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MILWAUKEE IRON PARTS ON SALE–We have a “special” going on now w/our website orders. They get 10% off. Check Milwaukee Iron for some of the best built fenders in the US. Check their tank extensions, internal fork stops, extended dash accessories and more. Even bikes for sale.

BIKERNET DRIVING LESSONS–During my friends funeral an asshole decided he was too good to go to the next exit on the freeway and tried to cut through the front of the bikes with his new suburban. Needless to say it did not come out very well for him. The guys at the front of the pack, where it all occurred, laughed about how he was on his cell phone trying to call the police. Hell, the police were the escorts and saw what happened. I heard one the motor officers mention how it did not seem like the best decision on that guys part, to try and cut through a line of Bandidos and a funeral.
Stupid people everywhere!

HOLLYWIERD RUMOR–Just heard an unconfirmed rumor through my publishing grape vine that a former editor from EZ Rider just sold an option on three books to Hollywierd. If true, congrats man. I just hope you have a better agent than me. My deal is still in limbo with Wm. Morris and ass…ociates
Ya never know what could happen next.
WORKER DEAD AT DESK FOR 5 DAYS– (New York Times)Bosses of a publishing firm are trying to work out why no one noticed that one of their employees had been sitting dead at his desk for FIVE DAYS before anyone asked if he was feeling okay.
George Turklebaum, 51, who had been employed as a proof-reader at a New York firm for 30 years, had a heart attack in the open-plan office he shared with 23 other workers. He quietly passed away on Monday, but nobody noticed until Saturday morning when an office cleaner asked why he was still working during the weekend. His boss Elliot Wachiaski said: “George was always the first guy in each morning and the last to leave at night, so no one found it unusual that he was in the same position all that time and didn’t say anything. He was always absorbed in his work and kept to himself.”
A post mortem examination revealed that he had been dead for five days after suffering a coronary. Ironically, George was proofreading manuscripts of medical textbooks when he died. You may want to give your co-workers a nudge occasionally.
Moral of the story: Don’t work too hard. Nobody notices anyway.

EXPRESSIVE DESIGNS SCORES NEW CLIENT–Chris Tronolone, and the talented Expressive Designs Sticker group, may begin making stickers for Tom, from Rumble Customs, in Canada. Chris manufactures full color stickers for Bikernet and Jesse James.
“He also talked about going on this biker cruise,” Chris said while counting stickers. Check it out. If you need hot stickers for events, bike shops or organizations, Chris is the man. MAILMAN’S RUN TO MILWAUKEE–Mailman’s trip was stopped instantly in Kittering, Maine on Saturday, Aug23rd at 12:30 pm EST by a 19 year old $%^&* (girl) that pulled out in frontof him, while he was going 35 mph. He was hollering names at her before heleft the bike. He’s ok, although he said this morning he has a foot-sized bruise on hisleft hip. His left wrist also hurts bad. He was on a small two laneroad when she pulled out, and his bike hit her front fender. He said it wasfortunate she was still moving, as his bike turned and jack-knifed thetrailer and he held onto the handlebars long enough to bend them upwards. He flew off, and rolled on the pavement. Luckily, two paramedics werewitnesses to the accident and she was insured, as is Mailman. This is thebeginning of the second year he’s insured our bikes and he’s certainly gladfor that. He refused medical help because he didn’t want to leave his bike and trailerwith strangers. He cut his nose from his glasses, and oddly enough theyweren’t broken, just bent, and it’s a good thing because he didn’t have asecond pair. So he rented a U-Haul truck for $750 to Wisconsin as they said it would be threeweeks to repair locally. Today he called from Pinesville,Wisconsin, just 15-18 miles north of Milwaukee at Suburban Harley Davidson.One of the guys there, he thinks a manager named Ron, he didn’t remember hisname, knows someone at a local trailer park and set him up, even thoughit was full. He’ll have a few days with the U-Haul, but he’ll rent a carfor the rally. He’s too sore to ride, but figures he’ll mend while the bikedoes the same. Mailman’s run map. Helen is keeping track of her man. BTW, was watching “COPS” and they were in San Pedro. Recognized a couple ofthe streets! “The Harbor area is a rough place where lots of criminalsare”, they said. “People get mugged right out on the streets.” Still in all, wish I could take a trip there again. Miss ya, HARLEY-DAVIDSON UNVEILS 2004 MOTORCYCLESAND ANNOUNCES NEW WARRANTY PROGRAM–MILWAUKEE (August 27, 2003) – Harley-Davidson, Inc. introduced its Model Year 2004 motorcycle line-up to the public today as it kicked off its four-day 100th Anniversary celebration in Milwaukee. Key new models include a completely redesigned XL Sportster family and a new VRSCB V-Rod power cruiser, which complements the VRSCA V-Rod. These exciting new models will begin shipping to dealers in September. Additional highlights of the 2004 Harley-Davidson motorcycle model line-up are listed below. XL Sportster family is all-new with a redesigned, rubber-mounted Sportster XL Evolution powertrain, a stiffer frame, and lower seat height. Four models acknowledge 47 years of Sportster heritage while delivering a new level of comfort and performance. VRSCB V-Rod offers a tough, new blacked-out styling interpretation of the award-winning, liquid-cooled VRSCA V-Rod power cruiser. New Road King Custom and restyled Road Glide bring new style to the Harley-Davidson Touring line. Dyna Glide models will now be available with Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI). New-look fuel tanks and consoles update the styling of the Dyna Glide line. Springer Softail gets a fresh new look with several feature enhancements. Custom Vehicle Operations (CVO) adds a new motorcycle to its roster: the Screamin? Eagle Electra Glide, and offers the Screamin? Eagle Deuce in two brand new custom colors in its second year. Harley-Davidson?s 2004 motorcycle models demonstrate the Company?s continued commitment to styling, product innovation and the riding experience. For 2004, the Company is offering 20 different color schemes, including solid colors and two-tones, after offering a limited range of color options during the 100th Anniversary model year. Harley-Davidson also announced that all 2004 motorcycles will be covered by a two-year warranty. In addition, most service intervals have been extended from 2,500 miles to 5,000 miles. Average suggested retail prices for 2004 Harley-Davidson motorcycles have been reduced when compared with similar 2003 motorcycles. The 2004 model prices are lower by less than one percent. The new pricing reflects the removal of 100th Anniversary content on the 2003 model year motorcycles. Information on 2004 model year suggested retail pricing is available at or from local Harley-Davidson dealers. SADAM’S FAMILY MEMBER REVEALED– Now that Uday & Qusay have been eliminated, some of the lesser-knownfamily members are coming to the attention of American authorities. Among the brothers: Among the sisters: Finally, there is: –from Chris T.
Sooflay ……………..the restauranteur
Guday………………..the half-Australian brother
Huray………………..the sports fanatic
Sashay………………the gay brother
Kuntay & Kintay…..the twins from the African mother
Sayhay………………the baseball player
Ojay………………….the stalker/murderer
Gulay………………..the singer/entertainer
Ebay…………………the internet czar
Biliray……………….the country music star
Ecksray…………….the radiologist
Puray……………….the blender factory owner
Regay………………the half-Jamaican brother
Tupay………………the one with bad hair
Lattay…………….the coffee shop owner
Bufay……………..the 300 pound sister
Dushay…………..the clean sister
Phayray………….the zoo worker in the gorilla house
Sapheway………the grocery store owner
Ollay………………the half-Mexican sister
Gudlay……………the prostitute
Oyvey……………but the family doesn’t like to talk about him.
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