Continued From Page 1

SPEAKING OF STURGIS–THE DEAL OF THE WEEK–Is a 1982 unmolested Sturgis. Low miles -Mikuni & Crane Cam -Sweet bike.Extra black ya’all.Asking $8800.
The Horse BC

BIKERNET TATTOO OF THE WEEK—Hey wait a minute! That girl?s wearing a pink thong from Joker Machine Apparel! Damn, not only does she have good taste in tats, she also knows what hot in fashion.
Check out Jokers new line of apparel and you?re sure to find something that will make you as tasteful as her!

BIKERNET WARTIME ADVICE–An elderly Italian man named Vince, asked the local priest to hear hisconfession:”Father, during World War II, a beautiful woman knocked on my door and askedme to hide her from the Germans.I hid her in my attic.”
The priest replied, “That was a wonderful thing you did and you have no needto confess.”
“It’s worse, Father. I was weak and told her that she must repay me withher sexual favors.”
“You were both in great danger and would have suffered terribly if theGermans had found her. God, in his wisdom and mercy, will balance the goodand evil and judge you kindly. You are forgiven.”
“Thank you, Father. That’s a great load off my mind. I just have one morequestion.”
“And what is that, my son?” asked the priest.
The old man replied, “Should I tell her that the war is over?”
BIKERNET BECOMES CHROME SPECIALTIES DEALER–If you don’t have a dealer nearby you can purchase anything from the CSI catalog directly through Bikernet with a credit card. If you need advice or for us to chase down your order just e-mail me at we can be of service don’t hesitate or click on any of the CSI banners around the site.

Click here to start shopping
OLD MAIDS NEED LOVIN’ TOO–An old maid was held up in a dark alley. She explained she had no money, but the robber insisted that it must be in her bra, or in her panties and started feeling around.
“I told you I haven’t got any money,” the spinster said, “but if youkeep doing that, I’ll write you a check.”
BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDSDid you know that you could buy and sell on Bikernet? Well you can, along with trying to find that special someone. Our classifieds are free so you should check it out. You’ll never know what you might find in there.
Looking for Woman at Spoke who…
Looking for the woman at the Spoke in Sturgis who was massaging my chest(and nipples)so nicely….
IN SEARCH OF HOME MADE HELMET–I’m looking for some info and maybe you’ll remember this……. A few years back I remember Easyrider Magazine had an article on a homemade helmet that would pass FVMS-218 specs.The helmet was made from a bucket or something.
Does anyone out therehave a link to the instructions on this? The Confederation of Clubs herehas asked me to see if I can find this info. Not positive what they areup to with it, but I have a good guess, and I’d like to see them try.
Any info would be appreciated.

LOOKING FOR SMALL TIME BUILDERS–killer site!! How about a little more coverage on the small time builders!!
Well .. thoughT you guys might think this was funny and post it on yourweekly news!! keep up the good work!!
There’s home built bikes like Robs, and our own constantly makin’ the news.
FOUR SECRETS TO PERFECT RELATIONSHIPS– 1. It is important to find a woman WHO cooks and cleans.
2. It is important to find a woman that makes good money.
3. It is important to find a woman who likes to have sex.
4. It is important that these three women never meet
–from Ray
WHAT HAPPENED TO THE GOOD FIST FIGHT–Charlotte Observer,Aug. 13, 2002.
Iron Station, NC- A man shot Saturday night by his brother in a dispute over whose motorcycle is faster, was listed in stable condition Monday.Curtis Wilson, 35, was shot once in the chest by his brother Donald Wilson, 29, said Det. Lee Keller of the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office. Curtis has declined to press charges against his brother, Keller said. No other charges have been filed.
“Basically, what it is, is they’re out there, being men, shooting off at the mouth, saying my bike is better than yours,” Keller said. “With the alcohol involved, the male testosterone got out of hand.”
–from Crazyhorse

Customs dogs on duty.
BRITISH TOURISTS PISSED OFF– LONDON – British tourists returning from Florida are expressing outrage over an American airport security scanner that shows the naked bodies of travelers as clearly as a life drawing.
The machine is on trial at Orlando Airport in Florida as part of tighter security across the United States after September 11. A total of 600,000 British tourists will have used the airport during the summer holidays.
Passengers are offered the option of passing through the Rapiscan Secure 1000 to save time in boarding their homebound aircraft. Although they believe that security staff will see only a relatively hazy outline of their bodies, pictures released on an American cable television channel show that the images are far more explicit.
Footage obtained by MSNBC show the front and rear views of a man who had been through the scanner. He was naked except for a thin belt at his waist, with his genitalia and buttocks clearly defined.
–from Rogue
MOTORCYCLE ESCORT REQUESTED– I am passing along a request I have received from ABATE of Georgia. If you’re an officer in your State’s MRO and your MRO is supporting a candidate for Governor in the upcoming November election, Dixie Rider wants to help. Send us a note and we’ll help spread the word!I know your vote counts. Do you?
–Scott Cochran, EditorDixie Rider Motorcycle News
We have received a request from the Sonny Perdue campaign for a motorcycleescort this Saturday, August 17, 2002. Sonny will be riding in an RV, andwill have along press from the AJC as well as the Associated Press. Pleasefind below the directions and route and stops. Even if you can’t ride allday, you can go from one stop to another, and if you can’t ride, you canshow up at any of the stops along the way. Sonny will appreciate any andall support on this. Let’s make a great showing!
Kim Adams
Office Manager
ABATE of Georgia Inc.

