August 20, 2009 Part 2


Continued From Page 1


BOOK OF THE WEEK FROM WOLFGANG STAFF,Advanced Custom Motorcycle Wiring #4-3056Author: Jeff Zielinski–The one job that even the best mechanics avoid is wiring. Those worries are now over with the introduction of Motorcycle Wiring from Wolfgang Publications. Part of the Custom Builder Series, this new book uses chapters one and two to cover the basics of DC electricity; as well as batteries, starters and alternators. The next chapter provides detailed schematics and repair information on the factory wiring harness used before and after 1994.

Jeff Zielinski, owner of Namz Custom Cycle Products and designer of all their wiring harness kits, is the author of Motorcycle Wiring. In the custom bike industry, Jeff is the go-to guy for neat and functional wiring harnesses and the components needed to make a harness work in a unique situation.

Jeff uses over half the book to describe the various harness options available to a person building a custom bike. Is it better to build a harness from scratch or install a ready-made harness kit? And which kit is best for a particular situation? What?s the easiest way to install the harness and route all those wires inside the top tube and the handle bars? These questions and many more are answered in this new Motorcycle Wiring book.

This entirely new Wiring book uses 144 pages and over 300 color photos and diagrams to illustrate all the latest products, the basic circuits, simple and complex wiring schematics, and a complete start-to-finish custom wiring installation.

Available from Wolfgang Publications, order by mail at PO Box 223, Stillwater, MN. By phone at 651-275-0194, or on the web at, priced at $27.95 + $5.50 S&H.

Advanced Custom Motorcycle Wiring #4-3056
Author: Jeff Zielinski–
ISBN: 1-929133-41-3
ISBN -13: 978-1-929133-41-3


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Broken Spoke Saloon Surpass Attendance Records In Sturgis!– Jay Allen and his Broken Spoke Saloon crew worked all year long to make this year Sturgis the best places for riders to experience in Sturgis. Well folks, the numbers are in and they are overwhelming, new attendance records were set at the Original Broke Spoke Saloon on Lazelle Street and the extended version, The Broken Spoke Campground on the County Line.

The maiden Broken Spoke Saloon housed a display of the Next Generation and Beyond Builders Motorcycles and the spectators received one on one time with Brian Elliott of Black Sunshine Customs featured his Goldy Locks motorcycle that is featured in the September issue of Cycle Source, Rod Davis of Stripped Down Cycles and his bike that took the trophy at a recent Horse Magazine Chop-off contest and Scott Williams of Williams Originals, whose Lil Sling Shot build won a recent Limpnickie Lot award during the Easyrider Bike Show Tour. Business was non-stop for this Sturgis landmark!


From all accounts, the Broken Spoke Campground on the County Line became it?s own little town. Partygoers and campers could experience the Biggest Drive- In Biker Bar, the Limpnickie Lot, The Good Ol? Days Racetrack, Vendors Village and The American Motor Dome. This year was very special as the Moving Wall was on site for the spectators to experience. ?I truly believe it brought The Broken Spoke great karma,? stated Jay. ? If you needed a place to kick back and cool down, we had that available for you. It?s known as the Biggest Biker Pool and you could get a cold one served to you by the hottest bikini clad Spoke Girls.?


The week was filled with great times, two of them being the Sugarbear and Michael Litcher Ride and the opening of the Legends Gallery. Well over 300 people attended the ride that ended at an amazing 30,000-acre ranch where everybody, including Sugarbear, handled the ropes to barrel racing with their own scoots. The night was capped off by the amazing standing room only opening of the Legends Gallery, which contained some Famous Motorcycles, the awesome photography from Colleen Swartz and Speed King?s Jeff Cochran. You could also lay your eyes on some jaw-dropping paintings from the master artists David Uhl and John Guillemette.

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The weeklong rally had endless events and concerts that kept the party going and a special pool party was given to the first 500 campers that booked thru the website. There are already plans being laid out for more action in 2010, watch for upcoming details. For more details, go to


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NEW LOW BUCK PROJECT FROM STREET WALKER– Attached are a few pics of a low budget bike I’m building myself. I’ve had the stock bike sitting around for years, cool motor, always liked 750 Honda motors, the rest of the stock bike just didn’t get it. There are no cool parts sitting around for these, so I had to make just about everything, frame, front end, tank, bars, forwards, exhaust, you name it.

