FREEDOM FIGHTER UPDATE–There are some things that are obvious. They are right in your face. One of these is that the use of a cell phone while driving is a distraction and impairment.
Driver distraction kills not only bikers, but everyone else on the road. You can read all the studies you want, and they all say the same thing. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see it. Less that 4,000 soldiers have died in Iraq in four years, but every year in this country 44,000 die in auto accidents and over 50 percent were distracted (cell phones) when the accident occurred. Imagine how many were severly injured, and they have the audacity to complain about loud pipes.
Whatever your views may be on how to approach this issue, there is one thing on which we can agree: Cell phones, at the very least, endanger us. At the very worst, they kill us. We all have the stories to prove it. The activity on Bruce-N-Ray’s Biker Forum demonstrates the passion of bikers all over the country. I estimate 100 posts to the thread:http://pub42.bravenet.com/forum/3562429698/fetch/846647/
This is why we were particularly outraged at a billboard we saw while riding in northern Delaware. In the State’s “Stop Aggressive Driving Campaign”: they promote the reporting of aggressive driving through the USE OF A CELL PHONE WHILE DRIVING.
We had to stop and take a picture of this insanity:http://www.delfreedomriders.com/aggressive.jpg
How could anybody in their right mind, especially the Office of Highway Safety (OHS) which is there ostensibly to advise us about risky behavior, even think of such a misguided campaign?See an aggressive driver…report it from your cell phone while driving….run into a biker or a bicyclist or a pedestrian.
We find this to highly irresponsible and negligent on the part of the agency whose purpose is to advise AGAINST driver impairment, not ENCOURAGE it. There is even a paid position within the Office of Highway Safety called “Impaired Driving Prevention Coordinator”.We found many others who were similarly outraged. As independents, Delaware Freedom Riders is a small but dedicated group. We asked our friends from ABATE, MRF, and others to be signatories to the attached letter. It is encouraging that officers of ABATE and the State MRF Representative were positive in their responses. There is still room for activism. There are still people who will sign on the dotted line in the interest of their fellow brothers and sisters on the road.
–Shirley “GirlGeek” Vandever
Jimmy “Chainsaw” Epps
Delaware Freedom Riders

5-BALL RACING TEAM MEMBER COMPLAINT–Hate to bitch but I’ve been a 5-Ball racing member for quite a while now and I still haven’t received the girl as shown on your home page. I’m sure this was just an oversite with all the Assalt Weapan work yet to be done, right? Kick some ass in Bonneville. Wish I was there, I’ll be pullin’ for ya!
–Pete(from florida)

CELEBRATING DESIGN EXCELLENCE– The leading showcase of one-off bikes that speaks to the unique lifestyle and individuality of the custom market is looking for builders. Big Twin Customs Invitational recognizes custom builders who are leading the industry with their innovative designs and concepts on an international level.
Only 200 builders will be chosen to participate in this premier invitation-only bike showcase held at the University of Phoenix Stadium in Phoenix, Arizona during Big Twin West and the Phoenix stop of the Cycle World International Motorcycle Shows? presented by Toyota.
Submit Your Bike Today! We’ve made it easy ? you can now submit your bike online, by mail or by fax.
Online :
1. Fill out the
2. Upload photos of your bike to our website
3. We’ll email you to confirm we received everything
1. Download the entry form in PDF form (
2. Mail us 5 pictures of your bike.
3. We’ll email you to confirm we received your entry form and photos.
Deadline to enter: October 1, 2007
While Big Twin Customs Invitational is not a competition or a contest, we realize that everyone likes recognition for their work. In that spirit, we will be honoring builders with best of honors in six categories:
Best Paint
Best Fabrication
Excellence in Engineering
Best Old School
Exhibitors? Choice
Excellence in Design
Make Your Move
Showcase your bike in front of over 25,000 Big Twin dealers and enthusiasts over a 4 day period.
Check out the latest performance parts and accessories to customize your bikes.
Meet with manufacturers interested in partnership ventures and cross-promotional opportunities with the rising stars of the custom market.
Bill Rupert Kathryn Groble HOMER WORKS AT LUCKY DEVIL’S IN HOUSTON–here is a shot of Homer hanging out in the sand box with one of our customers. THE BUBS BONNEVILLE EVENT IS ON!–August 28th 2007- Tuesday.The salt has noticeably dried further today- though we still have that problem spot between 6 and 7. We are working to devise a drain method in the hopes that it will also dry, however we are now grooming the SCTA courses for use of those as our other possibility. ACCESS ROAD: There is still some standing water at the access road. It is a bit dried that previously. PLEASE NOTE: We will be in transit tomorrow (Wed 8.29.07) heading out to the salt. There will be no internet weather update for a couple of days while we get set up. We will however be able to call in an update on our voicemail at 530-272-4310. Please call for udates and listen to the daily message. This will be updated once a day before noon (pacific time). Once we are able to resume internet connection on the salt we will popst the information here. –Del Time Until BUB Motorcycle Speed Trials 200804 Days, 12 Hours, 11 Minutes, 11 Seconds. 2WHEELERS CLASSIC PRODUCT OF THE WEEK–Arlin put this seat on his new chopper. Old School K Model Style Solo Seat,13″ Wide by 16″ Long Black Vinyl $ 99.99 ( without rail) $199.99 (with rail)

