Wouldn’t you know that just as the River Run looms in the distance, the Golden State launches another one of its heat waves, so we’ll be sliding out of the coastal Santa Anas for even hotter climes in the desert. That’s one of the reasons for the early departure. The other reason is Sin Wu. Seems the Oriental goddess is developing a jealous streak. Time to leave town. Let’s get to the news, we’re burnin’ daylight:

PROFESSOR NUTTBOY–Has been crying that we have illustrated all the fiction except his. After interrogation and knocking out several of Jon’s teeth, he confessed his jealously for the doctor’s bizarre humor. Afraid that there is someone on the planet with a more demented notion of life than his own, he chose to ignore his etchings. Drugged and handcuffed to his chair, we forced him to draw the above illustration for one of the professor’s fictional ramblings–check it out in the Two-Wheeled Tale Department.
STURGIS CULTURE–Hold on old timers. Remember the days of drunken debauchery and drugs? Now we have a couple Sturgis art exhibits and we’ll be represented in both, hopefully. Here’s a note about one:
The Journey Museum in Rapid City, S.D., will host a photographyexhibition by Michael Lichter titled “Biker Generation.” The images, whichinclude many of Mike’s best-known works from 20 years of photographing thebiker lifestyle, will be on display from Aug. 4 through Sept. 3.
Some 13 ofthe finest custom motorocycles by some of the most famous bike builders inthe world will be on display with the photographs in the gallery and museum atrium from Aug. 4-11.
The opening reception, which Mike andmost of the participating builders will attend, is scheduled forTuesday, Aug. 7 from 4 – 8 p.m. Builders include Mitch Bergeron, Jesse James,Fred Koklin, Billy Lane, Bob McKay, Jim Nasi, Arlen Ness, Cory Ness, RonSimms, Donnie Smith, Russ Tom, Eddie Trotta and Paul Yaffee. The receptionis free and open to the public.
The museum is open from 9 a.m to 5 p.m.daily, and until 6 p.m. during bike week. It is located at 222 New York St., two blocks east of the Rushmore Plaza Holiday Inn and theCivic Center. Admission is $5 during bike week.

STRANGE CANTINA SHIT–Only the strangest, one-of-a-kind shit will be featured in Bandit’s Cantina. Check it out–we found the only sucker in the world to custom-paint oil filters.
BIG TIME, FIRST TIME, ANNUAL EVENT!–Last year (2000) was the first year for Nebraska’s Burn Camp for young burn victims. St. Elizabeth Hospital in Lincoln, Neb., is our state’s burn center and the direct sponsor for the summer camp. It was held in Burwell, Neb., last August and six children attended. Their ages ranged from 8-15 years.
The WIND& FIRE MOTORCYCLE CLUB (LINOMA) chapter is going to put on a Burn Camp poker run on July 7. Sign-ups are 9 a.m. to noon with escort. We are starting at two locations at the same time — the Lincoln firefighter and the Omaha firefighter halls. The last stop will be at Linoma beach. Cost is $8.50, all you can eat buffet of ribs and chicken. Cash prizes and raffles will be drawn here. All bikes and bikers welcomed.
What is the Wind & Fire MC? My name is MC Flott and I am with the Omaha Fire Department and a Local 385 member. We are firefighters who own and ride Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Anyone who owns a Harley and is a firefighter may join.
The W&F MC Burn Camp Poker Run has been approved by the national W&F organization and St. Elizabeth’s hospital in Lincoln, Neb. Contact- –mc flott A DOCTOR–A doctor and his wife are having a terrible fight at the breakfasttable.The doctor gets up in a rage and walks out yelling, “and you are notanygood in bed either.” After some time, he realizes he was nasty and decides to make amends. Hecalls his wife and after at least a dozen rings she answers the phone.Again irritated, the doctor says, “What took you so long to answer thephone?” She says, “I was in bed.” “In bed this late in the day, doing what?” “I was getting a second opinion,” she replied. FAST DATE’S NEGOTIATIONS–If you’ve joined the Cantina, you saw Jim’s babes. We’re in the process of negotiating a contract with Jim to house all his calendar girls in the Bikernet headquarters during the six months it takes to shoot each calendar. We’ll report on the progress in the next couple weeks.This month he wrapped up the photography of the upcoming 2002 FastDates.comCalendars in a sizzlin’ cover shoot with our favorite calendar models andSBK World Superbike trophy girls Brooke Johnson and Taylor McKegney. Thingsreally got heated up in the studio between these two beautiful girls andI’m sure you’ll appreciate the results in the 2002 Garage Girls Calendar.And of course, the steamier outtakes from our shoot will be featured inMembers Corner in the next few months. So stay tuned…http://www.FastDates.com/MBRINVIT.htm MUST SEE TV! —Speedvison’s American Thunder program coverage of our Hot Bikepresents the 2000 White Brothers LA Calendar Motorcycle Show premiers onTuesday, May 15, at 7:30 and 11:30 p.m. Eastern time. The 30-minute programwill replay throughout the year.I’ll be sure to remind you to catch the show next month before it airs. CYRIL SHOWS IT ALL–For the first time, you can see Cyril and his team of craftsmen building a new custom from the ground up. Every Friday starting this week, just log on to the site of Bandit’s Bikernet at http://www.bikernet.com. Bikernet is owned and managed by Keith R. Ball, one of the greatest authorities in the motorcycle world. Keith is known worldwide by the pen name Bandit. His work fascinated Easyriders readers for three decades. He is the author of several books (“Prize Possession,””Outlaw Justice,” and “Orwell”). He has also restored and customized all types of two-wheelers. Editor’s note. Cyril was on strong medication when he wrote theabove. Actually Bandit is not an authority on anything aside fromnipple technology. Give him enough jack and he’ll admit it.–Oz Exclusively for Bikernet.com, from concept to final assembly, Cyril will explain how he gets his ideas, demonstrates his philosophy in action, shares with you tech tips and fabrication tricks to build the ultimate custom. Every Friday, Cyril will report on the progress made, and illustrate the work accomplished with many pictures. Log on now to http://www.bikernet.com and bookmark the site. 2- Cyril at the Louisiana Bike Expo in New Orleans:April 21-22, Cyril will be in New Orleans at the Bike Expo (Ponchartrain Center in Kenner, outside New Orleans). Three of his customs belonging to Louisiana residents will be in exhibition. Cyril will also show his accessories and autograph the new hard cover book, “Harley-Davidson: Customizing The Legend.” 3- “High Octane” and “Cruising” are featured in VQ and V-Twin Magazines:Two of the most recent bikes built by Cyril Huze, “High Octane” and “Cruising,” are featured in the current issues of VQ and V-Twin magazines. This is a good opportunity to find out the components used to build these customs. 4- On Line Store:We added new custom accessories. See them at http://store.cyrilhuze.com. Our store is secure and you can order online with a credit card. Or call (561) 392-5557.Because of the addition of these new accessories, the loading of our pages is getting longer and longer. So, we are working very hard at redesigning our Webstore for a faster and easier navigation. We will also offer new features like: – Up to five images per product to help you make your decisions. We should be ready before the end of May. Thank you for your patience. Cyril Huze Custom
– Multiple payment methods, including credit card, check, money order and gift certificate.
– The possibility to buy gifts and have them shipped to other family members and friends.
– Tracking of the status of your order online.
– Estimated shipping date if a product is back ordered.
Motorcycles and Accessories
Tel: (561) 392-5557
Fax: (561) 392-9923
Webstore: http://store.cyrilhuze.com”>
Continued on Page 2