
My list for this week was moderate in preparation for hitting the road to the Badlands. You can’t imagine the excitement when the subject draws near and the curtain begins to unfold. I was in the bank today, and the big young teller smiled as I approached his station. He only smiled because I represent positive motorcycling news.

He’s dreaming, saving, and searching for a bike. He got married and stepped away from the sport, but now the drive has returned and he’s chopping at the bit. When I mentioned Sturgis his eyes lit up like fireworks on the 4th of July.

If you have never been to Sturgis start to plan today. To me it represents the best in the old West, Freedom, open roads, and adventure. It’s like the spiritual mountain for all motorcyclists. There’s something magical about this place.

Let’s hit the news before I drag my FXR out of the shop and peel out right now. The News is sponsored in part by Cycle Source magazine and Las Vegas Bike Fest.

THE ROGUE ROAD TO STURGIS–Every year around this time, like many others, I ride to Sturgis, SD. I start in Florida and depending on a lot of different factors, like if I am riding alone or with others the route I will take.

This year I am riding with my longtime friend BEAT-ON from Joisey. I rode I-95 North and then to Gettysburg PA where we met to do the ride West.

Since we were in Gettysburg we decided to see some history and took a ride through the battlefields. It was interesting.

We had agreed to take state roads and enjoy all the history and culture we could while doing so. We made it to Mitchell SD without having to wear a helmet – Freedom Of Choice, and of course the rest of the ride will not require one either. Amazing, Freedom actually works.

We stopped to see our friends at Klock Werkz and will be attending their party later today (Thursday) before heading on to Sturgis.

There is a lot going on and we will be trying to bring all of you some good coverage of it so stay tuned in.



Here are a couple shots of the frame and front end parts, I guess it’s starting to look like we have a trike project coming together. . .

I hope the trip to Sturgis treats you right! I’ll be chained up in the shop again this year, but it’s all good.



OFFICIAL GETTYSBURG BIKE WEEK COVERAGE REVIEW–David did a great job on the Gettysburg piece, really solid writing and photos. Are you going to be in Sturgis? Hopefully we can get a ride in. Also saw that the managing editor position is open at Bonnier, not sure who is out but here is the listing if you know anyone.

–Ken Conte

I don’t always publish stories about my sordid past. Once in a while I run across a wild story and it needs to be told. Zack, an old biker told me a wild acid-filled party story from the past and it needs to be told. Get this, the club was called: Hells Our Home, We’re only Here on a Visit. I will work on it in September. Hang on!


STURGIS MOTORCYCLE MUSEUM officials maintain grand vision for expansion–

By Wendy Pitlick Black Hills Pioneer

The vision for a planned expansion at the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame would more than triple the size of the building, and create an iconic destination point for visitors to the Black Hills, museum officials say.

Christine Page-Diers, director of the museum, said the organization is still in the very beginning stages of raising the funds to make that happen. The museum board is in the process of hiring a development director to help with the capital campaign that seeks to raise $7 million — $5 million to build a new, 25,000 square foot facility, $1 million to be spent on exhibits, and $1 million for a museum endowment that will take the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame well into the future. Page-Diers said the board would like to reach its fundraising goal within two years, “but we’re still ramping up.”

“We’ve had a building fund for quite some time, but now we are looking at an actual major push,” Page Diers said. “It’s fabulous to have the money from the Legends Ride and from other donations that we have gotten, but in comparison to what we’re looking to raise, those are just a start.”

Though the museum has been working to raise funds with such Sturgis Motorcycle Rally events as the Legends Ride and Kids and Chrome, Page-Diers said the board is not ready to announce its fundraising progress just yet. It is currently actively seeking donors who are willing to gift the expansion project with $50,000 or more. Once that campaign has been completed, she said the museum will move toward more public fundraisers.

“We will be looking to everyone to help us get over the edge at the end of that campaign to help put us over the top when we get close to our goal,” Page-Diers said. “Throughout that process we will be looking at other ideas for raising funds.”

