite haunt, Walker’s Cafe on the point, but rumors had it that the joint was crawling with reporters. So we swiftly made our way along a little traveled coastal road to the Redondo Beach Pier, where Richard hit on every waitress at Polly’s on Brad’s behalf. “They all look at my bike then turn their eyes on Brad,” Richard admitted begrudgingly. From there we escaped through the eucalyptus trees on Palos Verdes Pennisula en route to the Blue Cafe in Long Beach to listen to blues and ponder our next move. We better get to the news:

John's Drag racing shots

DRAG RACING COMES TO BIKERNET–All Harley drag racing has a loyal following even though the sanctioning bodies seem to come and go. We’ve been following some of the stars through drag racing journalistic legends Charlie and Mary Lou Brewton. Recently, Helen Wolfe joined the ranks of contributors with her immense photographic talents. Her husband, The Mailman, is an active racing enthusiast. So check out Drag Racing on Bikernet with our first complete race report from our own master billboard designer John Siebenthaler. It’s up now.


IN CASE YOU FORGOT THE YEAR–BanditHowdy,Just a reminder about the April 22 swap meet (this Sunday) at the historic Longhorn Ballroom in Dallas. And don’t forget that the race scheduled for May 6 in Dallas, Saturday Nite Under the Lites, has been moved to May 5 in Shreveport, La., at Red River Raceway. For more information on these events and upcoming events, check out: www.texasscooter.com www.texasscooter.com

Hope to see you there!
Texas Scooter Times

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists (AIM) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM),and is sponsored by the law offices of Richard M. Lester. For moreinformation, call (800)ON-A-BIKE, or visit the Web site at www.aimncom.com


NATIONAL COALITION OF MOTORCYCLISTS (NCOM) CONVENTION: LAST CHANCE, LASTANNOUNCEMENT! The 16th annual NCOM convention will be in Orlando, Fla., May10-12. Don’t miss this one folks, it’s gonna be the biggest and bestyet. We’re expecting about 1,500 motorcycle rights activists from ALL overthe U.S. and the world, from ABATEs to confederations of clubs, and everytype of rider in between.But hurry–the Marriott hotel has been sold out for months, and now we’vesold out the overflow hotel next door. So if you need a room, you’llneed to call the AmeriSuites hotel on the same block at (407) 240-3939, andbe sure to mention NCOM for our special convention rate of $69 for a single/double.Rotten Roger of ABATE of Oregon will receive a special recognition awardfor his lifetime of service in bikers’ rights. He is truly one of our specialpeople (anyone ever heard of “ABATE of Roger?”) and richly deserves to behonored. Phone Bill Bish at NCOM, (800) ON-A-BIKE, for info andreservations.

Beachride Staff
Here’s the Beach Ride Committee minus the mysterious Bandit.

Continued on Page 2…..

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