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SONS OF LIBERTY RIDERS E-NEWS– Myrtle Beach Strikes Again:I have sent the following letter to Myrtle Beach Sun News, MB EthicsCommittee, Governor of SC and newspapers in my son’s hometown of Durham,NC.,and work place, Raleigh, NC. I would appreciate any attention or assistanceyou can advise. Sincerely, Brenda
My son, Jay Christopher Jarman, was killed on May 17 by hit and run driveronKings Highway and 27th Avenue N. in Myrtle Beach, SC. My son lived in Durhamand worked at Biker’s Boulevard in Raleigh, NC.
Is the death of my son, Jay being treated differently because he was on amotorcycle? My son was left dying on King’s Highway as the Brandon LeeBrogan(the driver) and Mark Daniel Urban (passenger and owner of the car) spedbackto their haven in West Virginia.
I read about the terrible slaying of a young teenage girl just walking on abike path in Murrells Inlet on July 2 in the Myrtle Beach Sun News. Ifollowed the story to also note that the driver was charged immediately andincarcerated and this driver was not released on a Personal RecognizanceBondas are the defendants charged with the death of my son.
It is of great anguish & resentment that no one seems to want to believe oraddress the facts regarding the subsequent arrest and charges of “leavingthescene of an accident with death involved”. The defendants In this case cameback six days later to Myrtle Beach from out of state and turned themselvesin. They were not charged at that time nor restrained in any way. In fact,they were allowed to leave the state and return to their home in WestVirginia. The judge said that they were allowed to return home while theauthorities took time to get paper work done, the investigating officer saidthat they were allowed to return home so that they wouldn’t miss anyschool”.We were not told that they were not in custody but found out much later.
The defendants were requested to return to Myrtle Beach some fourteen daysafter the slaying of my son. They were not charged until the very morning oftheir preset Bond Hearing. A $25,000.00 surety bond was set on Brandon LeeBrogan and also on Mark Daniel Urban and they were detained in the custodyofauthorities at that time. By noon the next day their bond was reduced topersonal recognizance and once again they were allowed to leave the stateandcontinue their lives unencumbered until perhaps the fall until a trial dateis set.
I have been informed that the owner of the car, Mark Daniel Urban had noinsurance on the car. I was told by Myrtle Beach police authorities that theState of South Carolina has no concern with out-of-state vehicles regardinginsurance.
The driver of the vehicle, Brandon Lee Brogan did not have his driver’slicense taken or restricted in any way, even though I have been told by MBauthorities that a charge of “leaving the scene of an accident with deathinvolved” assumes driving under the influence. A DUI charge, even in SouthCarolina, requires immediate confiscation & suspension of one’s driver’slicense. Why does Brandon Lee Brogan still have his license? Why was the carinvolved, a 1995 Mustang, never brought back to South Carolina. Why was thecar not kept impounded? The authorities let Brogan and Urban have theirdeathmachine back to cruise through more city streets. The customized ’95 Mustangnow, basically advertises the fatal accident by offering the profile of it’sdemolished windshield where Jay’s body was catapulted into it, now held inplace with duct tape and glue. The door and side panels resemble wadded upaluminum foil that someone tried to straighten out and reuse, where Jaycollided with the car when they drove in front of him. As of June 16, theyare still driving this car around their hometown. (pictures enclosed)
I want answers.
Brenda B. Jarman
10317 Royster Road
Leland, NC 28451
(910) 371-3925

Help Pass New Privacy Protection Legislation:ISSUE: Concerned about growing encroachments on ourindividual rights, cloaked in a shroud of “patriotic”governmental acts? Now there’s something that you cando about it. Congressman Steve Chabot (R-OH) has introducedlegislation to implement stringent privacy protectionsfor individuals. The legislation, the Defense of PrivacyAct (H.R. 338), requires federal agencies to assess theprivacy implications of proposed rules and regulations.
“In the past several years, privacy rights have, toooften, been an afterthought in the regulatory process,”said Chabot. “This proposal will force agencies to opentheir eyes to legitimate privacy concerns.”
Chabot’s Defense of Privacy Act would require federalagencies to take into account privacy concerns whendeveloping and implementing regulations, to prepare aprivacy impact analysis of regulations that have beenintroduced, and to ensure a periodic review of the impacton privacy by the regulations that have been instituted.(Read the full bill at
A hearing on the bill is currently scheduled for this week.Go to our site below to send your Congressman a FREE message,asking him or her to support H.R. 338, the “Defense ofPrivacy Act”: AOL GO HERE
“Sneak and Peek” search warrants:Thank (or Spank) Your Representative for their Vote on a Key PATRIOT ActProvision.Last Tuesday, Congress began its revolt against the USA PATRIOT Act bypassing an amendment that would limit the use of “sneak and peek” searchwarrants for your home. These search warrants, also called “black bag”searches, allow government agents to secretly search homes, confiscatecertain types of property and essentially bug computers without notifyingthesubject of the search that it is happening.
By voting to block the use of these searches, the House has taken animportant first step toward undoing the parts of the PATRIOT Act that invadeour freedom. It is crucial that you give feedback to your Representative onhis or her vote on this important amendment.
Click here to get information and to send a free fax to your Representative:
If you need more info on this or any other subject just go to the Sons ofLiberty Riders Info Zone or
ICQ 34668186

CYRIL HUZE DREAM BIKES– “Dream Bikes By Cyril Huze” is the theme of the 2004 wall calendar just published by Ronnie Sellers Productions. Ronnie Sellers Productions specializes in theme calendars & picked Cyril Huze for an all Custom Motorcycles calendar featuring 12 of his bikes. Distributed through the US & Europe, you can save a trip to your favorite bookstore by ordering it directly online from Cyril Huze at Cyril Huze BIKERNET INVESTIGATES WELFARE–A guy walks into the local welfare office, marches straight up to thecounter and says, “Hi, I just want you to know that I hate drawingwelfareand I’d really rather have a job.” The man behind the welfare desk says, “Well, your timing is excellent. We just got a job opening from a very wealthy old man who wants achauffeur/bodyguard for his nymphomaniac supermodel daughter. You’llhave to drive around in his stretch Mercedes, but he’ll supply all of yourclothes. Because of the long hours, meals will be provided. You’llalso be expected to escort her on her overseas holiday trips. The startingsalary is $200,000 a year.” The guy says “You’re bullshitting me”. The welfare clerk says “Yeah, well, you started it”. –from Rev CarlR BIKERNET PRIZE WINNERS–Most of you think the prize giveaway is bullshit, and it is. NOT!! You can win, if you enter. I may be a little late sending the prizes out sometimes, but I do get them out. Here are Bikernets latest winners. HOWARD MATTHEWS from FRONT ROYAL, VA. He wanted a Horse shirt, and he gets it. JOHNATHON BUSH from ASHDOWN, ARKANSAS. Request for pics of bikes will be filled with a stash of posters of bikes with half naked women. He wanted them for his son. I hope his kid is at least 16! AARON SMITH from WYLIE, TX didn’t request a gift, but I liked his suggestion, so I’m gonna send him some stickers. His suggestion: I’D LIKE TO SEE A TECH ARTICLE ON EVADING LAW ENFORCEMENT. PERHAPS SOME TIPS ON MAKING TIGHT TURNS THROUGH CORNFIELDS, HOW TO USE EMPTY PINT BOTTLES AS MAKESHIFT SPIKE STRIPS, OR USING PASSENGERS AS HUMAN SHIELDS TO WARD OFF PESKY BULLETS. Sin Continued On Page 4
Custom Motorcycles & Parts
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His suggestion was that cellphones only work when a car is parked. I hear that!