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HER BIRTHDAY–I’m so glad that this is my last damn child support payment.Month after month, year after year, those damn payments!So I called my baby girl to come over to my house,and when she got there, I said to her, “Baby girl, I want you to take thislast check over to your mothers house and tell her that this is the lastdamn check she’s ever going to get from me, and I want you tell me theexpression on her face.”
So my baby girl took the check over to her.I was so anxious to hear what the bitch had to say and what shelooked like.As my baby girl walked through the door, I said, “Now what did shehave to say?”
“She told me to tell you that you ain’t my daddy…”
–from Rev CarlR

PROTOTYPE BDL BELT COVER–Here is a prototype of our new, to come out, board support for our 3-inch 8mm drives. It can be retro fitted to all exsisting kits and will be available on new kits as an option.
What do you think?

PENNSYLVANIA TROOPER ARE RUNNING CAMOUFLAGE RADAR TRUCKS–Troopers using PennDOT trucks for radar camouflageState police are hiding radar in state highway work trucks in a campaign against speeding in construction work zones, according to The Associated Press.
In south-central Pennsylvania, troopers used Pennsylvania Department of Transportation vehicles to conduct Operation Chameleon/Nightcrawler. Trooper Kristal Turner-Childs told the news service the operation netted more than 175 speeding tickets in its first two days.
The news report indicated the operation began July 28 on Interstate 83, near Harrisburg, PA, using double-cab yellow pickups, dump trucks and foreman’s vehicles.

DAVIE ALLEN ROCKS ON WITH–New Forum (please join):
Upcoming shows:
Thursday, August 28th
CD Release Party For “Restless In L.A.”
The Bigfoot Lodge
3172 Los Feliz Blvd.
(323) 662-9227
Friday, September 26th
CD Release Party #2
for “Restless In L.A.”
Knitting Factory
7021 Hollywood Blvd. LA, CA
(323) 463-0204
8:00 p.m.
BIKERNET EMISSIONS LAWS STUDY–Bandit, you’re almost on the mark. The MIC, along with Harley, support the EPA standards because it will boost their market share by hindering or eliminating the small business manufacturers and the aftermarket competition.
The MRF and NCOM have opposed the EPA regs from the start as being unnecessary and overly restrictive. The AMA, with all its manufacturing support, is waiting in the wings, and have actually opposed efforts by the MRF.
The ONE person who could resolve all of this is the President, who could easily tell the EPA to back off. I’ve been after Sputnik to contact him and see what he can do, but so far I haven’t heard any results. In my mind, bikers can easily claim to have put him in office, especially with the numbers in Florida where the election was won.
–Later, BILL

BIKERNET MOTORCYCLE DEALER SHOW INVESTIGATION–Dealer show competition has reached sizzling heights. Years ago there was one dealer show in Cincy. It waxed and waned, then grew until it couldn’t fit in the Cinncinati facility. They moved to Indianapolis. Custom Chrome started their own show in Morgan Hill. Then Easyriders started a show devoted only to the Harley market. It’s been another Cincy success, but now the group wants to crush it. They have finally started to treat their customers with respect and alter the show to fit the needs of the changing industry. In addition Advanstar have launched an additional show in Vegas. All of these elements with crush your calendar during the same time period. Here’s a quote from Robin Bradley’s European based American Dealer mag:
However in the real world of tight budgets and lack of time, just like many firms, we have to take a hard look at how we are to embrace the show, coming as it does the weekend before the EasyridersV-Twin Expo in Cincinnati. In our case it is likely to mean that at least some if not all of our team will be away from our office in Great Britain and living out of suitcases on the road in U.S. hotels of one kind or another for some four and a half weeks, and doing so just two weeks before Daytona Bike Week. Therefore, for us, the costs of doing so will have to be absorbed by having smaller booths than we’d like. But that’s okay, I don’t mind that, if it does at least mean that we can therefore at least participate at all three dealer shows.
However, in the interest of editorial integrity I have to report that the market reaction we have received has not been favourable; there’s no way to dress it up. Advanstar have set themselves the worthy objective of booking some 200 exhibitors for Big Twin West, but I regret to have to report that at the time of going to press only two out of the 20 or so written opinions, and a further 15 or so verbal views that we have received indicate a booth booking to be had; and this informal canvas has included a wide cross section of potential candidates, including some big names whose support would normally be considered vital not just to the exhibitor critical mass of a show but also to the industry effort of getting dealers informed and motivated to visit.
Reporting this news gives me no pleasure. As I said above I intend to exhibit come what may, and hope the show is a success. I await the call I’ll be getting from certain parties when this article appears with some trepidation; but not with the shame I’d have if I was someone who would duck difficult news and fail to meet his responsibilities to report it as I find it– Robin Bradley, Publisher.
It’s too bad they all don’t move to Vegas. That would be cool for the entire industry.

(Exit Raging Waters / Via Verde Drive off the 57 between the 10 and 210)
Ford Harley-Davidson F-Series Rally & Exhibit. Food Fair & Beverage Bars, Premium Wine Garden And more!
Continued On Page 4