The world’s upside down. Hang on for the next move. We’ve already been surrounded by hazardous waste and midnight police chases. Tomorrow we’re going to shoot the 1928 Shovelhead for an American Iron bike feature and Layla’s Sportster for an American Rider tech. We’re trying to keep up with deadlines while patching drywall and replacing the floursecent shop light.

Let’s hit the news:

VENGEANCE MOTORCYCLES BUILDS MORE MOMENTUM– MIRA LOMA, CA ? Vengeance Motorcycles stole the custom bike spotlight with its powerful presence at Bike Week 2004 in Daytona Beach, Florida. Vengeance models like the award-winning Vindicator and new Black Widow turned heads and attracted new buyers, and Vengeance Xtreme Choppers shook the pavement and drew crowds at every street corner.
From the beach to the speedway, riders were blown away by the incredible styling and wicked V-twin power of the 2004 Vengeance lineup. Beach Street traffic was drawn to the 2004 Vengeance models on display at the colossal new Nemesis transporter.
Riders can see the Nemesis and the Vengeance lineup throughout 2004 at major motorcycle rallies such as the Laughlin (NV) River Run, April 21-25; Myrtle Beach (SC) Bike Week, May 7-16; Laconia (NH) Bike Week, June 11-20; the Sturgis (SD) Rally, Aug 6-13, and more. For a complete list of events as well as product information and Vengeance news, visit www.vengeancemotorcycles.com.

PERFORMANCE MACHINE El Dorado and Roulette Wheels–Fresh from an extended stay in his secret underground lair, PM’s in-house designer has once again upped the wheel design ante. First off the drawing board is the multi faceted Roulette. Each of the ten sinuously hexagon styled spokes emerge from the hub and split, creating twenty magnificently curving talons that blend perfectly back into the rim. The PM El Dorado takes a completely different approach and allows the hub to fan out in a shocking display of machined aluminum detail. From there the fourteen spokes writhe towards the rim and are accented by PM’s unique speed dots. Already in production, the El Dorado and Roulette are available through your local PM dealer in both Chrome and polished finish.
For more information, call or write to:
Performance Machine, Inc.
6892 Marlin Circle,
La Palma, CA 90623
http://www.performancemachine.comPerformance Machine, Inc.6892 Marlin Circle,La Palma, CA 90623714-523-3000http://www.performancemachine.com

No, that’s not a sticker, but the same logo on a ballcap on the lovely Meanest from Charlotte H-D.
FREE BIKERNET STICKERS–Just send us a self-addressed-stamped-envelop and we’ll send you stickers. If you want a massive sticker, make it an 8 by 10 envelope. Send your envelop to Bikernet, 200 N. Broad Avenue, Wilmington, CA 90744.

BIKERNET STEALTH INVESTIGATOR REPORTS–A couple of weekends ago(March 27+28) I set up our spot at the annual Concerned Bikers Association’s swap meet. I always look forward to working at these swap meets. The CBA holds two swap meets each year, one in March and one in November.
One of the things I like best about working at the swap meet, is seeing old friends and sharing old and new stories. The atmoshere is a lot more relaxed there than at work. Most of the people who attend the swap meets are old time riders, not a lot of newbies. They are not afraid to get there hands dirty digging through piles of parts to find what they need. The swap meet is how we all used to build our bikes. Searching for the right part, or finding something unique, something that would really make your bike stand out. It is good to see that some of us still do it that way.
I noticed is that everyone and his brother are building choppers and are opening up “Chopper Shops”. I guess this is due to the Discovery channel and their bike build-off shows and let’s not forget American Chopper and the OCC crew. A lot of them have dream of being the next Jesse James or Billy Lane and maybe one of them will make it? It never hurts to dream. I guess in a way this dillutes building choppers but in another way it is good to see all the interest in choppers and I guess that is good for everyone in the industry. Some of the bikes people are calling choppers are not really choppers, they are kit bikes, but they can believe what they like and in a way this helps the industry too.
A lot of people asked about the 6th Annual Run For Breath “In Memory of Justin Pullin” at the swap meet. The run for the American Lung Association is coming together, but for whatever reason it has been slow going this year, but come July 25th we will be ready. The handmade awards are starting to come in and as soon as I get some of them I will send some pictures in of them. For more information I can be reached and Charlotte H-D for vendor or bikeshow sign-ups. This is the only show on the planet to award trophies made by professional bike builders from around the country. Each award is one of a kind.
I guess that is about it for this week, the weather is getting better and the temps are warmer and bikes are on the road! Hallelujah!
NEW BIKE SITE– We’ve gotten a lot a feedback lately in response to our E-mails and manycompanies want to know what Cyclestar.com is all about. Cyclestar is a website designed to provide a variety of information to the motorcyclecommunity including parts & accessories, news providers, magazines,dealerships, individual classified listings, event schedules, ticket info,manufactures, etc. We do not specialize in E-commerce, the actual sale ofproducts, but rather we would like to make your companies information andimages of the various products you sell readily available to enthusiasts. Weunderstand there is always a need to promote your new items to themarketplace as well. check us out on the webat www.Cyclestar.com
–Steve Wheat

NEW CARTOONS ON BIKERNET–winning cartoonist Jerry King is one of the most published, prolific and versatile cartoonists in the world today.
His work has appeared in thousands of greeting cards, magazines, Web sites, books, newspapers, newsletters and children’s books. His client list includes Disney, American Greetings, The United States Golf Assoc., and many others.
Jerry’s magazine credits include Better Homes and Gardens, Golf Digest, Playboy, The Saturday Evening Post, National Enquirer, Woman’s World and hundreds of others world wide. The credit list goes on and we’re looking forward to working with him. After serving three years in the army as a medic, Jerry, 38, went on to graduate from The Ohio State University with a BA in English. He now resides in N. Canton, Ohio with his wife Annie and daughter Giana and 2 dogs, Baci and Bella. When he’s not at the drawing board, Jerry is probably on a golf course losing.
Jerry’s cartoons are available for Web sites, magazines, presentations, newsletters or as gifts. Contact him if you would like to discuss buying his work and prices. No company is too small: jerrykcartoons@nci2000.net

THE SEARCH FOR HIGHWAYMAN’S MYSTERY SLED–I wanted to reply to Hiwayman’s Mystery Bike in Your Shot:
Don’t know about the Shovel you’re talking about in Your Shot, but it mademe think of this bike I saw at DelMar, Va bike week in Ocean City, MD, lastfall. Talk about minimalist…this bike scared the women and children offthe streets. There’s nothing there that doesn’t help make it go fast.Hell, it doesn’t even have paint except for the forks and rims – everythingelse is spray on truck bed liner. I hope the owner doesn’t mind me sharingthe picture, but his bike was a real standout in a sea of “new age” choppersthat all start to look alike after a while.
Huntsville, AL

Thanks much.
This bike was owned by ER staff photog Sandy Roca.–Frank Kaisler
Continued On Page 2