Watch next week for a complete report on the 2001 Sturgis saga. It will be packed with surprises from women from California to Wyoming. There’s also surprising news from the Buell front.
If we have any more astonishments, we won’t know what to make of them, or her. Let’s get to the news:
CHECK OUT OLDCOOTSONSCOOTS.COM–Then go to Aug. 9. My ole buddy Montana Red’s shop is in some of the pictures. He has a Flathead Hog. These were some of his customers from Hawaii passing through on the way to Sturgis. He told me the things with the horns are Elk, not deer. You see, I’m a flatander.Later, Paul

EUROPEAN MONSTER WIDE TIRE KITS–We are doing good in Old Europe, hope the same for you.Sent you pictures from the kit and from a complete bike.The kit is made to use Performance Machine wheels and brakes. We suggest ordering the wheels and brakes direct from PM. (It makes no sense to ship themto Europe and back).We will serve every buyer with correct PM and Ness part numbers in the U.S.
The rear fender is sold separatly and works on TC and Evo stock frames.In Europe we sell a Deluxkit with everything included.
If someone likes to have other wheels, such as Speed Point, (we can alsodeliver) small modifications on the axle spacers have to be done.Otherwise it really is a bolt-on kit. (sounds great!)
Suggested retail price for the TC base kit is $2,690.-
for the Evo base kit $1,490.-
for the Rearfender Evo or TC $999.-
The TC kit is approximately 16 hours work on a bike and it comes with a detailedinstruction manual.THE KITS ARE IN STOCK NOW!
Dealers are welcome.We are working now on a complete Driveside kit for Stockframes TC. It will again be bolt-on.Tow pics are from this kit. It will be available in December 2001 and willonly work with PM Driveside wheels, brakes and pulley.If you have any questions, please contact me at chris@parts-world.ch
CHILLICOTHE RODEO TIME–It’s Easy-Chillicothe Rodeo time again. I know. I try to talk you into coming every year.Myself and several others would also like to thank you for the booze last year.
You are saying duh? Let me explain.Sunday night, as the rodeo was winding down, some good old boys and girls and I were winding down in style, and ran out of booze.
I remembered that I had a fresh bottle of Black Jack in the tent that I had brought on the chance that you would make it. So I said, “I have another bottle in the tent that doesn’t exactly belong to me, but I think the owner won’t mind.”
“Who does it belong to?” someone asked.
“Bandit Ball,” I replied.
“Is he here?”
“I don’t think so, or maybe I just haven’t found him, but in any case, I don’t think he’ll mind if we drink it.”
All I can say is, your reputation and booze preceded you last year.So if you run into someone who thanks you for getting them drunk in Ohio, just smile and say “No problem.”
If you make it this year, look for a 24-foot camper with a blacked-out, older Lowrider parked near by in the Bros Club camping area.
Keep the shiny side up!

FLAMED PIPES ALERT– I was up at the Saratoga Race Track in N.Y,, loosing my ass as usual.I left in disgust after the seventh race. Parked next to me in the lot wasa Road King with the sweetest set of pipes I’ve ever seen. I hung aroundtill after the ninth race to find out where the guy scored them. When theguy showed up, he told me he makes them himself, by hand, in his garage. Ijust had to have a set, so I followed him back to his shop. When we gotthere he unveiled a bevy of beauties. Not only the chromed flamedexhaust set that dazzeled me for my Road King, but Louie Louieflamepipes that spin when you rev the engine! He makes pipes and endcaps for whatever vehicle, bike or car you can name. Even pipesfor Limeys and Jappers, and damn reasonably priced compared to factoryaftermarket pipes.
He just got his Web site up and running, so if you’re looking for thatperfect finishing touch for that flame job chopper or just want tomake your ride shine a little bit brighter, check ’em out atwww.flamepipes.com. And tell ’em Teddy Bear sent you.
STEVE HUFF RACE REPORT–Steve Huff and the Huff Motorsports team take the win at the AHDRA Thunder in the Valley Nationals in Bristol Tenn. The Pro Dragster was running perfectly and the track was in great shape, which allowed our team to win each round of competition in the 16-bike Pro Dragster class and take the win. The bike was running 7.6s at over 178 mph. This win puts our team in a close battle for the national No. 1 points championship. Other great achievements were made on the new Top Fuel bike also. We qualified No. 8 out of 22 bikes with a 7.1 at over 199 mph, and we won round one of competition with our first 6-second pass, a 6.94, before losing in the quarter-finals to Mark Cox.
