Continued From Page 3

GAMBLING ON BIKERNET–We have a code here. You the readers are the boss. If it doesn’t work for you, we don’t do it. This is the first time we’ve allowed a gambling link to our readers. If you have any problem with this site or their service, let us know immediately. We hope you win, goddamnit!
A guy was watching the game, drinking a few beers and popping beer nuts into his mouth, when his wife began yelling at him. He turned his head toward her and accidentally popped a beer nut into his ear. Both him and his wife tried and tried but neither could get it out.
“All right,” she said, “let’s get you to the hospital.
As they walked outside their daughter and her boyfriend walked up and she asked, “Where are you and dad going?
The mother said, “We’re off to the hospital, your father has a beer nut caught in his ear.
Theboyfriend then asked, “Before you go, can I try to dislodge it?” The boyfriend then stuck two fingers up the fathers nose and told him to blow.
The father blew and out popped the beer nut.
The mother then asked the father, “Our daughter’s boyfriend is so intelligent, what do you think he’ll be when he grows up.
The father replied, by the smell of his fingers, our son-in-law.”
–from Chris T.

BIKERNET DAILY TECH LETTERS–We answer tech questions daily and once in a while give good advice. See below:
Your Shot at has Been Answered.
Wrote, I have tried two different clutch cables from Drag Specialties, and both leak transmission fluid. The first one had a big leak, and the second leaks a little from the adjustment nut. Is this normal for clutch cables? Thanks.
Reply: How much oil is in the tranny? Is it venting properly? Shouldn’t have this problem at all. I have also taken the liberty of posting ‘Your Shot’ and our reply to you on’s ‘Your Shot – Letters to the Editor’.
If yours is within the last 10 postings, you can view this at Thanks for the feedback. Ride forever – –Wrench
Thanks for your response. It was the vent on the transmission that wascausing the problem. Here’s a picture of that bike. Thanks again.

DAVIE ALLAN WITH CELEBS–Peter Fonda, Nancy Sinatra and Me…….first time in photos together. The event: Harley Davidson’s 100th Anniversary in Las Vegas, August 18th. Also, Mine and Nancy’s birthdays are on June 8th.
Thanks, DA
Your web site again makes history!! Peter Fonda, Nancy Sinatra together with the “Great” Davie Allan!! Bring on more Bro.
For people who didn’t see ” The Wild Angels” you are missing the “Biker Nostagia” movie of all times!!! This movie was released 2 to 3 years before “Easy Rider”.
The very begining starts out with Fonda kick starting his Pan in Venice, Ca. I think it’s 2 kick’s, and it fires up.
Then the movie theme song “Blues Theme” starts. The man behind this iconolistic biker theme song is none other than the “King of Fuzz” Davie Allan!!
The only thing that is missing in the photo is Bruce Dern and his real life wife. Both starred in the movie. Dern playing the “Loser”. I believe that this is the true origin from which many people have copped the nickname “Loser”
I saw the movie premier in Albuquerque, N.M. in ’66 or ’67. It changed my life forever!!
COP DOGS AIN’T RIGHT–A Times Editorial? St. Petersburg Timespublished August 19, 2003In an important ruling earlier this month, Florida’s 2nd District Court of Appeals said that police dogs used to sniff out illicit narcotics must be properly trained and evaluated, with thorough records kept, before their responses may be deemed reliable. According to the court, the Sheriff’s Office in Hillsborough County was not doing enough to ensure that its drug-detecting dogs were conditioned to “alert” to contraband alone, as opposed to some other trigger. The ruling laid down a set of guidelines the department will have to follow if it wants to use evidence obtained through the use of the dogs.
The unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel would seem to be just a matter of common sense, but it is sure to be appealed. The Sheriff’s Office, like nearly all other law enforcement agencies, uses drug-detecting dogs as a way to circumvent the Constitution’s warrant requirement, and it apparently doesn’t want this convenient tool scrutinized too closely. But this is precisely the role the courts should play. Rather than being appealed, the court’s ruling should be a model for the rest of the state.
In the field, drug-sniffing dogs are often used when a driver, pulled over for a traffic infraction, refuses to give police consent for his vehicle to be searched. The deputy or officer handling the dog will direct it around the perimeter of the car. If the dog alerts to the presence of narcotics, police are deemed to have probable cause and may conduct a legal search of the car’s interior.Why should a driver pulled over for speeding be subject to this intrusive process? If police have no cause to believe the driver is a drug runner, why should dogs be used at all? In truth, they shouldn’t be, but the U.S. Supreme Court has said the use of drug-sniffing dogs doesn’t constitute a search under the Fourth Amendment, and that means police may deploy them with relative impunity.
There is still a role for the courts, however, in ensuring that dogs are the precision tools for finding drugs that law enforcement claims…
–from Rogue

