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NEW TDC 6-SPEED TRANSMISSION ASSEMBLIES WITH KICKERS AVAILABLE FROM CUSTOM CHROME– MORGAN HILL, CA (April, 2008) ?? All-new assemblies from ?The Driveline Company? (also known as TDC). These transmissions for 1990 thru 1999 Softails and custom aftermarket frames, are available with your choice of three different finishes ? polished, black, and natural. They have fully-machined forged aluminum kicker covers and precision-machined shafts with specially-designed ratchet gears, and also feature all-new 356-T6 cast aluminum cases, with forged trap doors.
Other features include:
?Precision-machined, investment cast steel shift forks
?Fully CNC machined steel shift drum
?Cast 356-T6 aluminum cases
?Forged 6061 aluminum trap door
?2.93:1 first gear
?2.20:1 second gear
?1.60:1 third gear
?1.23:1 fourth gear
?1.00:1 fifth gear and a .88:1 overdrive sixth gear
?8620H high nickel content chromemoly steel gears
?Extra-quiet gear tooth profiles with helical 5th and 6th gears
?Endurance dyno tested by an independent U.S. test lab
Assembled in America, these transmissions retail for $1,420.00 and are available through your Custom Chrome dealer. To locate a dealer nearest you, go to today.

WHY BE A PART OF THE ARMED FORCES DAY FESTIVAL?–*Saturday May 17, 2008 – Noon till the sun goes down!
*It is a 100% FREE event for all riders!
*It is a fund raiser for the James A. Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa!
*A fun-filled afternoon featuring three of Central Florida’s top bands:
1) Rockus (twice voted “Best Biker Band” by the readers of Full Throttle)
2) The Dive Bar Stalkers (Tampa Bay’s #1 Party Band)
3) Kingstreet (One of Orlando’s Top Bands)
*A huge blacktopped area for vendors, bike parking, bands and bike show area!
*Wing Eating Contest (hot and fast) !!!
*Military displays and vehicles
*A 6-Class Bike Show w/ Trophies and Cash Prizes!
*5 Foot Tall Trophy Club/Group Challenge (Come With The Most Riders & Win)
*A “Miss Military 2008” Bikini Contest w/Cash Prizes!
*Great Food & Full Liquor Bar!
*The event will be advertised in a two page Full
Throttle ad in May 2008 issue & supported by 10,000 gloss flyers that will be distributed throughout Central Florida. There will also be 200+ thirty second commercials running on the Bright House Network two weeks prior to the event!
*VENDOR SPACE STARTS AS LOW AS $50 – Space is limited so call as soon as possible!

Meet Miss Sturgis 2008Nevada motorcycle enthusiast Rachel Rilley wins on-line contest–After thousands of votes and an in-person interview with a diverse panel of judges, Rachel Rilley of Henderson, NV, has been selected as Miss Sturgis 2008. Rachel?s bubbly personality, combined with a knockout figure and brains to match (she has a degree in chemistry), make her the quintessential Miss Sturgis. Rachel is heading off to Boston in May for her ?Sturgis Rally News? cover photo shoot with Aerosmith?s Steven Tyler. During Sturgis Bike Week, Miss Sturgis signs posters, conducts radio interviews and is frequently interviewed herself. During the year, as Miss Sturgis, Rachel will be appearing at bike and trade shows across the country.
Two of Rachel?s greatest loves are people and riding. ?I?m eager to meet people from around the country and experience their culture and stories and hear about their travels,? says the new Miss Sturgis. ?Being a motorcycle enthusiast is more than just a sport or a hobby, it?s a lifestyle! I encourage all my fans and friends, to please come see me at Thunder Road and tell me all about your adventures? Feel free to ask me if I wanna ride, because the answer is yes!?
The Girls of Sturgis Bike Week have been already been together for several autograph sessions, with more scheduled in conjunction with their calendar photo shoots. To see more of the ladies and hear their radio interviews, log on to You can meet them all at Thunder Road during Sturgis Bike Week, where they will be signing free calendars.
About Miss Sturgis:The Miss Sturgis Contest began years ago in a tent in downtown Sturgis with winners selected each night by audience participation. At the end of the week, the winner was selected among the finalists. Eventually, the contest moved into the Pavilion at Glencoe CampResort. For the past three years, Miss Sturgis has been a paid spokesmodel. In 2008, the contest returned as a high-tech Internet competition, attracting 77 contestants who garnered nearly 20,000 on-line votes. Miss Sturgis and The Girls of Sturgis Bike Week make appearances at bike and trade shows throughout the year in support of their sponsors which include: Glencoe CampResort, Kick Start Travel Center, Thunder Road and Sturgis Bike Week Products, all in Sturgis, SD; Lehman Trikes in Spearfish, SD; Deadwood Gulch Resort in Deadwood, SD; Eagle Sales/Budweiser, Black Hills Harley-Davidson, and Epic Outdoor Signs in Rapid City, SD; and Sucker Punch Sally?s in Arizona. Other sponsors are One Bad Bitch clothing in Colorado and Cranky Ape in Minnesota.

