A new sign-making tech is headed your way on Bikernet. Remember the High School shop teacher who built a bike with his class as a semester project. Well this rider makes custom metal signs and he created a hot one for the new Bikernet Headquarters. Watch as we show you how it’s done in the next week or so.
Let’s hit the news. I had a tooth surgically extracted this morning and I’m about to pass out.

SP BIKEFEST 10TH ANNIVERSARY–October 14-17, 2004,is on the way and we guarantee this years rally will be the BEST Rally of the season.Back again for the 3rd time, by popular demand,JD Simo & Dirty Pool.
Three Dog Night has 21 top 40 hits and is guaranteed to put on a great show at our improved concert site. Several major changes in the concert venue at Schlitterbahn.
1) The stage will be above the drained wave pool with three times the room.
2) A couple of thousand chairs will be available for those of you that don’t want to dance.
3) We have parking space for one of those really huge Budweiser trucks loaded with extra brew.
4) The Schlitterbahn staff spent the winter building several new bars to ensure an uninterrupted flow of your favorite beverage.
Newsletter Sponsor:About 900 people responded to our survey this spring. T-shirt color is always a hot topic. Everyone has an opinion. This year we let you pick the color… The winning color BLACK with 25% of the votes. Lagging behind were Bright Red 11.6%, Orange 11.1% and Grey 11.1%. I will share some of the other results with you in the next few weeks.
Registration Rally Package $45:- includes Arm Band, Pin, Souvenir Dog Tag and Concert TicketMexico Fiesta Run tickets are available for $1510th Anniversary Custom painted 2004 FLHT Electra Glide Raffle tickets – $20 Early Registration Extras!
Register by September 15th and receive a FREE Rally T-Shirt.Secure online registration system eliminates the need for the “Orange Card”.[ To register by Phone: (956) 668-7484 Ride Safe, PAUGHCO ORIGINAL NARROW SPRINGER– Paughco, the world?s oldest and most respected manufacturer of springer fork assemblies has just released their latest version of what may be the most poplar springer ever produced. The ORIGINAL NARROW SPRINGER offers bar centers of 4 ? inches allowing for the use of both Dog Bone and Glide style risers. Manufactured to Paughco?s legendary standards for strength, quality and performance, the new forks feature flawless Paughco chrome and are offered in black powder coat as an option. ORIGINAL NARROW springers are offered in sizes stock, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21-inches over. They can also be ordered with an additional 3 degrees of rake. Additional rake comes standard on sizes 15 and over. For complete details call 775-246-5738 or visit www.paughco.com THE BIKERNET LEGAL DEPARTMENT– Why is divorce so expensive? Because it’s worth it. TRENDKILL HARDTAIL FRAMES BY JOE MARTIN–Here is a good picture of the frame & info.Trendkill Hardtail frames by Joe Martin are now available!These frames are Right Side Drive and will accept 280mm tire w/ belt or300mm w/chain. *Single downtube For more information and to order yours first call 972.709.2552 Ask forChris. Chris Sanchez DAM MOTORCYCLES A NEW JERSEY ORIGINAL– DELAWARE AMERICAN MOTORS launched its new bike, the DAM Original, on Independence Day, 2004.First public appearance of the new bike took place three weeks later, at the Carlisle Summer Bike Fest at Carlisle, Pennsylvania. The DAM line-up will make its appearance for the 2005 model year, with four different models – Original, Nitro, Black and Blue, and Silver Black. Distinction between the models will be in details such as frame geometry, engine displacement, suspension and paint schemes. The motorcycles will be offered with a range of parts and accessories as well as apparel. Delaware American Motors was created, and is owned, by Mark S Klein, son of Joe Klein, a long-time motorcycle racer of note. After qualifying as a motorcycle technician, Mark went on to build his own race bikes. This interest developed to the stage of owning and managing several race teams. By the early Nineties, he had opened a number of dealerships in New York City, where he was enfranchised with several major brands.To do this, the engineering was out-sourced, as was the assembly. This freed up the business to focus on product development, partnership alliances and customer support. Mark wanted to provide the quality touch of a hand-built custom bike as well as the style and attitude of American cruiser culture.These attributes were to be combined with