I owe so much to Jim and Phyllis McClure. They made the trip to Bristol to help me, and boy did they. Thanks again Jim and Phyllis, I had the best weekend of my career. For complete results, click on this link: –Steve Huff, Huff Motorsports JON ANDRES DOWNED–On a sad note,?a?Pro Fuel (No. 77) and Top Fuel?rider and competitor, Jon Andres from JARZ Performance of Abbotsford, B.C., lost his life Saturday during a qualifying pass in Spokane, Wash., at the AHRA Finals. Jon was a friend of ours and a great, talented guy. I can’t begin to say enough good things about him. There are trust funds to contribute to in the States and Canada to help his family.?Jon will be missed by all. We send our condolences to his family and friends. God bless, you will be missed. Steve Huff Brenda Fox, Star of Bikernet Billboard and MC at LA Calendar Bike show. BIKERNET BILLBOARD REPORT–Please tell Brenda that she got all the attention you had hoped for inputting up that billboard. You would have been amazed at the number ofbikes stopping in front of the billboard to take a picture of it….yep, metoo! Brenda, you are one hottie, lady!Please let me know when the pics are available. Forget postcards, posters,posters! Autographed posters! –Brian, Postcard of Brenda on Blue Flame (which is for sale) will be available shortly. INTERESTING QUOTES– “If you can’t beat them, arrange to have them beaten.” ………….. George Carlin “When I die, I want to die like my grandmother, who died peacefully in her sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in her car.” ……. Author Unknown “If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant’s life, she will choose to save the infant’s life without even considering if there is a man on base.” ……….Dave Barry HAWGSBREATH PRODUCT LAUNCH– I have a product that I designed last yearm called Hawgsbreath High Performance Breather Vents. They are similar to the Doherty Power Vents but much better. I work at GIANTC in Denver. We sell the Doherty Power Vents but everyone who buys them calls back and says, “What am I supposed to do with these ugly hoses hanging in front of my engine? So after years of hearing this, I designed and patented my own breather vents. My vents are much nicer looking and they have a removable filter to catch the oil mist. I have a Web site, but it needs work. It is www.hawgsbreath.com. I also have an air intake system that is not yet pictured on the Web site. If you give me your e-mail, I can send a picture to you. Most of the bike shops in Denver sell my stuff but I cannot afford to advertise ationally. Maybe if you review my stuff, people will see it. GET WELL GIFT– really had your “get well” gift ready whipped and everything; even acherry in the right spot. But she looked so good, I ate her myself.What the fuck, you’re too broke up to DO her anyway. (At least I wasthinkin ’bout ya.) Everybody wants to know, did they let you keep the meatand when’s the BBQ? You know, roadkill is a big part of our diet out in thehills. Hope ya get back on that iron pile and in shape soon. –Wino Joe Yer stealing my women and you want me to invite you to the barbeque? Fat chance–Bandit. DEER WARNING–glad to see you survived the deer killing to tell another tale of riding and living on the edge. In July of ’98, one of my bros hit a fucking deer while on my FXR. He fucked up his left leg and knee pretty badly, but he was lucky. He was jamming over 80 mph, leading a pack of brothers. He didn’t go down and was able to stop the bike and put the kick stand down by hand. Anyway, good luck in your recovery bro, and good luck repairing the Buell. –L&R BIG JOHN WFFW KITTEN AND THE PREACHER– The kitten: Whoever said the Creator doesn’t have a sense of humor? Dwight Nelson recently told a true story about the pastor ofhis church. He had a kitten that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to come down. The pastor coaxed, offered warm milk,etc. The kitty would not come down. The tree was not sturdy enough toclimb, so the pastor decided that if he tied a rope to his car and drove away sothat the tree bent down, he could then reach up and take down the kitten. He did all this, checking his progress in the car frequently, thenfigured if he went just a little bit further, the tree would bendsufficiently for him to reach the kitten. But as he moved a little further forward,the rope broke. The tree went boing! And the kitten sailed through the air, out of sight. The pastorfelt terrible. He walked all over the neighborhood asking people if they’dseen a little kitten. No. Nobody had seen a stray kitten. So he prayed,”Lord, I just committed this kitten to your keeping,” and went on about hisbusiness. A few days later he was at the grocery store, and met one of his church members. He happened to look into her shopping cart andwas amazed to see cat food. Now this woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it,so he asked her, “Why are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?” She replied, “You won’t believe this,” and told him how her little girl had been begging her for a cat, but she kept refusing.She told her little girl, “Well if God gives you a cat, I’ll let you keep it.” She told the pastor, “I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her knees, and ask God for a cat. And really, pastor, youwon’t believe this, but I saw it with my own eyes. A kitten suddenly cameflying out of the blue sky, with its paws outspread, and landed right infront of her.” Never underestimate the power of God! I’M AFRAID THE DEER WON–BanditThis wouldn’t have happened if you’d listened to me and put on the brushguard like I told you to. -JS LITTLE KNOWN FACTS–Did you know that it costs $40,000 a year to house eachprisoner? Geez, for $40,000 a piece, I’ll take a fewprisoners into my house. I live in Los Angeles. I already have bars on thewindows. I don’t think we should give free room and board to criminals. Ithinkthey should have to run 12 hours a day on a treadmill and generateelectricity. And if they don’t want to run they can rest in the chairthat’s hooked up to the generator. RUMOR HAS IT THAT BANDIT IS STILL ALIVE–Glad you are still alive! Great to read your prose after the fact. Sounds like you are back to your old self.Please keep the rubber side down in the future and damn it, consider a full face helmet. Your brain is your greatest asset, despite what the ladies tell you. And you already said you don’t care what others think about you or what you are riding, otherwise you wouldn’t have been on the Buell. Brother Bandit, you have no idea how relieved I am that you are alright. –Anson P.S. Attached is a photo of my son, Eric, with his big catch this weekend. If you ever need some time away from San Pedro to chill out, come on over and we will be happy toput you up and whip some New Orleans hospitality on ya. Continued on Page 2
Pro Drag 10 – AHDRA
Photos?from Helen Wolfe
Houston, Texas