This is more than a pre-Bonneville news. We’re packing to head out to the salty brine as I write. In fact I shouldn’t scribble at all. I need to load the Kendon lift, the tool box, cases of Amsoil oil, cases of water, boxes of trail mix, oil drain buckets, oil filters, extra sparkplugs, rags, oil lines, extra bottles of nitrous, clothes, chow, munchies and booze.

George, The Wild Brush, working magic alone the rough edge of the magic flake.
What the hell. You think building this bike was a challenge? Imagine trying to organize the run to the flats and dragging my garage along. Of course, the paint on the tank isn’t complete; the stickers for the front fender need to be picked up tomorrow, along with our tow vehicle, plus a meeting with George, the Wild Brush, pinstriper.
Hell or high water we roll out tomorrow. I spoke to the Bennett’s Performance team yesterday and they were up against similar obstacles. Watch the news for more updates:

IRON HORSE TRIKE WORKS HEADS TO THE EMMY AWARDS–Iron Horse Trikeworks has been invited to the 59th annual Primetime Emmy Awards. Their trike will be displayed at The Emmys, in Hollywood from September 12th-16th. All nominees and presenters will be brought to the trike by our publicist where they will be photographed with the trike and the owners of Iron Horse Trikeworks.
The trike will remain in California for the American Music Awards and a private invite to Oprah’s Monticetto mansion, both in November. In addition, the trikes have been invited to participate in the upcoming American Music Awards. Check the web site for the pictures from the Emmys. They will be posted when we return to Ohio.

BIKERNET SPONSOR SPEAKS UP–I thought I had checked it out, but given the memory issues I don’t trust myself or what I know anymore..lol lol Thanks for putting the pieces in both last Thursday and Sunday… It means a lot to me. Been talkin to the Speed Gods and only they know the answer of how your runs will go, but I thought I detected some positive vibes comin’ from them. Good luck to you, Nyla, Valerie and the whole team on the Salt Flats.
I went through some mental stumbling after I hit that deer. I know the Assalt Weapan is going to do well, just don’t know how well. Toss some salt over your shoulder and speak to the iron maiden in the sky. Tell her, “Baby I love you.” That should do it.
Thanks again for your support.

BRASS BALLS BOBBERS AND CHOPPERS THANKS ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY & SERVICE PROVIDERS–August 30, 2007 – Oklahoma City – Dar Holdsworth, President of Darwin Motorcycles and manufacturer of Brass Ball Bobbers and Choppers, is extending a $500 discount to all Bobbers and Choppers purchased in August 2007 through July 2008 for all active duty military, police, firefighters and school teachers.
Holdsworth, a Desert Storm veteran, understands the commitment and sacrifice that is required to perform America’s essential services. Whether an individual is fighting a fire or fighting for the mind of a student, each job delivers on the betterment of the country and the community.
“I know what it’s like to put it on-the-line on a daily basis and I wanted our company to give back to the men and women that are doing it today, keeping us safe and defending our freedoms,” said Holdsworth. “Our $500 service program shows our commitment to the backbone of America.”

The $500 discount is applicable to the entire line of Brass Ball Bobbers and Choppers. This includes the three production models using Harley-Davidson EVO, S&S Shovelhead motors and the unique re-engineered Indian Power Plus engine. The firm’s Bobbers also feature many original and proprietary hand-built components and retro-contemporary frames that are inspired by the original 1940s and 1950s V-Twin motorbikes.
Brass Ball Bobbers is considered by enthusiasts to be “The above average bike for the average Joe”. Custom built motorcycles begin at just $16,995.

BIKERNET 5-BALL RACING NEWS FLASH, GODADDY.COM MAJOR SPONSOR–We?re scrambling like rabid dogs to pick up our hauling vehicle, get the tank from the painter, final machining to new sprockets finished, stickers printed and banner art complete. We have just under 24 hours before we leave, and I snapped my cell phone on for a trip to the machinist?s shop.
I just slipped it into my pocket, after it laid dormant for three days shut off, and it started ringing. I pulled it out and answered it. It was Bob Parsons from GoDaddy.com. We pitched them to be the main 5-Ball sponsor several months ago and were turned down flat. We countered, and they turned us down again. We were on our own. Then moments ago we spoke briefly and he stepped up, sent a check fedex?d overnight. Damn, we?re gonna get to eat in Bonneville. Thanks Bob.

DOHERTY MACHINE SHOP HIRED GUN–We are looking for outside CNC machine work. We have four lathes, three mills and the experience to build anything. We’re available to build anything motorcycle quick and at the right price.