BRAND NEW ART PRINT FROM CHRIS KALLAS–OLD SCHOOL–Old School is the newest release from motorcycle artist Chris Kallas.This painting of a classic chopper is now available as a lithograph print.Printed on premium 80 lb. acid-free cover stock, they measure 18″x24″(image size: 13 1/2″x 17 5/8″). They are available as a signed limited editionof 250 for $39.95 or unsigned for $19.95 (plus $5 for shipping). For moreinformation email Chris at or call (310) 316-2790.
When would be a good day to come by and see the 28 Shovel?Also (if you have a little weld time), I need one small spot weldon that minibike fork and a bend on the brake pedal you made.
SADIE’S DOCTOR VISIT–Sadie went to see her doctor and when he asked her about her problem, shereplied that she was suffering from a discharge.
The doctor said, “OK, Undress please and go lie down on the examinationtable.”
She did what he asked.
The doctor put on his rubber gloves and began investigating her “privateparts”.
After a couple of minutes, he asked Sadie, “How does that feel?”
“Wonderful,” replied Sadie, “but the discharge is from my ear.”
–from Ken M.

SURGICAL STEEDS NEW SIGNAGE–Here’s my new Steed Musclebike logo, PSP slogan and New 04 Banner Adattached. All we’re doing is updating our image and using ‘SteedMusclebike’ to identify our product made by Surgical-Steeds Classic AmericanMotorcycles, Inc. Basically eliminating the tough word to spell (surgical)and the long-ass company name to something more direct and moreidentifiable.
We’re about to launch a the new Steed website, you can take a peek at
The new site should be easier to navigate and have a fresher image than theexisting site that’s about five years old now. We need to update more of thecontent before we throw the switch.
Also, please update the domain to reflect when you listthe link. still goes to the same site, but we’reworking on getting rid of ALL the Surgical referenced stuff.
–John Covington

THE WINO JOE TO MILWAUKEE REPORT–CommanderBall, deer, shit! It’s tha sleepin’ with tha rattlesnakes I hate. My ridin’ partner, EastBay Jack didn’t contact with a chase van. But he doesn’t drink & sets a good pace; 80/85. I figure 6 dazes. Leave after work Fri. Will by-pass Winnemucca; Bad Cops! Gotta have’a drink in Elko out’a respect for the five cowboys I fought 36 years ago. No, I didn’t win that one.
I’ll take that lil’Rollie that fits in my jacket & shoot b/w. Tradition & ol’school ridin’. Difference: back then I rode’a 450lb, cut-ta-tha-quick XLCH TT/street bike; “BlackGirl V” is VanceHines/SportsterS. Small saddlebags gift from DC, Ol’American Youth mc. Took me 2hrs ta pack my vits & high bloodpressure meds. If I get ta use’a ‘puter on tha road, I’ll shoot y’all an E-kite.
Ride On!
Wino Joe,USA

The Gunny freedom fighter–
NEW GUNNY LAW NEWS UP–Here’s a tidbit from the Gunny Sack in the Bikernet Rights Department. Check out the whole story and more there:NEW YORK, NY: Here we go again! Got this story from a contributor to the e-mail list serve of the SoLR, the Sons of Liberty Riders. The Long Island area near New York City has found the neatest way there is to harass bikers. They have instituted “SAFETY CHECKPOINT STOPS,” which are designed, according to the information I have, to interrupt the travel of those persons using the motorcycle as a way of getting from one place to another. This gives the cops a way to write tickets. These checkpoints are for MOTORCYCLES ONLY. Other methods of travel are left alone!
BIKERNET RELATIONSHIP ADVICE–A man approached a very beautiful woman inthe large supermarket and said,”I’ve lost my wife here in the supermarket.Can you talk to me for a couple of minutes?”
The woman looked puzzled. “Why talk to me?” she asked.
“Because every time I talk to a woman with tits like yours,my wife appears out of nowhere”
–from the knife maker