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I’ve seen some pretty cool 750 ‘s done over the years but most of them just don’t have the “right” look. I’m hoping this one does and I ‘m just finishing up the fab on the last few brackets and tabs and I’m ready to tear it down for paint. Money has been tight this year and there hasn’t been enough to go around and still build what I’d really like to build. I did the next best thing and took what I had and went with it. I think it will look pretty good when it’s all done.

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I thought is was coming along pretty cool while I was building it but since it wasn’t an American V-Twin I guess I assumed that it wouldn’t get a second look from a lot of guys and I figured I’d better get used to rice jokes because it would probably would draw its share.

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When you’re building something like this from the ground up and it’s coming along the way you’d envisioned it it’s only second nature to start feel pretty jazzed about the project. I had to remind myself countless times during fabrication that as much as I liked the bike, because of its pedigree a lot of people might not. It really presented a different set of challenges over a traditional V-Twin build and maybe because everything had to fabbed from scratch and it was really different from what I’ve gotten used to, it was refreshing and I had a fun building it.

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I’m looking forward to riding it, the bike is so light to move around the shop, it feels like one of my dirt bikes. I’m leaving the motor stock for now until I ride it for awhile to see if it’s got enough juice or if it needs some more. When I paint it I think I’m going to paint the name on the side of the tank in spun silver leaf, I’m gonna call it Hon-dah Davie-San.


The Bikernet staff assigned Wacko, the Bikernet Metric Editor, to produce a build tech on Terry’s project, and ultimately a bike feature. Hang on.–Wrench


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NEW ORLEANS BIKE FEST COMING– Did you know that some crazy people actually do wheelies on Harley Road Kings? Check it out on the New Orleans Bikefest TV commercial on the LA Rider show. You can see it in Lafayette, Cox Channel Four at 8:00 PM Thursday and 4:00 PM Sunday. In Baton Rouge Cox Channel Four at 8:00 PM Thursday and 4:00 PM Sunday. In New Orleans and surrounding areas WPXL TV, Channel 49 at 10:30 PM Thursday. In Ascension Parish on Eatel Fibre Four Monday-Sunday at 9:30 AM and 7:30 PM.

We?ll be at the KAMP for Bike Night this coming Wednesday, Aug 20th, for anyone that would like to preregister or just come by and say hello. Remember to pre-register by September, 30, 2009 to receive your free New Orleans Bikefest T-shirt.

Please see for the schedule and other info.

Live Free and Ride!!
–Barry Lee
Live Free Promotions, LLC
650 Poydras Street, STE 1200
New Orleans, LA 70130
(504) 274-0226

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HARDCORE WATCHES OF THE WEEK–Awesome and affordable watch design styles from the Wicked Watch line. Designed by luxury timepiece designer, Steve Soffa, these watches portray some of Hardcore Watches best selling designs at an affordable price!

You can find these watches available for individual sale on the Hardcore Watches website: and click on “Wicked Watches”. Ground shipping is FREE!


The Wicked Master Skull is crafted in silver artwork on a black dial and is produced in an alloy silver casing with an alloy chain bracelet. The chain is finished in flash plating and is packaged in a collector’s tin. $149


The Wicked Joker is crafted in multiple colors on a white dial and produced in an alloy silver casing with an alloy chain bracelet. The chain is finished in flash plating and is packaged in a collector’s tin. $149


Wicked Combo Skulls Watch: Wicked Combination Skulls is crafted in a medallion dial with abalone colors on a silver dial and produced in an alloy silver casing with a leatherette strap. The case is finished in flash plating and packaged in a collector’s tin. . $129


The Wicked Skull is crafted in a medallion dial with a black background and produced in an alloy silver casing with a leatherette strap. This piece is packaged in a collector’s tin and comes with a one year warranty. $129

We are also making these available to purchase in bulk starting at minimum quantities of 25 and up. There are approximately 300 available of each of the four designs. Pricing for bulk quantity purchases are set to provide you with opportunity to re-sell these at retail price or any price point you desire. AND–> The more you buy in bulk, the more we can give you a great deal on the price per piece. All of these watches come with a ONE YEAR Warranty.

