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HARLEY-DAVIDSON ANNOUNCES 100th ANNIVERSARY FUNDRAISING PARADE TO BENEFIT MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION (MDA)–MILWAUKEE (August 22, 2002) – Harley-Davidson is planning a fundraising motorcycle parade, the ?Parade of MDA Heroes,? to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) during the 100th Anniversary Celebration in Milwaukee, Wis., in August 2003. The Parade of MDA Heroes is the only official parade during the Celebration in Milwaukee.
During the next 12-months of the 100th Anniversary celebration, Harley-Davidson hopes to raise $5 million to fund research and program services for children and adults with neuromuscular disease. The Motor Company is hosting the Parade of MDA Heroes as a special fundraising program to encourage and reward the efforts of MDA fundraisers. Harley-Davidson hopes to generate $1 million in donations from the parade, making it a true ?parade of MDA heroes?.
To help reach the $1 million mark, Harley-Davidson is encouraging riders to raise a minimum of $5,300 in pledges, which pays for 100 minutes of MDA-funded research. “The Parade of MDA Heroes will honor those who are some of our top MDA supporters ? individuals who combine their love of riding with passion for this great cause,” said Kathleen Lawler, Harley-Davidson’s vice president of communications. “This parade is going to be the experience of a lifetime for many valued supporters.”

?? Two hundred individual fundraisers who register with MDA and raise a minimum of $5,300 in donations will be invited to participate in the parade. Fundraisers can secure their spot in the parade in one of two ways. First, the top 100 fundraisers who generate the highest amounts for MDA will be invited to ride in the parade. The next 100 participants will be chosen through a random drawing of the balance of eligible candidates.
In addition to the individual fundraisers, the 50 Harley-Davidson dealers who raise the most funds for MDA will be invited to ride in the parade. To top it off, Harley-Davidson VIPs and H.O.G. chapters from around the world will escort the heroes as they travel the parade route.
The money raised by individuals and dealers will be credited to MDA research and program services in their local community. Funds raised must be turned in to MDA, in up-front, paid donations by July 15, 2003. MDA will notify the qualifying fundraisers by July 22, 2003. In addition, the names of qualifying fundraisers and dealers will be posted on
To participate, individual fundraisers must register with MDA by calling 1-800-IM A HERO or online at
EXCEPTIONAL CHILDRENS’ FOUNDATION BEACH RIDE WILL LIVE AGAIN–Do to the problem in Laughlin, the authorities in Ventura County California have shut down virtually every motorcycle related event in their region including the annual charity fund raiser, the Beach Ride. The following reports on the progress to find a new site:
Regarding the site search, we have submitted proposals to Long Beach and Frazier Park. Gene Arias is helping us look for a private park in Los Angeles County.
FYI: We have reorganized the Development department in order to make best use of resources in generating greater support from the community. With the development campaign to raise $2 million by 2005, the current fund raising (esp. special events), PR, plus the projects that I need to develop further like volunteer recognition, planned giving, online fundraising, cultivation, database etc. etc, it is too much for one person to handle. ECF hired an External Relations person (Sandy)to work with a consultant on the development campaign (mostly grant applications), and PR as well as help Dr. Bowling (our ceo) with legislative efforts and community outreach.
There will no longer be a special events coordinator position in the Development department. Effective immediately, Kia will provide administrative support to Sandy. Ernie and Herlita will remain in the Development department to help me pick up special events, and expand the volunteers, annual and planned giving programs and other Development projects. Harvey Farr will also no longer provide PR support; we have had another PR agency and are now using them to the max for a nominal increase in retainer fee.
That’s the latest from ECF for now…appreciate your support as always, Carmela (310) 845-8060.
This charity is sponsored by Bartels’ Harley-Davidson, Larry Hagman and Bikernet. Please call if you would like to help in any respects.