BONNEVILLE SPEED WEEK REPORT–Bonneville was very wet this year. Kimberly set one record on a 50 cc express @ 32 mph and two records on the GoldWing with the sidecar.
Kimberly Crystal Kelly’s GoldWing record speeds are: SC-G-2000 Gas class at 108.214 record with the fastest one way of 108.783 mph. SC-F-2000 fuel class at 108.365 record with the fastest one way of 108.850 mph.
Kimberly will be on TV: NBC Jeep World of Adventure Sports Sept 8 th 2-3 pm ET.Their web site is: www.worldofadventuresports.comIn the photo are Jim Olive, Kenny Lyon & Kimberly Kelly (Driver)
–Kenny Lyon (310) 637 6094

VALERIE THOMPSON 5-BALL PILOT IS NO. 1 QUALIFIER AT THE DRAGS–It’s hardly the same as winning the final race but it goes to show the team is getting close to its first event win. What a great feeling it was to wake up on Sunday morning knowing VTR was the team to beat going into eliminations. Before the event even started one of racings lessons was offered to Valerie and VTR Team Mascot “Recon” in the form of time management after the month long break in the action.
Their week started with a 2000 mile, 3 day trip that seemingly took forever. The two were in constant traffic jams and construction delays that lead to extra fuel stops and of course more exercise stops for the little yipper. On top of all that high-winds nearly ripped the door off the trailer and thankfully some fellow riders were able to lend hand to a temporary fix and away they went.
Valerie and Recon were suppose to be in Knoxville, TN on Wednesday for a special appearance at “In the Wind” where owner Dennis Jenkins was on hand with a local news station ready to televise Valerie’s appearance. Unfortunately the delays were too many and the TV opportunity was a missed opportunity. Dennis went the extra mile for Valerie with a week of radio commercials and his efforts resulted in a great crowd. Valerie was very disappointed as you can imagine and thankful for all the effort that Dennis and his staff put into the event and all the fans for showing up to see her. You’re the man Dennis!
They did however make the Nitro Party on Thursday at Smith’s Harley-Davidson and where the duo’s traveling woe’s continued; this time a flat tire.
The weekend’s event was “The All Harley Drags Presented by S&S Cycle Thunder in the Valley Nationals” and the place was one of Valerie’s favorites, Bristol Drag-way. The facility is one of the finest and the track among the nation’s best. Bristol is also known for its draw of crazy fans and racing’s finest competitors. The weather on tap was great if you like it very hot and extra humid.

