Continued From Page 2

A Simple Modification To EFI Systems To Allow and Enhance Performance Modifications

With the complexity of factory OEM fuel injection systems, Custom Chrome in partnership with Techlusion felt it was important to provide owners with a product that is easy to operate, install and understand while not upsetting the stock fuel curve, or timing. This new DFO Box (Digital Fuel Optimizer) is just that animal. By attaching itself to the injector trigger wires and controlling fuel delivery as the signal travels to each injector the DFO box allows all the stock sensors and inputs to function just as the factory designed, whether it faces late or early fuel injection systems.
The DFO box operates like jet kits for carbureted engines, which normally change ranges of fuel at the main jet, needle or idle mixture. It allows you to make low rpm/cruise fuel changes as well as high rpm/ acceleration demand adjustments. The difference is that now an electrical signal changes the demand for fuel and not vacuum or pressure. The DFO Box also affords the rider quick and simple adjustments with the turn of a screwdriver.
In addition the DFO Box allows for accelerator pump adjustments electronically to enhance throttle response. We watched as this unit was installed at the Joker Machine Dyno facility and tested. In addition a shop owner, Mike Ingle from Grease Lightening was there to witness the product being applied and tuned. He was in the process of installing Power Commander units and immediately put the DFO unit to work on a customer’s bike. Since then he has installed two more units.

“There’s a couple of basic differences between the Power Commander units and the DFO box,” Mike said. The DFO unit is easy to install and inexpensive. It basically adds fuel to the mixture. The average guy can install this to a bike with basic modifications and tune it readily. It’s designed for any builder who changes pipes, air cleaners or makes minor mods to his engine. It does not mess with the timing.”
“The Power commander units modify the timing and will add or subtract fuel for heavier modified bikes and massive-inch engines. They are more costly and require more time, equipment and expertise to install. You must have a current dyno and an exhaust gas analyzer to set up a Power Commander properly, said Mike.”
Mike pointed out that the three maps supplied with the power commanders rarely work because the motorcycle must be modified exactly to fit the mapping. “The first DFO Box I installed was on a ’95-inch Twin Cam unit with stock compression. We were able to get 90 horses out of it with 105 pounds of torque. That’s not bad.”
The DFO box has four simple adjustments and can be readily adjusted by the rider with test rides. Custom Chrome is the exclusive distributor of this unit which has become the RevTech answer to fuel injection mods.
In the near future the past editor of Hot Rod Bikes, Frank Kaisler, will post his findings on this unit at the Joke Machine facility. Stay tuned for more info.

REGISTER NUMBER FIVE–A man was in a long line at the grocery store. As he got to the register he realized he had forgotten to get condoms, so he asked the checkout girl if she could have some brought up to the register.
She asked, “What size condoms?”
The customer replied that he didn’t know. She asked him to drop his pants. He did, she reached over the counter, grabbed hold of him and called over the intercom, “One box of large condoms, Register 5.”
The next man in line thought this was interesting, and like most of us, was up for a cheap thrill. When he got to the register, he told the checker that he too had forgotten to get condoms, and asked if she could have some brought to the register for him.
She asked him what size, and he stated that he didn’t know. She asked him to drop his pants. He did, she gave him a quick feel, picked up the intercom and said, “One box of medium-sized condoms, Register 5.”
A few customers back was this teenage boy. He thought what he had seen was way too cool. He had never had any type of sexual contact with a live female, so he thought this was his chance. When he got to the register he told the checker he needed some condoms.
She asked him what size and he said he didn’t know. She asked him to drop his pants and he did. She reached over the counter, gave him one quick squeeze, then picked up the intercom and said “Cleanup, register 5”
–from Nuttboy