ROAD GLIDE INQUIRY–Paul Vestal, a muckety muck for motorcycle rights groups most of his life and a long time friend has been having handling problems with his Road Glide. Here’s one of his last e-mails, “The neck bearings are adjusted correctly and were just checked. I do believethat the RG frame is different!!! At high speeds the bike becomes hard tohold. Not a shimmy but rather it seems not easy to get it to “track”. I havelearned that riding these things is a whole different experience and takesmuch greater skill and concentration than the Bikes that I have built in thepast. With this one–I wonder if the issue is in the front gas shock set up.
Before you buy a bagger–try of the RG–it is a very different scoot andpreforms like a rocket! “
Of course I pointed out to him that skill and the ability to concentrate could be a major factor. I also told him that all touring models are in the same frame. I’m concerned about any rider who tells me of a “tracking or wobble problem.” I recently spoke to Frank Kaisler, the editor of Hot Rod bikes for a decade. Frank pointed out that even tire pressure can make a significant difference. Drive train alignment with the swingarm from side to side and vertically is also critical. He also mentioned that the later model units have 1-inch axles and sealed ball bearings which are tougher and have no end play like the earlier Timken bearings for a more solid handling package.
Of course Paul will probably ignore any advice and ride to his new girl’s pad at breakneck speeds. “I hope to do some riding withher while I’m on vacation. She owns a 1200 Sportser and a twin cam Fat Boy, Paul wrote, ” Just to let you know that I am not sleeping!!! Her name is Zoe–she is aMainer and Lobster Boat Cpt.–she sold the family business prior to being on Survivor Outback! So be careful whose tracksyou try to ride!!!”If you ride a Road Glide report in and let me know your thoughts.–Bandit
RULES OF THE JUNGLE–When Jane initially met Tarzan of the jungle, she was attracted to him,and during her questions about his life, she asked him how he had sex.
“Tarzan not know sex,” he replied.
Jane explained to him what sex was.
Tarzan said, “Oh,…Tarzan use hole in trunk of tree.”
Horrified, she said, “Tarzan you have it all wrong,…but I will showyou how to do it properly.”
She took off her clothing and laid down on the ground. “Here” she said,”you must put it in here.”
Tarzan removed his loincloth showing Jane his considerable manhood,stepped closer, and then gave her a mighty kick right in the crotch!
Jane rolled around in agony for what seemed like an eternity.Eventually she managed to gasp for air and screamed:”What did you do that for?”
“Tarzan check for squirrel.”

BLACK MAGIC MOTORSPORTS– This is the inside of BlackMagic Motorsports. They offer a full service department. A complete machine shop. As you can tell this is no junk shop and they do quality work.
They are located in Mesa, Az. on McKellups and Stapley.
John Hopkins is the owner you can reach him at: BlackMagic Motorsports
Ph# 480-668-6886
625 E. McKellips Suite 7
Mesa, Az. 85202
?I gotta go to work, running late but wanted to get you this info. As time goes on I will be posting more info on what he is building etc.
–Later for now, Paul

A COUPLE GUNS SHORT OF AN ARSENAL–Two Raleigh, N.C., police officers were reprimanded after they lost asub-machine gun and a handgun on their way to teach a gun safety class.
FALLING DOWN ON THE JOBIn Malaysia, a bank security guard in his second day on the job fainted whenarobber walked in and pulled a pistol.
SAFETY’S OFFIn Philadelphia, a gun-safety program went afoul when a policewoman’s gun –being passed around a fifth-grade classroom — accidentally went off and thebullet grazed a 10-year-old’s face.
NUMBER THREE, TURN TO THE SIDE, LIE DOWN AND ROLL OVERAfter a delivery-woman was bitten by a sheepdog in Somerset, U.K., policehelda sheepdog lineup so the victim could identify her attacker.
FINDERS KEEPERSA Dallas police officer faced suspension and a fine after he ate aMcDonald’schicken sandwich he found in the car of an accident victim who was takenawayin an ambulance.
DON’T QUIT YOUR DAY JOBIn Stockholm, a young Swedish woman was expelled from the police academyafter it was discovered that she was working as a prostitute after school.Thewoman apparently used academy computers to advertise for customers on theInternet.
HUNKA HUNKA BURNIN’ LOVEA Minnesota police chief resigned after he was accused of starting a fire sohecould put it out and be a hero in the eyes of his ex-girlfriend.John Tuchek, 34, set fire to some boxes outside his ex-girlfriend’sapartment inLanesboro, intending to put out the flames, but the ensuing blaze engulfed ashop, two historic buildings and the homes of 10 people.
–from Rogue

Meters report lower counts.
FIVE tons less garbage collected.
Boy, if the newspaper didn?t tell me different, I?d swear that attendance was down!
–from John Leonardini

SAMSON’S– Big Guns 2 “Slashers” are slashing the competition!You want pipes that will deliver High Performance and Sound that will clearthose roads for you? These Bad and Beautiful pipes are the ones.
SAMSONEXHAUST has done it again with the new Big Guns 2 “Slashers” with thetightest fitting 220? full coverage heat shields anywhere. The Big Guns 2″Slashers” are just one of the new, exciting and great series of pipes fromthe Big Guns 2 family that only SAMSON can guarantee with Awesome Style,Sound and Performance. All “Big Guns 2” come complete with mounting bracketsand hardware.
MSRP for the Long Slashers are $399.95 and the Short Slashers are $379.95for sales contact your local SAMSON dealer or contact SAMSON EXHAUST.