BIKERNET JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK,Steering Head Bearing Race Installer–Used to install steering head races, stock and custom, as well as installcups in the frame. this tool pulls the race and cups in, straight and true,without any damage.
No.1725- Use to install cups and races on all models, including V-Rod (Note:Replace with JIMS? No.48300-60 neck bearing)
Suggested Retail: $55.20
–JT Lepien

BONNEVILLE WEATHER REPORT–August 27th 2007- Monday:The weather front that came through yesterday really helped the course- though we were worried otherwise! There was very little moisture and a lot of wind.
The course has dried considerably, especially the problem spot between the 6 and 7 mile. The 0-2 has also dried- though both areas still need to dry a bit more to be usable.
Once again the forecast looks hot for the immediate future. We are still exploring alternative options to get the best course possible.ACCESS ROAD: the wind was of great benefit to the access road. There is still some standing water however it is shallow enough to see where to go (and where not to).
Time Until BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials 200805 Days, 11 Hours, 17 Minutes, 54 Seconds.
ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT CLASSES AVAILABLE–ASMI is booking classes for 2008! Now is the time to start looking at securing a date for 2008 spring (Jan – May) classes. There are a number of fall classes scheduled already including 4 instructor training sessions in:
There are classes associated with each of these training sessions as well. If you have not taken a class yet, don’t delay! If you have, please pass this information on to your fellow riders and groups. The more people that are trained, the better off we ALL are. To find classes, instructors or instructor training click on the link below.
–Vicki Roberts-Sanfelipo, RN/EMT
Director Accident Scene Management, Inc.
President of SOS & Conspicuity Inc.
We’ve Moved!!! Please make a note of our new address:
W246 S3244 Industrial Ln. A
Waukesha, WI 53189
(877) 411-8551 – toll free
(262) 521-2880 – local
(262) 436-0286 – fax

BIKERNET WEEKLY PRODUCT RELEASE FROM RIVERA PRIMO,STAGE 8 SELF-LOCKING EXHAUST FASTENERS–STAGE 8 fasteners prevent nuts & bolts from coming loose under any conditions !All bolts & fasteners on Harleys tend to loosen due to harmonics & vibration. Here’sa permanent and inexpensive fix to exhaust-to-head problems and associateddamage caused by fastener breakdown.
Available for Shovelheads, Evo & Twin Cams.
RE-SE-10 Stage 8 Exhaust Fastener Kit for Shovelheads 15.66
RE-SE-10A Kit for Shovelheads w/o Exhaust Gaskets 9.80
RE-SE-20 Stage 8 Exhaust Fastener Kit for Evo & Twin Cams 11.50 (Using Stock Studs)

For these & other fine products contact:
Rivera Primo
12450 Whittier Blvd. Whittier, CA 90602
Tel: 800-872-1515
Tel: 562-907-2600 Fax: 562-907-2606

HAMSTERS MC UNDER ATTACK IN SUN VALLEY, IDAHO–Weasels MC set fire to vast Idaho plans to run Hamsters out. Here’s the latest: Hi Pattie……….If you have heard about the fire in Sun Valley this will make sense to you….Both Todd and Lon’s families have been evacuated from their homes. Barry on the other hand, has not….No damage to any of our properties…We are surviving just fine with the kids and pets from both evacuated families under one roof, with a good view of the action. Hope to be back home shortly. Barry is on vacation as usual… Lon, Todd, and Barry All cash and booze donations can be sent to the Sun Valley Wine Company…

ASSALT WEAPAN SHAKER–High security secret photograph of Chop N Grind team bike just hours before loading in 13 Palms, California and trucking to the salt. With only bent nails and hammers three outlaws have worked night and day in the desert building this monster for the Bubs Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials.
Chop N Grind races only once a year, when the salt is dry, and the rooms are cheap at the Red Lantern Inn. They live to go faster than the 5-Ball Panhead. We’ll see what happens next


