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ENTERTAINMENT ABOUNDS AT YORK OPEN HOUSE–19th annual motorcycle event features tour of Harley-Davidson factory
YORK, PA – The 19th annual York Open House will entertain all ages with livebands, stunt bike performances and demo rides on Sept. 18-20, 2003. Held atthe York Expo Center, the event includes vendors, a five-dealer Harleymerchandise mall, live entertainment, trials exhibitions, seminars and planttours all three days. Previous years? events have seen 30,000-40,000attendees over the three days, according to organizers. This year, there aremore than 350 vendor spaces are available, more than ever before, so you?llfind all you need at this year?s York Open House.

“Make no mistake, an already great show with a great legacy will be evenbetter than before,” said John Detrick, CEO of Carlisle Events, the companyproducing the York Open House.
Tour the York Harley-Davidson factory to see how your favorite motorcyclesare created. The York Vehicle Operations plant is the largestHarley-Davidson facility, employing more than 3,200 people, many of themriders. All tours are available only to those who take the shuttle bus frominside the fairgrounds to the factory. Buses will run from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.Thursday through Saturday.
Friday night, the City of York, in conjunction with the York CountyHarley-Davidson Owners Association, hosts York Bike Night. Starting at about6 p.m., a motorcycle parade will travel through town on its way to downtownYork. Entertainment, live rock music and vendors will highlight this 10thannual York Bike Night, which goes on until 10 p.m. There have been close to1,500 motorcycles in the parade in the past, so this should be a fantasticevent for participants and spectators alike.

At the Expo Center, Harley-Davidson Motor Company will offer demo rides, andthe five-dealer Harley-Davidson merchandise mall will offer all the leatherand accessories you need. Participate in the BattleTrax challenge, a coursethat lets riders explore handling and braking limits in a safe, challengingenvironment. All types of motorcycles and all levels of riding skill – frombeginner to expert – can find fun and excitement ?carving cones? on aBattleTrax course. This is the ninth and final event in PennsylvaniaBattleTrax Championship Series, and the champions will be crowned.
The Trials Exhibitions will feature Adam Holbrook, the 1999 U.S. NationalHigh School Class Champion, who at 19 years old is the youngest professionaltrials showman in the United States. Other performances include street bikestunts and a motocross stunt team, dazzling the crowd with jumps and tricks.Free informational seminars will instruct riders on such topics as the bestlocal rides, how to travel long distances and other useful advice.
Saturday afternoon, a 2004 Harley-Davidson FXST Softail Standard motorcyclewill be given away to one lucky ticket holder (must be present to win).Also, take part in a raffle to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Associationfor your chance to win a 2004 Harley-Davidson Heritage Softail motorcycle.
Visit for information about the event. Be sure to signup to receive the e-mail newsletter and be the first to get all the latestnews about the York Open House.
The 2003 edition of the York Open House takes place Sept. 18-20, 8 a.m.-5p.m., at the York Expo Center. Admission is $5, and motorcycle parking isfree (other vehicles: $5 parking). Children 12 and under are admitted free.Call 1(877) 231-7666 for hotel information and to learn about other areaattractions.

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT– While everybody is getting into the motorcycle world, The 100th anniversary is rockin’ Milwaukee this week. Travel Channel is airing motorcycle shows all week long, and the Discovery Great Biker Build off show is coming up this Labor day. We are shot with an overdose of Bike Stuff , well, not us, the mere mortals who don’t have a chance, or have never been to one of these events, or believe whatever the TV says and take it as gospel. Even Speed Channel launched its two-wheel Tuesdays, with a couple shows aimed to the V-Twin consumers. My question is, are we getting an overload of bike stuff ? If some is good, more is better? I have witnessed some good shows, and others that suck. Some have shitty parts mixed with good ones. Anyway, what do people actually know about this industry? Or can it simply be based on what they see on TV?