Some examples for fundraising ideas include other rides in other areas, where a portion of the proceeds will benefit the museum expansion fund.

In addition to its fundraising and expansion plans, Page-Diers said the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum is also busy planning major rides, exhibits, and of course its annual Hall of Fame breakfast sponsored by and Iron Trader. This year the museum will induct six people into the Hall of Fame, and will name one person as a Freedom Fighter. Those who will be inducted into the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame include, Clyde Fessler, Jesse Jurrens, Jay “Lightnin” Bentley, Keith Terry, Bonnie Truett, and Paul Yaffe. The 2014 Freedom Fighter is Deb “Tiger” Chandler.

While the museum is looking forward to its popular Legends Ride and Biker Belle’s Ride — both annual fundraising events from which the museum is a benefactor — this year Page-Diers said there will be another ride added to the mix. The Blue and Chrome Ride will be held Aug. 6, and will benefit the Rapid City Fraternal Order of Police, as well as the museum.

Major exhibits during this year’s Sturgis Motorcycle Rally will include one that further celebrates women in motorcycling. “Through the Decades,” will feature women who have not been highlighted before in any other exhibit — but who also made significant contributions to motorcycling.

Such women as Maggie McNally, who is the first chairwoman for the American Motorcyclist Association, and Effie and Ava Hotchkiss — a mother-daughter riding team who left Brooklyn, N.Y., on a motorcycle with a sidecar, and rode 9,000 miles in 1915.

During the exhibit, which will be held at the Legendary Buffalo Chip art gallery, visitors will also have the opportunity to write about their female inspiration in motorcycling and share it with museum staff.

For more information about the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum and Hall of Fame visit


LYNDALL AND BIKERNET TOGETHER AT STURGIS DRAGWAY– The Western Motorcycle Drag Racing Association (WMDRA) is pleased to welcome Bikernet Performance Editor Ray C. Wheeler to Sturgis Dragway with Lyndall Brakes and the magical elixir known as Kangen water. The ionized alkaline and acidic waters will be available to drag racers, crew members, and spectators alike.

“We will have the finest rotors and brake pads on the planet available at Sturgis Dragway, as well as Kangen Water and much more,” says Wheeler. “My hot rod is meeting me, too, in Sturgis via Dave and Jodi Perewitz, to lock and load for the Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials right after the Rally.”

According to WMDRA President Sandra Alberti, “We can’t thank industry leaders like Lyndall and Bikernet enough for supporting the grass roots motorcycle drag racing at Sturgis. The WMDRA supports all things horsepower, so we’ve very excited to have Ray’s 5-Ball Racing Bonneville bike on display for our drag racing fans.”

Sturgis Dragway is located at 20523 Hwy 79, just 3.7 miles East of downtown on SR 34, then 0.8 miles North on SR 79. Competition qualifying begins on Tuesday, August 5 with final eliminations on Wednesday. You won’t want to miss the Top Fuel Nitro bikes and 10 other classes of competition as racers take to the track to be crowned Sturgis Champion! Tickets are just $15/day or $25 for the two day event. For more information, please contact the WMDRA at (208) 850-5795 or


THE BAD COP REPORT–When Wisconsin police officers knock on the window of a car and motion to roll down the window, the state Supreme Court said in a 5 to 2 ruling that the motorist is free to ignore the cop and drive away.

“Although we acknowledge that this is a close case, we conclude that a law enforcement officer’s knock on a car window does not by itself constitute a show of authority sufficient to give rise to the belief in a reasonable person that the person is not free to leave,” Justice David T. Prosser wrote for the majority.

The justices argued in the context of the December 25, 2011 incident in which Grant County Deputy Sheriff Matthew Small knocked on the window of Daniel A. Vogt who was parked with the engine running in the Riverdale Park parking lot the village of Cassville at 2am. It was 37 degrees at the time. Vogt had done nothing illegal, but Deputy Small thought it was suspicious that Vogt was in the parking lot of a park that had closed at 11pm.