Contact us today to find out pricing for purchasing these watches in bulk quantities.

–Kimberly LeRiche
ph: 971-222-6869
fax: 650-648-5836


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A birthday wish grantedFormer Army Motorcycle Traffic Officer Dawne Fogg, 84, Gets Motorcycle Ride– Just wanted to share this very cool news event that happened this past weekend, in Tulare, California.

This one is a little personal to me…since “Foggie” is actually the AUNT of my girlfriend, Wild Child! (You can see Wild Child in the 3rd picture down, standing on the right, helping get Foggie up onto the motorcycle seat.)

Foggie lived an INCREDIBLE life, one of the first women motorcycle riders in the Army, served in Korea and Vietnam, 500 parachute jumps, a motorcycle officer in post-war Japan, a former Motor Maid that rode with Dot Robinson, racing in Daytona in the 50’s, fighting the Japanese Judo champ, and a BMW test rider logging big miles in her “spare time”….all documented in her journals and photos.

She wanted “one last ride”…well…I hope it’s not her last…because I’d like to see her cruise downtown Sturgis on the back of MY bike, though she’s more than qualified to be riding ME around – if only her body was as nimble as her mind. We’re gonna try our darnedest to get her into the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum’s Hall of Fame – while she’s still young enough to enjoy the honor! This woman should serve as a true inspiration to ALL of us.


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Motorcyclists’ Protection Guardrails: FEMA launches European call for testimonies–Faced with delays in the adoption of a new testing standard for road restraint systems, FEMA supports CEN?s work by launching a pan-European call for testimonies gathering personal stories and reports of motorcyclists injured in crash barrier collisions.

During its last meeting in June, CEN?s technical committee on road equipment postponed the adoption of a new draft standard for road restraint systems, which could provide additional protection for motorcyclists. Members of the European standards agency technical committee TC226 are still discussing the details of the draft, which is based on the existing Spanish standard.

FEMA has been campaigning for safer road restraint systems for the last 20 years, and expects the new standard to be adopted before next summer. Since 2007, FEMA has been granted liaison status with CEN, which is officially recognised as the European standards organisation by the European Union.

Most road restrain systems consist of a simple metal rail, and while this design offers acceptable energy absorption properties for four-wheeled vehicle crashes, exposed support beams at ground level can cause major and lethal injuries to motorcyclists falling and sliding on the road.

Unfortunately, police and emergency services records across Europe rarely give accurate data on guardrails-related casualties: detailed information is missing as cases are rarely identified and reported as such. Faced with this situation, it is essential to gather as much information as possible to get an accurate view of typical accident configurations, in order to elaborate a safe and adapted test standard for future barriers.

In order to show its commitment to support CEN?s work, FEMA has decided to launch a wide European campaign, gathering individual testimonies from riders and relatives describing injuries suffered while hitting guardrails. It consists of a 21-question survey open to all, available online in English, Spanish, German, Italian and French. Participants are invited to give as much detail as possible about the accident they are reporting, in order to allow the creation of a comprehensive database of user cases. The survey is available on FEMA?s website at

? Have you personally experienced a motorcycle accident involving a crash barrier?
? Can you provide a personal testimony on an accident where a motorcyclist collided with a crash barrier?

Then you can help FEMA assess the risk crash barriers represent for all riders in Europe. By filling in this questionnaire, you are bringing us important data on accident cases.

FEMA hopes the testimonies gathered through this survey will prove useful to CEN in its efforts to make roads safer for all categories of users. The next CEN TC266 sub committee (TG1) meeting is expected to take place sometime in September. Adoption of the draft standard at this stage would open the way to full implementation, hopefully by early 2010.

