I spent a day with Don Whalen and some of the finest restored antique bikes in the country. What a treat. Here’s some examples of bikes he has available. I’ll have more next week. If you have any interest in any of these bikes, contact Don at: drw2453@earthlink.net. Let’s get to the news:

Original unrestored bikes are now drawing higher prices than restored scoots.
EASYRIDERS BEING GOUGED IN OHIO– It appears that the Sheriff at the Easyriders Labor Day Event in Ohio hasgotten on the Band Waggon with others around the country to gouge money outof bikers.
It is a fact that more and more people in Law Enforcement are gettinginvolved in motorcycling. They have come up with a way to be paid to attendevents rather than paying to attend.This is not new and we have been tellingpeople about it for years.This in many cases is tax payer money being usedbesides what they can shake down promoters for.Hey if they want to attendlet them pay like every one else.
Looking at the events that I attend around the country I see more securityall the time. It appears alot more than seems necessary. I mentioned itabout Laconia and even the Harley 100th in Atlanta. I continue to hear it isabout some violance that happened between clubs.
Well if you look at the number of events around the country that happenevery day and the amount that there is trouble at it does not add up. Every Raider game has violence attached.
Thereare events that provide their own security and do not allow law enforcementon the premises. Of course they can attend if they pay to get in and are notin uniform. Again they say they are working undercover and we are stillpaying for them to party. Shit percentage wise there is more trouble withparents at Little League games,patrons of other sporting events and sucharound the country than at the biker events.
Of course law enforcement is going to say that is because they are there inforce to protect the spectators. I SAY BULL SHIT! I say just admit that you are there to have a good time like the rest of usand are getting paid to do it and it is a Perk Of The Job.

Here’s the Latest Issue of Martha Stuart Living.
–from Ray R.
CONTROVERSIAL POLICE DATABASE LISTS “FUTURE CRIMINALS”–WILMINGTON, Del. — Defense lawyers and the American Civil LibertiesUnion are up in arms over a police file of potential criminals inDelaware.
The database contains a list of people who police believe are likelyto break the law. It features names, addresses and photographs ofpotential suspects — many of whom have clean slates.
Since the system was introduced in Wilmington in June, most of the200 people included in the file have been minorities from poor,high-crime neighborhoods.
State and federal prosecutors say the tactic is legal. The photos arebeing taken by two Wilmington police squads created to arrest drugdealers.
Many of the people whose photos have been taken were stopped brieflyfor loitering and let go.
–from Rogue
GRANNY JUSTICE– MELBOURNE, Australia — Gun-toting granny Ava Estelle, 81, was soticked-off when two thugs raped her 18-year-old> granddaughter that she tracked the unsuspecting ex-cons down — and shotoff their testicles.
The old lady spent a week hunting those men down, and when she foundthem, she took revenge on them in her own special way, said Melbourne police investigator Evan Delp.
Then she took a taxi to the nearest police station, laid the gun on thesergeant’s desk and told him as calm as could be: ‘Those bastards will never rape anybody again, by God.’ Cops sayconvicted rapist and robber Davis Furth, 33, lost both his penis and his testicles when outraged Ava opened fire with a 9-mmpistol in the hotel room where he and former prison cellmate Stanley Thomas, 29, were holed up.
The wrinkled avenger also blew Thomas’ testicles to kingdom come, butdoctors managed to save his mangled penis, police said. The one guy, Thomas, didn’t lose his manhood, but the doctor Italked to said he won’t be using it the way he used to, Detective Delp told reporters. Both men are still in pretty bad shape,but I think they’re just happy to be alive after what they’ve been through.
–from Dick

BIKERNET CARIBBEAN REPORT–Another week goes by, it seems like it was just yesterday when we wereriding Needles Highway, oh well…September is a couple days away, the end of Summer, one more year for me,and just one month to Biketoberfest, time does really fly. Some of the goodnews is that we have our web site running, at last, just very limitedinformation right now, but at least is running, we will be working on itand hope to have it almost ready for the end of next month. If you want tocheck it out it’s ChopperFreak.com.As always it will be a support effort between Bikernet, The Horse magazine,their web site and us. So no, I’m not leaving here to go do my own stuff,it’s going to be another tool to help our customers out and to easier reachpeople that are intrigued by the Caribbean Chopper scene, we will have allour shirts and stuff there, plus some cool photos of friends and bikes, wemust have cool photos……I guess it’s just another step on our progress,and while wearing my new hat (webmaster) will try to do a decent job, onceI learn how the hell to work it out !
Kudos to Bikernet since it’s apretty hard task keeping up with a site.For those who are waiting on the trip story, I’m pretty sure it’s on theway, also thanks to all who have called or e-mailed from the interview ,here on Bikernet.Ok, enough, lets hit the news…..
If anyone reads Maxime magazine, which I doubt, check the Sept issue, theyhave an article on the “stuff” that happened at Laughlin this year (wich ismostly bull) but fun to read anyway, besides you can check out Lucy Liuwho is a babe……
Discovery is planning on airing the show ( Roger’s and Billy’s) Sept 28that 10:00 pm eastern and again at 2:00 am, also the 23rd of Dec, check yourlocal listings and get those VCR’s ready to rock….

Here’s a photo of my ride to North Carolina and my dad checking itout……
We heard that Jeff Deasey is working with Hot Rod Bikes now, instead of HotBikes, we hope it’s for the best…..
One of our new Caribbean choppers is on the works (actually two) willreport as progress takes place, we are working on a deal with a framemanufacturer right now, so let’s see what happens, One thing I’m sure theywon’t be bikes for everyone, no rear belts, no starter, no shocks…. Ofcourse no EFi and no Twin Cams…..if things go well , maybe we will buildfive or so for next year, tops….Want one??? Call us…
Our super industry network has informed that there will be changes on theCamel Roadhouse builders…..like always, as soon as I can release the infoyou will know it here first….
Here’s another photo, this are our friends from Kopteri in Finland, Kokkoand Pete hanging out with Yoly at our house’s hot spot…The dungeon.
I don’t know what’s up with motorcycles and Puerto Rico, but in the lastfew months they have opened (or included in their dealerships) Triumph,Vespa, Indian, BMW and god knows what else… Let’s see what happens. Iknow that Vespa is doing good, Triumph and BMW might fly, butIndian….come on is it a joke ?
Also for those that are looking for a good priced chopper, we featured theBourget’s EXP model last year wich has sold very well, now to make it evenbetter BBW has changed the motor to a 96 S&S instead of the H-D Evomotor…for the same price…( under 26 K).And speaking of Bourget’s they just came out with a very cool calendar/brochure, call your dealer or Bourget’s to score one.
I’m outta here since we have to work on the web-site and upload some nakedchicks photos…….
–Have a good week….Jose
The Sturgis report will be completed tomorrow afternoon.
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