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Will this flag work?
FLAG RIDE–Dedicated to Travis Elliott & Our SharedDevotion to the American Flag,Saturday September 14, 2002,Registration 10:45 – 11:30 / Rides Leaves at 12:00.Register at Bahr’s House 8205 Leavenworth Rd.Questions : Jen Bahr – (931) 299-6058
No one could ever imagine what would face us after our incredible ride last September 8,2001.Our American Flags wave proudly, Our Patriotism rang strong as we salute the Life of A trueAmerican, Travis. We proved yet again that Bikers of the USA, our true friends from near and far are not Patriots – come lately. For so many days, weeks, months to date following September 11, we would look to each other over and over for that strength we felt Sept 8.
The remaining American Flags from our run were given to people who waited in line for over 6-9 hours to give blood at the American Red Cross of KC following September 11. The over $6,000.00 we raised last year purchased ALL of the Telemetry Transmitters and more necessary for Children’s Mercy Hospital. We would then come to know that Children’s Mercy and KU Med center would be a hub for burn victims of September 11.
It is our responsibility to each other to gather every year, as we have done each year before. WeCelebrate Freedom, Friendship and Honor. We are Moving, Thundering, and Breathing Monument to The Real American Spirit: a Salute to all of our Brothers, Sisters, and Our Contrtry.
This Years Mission Plan!We will Start at Bahr’s home this Year
$20 Per Person includes ride Memorabilia, Dinner, Drinks, Donations Children’s Mercy, KC and Purchase of Memorial Flag.This Bike event allows even the smallest child, weakened by Heart disease to ride a bike. The bike may even be ridden in a rest position. Uninhibiting to the child as they ride vital information is produced about the child’s heart strength and more. Bikes from the Bikers in the name of Travis Elliott and Friends of the Run from Brutus. Couldn’t be more perfect.
–from Brutus
LOVE RIDE 19 IS COMING–The largest motorcycle fund-raising event in the world. A 50-mile drag race from Harley-Davidson of Glendale to a concert barbecue and trade show at Castaic Lake every November. They expect to raise over a million bucks in a day for several charities including Reading by Nine, MDA and other charities. In the past the Love Ride donated to a charity Bikernet Sponsored which is Human Services homes for abandoned kids.
For more information about the event click on the logo above and blast to their site.
ABC CALLED BIKERS PUBLIC BURDEN–AMA Responded: We understand that ABC “World News Tonight” will air a segment entitled “The Price You Pay” during today’s broadcast, reportedly addressing the erroneous view that injured motorcyclists place an unnecessary burden on the taxpaying public.
Although the American Motorcyclist Association wasn’t contacted by ABC News for perspective or comment, we encourage you to review our position statement on Voluntary Helmet Use, available at
Specific to the “social burden” theory: Motorcyclists are just as likely to be privately insured as any other road user. A Harborview Medical Center study reported 63.4% of the injured motorcyclists in the trauma center relied on public funds to pay their hospital bills. According to testimony by David Gitch, director of the trauma center, 67% of the general patient population also relied on public dollars to pay their hospital bills in the same time period. A study by the University of North Carolina’s Highway Safety Research Center reported that 49.5% of injured motorcyclists had their medical costs covered by insurance, while 50.4% of the other road trauma victims were similarly insured.
The costs associated with the treatment of motorcyclist injuries account for less than 0.001% of total US health care costs. Only a portion of these costs are attributable to unhelmeted motorcyclists, the majority of which are paid by privately-purchased insurance. The remainder, spread across the taxpayer base (which includes millions of motorcyclists), is insignificant. Approximately 1.16% of total US health care costs are attributable to motor vehicle accidents. Motorcycles represented only 0.53% of the accident-involved vehicles nationwide in 1999.
Tom Lindsay, Public Information Director
American Motorcyclist Association

JON TOWLE RESPONSIBLE FOR BANDIT’S SIXTH MARRIAGE–Bandit professed to be cured of the marriage drug (see below), but Jon had another mission is mind. Could he force Bandit to marry a cartoon character.
Convinced that he would not be lured to share the substantial Bikernet earnings with a pencil sketch, Bandit went for the deal. He succombed to constantly changing tit sizes and the fact that this woman could become younger at the stroke of a pen.
Alas, Bandit is facing copyright infringement disputes for attempting to touch an original drawing owned solely by the creator Jon Towle. Attorney fees alone have been devastating to the staff.
More to report in weeks to come.
–Bikernet Reporter Renegade
BEWARE OF DATE RAPE DRUG–Be on the lookout! Police warn all male clubbers, party-goers,and unsuspecting pub regulars to be alert and stay cautious whenoffered a drink from any woman. A date rape drug on the market,called “beer”, is used by females to target unsuspecting men. Thedrug is found in liquid form, and is now available almostanywhere.
“Beer” is used by female sexual predators at parties and bars topersuade their male victims to go home and have sex with them.Typically, a woman needs only to persuade a guy to consume a fewunits of “beer” and then simply ask him home forno-strings-attached sex. Men are rendered helpless against thisapproach.
After several “beers” men will often succumb to desires toperform sexual acts on horrific looking women to whom they wouldnever normally be attracted. After drinking “beer”, men oftenawaken with only hazy memories of exactly what happened the nightbefore…usually with a vague feeling that something badoccurred.
At other times these unfortunate men are swindled out of theirlife savings in a familiar scam known as “a relationship”.Apparently men are much more susceptible to this scam after”beer” is administered and sex is offered by the predatoryfemale. Please! Forward this warning to every male you know.However, if you fall victim to this insidious “beer” and thepredatory women administering it, there are male support groupswith venues in every town where you can discuss the details ofyour shocking encounter in an open and frank manner withsimilarly affected, like-minded guys. For the support groupnearest you, just look up “golf clubs” in the yellow pages.
–from Ray Russell