HARLEY-DAVIDSON ACCENTS ITS CUSTOM LEATHER SEATS WITH EXOTIC OSTRICH INSERTS– Get your head out of the sand and your butt onone of Harley-Davidson’s new Ostrich Seats for Dyna, Softail and Touringmodels. Available in solo, low-profile, touring and two-up, these limitedproduction seats offer a durable leather surface, flame patterned stitchingand a natural ostrich skin insert for a one-of-a-kind custom look.
The solo version provides low-down comfort in high style. The Solo OstrichSeat for Dyna (P/N 5 1253-02) offers a 13″ seat width with contoured foampadding for long-haul comfort. The seat fits ’96 and later Dyna models andretails for $469. The Solo Ostrich Seat for Softail (P/N 51252-02 for ’00and later FXSTD and 51260-02 for ’00 and later Softail models with theexception of FXSTD and FLSTS) provides a 12″ seat with no visible mountinghardware for a clean custom look. Each has a suggested retail price of $469.The Solo Ostrich Seat for Road King(r) (P/N 5 1264-02 for ’97 and laterFLHR/C/I) has a 13″ seat and fits ’97 and later FLHRICII models. Itssuggested retail is $499.
For riders who are looking for a seat that hugs the frame and fender forthat long and lean look, the low-profile seat is the answer. Each version isconstructed from a hand-laid fiberglass shell and high-density padding forsuperior wear. The Low-Profile Ostrich Seat for Dyna (P/N 5 1255-02 for ’96and later Dyna models except FXDWG, which uses P/N 5 1256-02) has a seatwidth of 13″ and a pillion width of 5.5″. The Low-Profile Ostrich Seat forSoftail (P/N 51251-02 for ’00 and later FXSTD models and 51259-02 for ’00and later Softail models with the exception of FXSTD and FLSTS) has a 13″seat width and a pillion width of 5″. The Low-Profile Ostrich Sear for RoadKing (P/N 5 1263-02 for ’97 and later FLHRICII) provides a 13.5″ seat and apillion width of 6.5″. The suggested retail price for all low-profileversions is $499.
BIKERS WARNED TO FOLLOW DRESS CODE AT FAIR– The Los Angeles Times.Concerned about violence erupting at the Ventura County Fair, police saymembers of the rival Hells Angels and Mongols motorcycle clubs will beturned away if they attempt to enter the fairgrounds wearing their colors.
The fair board this month approved a tighter policy prohibiting gangclothing, and identified 27 local groups as known criminal street gangs. Thelist includes the Hells Angels and Mongols. In the wake of past incidents,fair organizers say the dress code will help ensure that similar violencebetween those groups and other groups does not occur during the 12-day fairthat begins today at Seaside Park in Ventura.
“You have to look at whathappened at Laughlin,” Seaside Park General Manager Roger Gibbs said.
“Youhave Mongols living in Camarillo and Hells Angels five blocks from here.”
But national Hells Angels leader George Christie Jr. said his Venturachapter has been unfairly singled out and may file a lawsuit if members andtheir families are denied entry to the fair on the basis of their attire.”This is the same pill they have been feeding the public in Ventura for thepast five years, and it is a placebo,” Christie said. “We are not a streetgang. We do not conduct ourselves as a street gang. And the court has notfound that we are a street gang.” Concerns about clashes with the Mongolsare overblown, Christie said, saying a rally earlier this month in Hollisterdrew 80,000 bikers without incident.
“You know this is a knee-jerk reactionto what happened in Laughlin,” said attorney Kay Duffy, who was contacted byChristie after the chapter head learned about the fair board’s list ofgangs. Duffy contends there is no evidence that the motorcycle club meetsthe legal definition of a criminal street gang. She said a Ventura Countyjudge refused to impose gang conditions on Christie and his 25-year-old sonwhen placing them on probation three months ago in a drug sales case,concluding there was no evidence that the Hells Angels were a street gang.
Duffy says members of the Hells Angels should be treated no differently thanother club members who attend the fair. “4-H has agriculture,” she said. “Wehave motorcycles.”
But Ventura Police Department officials say 4-H membersaren’t typically the focus of criminal investigations or violentconfrontations. “Our concern was that the recent activities between theHells Angels and Mongols is exactly the type of stuff that could occurinside the fair,” Lt. Ken Corney, a gang expert, said.
–from Rogue
DRINKIN’ QUOTES– I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think aboutthe workers in the brewery and all of their hopes anddreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, they might be out ofwork and their dreams would be shattered. Then I say tomyself, “It is better that I drink this beer and let theirdreams come true than be selfish and worry about my liver.”–by Jack Handy
–from Josh P.