About Thunder Road:Located 3 miles east of Sturgis, SD on Highway 34, Thunder Road has six acres of paved vending space full of high-end, custom, aftermarket vendors and the nearly 40,000 square foot Thunderdome. During Sturgis Bike Week, Thunder Road is host to the most custom-bike themed events in Sturgis including six bike shows. Thunder Road provides the best attractions around, from Rick Fairless? Strokers Sturgis to the Seminole Hard Rock Roadhouse to the Michael Lichter motorcycle-as-art exhibit, ?Stay Gold,? and there you can meet Miss Sturgis and the Girls of Sturgis Bike Week who will be autographing free calendars. Thunder Road is a part of the Glencoe Nation and is located directly in front of the Glencoe CampResort, the host of Rock?n the Rally.


MYSTERY CAJUN BIKE REVEALED–Bikernet correspondent discovered this bike while doing a feature in the bayou.
–from Pablo


Bandit has the goods in the Black Market including great stuff from old-skool kool leathers to custom prints. Check it out now.
NO FEAR IN CAPE FEAR, Posted: April 23, 2008–Cape Fear, North Carolina: March 16, 2008:You may already be aware of the heroics of several members of the Cape Fear HOG Chapter during a robbery at a BP gas station in North Carolina, on March 16th. What you might not know is that some of the bikers were Accident Scene Management instructors.
Accident Scene Management, Inc, (ASMI) is supported by Hupy and Abraham, S.C. Our law firm has donated thousands of dollars to ASMI to help start the program and to offset some of the registration fees for students. To learn more about ASMI, visit .
ASMI instructors are community servants. They not only are dedicated to reducing injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists but are being recognized for their recent actions when a gas station was being robbed. The robbers, Alphonso Stevenson, aka Mannie, and his 15 year old accomplice, with the street name Block, are among a group of men responsible for 16 robberies of convenience stores, restaurants and gas stations in the Cape Fear area. Stevenson was charged with 5 counts of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill, 5 counts of robbery with a dangerous weapon and 5 counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Block was charged with 5 counts of conspiracy. They are being held in the Cumberland County Detention Center.
The following is the story told by Steve Adams, one of the ASMI instructors who responded.

Members of our local HOG Chapter were meeting at our typical link up point at the BP Station on Bragg Boulevard, prior to going on a Progressive Breakfast Ride. Around 20 of us were milling around outside the station waiting on everyone to show up when the woman working inside hit the window and yelled, “they are robbing me”! Just then we heard a gun shot and a scream. Immediately, two members ran around the front of the store as I ran around the back side.
Two young men exited the store at a dead run. We yelled for them to stop and took up chase. Keep in mind we are old and slow but their baggy pants were falling down and they struggled with the fact that they did not have their shoes tied! Several of us where armed, drew our pistols for defense and took aim twice (North Carolina allows persons to carry concealed weapons). We chased them for about a 1/4 mile when they turned the corner by the strip mall. Several of our members were in pursuit on their bikes. As one member, Jerry, came around the corner they shot at him twice, but fortunately missed. We chased them into a wooded area just as the Police arrived.
A couple members rode their bikes down the road and blocked the robbers from crossing over into a thicker wooded area. When they saw the road was blocked they ran back up a hill and climbed over a chain link fence where they hid under a parked car. They where arrested when they where spotted and the K-9 Unit arrived. The first words out of their mouths when arrested were, “Them bikers are crazy”!
Luckily they shot at and missed the store clerk; however a fragment did hit her leg. Peggy Quatrone, an ASMI Lead Instructor, pulled up to the station while we where in pursuit. She attended to the store clerk.

I guess the bottom line was that we got pretty pissed at the arrogance of those little buzzards who thought they could rob our gas station with us outside. I guess after so many robberies they were expecting us to just stand by and watch and didn?t expect a bunch of guys with guns chasing them! The Fayetteville PD has recommended us for a Civilian award and letters of appreciation. They are going to host a dinner and ceremony sometime in May.

CAMPING FOR THUNDER IN THE VALLEY JUNE 26 TO 29–Dropped ya a line a few weeks ago bout a campground we are holding for Thunder in The Valley weekend June 26th to the 29 of this year. Need a bit of help getting the word out to folks and vendors that are in Laconia the week before the event. We are located in Ebensburg PA which is about 17 miles from the center of the rally in Johnstown. Thunder is in its 11th year and as I see at allot of rally’s now days the cost to stay at the event are out of site. Well we are out to change that.
How’s $5 to get in and see a band and a tent campsite sound? That’s right your admission gets you a campsite. $1 beers as well. RV spaces are available for a bit more (we got to pay extra for those so..) and all the normal games and events you would see at an event like this.I’m tired of the bullshit gouging of all of us and we are going to try to do something about it with the help of our brothers and sisters in ABATE of PA. Best part is your helping fund a SMRO as well as allowing us to help out some needy local families.Thanks for your help Bandit,Dave Lydick,President Cambria Summit ABATECell (814) 505-2998E-Mail

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