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DAVIE ALLAN ROCKS–A show is brewing at “Mr. T’s” for May 24th. It’s with Sky Saxon & The Seeds. If it happens, more deja vu: we were on the same bill on a show during my 1967 nationwide tour.

HA LEATHER–BIKERNET TAKES GIANT STEP FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE–Buying clothes mail order is a risky pain in the ass. It’s convenient unless you don’t receive the size you need. Especially in the case of leather, when that UPS driver delivers your new best, the bastard should fit you like a glove. We here at Biker Net with the artistic assistance of Jon Towle have developed a comfortable process of taking measurements for more accurate, safe and comfortable ordering. Just take the measurements and include them in your order and you’re guaranteed that you’ll get what you need.
If HA is completely confused by your measurements and order, they will contact you to prevent shipping the wrong size. So not only are they carefully manufacturing the best leather line on the market, but they have the service to back it up and insure you get the piece you order the first time.

BIKERNET LITERARY DEPARTMENT–We currently have a short stack of books on the table to be reviewed for our readers. The first one will be Sonny’s news book of Road Tales. A book based on the archive of wild wanton tales of the old school biker.His last book hit the New York best sellers list and for all biker book writers I hope that this one does also. Watch for it at all book stores, bike shops and for Sonny to be signing books at upcoming events.Watch for a review of his book on Bikernet in the next couple of weeks.
FROM THE POLISH ARCHIVES–Did you hear about the Polish Navy’s tragic accident?A hundred and thirty-seven sailors drowned trying to push-start their new submarine.
If you like Submarine stories, I recently read a book about the development of Submarines before WWII. Did you know that before 1940 there was virtually no way to rescue men in downed subs. They either drowned or slowly died of carbon monoxide poisoning. The book was written about the man who developed the diving bell and saved the crew of a brand new sub that went down in over 100 feet of water. The book, The Terrible Hours, by Peter Maas is tribute to the man behind the greatest submarine rescue in history.

CYRIL HUZE SPIKE LIGHT–What says more chopper than a spike shape? The style will take you back, but the 2-function bulb or strong L.E.D. these small lights are housing is hardly yesterday’s news. These lights will turn heads well before you even make turns. Red or Amber lens. Show polished billet aluminum.
Cyril Huze RUN TO THE WALL REPORT–The Run To The Wall, on Memorial Day is a great run. Everyone starts arriving from out oftown on Friday. All the shops in the area have parties and Open Houses onSaturday. Sunday morning the run organizes at the Pentagon parking lot. Thenumber of bikes that gather there is huge. The parade usually starts at noonat it last close to three hours. The streets of Wash. D.C. are lined with peopleon both sides waving and cheering. The wall itself is what the run is allabout, rather the names on the wall, you can not imagine the number of nameson that wall until you see it. It really numbs you for a few seconds. I havebeen to this event probably at least 10 times and everytime I go I come awaywith a new appreciation for all those who gave all they had for our freedom. –Mike Pullin There is a new biker tradition beginning this summer in the USA!!!!! TheMid Summer THUNDER Rally ( )is destined tobecome a regional annual rally ( possibly 2 to 3 times a year) in themid-south USA. Pat Savage ( )contacted me and we are currently innegotiations to get them there to play as well as, the band Southern Cross( ) from Houston, TX (who contacted usalso). This event began its life in Mid-January 2002 and the website went upFebruary 9, 2002. As of 02:30 April 22,2002 the site had over 62,600 hits. People are confirmed to come from as far away as Belgium, and in the statesfrom Arizona, Illinois, Ohio, Virginia, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas,Missouri, Kansas and Louisiana (With More to come). We already have request for press-passes and/or coverage from Tulsa Today,Thunder Roads, Skunk Dots, Biker Life as well as several radio andtelevision stations. It has also entered into the picture of doing either a sponsored orpay-per-view webcast of the Rally… (charge what we charge for entry of asingle person.) Please contact me as soon as possible to discuss these possibilities. If you would like additional Posting as a Rally supporter as well asannouncement of that at the Rally send us a ladies tank top and Man’sT-shirt to give as a door prize. Live Long & Ride Free! Regards, Michael E. Weaver BIKERNET JAMAICAN REPORT–Hey, I just returned from Jamaica, beautiful island, but some really shit roads, and not an H-D in sight, nothing even close.Although the Jamaicans do see a marketing opportunity did see tons of H-D shirts with “Jamaica” under the bar and shield. Sure there is “bikers” all on them damn crotch rockets(I really hate that term). –Jef BIKERNET ONE LINERS–4. My mind works like lightning. One brilliant flash and it is gone.5. The only time the world beats a path to your door is if you’re in thebathroom.6. I hate sex in the movies. Tried it once, the seat folded up, thedrinkspilled and that ice, well it really chilled the mood. CALENDAR SHOW PRESENTED BY BIKERNET.COM UPDATE– The 2002 edition of the Hot Bike magazine sponsored White Brothers Los Angeles Calendar Motorcycle Show set for July 20-21st , is presented by at the Queen Mary Event Park, Long Beach, CA. It’s really coming together with 130 major manufacturers and the leading custom bike builders from across America. Sponsored by Hot Bike, White Brothers, Performance Machine, and The Recycler/Cycle Buys, and featured on the Speed Channel’s American Thunder, The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show has continued to grow every year to become the biggest and most popular streetbike show in America catering to the custom, cruiser and sportbike markets. Exciting features at this year’s Show include an added celebrity host, legendary biker journalist Keith Ball, a.k.a. Bandit of, together with our returning hostess, the lovely Brenda Fox. will also again be hosting the blowout Party on Saturday night aboard the Queen Mary with a huge fireworks display. Last year’s party was a huge success with standing room only, lots of free giveaways, and running until the wee hours of the morning. And just to get things heated up beforehand, in the Event Park there will be a 6pm concert performance by the exciting new performance show band Powder with lead singer Ninette. If you like the well known band No Doubt with lead singer Gwen Stefani, then the talents of Powder will blow you away even further with their even more electrifying stage performance and vocals focused on the beautiful Ninette in her Madonna-esque bikini costumes. Returning again this year by popular demand as the day-time band both days is the pop / jazz /salsa band Soto. And of course, The Calendar bike Show Show features the most competitive bike contest on the West Coast with it’s prestigious Hot Bike magazine Best of Show Trophy. Other activities include The White Brothers West Coast Horsepower Dyno Shootout, a Calendar Girl Pageant, and of course the premier of the 2003 Calendars with the beautiful calendar models in attendance. With all the additional attractions that Long Beach has to offers including the ferry boat to Catalina Island with a day?s activities there, the Aquarium, the downtown restaurants and clubs, plus what greater Los Angeles has to offer, the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show is a must do attraction for across-the-country visitors and it will continue to grow as a major motorcycle week destination like Laughlin, Daytona and Sturgis.? Spectators and Exhibitors can find out more about The LA Calendar Motorcycle Show, the Bike Contest and all the available weekend activities online at Continued On Page 3
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