1928 SHOVELHEAD GOES TO PAINT–We’ve been working on this project with Rick Fairless and his Dallas Easyriders Bike shop for several years. You’ll see as the bike makes the final steps towards completion.
BIG RED MACHINES LIVE ON–Since my arrest in 1999, some of you have asked what’s happening with Big Red Machine Motorcycles. As you will see when you read this article, O.C. has continued building the company, and has teamed up with Panzer of Colorado to manufacture a fine motorcycle. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the Big Red Machine Motorcycle Company, I’ll give you a little history on it.
The Orange County Hells Angels founded the Big Red Machine Motorcycle Company in early 1998. We already sold a line of Big Red Machine support products prior to 1998 that included t-shirts, hats, run pins, and H.A. calendars. We wanted to expand our business into motorcycles, but we needed to build manufactured motorcycles (with E.P.A. and C.A.R.B. certifications), not custom built motorcycles. By going this route our motorcycles are easily financed and insured. Manufactured bikes also hold higher resale values, versus custom-built motorcycles. These motorcycles are of a superior fit and finish, using only the highest quality parts available.
The standard rigid frame B.R.M. has a 113-inch S&S motor linked to a state of the art 6-speed transmission. With 110 horsepower and 115 ft. lbs. of torque, these beasts haul ass.To hook-up all this power to the pavement, each bike is equipped with a mean 8-1/2-inch wide, 18-inch billet rear wheel, covered with a 240/50-18-inch Metzler tire.The front wheel is a 60 spoke-21-inch, skinned with a Metzler 90/90 tire, also.Up front an inverted Spyke Front End connects the wheel to the frame.The Kraft Tech Wide-Drive Frame has a nice fat fender hugging the rear wheel.With 4.2 gallons of gas in the one-piece gas tank, you’ll be putting down a lot of miles between gas stations, no problem.Every B.R.M. is painted bright red with the B.R.M. logo on the gas tank. These bikes really stand out in a crowd.
For more information on B.R.M. motorcycles call Erik at; 909-223-6345.To see?the Big Red Machine Motorcycle and download the brochure?follow this link?? –Rusty HAMC-BHC GRANDMASTER COMES TO BANDIT’S DOJO–From time to time the IMB Academy takes pride in presenting prominent, internationally known martial artists from around the globe to share, teach, and demonstrate their martial art skills to us. We are proud to announce that on Sept. 21, from 9 AM to 4 PM, the legendary Cacoy Canete of Cebu, Philippines will be conducting a six (6) hour hands-on workshop at the IMB Academy. ?The 83-year-old Grandmaster’s list of achievements would be far too numerous to list, so here are just a few: ?? o Eskrima training since age 7 under older brother “Momoy” ?? This seminar will cover hands-on training on the advance Doce Pares olisi (rattan), forms for exercise, and short rattan (dagger) for self-defense. ?Bring your gym clothes, eskrima equipment and learn from a living legend for self-defense and martial arts’ sport. ?No Video, tape recording, and no spectors Sept. 21, Saturday, 9am to 4pm, 6 hrs @ $85.00$75.00/before 9/20, $65.00/Before 8/30/02,please make money order or cashier checks out to Ciriaco Canete THE WOMAN’S HUSBAND–? A woman’s husband had been slipping in and out of a coma for severalmonths, yet she had stayed by his bedside every single day. One day, when he came to, he motioned for her to come nearer.As she sat by him, he whispered, eyes full of tears, “You know what? Youhave been with me all through the bad times. When I got fired, you werethere to support me.When my business failed, you were there. When I got shot, you were by myside. When we lost the house, you stayed right here. When my health startedfailing, you were still by my side…You know what?’ “What dear?” she gently asked, smiling as her heart began to fill withwarmth. “I think you’re bad luck, why don’t you fuck off.” END OF SUMMER CANTINA DEAL–Join the cantina in the month of August and get the babes, the games, the soap opera and the books for a year for only $15.00. That’s like 1.25 a month. You can’t beat it and you’re supporting the content growth of Oh, and one more thing. Check the Digital Discovery area of the Cantina and find the entire brochure for the H-D sidecar mentioned above. If you are the first to tell me the year of the bike on the brochure, we’ll send you a signed copy of Sam Chopper Orwell. Enjoy. WOMEN BEHIND THE WHEEL– A 27-year-old French woman lost control of her car on a highway nearMarseilles and crashed into a tree, seriously injuring her passenger andkilling herself. As a commonplace road accident, this would not havequalified for a Darwin nomination, were it not for the fact that thedriver’s attention had been distracted by her Tamagotchi key ring, which hadstarted urgently beeping for food as she drove along. In an attempt to pressthe correct buttons to save the Tamagotchi’s life, the woman lost her own. THE NEWS IS TOAST–Life is a whirlwind as long as your sticking your neck out. The risk is that you’re noggin’ gets caught in a sling from time to time. On the otherhand you don’t find new opportunities hiding behind a desk. You don’t find a new girl watchin’ TV every night. So what the hell am I saying? I don’t know, except that there’s never a dull moment around here. With Sturgis behind us, it’s time to relax for 15 minutes, then head to the garage to turn a wrench on the Amazing Shrunken FXR.Ride Forever–Bandit.
o Amateur boxer, Cebu City 1937/39 ??
o Wrestler, Philippine National Wrestling Association 1957 ??
o Black Belts: Shorin Karate 1969, Aikido 1984, Kodokan 1985 ??
o Presidential Champion Trophy, 1st National Masters Open, 3/24/79 ??
o Champion, 1st National Arnis Invitational, August 19, 1979 ??
o Ret. Lieutenant, Military Police, Philippine Army ??
o Ret. Captain, Reserve Armed Forces of the Philippines ??
o Cebu Sports Hall of Fame inductee, Philippines 1997 ??
o Black Belt Hall of Fame inductee, Best Weapon Instructor 1999 ??
o Filipino Martial Arts Hall of Fame inductee, Life Time Achievement 2002