REAL 3-D SKULL SCREAMERS -Helmets You’ll WANT To Wear?By TBearOK, so you say helmet laws suck and I whole-heartedly agree.
If you are unfortunate enough to live in a state where riding your motorcycle with a pot on your head is the law, you might have tried to cover up the monstrosity with stickers or some detailed air brush work to try and stand out from the crowd. Yea, airbrush is cool but have you wanted more?
How about something like you saw in an old Viking or Si-Fi movie. A lid with some dimension to it. I may have found just what you’re looking for.

Eye Imagine Studios in NYC has come out with a line of real 3-D lids that will blow you away! Eye Imagine Studio is a special “FX” shop for the entertainment industry and the manufacturer of custom built prosthetics for helmets. Their primary retail line are the Skull Screamer? Show Helmets. Founded in 1993 by concept engineer and company President Marix Stone. Marix spent a few years working for Disney Studios where he perfected his craft. He tired of all the Mickey Mouse type work and went off on his own to bring a touch of Hollywood to your ride. Gladiator, Planet of the Apes and Lord of the Rings-Reign of Fire are just a few of the films that have used their process to get the realism of the period without the weight and expense. These helmets are part Hollywood and Special “FX” rolled into one.

Back in the old days, armor was actually decorated with real relief sculptures that denoted a warriors strength or tribal affiliation, but the art was lost to all but a few over the generations. Now its back with a vengeance. All Skull Screamer? Show helmets are custom built by a unique team of talented special “FX” artists that have worked for some of the biggest entertainment studios in the world for over twenty years. No other helmet manufacturer in the industry has such experienced in house designers, engineers, artists and fabricators on staff.

I had the chance to meet with Mr. Stone at his studio in NYC and he walked me through the design process.
It starts by taking a quality helmet (either D.O.T. or non) and then using a clay like substance to hand sculpt the design right on to the helmet insuring a realistic look. Then the sculpture is reproduced with rubber like substance ( the same indestructible stuff they use to make gaskets for NYC manhole covers).

The prosthetic is then heat bonded to the lid and hand painted. The best feature is that they are all made right here in the good old U.S.A. Some of the lids are given an acid burn for a wild finish.

From the Barbarian look to a Full Metal Jacket G.I. lid with ammo slung across the back strap to an acid burned barbed wire covered they have over 15 styles to choose from and more on the way. If you want to stand out from the crowd and be noticed you owe it to yourself to check these baby’s out.
You can see the full line by checking out their web site
Or phone Eye Imagine Studio at 212-665-5711.

Tell em TBear sent ya.
WIN A FREE HELMET–IT’S FREE!–Send a photo wearing your most wildest homemade helmet, we?ll pick a winner in a month from now, the winner gets to pick any of the helmets shown above. What do you have to lose? Not a damn thing. Send jpeg. Image to SPEAKING OF WINNERS– Here are the latest winners from the Free Contest and the Cantina Contest. PAUL SZEVER – KITCHENER, ONTARIO, CANADA RICK (PARTS) GIVENS – BASTROP, TEXAS 78602 – USA Paul was the winner but I liked what Rick had to say, so I?m gonna send him a copy of Orwell. NOW FOR THE CANTINA WINNER– A Horse Hat it is. Enter the contest people, it?s free! HELLUVA SUMMER–Seems to be blazing by. Night before last riders rolled into the headquarters from Sturgis. Two, Glen and Kerry Priddle from Australia and Deacon and his son from Hawaii and Oregon respectively. Deacon is a master mechanic from Pro-Street in Oahu. He quickly fixed the 1928 Shovelhead solenoid problem, adjusted the fat S&S shorty carb, adjusted the old school clutch and welded the rattling exhaust tip. It was a hot, garage, whiskey soaked night–what a blast. What’s happening next week on Bikernet? Sturgis sagas, Hollister, Run For Breath, Cooling tech from Surgical Steeds, 1928 Shovel tech, new dangerous fiction and the soap opera continues in the Cantina. Hang on. Now, I’ve got to post this sucka before I get my ass kicked. Ride Forever,