high-performance suspension and brakes to provide superior ride and handling qualities.Focusing on the design and engineering of the new bikes, the company feels that it has achieved its aims. Pre-production orders are already being taken for year 2005 models.The DAM Original will be at Sturgis, but only for private viewing by journalists and potential customers during the August Sturgis Rally. Interested parties should contact Mark Klein directly at: DELAWARE AMERICAN MOTORS A DEVILISH PARTY–Lucky Devil’s “Polish Your Pipes” Bike Wash & Bar-B-Que.The fine folks at Lucky Devil Metal Works decided to have a party to celebrate their participation in the upcoming “Big Texas Chop-Off” taking place at the Fort Worth Speedway the weekend of September 17th through the 19th. Not having a massive advertising budget Kent and Holly, Lucky Devils proprietors decided to send out a couple of flyers attached to some e-mails, word of mouth and such and see what happened? You’ll see the party coverage and the girls right here on Bikernet, in the next couple of days. –RFR BIKERNET GOLF COURSE– Jack and his friends were playing golfone Saturday. As they are getting ready to teeoff, a guy walks up and asks if he can join them.The friends look at each other, look at theguy and say, ‘Sure.’ About two holes into the game,the friends get curious about what the guy does for a living. So they ask him. The stranger tells them he’sa hitman. They all laugh. The guy says, “No really,I am a hitman. My gun is in my golf bag. I carry it everywhere. You can take a look at it if you like.” So Jack decides to check it out. He opens the bag and, sure enough, there is a rifle with a huge scope attached. Jack gets all excited and says, “WOW! I betI can see my house through here! May I look?” The hit man replies, “Sure.” So Jack looks and says, “YEAH! You can see my house! I can even see throughthe windows into my bedroom. There’s my wife. Wait,there’s my next door neighbor! And he’s naked too!” This really upsets Jack so he asks how much it wouldbe for a hit. The hitman replies, “I get $1000 every time I pull the trigger.” Jack responds,”$1000? Well, OK, I want two hits. I want you toshoot my wife right in the mouth. She’s alwaysnagging at me and I can’t stand it. Second, I want you to shoot my neighbor in the penis, just forscrewing around with my wife.” The hit man agrees, gears up and looks through the scope.He’s looking for about five minutes until finally Jackstarts to get really impatient and asks, “What are youwaiting for?” The hitman replies, “Relax….. I’m about to save you athousand bucks!” –Kenny Samson HAMSTERS SPOTTED IN DEADWOOD–People complain that Hamsters are rich fucks, but many don’t realize that most Hamsters ride to Sturgis Annually. Here are a couple of shots of Harlan Schillinger a Hampster who I met at No 10 Bar in Deadwood. –Rogue THE BIKERNET RESEARCH LAB–A scientist from Texas A&M University has invented a bra thatkeeps women’s breasts from jiggling and prevents the nipplesfrom pushing through the fabric when cold weather sets in. At a news conference announcing the invention, a large groupof men took the scientist outside and kicked the shit out of him. –from Chris T. CHALK ONE UP FOR THE OLD GUYS– A white haired man walked into a jeweler’s shop late one Friday,with a beautiful young lady at his side. “I’m looking for a special ring for my girlfriend” he said. The jeweler looked through his stock, and took out a lovely ring priced at $5,000. “I don’t think you understand, I want something very unique” he said. At that, the jeweler went to get his special stock from the safe.”Here’s a stunning ring at just $40,000.” The girls’ eyes sparkled, and the man said that he would take it. “How are you paying,” asked the clerk? “I’ll pay by check, but of course you will want to make sure everything is in order at the bank, so I’ll write the check and you can phone the bank tomorrow. I’ll pick up the ring on Monday.” Monday morning a very teed-off jeweler phoned the man. ” You old fart, you lied… there’s no money in that account.” “I know, but can you imagine what a fantastic weekend I had? –from Sifu Continued On Page 2
To register by Mail: download http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep.html
–Mark Lacy & G.J. Reyna
*Drop Seat
*Radius back bone
*Radius down tube
*1 3/8 tubing
*6″ forward stretch
*1 ” up stretch
*Available in 42 or 47 degree neck rake
*Includes: 1″ axle, axle covers and fork stop kit
Martin Bros. Bikes
972-709-2552 Voice
972-709-2952 Fax
Totowa, New Jersey, USA
Tel: 973 981 8626
Fax: 973 872 7145