BIKERNET BANS BIKE SHOW COMPETITION–In an investigation by the Los Angeles DEA Bikernet was found to be handing out free trophies to Bikernet Bike Show Winners filled with white powder. We have been banned by the Superior Court from making additional trophies in our drug lab under the headquarters. Under court order we are forced to change the Bikernet Cyber Bike Show to the Bikernet Reader’s Putts Section wherein readers can post shots of their bikes and the stories behind them. We’re looking forward to indepth tales behind rolling dreams, the love affairs and tech advice on building custom scoots. Unfortunately the bike owners will not receive free bags of drugs in the mail.The last of the competition was judged by the woman whose efforts kept the feds off our backs for this long. Crazy Horse, a noted custom bike painter, will continue to monitor, edit and assist riders who wish to post their story in the Reader’s Putts Department. She will also point out to us when she comes across a bike that deserves a full feature. Here’s her final judging report:
So here we are. Seeing how this is the last month of the Bike Show, Ithought I’d judge the Show myself. Now I may not be the most knowledgableperson when it comes to vintage bikes or motor details, but I know what Ilike. I like bikes that are different, unique or out of the ordinary,like old Jap and Brit chops that may or may not be immaculately polished.
Ihad a great time working on the Bike Show. I met many very nice folks andgot to see some of the best bikes in this here world. I look forward toworking with Bikernet readers on the Reader’s Putts section of the site. Gota story about your bike? Send it in and share it with the world.
Did ya’ll enjoythose 5-Ball trophies or did you cut them and sell them to teenagers behind schools? They’ll be scarce as $3,200 running Panheads afterthis. By the way, this year The HORSE Magazine’s Smoke Out was a trip asusual. Despite a 500 degree heat wave, the chopper faithful did come fromfar and wide to support the event. I spent most of the time giving my firstever airbrushing demonstration. I got to chat with many interested builders as Iworked. It was silly fun trading paint stories with fellow artists,especially Mike Martinez of Fla. The real twisted stuff went on after hoursat the Holiday Inn. I’ll have a full report as soon as catch up on my sleepand get all the knots out of my hair. I’m actually all caught up in mypaintwork. Imagine that! Wait a sec, is that ice on the lawn outthere?——-Crazy Horse
In The “Buell” Category
Matt Couch
Nassau , NY
In The “Open Class” Category
Nick Bowles
Oxford , Al
In The “Pro-Street” Category
Al Conte
Hollister , California
In The “Radical Custom” Category
Nick Pastore
Glendale , AZ
In The “Rat” Category
English Jim
Holly Hill , Florida
In The “Ridden” Category
Indio , California
In The “Sportster” Category
Winston-Salem , NC
In The “Street Custom-Stock” Category
Brad Rocole
Johnstown , PA
In The “Vintage” Category
Brad Culetta
Ajax , Ont.
In The “Vintage Chopper” Category
Doug Carlson
Rochester , NH
BIKERNET ADVICE IN DEALING WITH POLICE–don’t say the following: Hey, you must’ve been doin’ about 125 mph to keep up with me. Good job!
OKAY, I GIVE UP–I met with a producer who wants to put together an hour long documentary on my plight to finish our “Badlands” book as I ride with Mike Lichter around the country. We’ll see.
We’re working on publishing my next book which is based on one rambling character, Chance Hogan. He’s just a biker who stumbles into one bad love affair and barroom brawl after another.
I know there’s more to report, but hold on, there’s always the news for next week, or if you can’t take the wait join the Cantina and check the Sunday Post. I promise to write another segment of the Cantina Soap Opera in the next couple of days. Meanwhile chase a woman until you can park your bike beside her apartment, chain it to the fence railing and crawl in her bedroom window. Isn’t that how it’s done everywhere? Ride Forever–Bandit.