For example, I saw last night, how Robbie Knievel was talking about the reliability of his Harley vs. the unreliability of his “custom” and I quote “My custom falls apart, if I run over a 100 miles, that’s why I take my Harley,” (or something like that).So let’s get something clear, his custom, which is given away as promotion by one of the companies (I’m not sure which) and he proudly promotes it in ads and events, is actually an unreliable piece of shit ? So all the efforts of such and such company to sell their product goes down the drain, since a famous (the endorser) guy says it’s crap. I assume that the general public won’t take their time to verify this, and if it’s said on TV it’s etched in stone. Or is it? I will be the first one to say, when something, anything, is crap.
On the otherhand, I don’t like people who advertise stuff that is actually crap, but since they are getting banners and money for their shows then people assume is good. Lately you see a bunch of banners and stickers strategically placed so people get the idea. Sure you might be getting promotion, but the proof is in the pudding…..
Even more, it ticks me every time I read a magazine and the “builder” or buyer, is using a Harley motor and the following line almost always is said “I used it for reliability” Fuck that! You build a bike with an 80 inch motor, either because you don’t care for inches, you are cheap, or have a show bike. After Knuckles, Pans and Shovels, a motor is a motor, all you need is something to propel you down the road, to make you and bike go from point A to point B, no more than that. Externally an 80 incher can look as good as a 145….
Of course it’s the repetitive cacophony, “It’s reliable” Bullshit! I have used several motors in my bikes, and it’s all a matter of how you MAINTAIN your bike. You must take the proper care. It’s not a car that you put gas in and go. It’s a handmade motorcycle, and it needs specific maintenance. Like S&S or even the Revtech engines, our customers and our friends literally beat the shit out of them, and we’ve never had any problems. I’ll tell you, if some of our customers don’t blow up an S&S 113, no one will!

Sure, I have busted up my bike, doing stupid shit, like trying to ride 2,000 miles on a brand new chopper, or simply by abuse. But the worst motor problem might be a blown head gasket or a loose pushrod. We ride as far as anyone else on their Twinkies, or 80-inch Evos, and a lot faster. Of course talking without proof will put me in the same league as those I’m talking about now. So how’s this for proof ?? Billy on a brand new Revtech, rode 100mph average from Melbourne to Salisbury (and then on to Sturgis). Roger Bourget peeled through the same ride, plus from Phoenix to Sturgis on brand new bike (this year) with a new 145-inch, all S&S. Big Mike from Oregon to the Black Hills with Aaron Greene, Revtechs and Merchs, How about that? I easily put 1,000 miles on my bike during the week in Sturgis, no problems whatsoever.So how’s that for reliability?
I guess it’s just the same old shit, someone says something and all the parrots repeat it, and it’s not only motors, it’s like that with a lot of things.
Go have fun bowing to the company gods, their smoke screen with keep the things the way they were” reliability and whatever else. Go spend your money with all the “brothers”. Hopefully none of us will need a doctor or a lawyer, they’ll all be there.

And now to the news:
September 1st, Discovery Channel, 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm, 10:00 pm Three shows of the Great Biker Build off, same times for Sept 6th. See Billy Lane, Dave Perewitz, Paul Yaffe and Indian Larry go at each other…. By the way , If you like pain there will be a marathon of all the Orange County Choppers the same day….enjoy….(there will be a repeat Sept 7th at 2:00,3:00 and 4:00 pm)
Ol Skool Rod’z is coming out pretty soon, the Kar magazine from the HORSE guys is almost complete, keep an eye for it, or check their web site

If you watched the X-Games in LA last week you might have seen a WCC sponsored bike doing the baddest back flip ever, even Jesse wiping the bike, Mike Deegan got gold for his efforts, congrats to them and WCC. It’s always cool to help people achieve their goals. Way to go !
The Hog Caribbean Rally is coming up soon, not that I’m gonna go, but just so you know…..
Oh well… I’m out of here, got to try finish the bikes for Biketoberfest….
–Jose Caribbean Bikernet report
BIKERS RIDE ON THE INTERNET TO FIND THEIR MATES!–Choice Horizons and MutualMinded, Inc. announce the introduction of their new internet social network ? .San Francisco, August 27, 2003: officially launching September 1st , will provide a fun and easy way for bikers across the country to meet each other for dating or social interaction. FREE 30 day ?test rides? will be given to the first 500 visitors so they can experience firsthand the benefits of this new niche social network. The site is geared to help bikers quickly find their next date, riding partner or biker events/gatherings to enjoy more of their favorite passion.

Created by Mutual Minded Inc of Sherman Oaks, CA and marketed by Choice Horizons of Antioch, CA, ? is not just for dating or Harley types. It?s for all levels of interest in both motorcycles and dating – from casual friendships to those seeking marriage, hardcore enthusiasts to new riders. strives to provide the content and event information to draw bikers of all types for a well rounded membership.? ? Derik Cartan, Choice Horizons is also eager to align with venues, strategic partners and alliances that want to focus on this marketplace to offer more to its membership. The motorcycle industry is strong and bikers will spend money on their passion. intends to bridge the needs of its members with the industry. There are plans to provide discount offers for motorcycle products and services, reduced rates for referrals and other types of incentives to add to a member?s enjoyment of this motorcycle community.
Please take a free ride on today!
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