THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), andis sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, callus at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE or visit us on our website at <

NCOM comes to PORTLAND, October 22!Mark your calendars NOW! The West Coast REGIONAL CONFERENCE of the NationalCoalition of Motorcyclists ? NCOM ? is set for October 22nd, 10 am until 7pm,followed by a party, of course, the Freedom Fighter’s Social. The conference isat the Airport Sheraton Hotel, and it’s FREE to ALL bikers. Mention NCOM for thespecial room rate of $99.00 a night, single or double or however many you canload in.
AMONG THE ISSUES on the agenda is the new proposed Federal “Anti-Gang” act,along with the Patriot Acts, and the possible effects on BIKERS. Don’t miss it ?free, on Oct. 22.

NEW YORK, NY: The SEC Starts Inquiry Into Harley-Davidson according to theAssociated Press. Allegedly, Harley announced they intended to limit short-termproduction and decrease planned motorcycle shipments. On April 13,Harley-Davidson said it would increase motorcycle shipments from last year’s317,000 units to a target of 329,000 units, below original plans of 339,000units.
The company also lowered earnings forecasts for the year, citing weakfirst-quarter sales and a GLUT of 2005 bikes on dealer floors. In response,Harley shares plunged to their lowest price in more than 14 months. TheSecurities commission started inquiries because of complains from shareholders.Harley said it is cooperating with the SEC, and noted that in light of thepending shareholder litigation, it wasn’t surprised by the inquiry.

WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND: A Kiwi set the world SIDE-HACK speed record. NewZealander Glenn Hayward, driving a 1000cc machine dubbed the Flying Kiwi,shattered the 19-year-old world speed record for motorcycle and sidecar on astraight stretch of highway on New Zealand’s South Island. Riding with a 60kilogram (132-pound) weight in the sidecar, Hayward reached a two-run average of272 kph (170 mph), eclipsing the previous record of 222 kph (139 mph). Arepresentative of the International Motorcycling Federation observed the recordattempt, making it official. Y’wouldn’t find ME at half that speed with asidecar! Riding those things takes some special talent!

WASHINGTON, DC: Our unhappy dealings with Dr. Jeffrey Runge from NHTSA is endingwith his departure from that agency to become Chief Medical Officer for theDepartment of Homeland Security. Hopefully, his replacement at NHTSA will have amore open mind when it comes to the welfare of bikers on the highways. Runge hasbeen a headache for motorcyclists for the past four years. ‘Course, havin’ himinvolved in Homeland Security makes me kinda quiver too.

TACOMA, WASHINGTON: Thurston County residents who have to raise their voices tobe heard over the noise of a neighbor’s dirt bike or motorcycle now haverecourse. A county ordinance makes motorized vehicle noise illegal when itreaches 55 decibels on a neighbor’s property — about the same level as aconversation. The ordinance covers ALL noise not just ORV (dirt bikes). The boomboxes in cars and carried on teen shoulders are part of it. Now THAT we can livewithout, but just the vehicle’s OWN noise is a little different. Folks, havesome kindness on your throttle and we can avoid more laws like this one!

GAS PRICES AT NEW RECORD: This isn’t really news, but the national averages havegone crazy. Most of us SAVE bigtime on fuel when we’re on our scoots, but itstill STINGS worse and worse.
The real problem in my mind is the impact fuel costs have on the prices we payfor consumer goods. It’s way past time for us all to be writing letters andsending E-mails to our elected officials in the Federal government. The peoplecan stop this if we get mad enough to scream at Congress.
The high cost ofliving is raising hell with us all, especially those on fixed incomes. Let’s allget busy and write a letter or two.

DIESEL BIKE: There has been research for years on diesel aircraft engines. Whynot diesel engines for motorcycles? Seems like a no-brainer to me. Motorcycleshave been evolving for nearly a century. There is even electric technology.
Think about it, you would never have fouled plugs and you could still have thoseloud pipes some folks like so much, plus the advantage of even BETTER fueleconomy. Diesel fumes stink a little but what the hey! People will know we werethere because their noses know! Emissions are LOWER than gas engines, too.

MEDICAL MALPRACTICE: There is a big fight brewing here in the Pacific Northwest,in Washington, over a BALLOT MEASURE designed to LIMIT your access to the courtsthere!
There are enough mistakes made in the medical profession that a watchfuleye is required to FIX the PROBLEM, instead of screwing the legitimately injuredpatients.
To combat lawsuits by those patients INJURED by medical negligence,the Washington State Medical Association now has more than $3.6 million in thebank and $5.3 million pledged – all directed at taking away our right to our dayin court, IGNORING the needs of people injured by medical negligence, andprotecting insurance industry profits at OUR expense.
The people who supportthis fund: Hospitals $1.8 million, Pharmaceuticals $100,000, Insurance Industry$830,000, Med.l professionals and practices $1.7 million, WA medicalassociation. $733,000, and THIS just in Washington State.
We need to protect patients who are injured by the handful of bad doctorseverywhere who cause most of the malpractice. We need also to protect our manygood doctors from price gouging by the insurance industry.
WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMAN AND SCREAM BLOODY MURDER wherever you are. Remember totell them that TORT DEFORM is bad for EVERYONE! This stuff is nasty.

STATELINE, ID: Remember the recent kidnapping of Shasta Groeneg and the murderof her family? Bet you didn’t see it on TV, but BIKERS played a big role. Morethan 500 Harley-Davidson and other motorcycle riders came to empty their pocketson behalf of the biker’s daughter who survived the horrific abduction,
The sixhour benefit drew more than a 1000 people who donated cash at the front door ofCruiser’s Bar & Grill, a biker hangout in this town just east of the Washingtonstate line. Total receipts were not announced.
“You say bikers and people thinkof gangs, but these people are the best people in the world,” Groene said.”These people step up for anything and everything.” And you and I know it, don’t we?

THE GUNNY AGAIN: Remember, when bikers need help they are served by the bestgroup of folks on the face of this planet. Our AIM (Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists) attorneys are there for US when we need them the most, becausethey ARE us ? they ride, they KNOW what we face out there on the roads, and theylook out for our interests. Ask anyone who’s been hurt and someone else was atfault, what their AIM attorney did for them!
You DON’T hear the same sorts oflawyer stories MOST clients tell. These AIM guys really care about our welfare.Call 1-800-ON-A-BIKE, or 1-800-531-2424, or here in Oregon Sam Hochberg isalways available at 1-800-347-1106 toll free, or email at
Your Gunny is
Keep the round side on the bottom.Gunny, Oregon AIM Chief of Staff