–Hugo Roebroeck
Campaigns Officer
FEMA – Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations
Rue des Champs 62, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel +32 2 7369047
Fax +32 2 7369401
Mobile +32 484 976170

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BASSANI MEETS CORVETTES–We are pleased to announce that West Coast Corvettes is now the exclusive distributor for our new line of Corvette exhaust systems, including the newly developed DOMINATOR GT series. This relationship will help us to serve you better by putting you in touch with Corvette specialists every time you need something. West Coast Corvettes has enabled us to substantially expand our line of products aimed at Corvette owners, and to further broaden our offering to include headers and complete exhaust systems for the new 2010 Camaros, which will also be available exclusively through West Coast Corvettes.

We are confident that this new alliance will enable us to focus more effort on providing top-quality performance exhaust systems for your customers as well as providing you with outstanding customer service and Corvette expertise.

–Bassani Xhaust


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7th Annual Sturgis Metzeler Custom Bike Contest– You should have been there! The 7th Annual Sturgis Metzeler Custom Bike Contest has become more than an annual affair for Metzeler, it is a yearly must-do for many of America?s best and wildest builders. There?s no better measure of its success than the number of custom builders who have eagerly taken part in every Annual Sturgis Metzeler Custom Bike Contest, each with custom builds rolling on Metzeler tires.

This year?s show took place at ?The Legendary Buffalo Chip?, sharing the site with Michael Lichter?s Exhibit ?Rebel Rousers?. It is the only show judged by Custom Bike Association certified judges, assuring all of the contestants the highest possible level of professionalism. This year?s judges included Eddie Trotta of Thunder Cycles, American Iron Editor Chris Maida, Bob Cashwell of Drag Specialties, Paul Cox of Cox Industries, and Athena Ransom from Vagabond Choppers. A special thanks goes out to all of these judges for their fantastic dedication.

Due to its history, this year?s show had the largest number pre-registration entries in the contest?s history. And each year the judging is more and more difficult because the level of craft, artistry and engineering in the builds just keeps getting better and better. Tradition has shown, the bikes entered in the Annual Metzeler Custom Bike show are the bikes that set the trends. The Best of Show winner from Todd’s Cycle was an outrageous Unlimited Custom complete with a 21″ rear Metzeler ME880. Todd’s Cycle is the first repeat winner in the history of the contest. Pushing the limits of custom bikes, the People?s Choice Award winner was Russ Deuker of Full Tilt Customs, with a bike sporting two rear wheels.

Best of Show winner, Todd Silicato of Todd?s Cycle, earned himself an unbelievable booty of: inclusion in the 2010 Metzeler Ad Campaign, 3 day apprenticeship with Eddie Trotta, a feature article in American Iron Magazine, a trip to Sturgis 2010 , a seat at the Annual Round table at the Cincinnati V-Twin Expo, 4 sets of Metzeler Tires, a trophy (don?t forget the trophy), a $500 gift certificate towards a Baker Transmission or Builder?s Kit, a certificate for an All Balls Starter, a certificate for an Boyesen Power X Wing, a certificate for an Danny Gray Seat, and a certificate for a Kicker Audio set including 5.25 Coaxial Speakers & ear buds.


The winners in each class this year at the 7th Annual Metzeler Custom Bike Contest were: People?s Choice, Russ Deuker of Full Tilt Customs; Custom Class, Ron Finch of Finch?s Customs; Chopper Class, Larry Moore, Moore?s Customs; Bobber Class, Mark Shadley, Shadley Bros; Consumer Class, Kirk Kaprenstein from Concord, California; Stage 3 Class, Darren Knoll from Maxwell, Iowa; Production Class, Mark Dirico of Dirico Motorcycles. A congratulations goes to all of these winners and a deeply appreciated thank you goes to every contestant who proudly took part in the event.

In concert with the show, once again the Metzeler semi was located on Lazelle Street. With the help of local dealer Sturgis Yamaha, BMW, it provided service to the growing loyal following of Metzeler ME880 customers. Metzeler gives a hearty thanks to the sponsors that donated prizes for our contest: Baker Drivetrain, All Balls, Boyesen, Danny Gray, and Kicker Audio. We look forward to seeing all of you next year.

