THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists(AIM) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the LawOffices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at (800) ON-A-BIKE, or visitus on the web at
Recognition: I’m blessed to associate with many motorcycle people, but some really standout in my mind. Right up on the top of the list is Butch Harbaugh, who lives here inOregon, and is also Chairman of the NCOM Legislative Task Force (LTF), and true friend.Longview Tom of the Gypsy Jokers M C, and Chairman of the Oregon Confederation of Clubshas been an inspiration to me, when he took over the job from another great one, Showman,from Brother Speed M.C. And people like Rotten Roger Hendricks, our Oregon ABATE runcoordinator and lifetime freedom fighter, are always there for you. Like yours truly,Rotten Roger was presented a Silver Spoke Special Recognition “Grunt” Award from NCOMlast year for all his hard work over the years.
I should also announce to the world that Butch Harbaugh was selected by NCOM to receivenext year’s Ron Roloff Lifetime Achievement Award, NCOM’s highest honor.
There are so many that they can’t all be mentioned in one presentation, but I’m justfeeling this gratitude welling up in this old biker. So, I’ll try to include many moreas we go on with future Gunny’s Sacks. I don’t want to leave anyone out if I can helpit. These people are the driving force in Oregon’s fight for freedom and my brothers andsisters, and I love them all.

New Big Dog sports Avon Tyres.
OREGON CONFISCATIONS: Some late word on the motorcycle seizure case we’ve been following. This is a pro bono case that’s been handled by our AIM (Aid to InjuredMotorcyclists)/NCOM (National Coalition of Motorcyclists) Attorney here in Oregon, SamHochberg. You’ll recall a bike was seized because Eugene cops “thought” parts werestolen. THAT was in February. Sam’s firm went to court and raised constitutionalarguments about why they shouldn’t be permitted to keep a scoot indefinitely!
The Oregon Confederation of Clubs stood behind the plaintiff with support, and the casewent to the Court of Appeals, but it had to be withdrawn. Why? The cops finally CLAIMto have found a stolen part now, so the appeal is moot, says Sam.
But here’s the GOOD NEWS: As a result of this high-profile case, and because it’shappened to so many other Oregon bikers, our political action committee, BikePAC ofOregon, has targeted this confiscation law for reform in the legislature. Sam’s on theBikePAC committee that is going to try to structure and propose a fair law to ourlawmakers. We’ll keep ya’ posted, here in Sack-land, and you Oregon riders oughtta bemembers of BikePAC, if you aren’t already. The membership info is always in your ABATEand other biker newsletters, or you can e-mail me at
MIES, SWITZERLAND: This is a NO, NO and it doesn’t matter who you are. New Zealandmotocross rider Joshua Coppins tested positive at the Austrian 250cc Grand Prix for morethan six times the limit of the stimulant pseudoephedrine. He was suspended and a heavyfine slapped on. Why don’t I feel sorry for him?

DETROIT, MICHIGAN: How about these apples? According to the AP services, Harley-Davidsonis NO LONGER the bike of choice for thieves. Of the 25 most stolen motorcycles in 2001,eight were Hondas, seven were Suzukis, six were built by Yamaha, three by Kawasaki andjust one by Harley-Davidson, according to the study by CCC Information Services Inc. Themost popular bike to steal was the Yamaha YZFR6. Honda was the most stolen makeregardless of model.
I’m sure Harley is pleased to pass the honor on, and I’d guess Honda would sooner sellbikes than have them stolen.
ORLANDO, FLORIDA.: Less than 75 miles from the Kennedy Space Center one of our otherAmerican Bike success stories, Polaris’ Victory, has launched their own mission in thelargest product release in their history. A whole gob of new products. New all terrainrigs, New water sports stuff, and a stunning new custom Cruiser called the “Vegas”. 92inches of go, and pretty, according to press releases. Maybe we all need to pay Polarisdealers a visit. Sounds like some goodies we might not be able to live without.

ENGLAND: A 15 year-old lad here was killed during a riding demonstration, at a charityevent, when he collided with two others in the event that were down. Here’s a fellow whowas riding with people who KNEW what they were doing in a set display, and still he losthis life. Our hearts go out to his family; yet if there is any good in the whole thingit proves the fact that training, training, training is so important. Things can happenso fast. We must be alert ANY time we’re on our scoots.
ATLANTA, GEORGIA: If you get chased down the sidewalk by a man in blue on two wheels, itmight be a cop on one of those Segway scooters we reported on here in the Sack. You’veseen ’em on TV: the wheels are one next to the other, like a push- mower. You just standon the damned thing and it pops you around town. More for fast sidewalk riding, Ifigure. The company that builds these odd little machines has turned over a small batchof ’em for the cops in Atlanta to use, to figure out whether it’s gonna work for ’em, orif they will just feel silly riding them. We’ll see!

HOW ABOUT A BEANIE RECALL? NEXL Sports Products says all sizes of its NXT “Beanie”helmets, NEXL 01, Part Nos., MB021, MB031, and MB041 manufactured prior to February 28,2002, fail to comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) 218,” which isthe federal regulations on helmets…not that anyone can figure out what all thatbeaurocratic mumbo-jumbo really means. But, if you own one of these critters get back tothe manufacturer, and they’ll make it right.
FROM TIGER MIKE IN OKLAHOMA COMES THIS GOOD WORD. . . I got word that a biker named Ronfrom Broken Arrow, Oklahoma just contacted Tiger Mike Revere, State Coordinator for ABATEof Oklahoma, with some good news. I want to share it with folks, since we need to savorour victories large and small. For a while now, according to Ron, a specific policeofficer from the Broken Arrow Police Department has been handing out exhaust violationtickets to Harley riders only. From the information Ron received, the officer had givenout 90 tickets in 30 days, and Ron says he was going strictly by the appearance of thepipes. No noise measurements at all.
His boss, the Broken Arrow Chief of Police, wascontacted by the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, and they requested a meeting with the Chief andthe officer involved. Ron said that after this meeting, the Chief and the officer metwith the county District Attorney. Apparently, the DA told the cop to cut it out,because of all the complaints from various high-level offices! So, big kudos to Ron forkeeping after this, and for keeping his ABATE folks informed. This is what we need:rank-and-file citizen-riders keeping vigilant and fighting to preserve Riding Liberty.
Thanks to Tiger Mike for the info, and all you folks up in the Broken Arrow area, enjoyyour victory, stay gracious, and we’ll all learn a lesson from ya. By the way, TigerMike is also a member of our NCOM Board of Directors, and it’s people like him that makeNCOM tick!
GUNNY AGAIN: It’s also important we remember the people that take such good care of uswhen we are hurt and our scooters are all bent up by cage drivers.
Our AIM attorneys across this great country of ours (and Canada) are our most importantasset and we should always take advantage of that. These good folks ride with us dailyand know what our world is because they live in it with us. If you are involved in anaccident or just need some legal advice on harassment or helmet issues, do call your AIMattorney at 1-800-ON-A-BIKE, and you will get useful information. Advice is always free.
Keep the round side on the bottom
Gunny, Oregon AIM Chief of Staff