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Well, we are back , there’s a thousand stories to tell but Bandit alreadyhas them someplace in his computer, so I’m going to keep to the weekly reportwith separate details from the main story. It was a really cool trip forall of us. The first part was sort of a much needed “vacation” from thedaily stuff that goes on in the shop, no cell phones, no nothing, justfriends riding their choppers and having a good time. Yes, we were beingfollowed by the Discovery cameras, but at least to me, it was like theywere not even there.
We were able to spend some time with our friends, away from schedules,people and duties, again, only a bunch of guys (and gals) riding theirchoppers up US’s roads.We had a blast with our friends from Finland, Kokko and Pete ” Euro Dollar”from Kopteri magazine, I bet they got some great shots of the whole thing,plus they check Bikernet every week. So, if the guys are reading this, Ihope they got back home safely.
We also managed to survive Sturgis once more, and only with two writtenwarnings and a verbal. It’s amazing, my dad stayed an additional weekand told me that he only saw one cop during the entire week….go figure.
I have a bunch of photos that will be coming up in following weeks, I triedto do it for this one also but left all of them atop my desk at the shop.I’m still dealing with all the stuff that was left behind and even thetrailer and bikes that will arrive today. So hold on for one more weekguys.
We stuck to the mountain roads this year and made our visits to Sturgisminimal, it was a lot more crowded than last year, but we noticed fewervendors than before (I mean the bigger ones). I guess the economy and veryhigh prices of getting a booth has held some people from attending.Jesse James was pretty busy with the TV compromises, but managed to show upfor a couple days. He had a very cool rusted out chopper to ride and hiscrew was busy as always selling WCC stuff …..Which brings me to how sick I am from seeing Iron Crosses all over theplace. It seems that everything has a cross somewhere, we even saw t-shirtswith WCC logos and they said Sturgis 2002, what a way to take a rebeliouslogo and use it for extreme marketing.I know the cross is public domain, but if I were Jesse I would be a bitpissed….Also the word Choppers, it was on every gadget you couldimagine…..
We met with Sonny Barger and his new lager beer (since I don’t drink)assistant reporters said that they were impressed with the beer. We alsomanaged to visit our friends at Twisted Choppers in Sioux Falls. These guysare doing really cool stuff, and they are a couple mere Joe’strying to make it. If you are in that area or would like a kick-ass gastank, metal fab, or a whole chopper….give them a call (they advertise inThe Horse) and tell them we sent ya’.
There were no human problems, but the fire and then rains trashed a part ofDeadwood and even the muck got into Danny Gray’s new place. We heard a fewbikes got mucked big time. It was also amazing to witness the super-quick clean upeffort.
We noticed lots and lots of deer this year, reports also indicated more accidents. Maybe the rains and newbie riders, and also a couple of closeencounters with Bambi.
We had a blast with Roger Bourget and Billy Lane (and a bunch of otherfriends) heading up to the Smokey Mountains of North Carolina, not manydetails since the show is due to air September 29th. We heard thattroopers from four states are still looking for the group of 24 crazybikers….but it was some other group, trust me officer….
My 3-day Pan lost second gear in North Carolina, and it was virtualyimpossible to ride in the Hills without it, so I had to can the bike forthe rest of the week. As soon as I get it back from the high seas, I willpost photos of the final result.The rest of the bikes were flawless on the whole trip, including all thebikes that rode up from Florida, when you get to see the show in Discovery,you will see all the bikes, and all but three made it (two nasty asspotholes and a cracked cyclinder was the total damage).
We visited Charleston South Carolina, what a nice place and cool people, Imade a remark of visiting sometime soon, with more time to enjoy downtownand get to meet more southern belles.

Our Chopper Freak line will get heavy duty exposure on the program, so getthem before everyone else, just order at, we do havethem in stock.
Also in next month’s issue of the Horse one of our bikes will be on thecover, if you are an avid Bikernet reader you have seen it before, butcheck it out just in case.
Also I noticed that our interview is up and running in Bikernet, I’m nottooting my own horn, but I think it’s pretty cool and truthfull. Check itout and let us know what you think, as always, good or bad.
I want to take this space to thank everyone who has worked with usand recognized our efforts. Thanks again to those who know who they are.
On the other hand we have photos of all the new bikes built for theDiscovery. I don’t know if I should release them yet or wait for September,this I will leave to the readers, use our e-mail or Your Shot !
Heard that there’s going to be a Bike event in Ft Lauderdale dated forDecember. sort of one or two-day thing. I will report as we get more info, anddates.
Time to go. With everything that’s going on I ‘ve had no time to rest. Thefull story of the trip will be featured here shortly, and the photos will show up (I hope). All I can say is that it was such a fun tripthat I hope we can do it again real soon, or at least next year…….
Hang on brothers…..there’s a lot more stuff on the way…
–Jose, Caribbean (and like 15 states more) Bikernet Report.
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