BIKERNET INVITED TO SUCKER PUNCH NEW MODEL LAUNCH–It is with great pleasure that I invite you to Sucker Punch Sally’sfirst ever media event. As the manufacturer of one the most soughtafter production old school bobbers, we wanted to make sure that wewould be able to offer you a full view inside the SPS operationincluding test rides on all of their models and a special unveiling ofa new mind blowing model that will have everyone saying “Why didn’tsomeone else already do this?”
The general itinerary will includeflying into Phoenix Arizona on Tuesday, Nov. 6th with a factory tour, thenoff to dinner and then who knows, I hear PHX has some of the beststaffed gentlemen clubs in the west.
Weds we will get up and eitherride or be transported to Sedona, then it is a full day of riding inSedona, stay overnight at a four star resort and back to PHX to gethome sometime on Thurs. Nov. 8th. Expect some serious riding and ageneral good time.
–J. Ken Conte

THERE IS A BASEBALL GAME WITH THE DUNEDIN BLUE JAYS THIS SATURDAY!!!!September 1st – Knology Park in DunedinCome out and have a chance to win a car for free and meet motorcycle man and Dr. Credit!!!!!There will be a 5 class bike show, with registration from 4pm till 6pm.You will get to ride on the field before the game and stay for the national anthem!There will also be a band, food, beer specials, pre-game activities, BBQ and there will be a trophy presentation on the field between innings.For more info call 727-738-7019

MOTORCYCLE SAFETY AWARENESS DAY AND BIKE SHOW REPORT FROM VANCOUVER–Sunday, August 19, 2007 was not only Motorcycle Safety Awareness Day in theCity of Vancouver but a huge public relations day for motorcyclists in thisprovince.
The weather ended up in our favor around noon and it was another verysuccessful show with an estimated 65,000-70,000 people passing through overthe course of the day.
BCCOM is proud to have been a part of such a huge day in efforts to promotea family event for the positive image of motorcycling in B.C.
Our webmaster is currently on vacation, but we hope to have some photos andour list of winners posted soon at www.bccom-bc.com There was a fantasticspread by Corrie Miller in the Driving Section of the Friday, August 24thissue of the Province. The pictures aren’t available on-line, but thearticle can be viewed here:http://www.canada.com/theprovince/news/driving/story.html?id=e4d35d3e-198b-42ba-8ad6-7da7d81dbd29You may need to cut and paste this link into your browser.
There are a number of people that we would like to thank for making thisshow such a great one!
We would like to thank the manufacturers who made this event possible withtheir support: BMW, Bourget, Ducati, Harley-Davidson, Pro One, Saxon,Suzuki, and Yamaha.
Leanore Sali, Executive Director of the Gastown Business ImprovementSociety, who spends countless hours helping us organize this show and ofcourse the Gastown community and merchants for letting us take over theirneighborhood for the day (www.gastown.org)
An ENORMOUS thank you to all of the volunteers who worked tirelessly to makethis event happen. We could not do it without your help! THANK YOU.
Brad Riznek, President of Show In Motion Professional Show Services, whosupplied the stage along with many of our other needs. They are always anabsolute pleasure to deal with and you can find out more about the servicesthey offer on their website www.showinmotion.com
All of the generous trophy sponsors, who are listed below along with all ofthe winners from the show.
Power Sport News for printing the fantastic show programs(www.powersportnews.com)
Clement and the Suzuki Freestyle Motocross Tour for bringing their show outwest and putting on such an incredible show (www.fmxtour.com)
Brenda Kennedy from BitchinGear (www.bitchingear.ca) who co-ordinated thefabulous fashion shows.
The Felions Dance Team who did a fantastic job of modeling the BitchinGearclothing. They were selling their calendars at the show but if you missedout you can find out how to get yours here:http://www.bclions.com/index.php?module=page&id=3123
Cousin Harley for putting on a fabulous show. (www.cousinharley.com)Vancouver City Councillor, Kim Capri, for coming out to read theproclamation declaring August 19, 2007 as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Day inthe City of Vancouver.
Caremet International, the exclusive dealer of HLD safety helmets, whodonated several helmets that were given out to lucky bike entrants duringthe awards ceremony. (www.caremet-international.com)
And, of course, all of the people who came down to show off their bikes.
We look forward to doing it all again next year and will be in touch when wehave set the date!