BIKERNET UNIVERSITY SEX STUDY FINDINGS–ATTRACTION – the act of associating horniness with a particular person.
LOVE AT 1st SIGHT – what occurs when two extremely horny, but not entirely choosy people meet.
DATING – the process of spending enormous amounts of money, time, and energy to get better acquainted with a person whom you don’t especially like in the present and will learn to like a lot less in the future.
BIRTH CONTROL – avoiding pregnancy through such tactics as swallowing special pills,or just swallowing the Goo, inserting a diaphragm, using a condom,and dating repulsive men or spending time around children.
EASY – a term used to describe a woman who has the sexual morals of a man.
Prude – a term used to describe a woman who wants to stay virgin until married.If she makes it that long, she won’t need it anyway so avoid.
EYE CONTACT – a method utilized by a single woman to communicate to a man that she is interested in him. Despite being advised to do so, many woman have difficulty looking a man directly in the eyes, not necessarily due to the shyness, but usually due to the fact that a woman’s eyes are not located in her chest, or his knees block her vision.
FRIEND – a member of the opposite sex in your acquaintance who has some flaw which makes sleeping with him/her totally unappealing.
INDIFFERENCE – a woman’s feeling towards a man, which is interpreted by the man as “playing hard to get, instead of getting it hard”
INTERESTING – a word a man uses to describe a woman who lets him do all the talking.
NYMPHOMANIAC – a man’s term for a woman who wants to have sex more often than he does.
FRIGID – a man’s term for a woman who wants to have sex less often than he does, or who requires more foreplay than lifting her nightgown.
SOBER – condition in which it is almost impossible to fall in love.
NAG – a man’s term for a woman who wants more to her life with him than just intercourse.
–from Buckshot

SUPPORT OUR TROOPS ALWAYS–I know that usually when you hear from me I’ve got a bug up my ass about stupid shit I see happening in the biker community. Can’t help it sometimes, I’m just real passionate about our lifestyle and try to keep it that way.
Today however, I want to give a shout out to our troops and vets alike. My family and I would like to express our deepest gratitude for those that have served, and are serving our country without regard for their own lives.
They have to hear all the bullshit from the leftist, cowardly, whiny fucks that have no appreciation for the sacrifice they make for their right to be whiny fucks.
These brave men and women are our heroes regardless of the idiots that bash this great country and our leaders.
I would like to ask that everyone take the time to say thank you the next time they come in contact with a soldier or vet, regardless of their feelings about the war. Remember that there aren’t any enemies walking down your street, and who is responsible for that.
To all that are serving, or have served, THANK YOU!!! God Bless you All,
— Tinman
and the rest of the Mills family

PRO-STREET GRAND OPENING, BANDIT FROM BIKERNET TO HOST–That’s right Bandit is escaping to Hawaii for Deacon’s grand open and a week of riding the island. Don’t miss it.

THIS BIKE IS FOR SALE–Hey youse guysI need to sell my dad’s Lil Blue Demon.
1951 rolling chassis
Built By Billy Lane (Choppers Inc.)
clear FL title
kick and electric start
100″ special order S&S motor fit in frame without modifying or cutting 1951 frame
custom mid controls by Red Racing
’70s paint restored by Adam Chandler
new Paughco 4″ over springer
custom one off chopper brake by Fab Kev
original rear juice brake
new tires and wheels
runs great
featured in five Horse magazine issues
561 866 7007

CYCLE SOURCE STURGIS RIDE–Just wanted to take a minute and thank you for helping us get the word out about our ride in Sturgis. 80 bikes and over 120 people, man that was some cool shit! We headed out into the Black Hills for a day of adventure and got some of the greatest riding photos and video footage ever. National builder like Scott Webster, Bill Dodge, Alan Lee, Chica, Jeff, Donny and Christian from Sucker Punch, Ben Jordan, The Led Sled Crew and a ton more all came out to support us.

We rode for about 70 miles (stopping once for a bad little girl who had a lemonade stand set up) to what we told them would be a small western town we’d take over named Hoover. As we pulled up and their town sign read population six, everyone understood that it would be easy muscle. As we sat on the porch of their little general store, Charlie Ransome and Bean’re put on an acrobatic stunt show right in the prairie for everyone’s enjoyment. This was no easy feat since they were riding on natural, bumpy surfaces at speed.
This ride made everyone at the Source proud as hell. almost 2,000 miles from our little home town where the magazine started over 10 years ago and still national builders, riders, scooter tramps and chopper jockeys showed up to support us. This was as good as it gets man and we can’t thank everyone who came enough! Here are a few pics just for now but look for a full spread in the November 2007 Issue of The Cycle Source Magazine!
Chris and the whole Cycle Source staff crew!
–Chris Callen
Editor The Cycle Source Magazine
118 Dellenbaugh Rd.
Tarentum, PA 15084
fax: 724-226-2867724-226-8393

BIG TITS RULE–I’d be curious to see how many subscriptions you get this month because of that chick with the great tits. I got pissed off and didn’t renew when you started charging to read the Thursday news, but all that went out the window when I saw that chick’s tits.
Renewed my Bikernet. Damn you Bandit!
P.S. **More big tits please.**
She’s still in the Cantina waiting.–Bandit

Continued On Page 2