OREGON CONFISCATIONS–Some late word on the motorcycle seizure case we’ve been following. This is a pro bono case that’s been handled by our AIM (Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists)/NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists) Attorney here in Oregon, SamHochberg. You’ll recall a bike was seized because Eugene cops “thought” parts werestolen. THAT was in February. Sam’s firm went to court and raised constitutionalarguments about why they shouldn’t be permitted to keep a scoot indefinitely!
The Oregon Confederation of Clubs stood behind the plaintiff with support, and the casewent to the Court of Appeals, but it had to be withdrawn. Why? The cops finally CLAIMto have found a stolen part now, so the appeal is moot, says Sam.
But here’s the GOOD NEWS: As a result of this high-profile case, and because it’shappened to so many other Oregon bikers, our political action committee, BikePAC ofOregon, has targeted this confiscation law for reform in the legislature. Sam’s on theBikePAC committee that is going to try to structure and propose a fair law to ourlawmakers. We’ll keep ya’ posted, here in Sack-land, and you Oregon riders oughtta bemembers of BikePAC, if you aren’t already. The membership info is always in your ABATEand other biker newsletters, or you can e-mail me at
This came from the recent Gunny Sac and AIM report that will be launched in the next couple of days in the Bikers Rights Department of Bikernet. Watch for it.
EVER WONDER–Ever wonder where the word “shit” comes from…..well here it is:
Certain types of manure used to be transported (as everything was back then) by ship…….well in dry form it weights a lot less, but once water (at sea) hits it, it not only became heavier, but the process of fermentation began again, which by product is methane gas…..and as the stuff was stored below decks in bundles you can see what could (and did) happen. Methane began to build up below decks and the first time someone came below at night with a lantern.. BOOOOM!
Several ships were destroyed in this manner before it was discovered what was happening. After that the bundles of manure were always stamped with the term “S.H.I.T” on them which meant to the sailors to “Ship High In Transit.” In other words high enough off the lower decks so that any water that came into the hold would not touch this volatile cargo and start the production of methane.
Bet you didn’t know that one.
–from Rogue
24TH ANNUAL TEMPLE PARTY DRAGS COMIN’– The Texas Scooter Times would Like to Remind Everyone about the 24th Annual Temple Party Drags “Labor Day Weekend” at Temple Academy Dragway.
Featuring Nitro Harleys and Top Gas Dragsters with 28 Sportsman Classes for any type of Harley!Three nights of Live Music – Huge Vendor Midway – Special Motorcycle Only Camping Area – Bike Show – Bud Girls – R.V. Friendly Camping – Sunday Church Services – Burn Out Contests – Field Meet!
Temple Academy Dragway: On the banks of the Little River in a Pecan tree grove so thick that nearly the entire track is shaded, the Texas Scooter Times is preparing for another Full House of Harley Enthusiasts – Be there or hear about it FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR!!August 30-13st, September 1-2nd at Temple Academy Dragway. Track is Located 9 miles South of Temple on HWY 95.Gates Open Friday (August 30) at 4 p.m.For more information visit: or call 254-687-9066.See You There!
ACTUAL WORDS FROM JON TOWLE–I have a little cousin by the name of Taner Lantow. He’s only 11 yearsold. The kid is well on his way to being a top professional skateboardchampion. The pros in this sport make a nice chunk of change, whichreally isn’t the point, but it don’t hurt none. Recently, he was writtenup in ” Sports Illustrated” this last June.

I’m proud of him and just wanted to mention his accomplishments. And,due to the fact that this kids father, Mitch (also a cousin…duh!) soldme my first harley about two billion years ago. So, here is a shot ofthe up and coming kid and that Harley I mentioned.
–Jon Towle

Jon actually scanned the shot from Sports Illustrated in a weak effort to prove that in fact he did not steal this motorcycle.
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