For more than 100 years, Metzeler has met the rider?s toughest demands with unflagging innovation, setting the trends that others follow. Whether one is drawn to the longevity of its classic design or its uncompromising performance, Metzeler is chosen by more riders and builders than any other tire on the road, making it a true icon in the world of upgrade tires. For more information about the entire line of Metzeler products, visit .

–Kelly Hudak

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Famous Bob T. from Chop N Grind gang.

BRISKET & SAUSAGE event is from 11a-7p at Hanover’s Draft House, 108 Main St in Pflugerville TX– NO COVER CHARGE – there will be donation jars around the location you can toss a few bucks into though!

There will be six bands playing throughout the day, Brisket & Sausage plates w/sides will be available, a benefit fun run, horse shoe tournament, raffle prizes/tickets sold at the event…

This event is primarily for the children, for Patricia to get back on her feet and help them get on with their lives… please come out and support the riding communities efforts, get a group of your riding buddies together and come ride for a brother’s family…

I’ll be there, I hope to see many of you there too… C.Thanks so much for your continuing support of Biker Living

–Christina Anthony – Editor/Biker Living
512-988-0858 –

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GOVERNMENT LOSES MONGOLS MC CASE–The Mongols Motorcycle Club has won the fight over the seizure of its trademarks. United States Attorney Thomas P. O?Brien has lost his case. The club continues to own its name and its patch and has a constitutionally protected right to continue to exist.

Last October 21st, a brash press release announced the unsealing of a ?racketeering indictment that (charged) 79 defendants? associated with ?the violent Mongols outlaw motorcycle gang.? The headline grabbing news in the release was that ?The racketeering indictment seeks the forfeiture of the trademarked ?Mongols? name, which is part of the ?patch? members wear on their motorcycle jackets.?

?In addition to pursuing the criminal charges set forth in the indictment, for the first time ever, we are seeking to forfeit the intellectual property of a gang,? O?Brien bragged. ?The name ?Mongols,? which is part of the gang?s ?patch? that members wear on their motorcycle jackets, was trademarked by the gang. The indictment alleges that this trademark is subject to forfeiture. We have filed papers seeking a court order that will prevent gang members from using or displaying the name ?Mongols.? If the court grants our request for this order, then if any law enforcement officer sees a Mongol wearing his patch, he will be authorized to stop that gang member and literally take the jacket right off his back.?

Bad Cops

Pulling the Mongols patch was unequivocally the principal point of the indictment. The indictment culminated a three year-long domestic spying operation conducted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives called ?Operation Black Rain.? As of this writing, at least 25 former members of the Mongols Motorcycle Club have pled guilty to Count One of the indictment. That count alleges that the Club is a murdering, drug dealing criminal enterprise. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the government coerced those defendants into making those racketeering pleas in order to build its case against the club as a whole.

Among the confessed criminal conspirators was former club President Ruben ?Doc? Cavazos who claimed ownership of the club?s trademarks and attempted to forfeit them to the government as part of his plea deal.

For at least six weeks, unrestrained and gloating ATF storm troopers and other police officials have been harassing American citizens simply because they are or may be or may have at one time been Mongols. Government agents have been invading people?s homes and breaking into their cars in order to steal their personal property.

In two rulings, on July 31st and August 6th, Federal District Judge Florence-Marie Cooper has now put a stop to this.

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ANTIQUE MOTORCYCLE CLUB OF AMERICA VINTAGE 45 CONTEST DEADLINE PAST, 90 ESSAYS TO BE REVIEWED–I am happy to report that the contest deadline is finally past tense. The deadline was last Saturday and there were over 90 essays submitted. I think that this is a really good response, and I am really excited to move onto the next stage of picking a winner so that we can start building/restoring the project bike.


I am attaching a pic of the essays before they were sorted into their envelopes. I printed out over 6,000 sheets of paper.

–Matt Olsen


p.s. My daddy and I just picked up a really nice original 47 knucklehead 50 miles from the shop. Old bikes are still out there waiting to be found. The blog’s address is

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Continued On Page 3

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