Deputy Small stopped behind Vogt’s car with his headlights on, but his overhead red and blue lights off. He walked up to the car and saw Vogt in the driver’s seat and Kimberly Russell in the passenger seat. He testified that he would have let Vogt go had he driven off because he “had nothing to stop him for.”

Vogt did not drive off, because he thought he could not do so without hitting the deputy. He believed that he had no choice but to comply. Once the window was down, Deputy Small smelled alcohol and noticed Vogt’s speech was slurred. This led to Vogt’s arrest for driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI). The court’s majority argued that the initial interaction was voluntary.

“The objective of law enforcement is to protect and serve the community,” Justice Prosser wrote. “Accordingly, an officer’s interactions with people are not automatically adversarial. A court’s ‘seizure’ inquiry into one of these interactions must examine the totality of the circumstances, seeking to identify the line between an officer’s reasonable attempt to have a consensual conversation and a more consequential attempt to detain an individual.”

Because the deputy did not have his emergency lights activated, the majority believed a reasonable innocent person in the same situation could have driven off while the officer knocked at the window. The majority refused to speculate what would have happened to Vogt had he actually driven away. The dissenting justices said the majority position was absurd.

“The world of legal decisions does not reflect the real world,” Chief Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson wrote. “No reasonable person I can imagine would feel free to drive away under the circumstances of the present case when the officer knocked on the car window

–from Rogue

gibbosity gi-BOS-i-tee , noun;

1. a protuberance or swelling.
2. the state of being gibbous.


If people come here I can’t very well make myself presentable, with the gibbosity of this confounded bandage, but at least I needn’t give offense to decency.

— Rex Stout, Too Many Cooks , 1938

…she commiserated with Anne on all she had missed—the garden, the stars, the scent of flowers, the meteorites through whose summer shower the earth was now passing, the rising moon and its gibbosity .

— Aldous Huxley, Crome Yellow , 1921
Gibbosity is related to the word gibbous , which comes from the Latin gibbosus meaning “humped.”

MEMO FROM THE BIKERNET CFO—We receive offers like this all the time:

Hello, I’ve an offer worth US$50M for you. Reply for more details.


So, what do you think?

Bikernet CFO

MRF MEMO TO THE BROTHERHOOD OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS–Couple things to note here. Chicago city council is notorious for injecting their will freely upon the citizens of Chicago, be it in their homes, cars or any where else considered private property, so this is a big win for anti 15 percenters.

Not mentioned in this story is that Growth Energy (pro ethanol group) has made four star general-ret. Wesley Clark its board chair. Clark is a former 2004 dem presidential runner, valedictorian of West Point, Rhoades scholar and recipient of to many medals to list. This is literally bringing in the big guns. And using NASCAR as a reason for using ethanol at the street level is downright ridiculous.

CHICAGO (CBS) – A measure to require many gas stations in Chicago to sell gasoline with a higher mix of ethanol stalled in the City Council on Monday, after a marathon Finance Committee hearing.

WBBM Newsradio’s John Cody reports dueling experts clashed during a nearly five-hour hearing on a proposal that would require large gas stations in the city to install pumps that dispense so-called E15 blend gasoline, which contains 15 percent ethanol. Most gas currently sold at gas stations has a blend of 10 percent ethanol.

Gas stations that sell fewer than 500,000 gallons of gasoline a year, or those with underground storage tanks incompatible with E15 blend gasoline, would be exempt from the mandate. No stations would be barred from continuing to sell a 10 percent blend.

Finance Committee Chairman Edward Burke (14th), who sponsored the proposal, said E15 burns cleaner than the gas now on the market, and saves money for motorists, “providing Chicago drivers with an option at the pump that can actually save them real dollars.”

Thomas Buis, CEO of Growth Energy, which represents ethanol producers, said gas station operators need not fear the cost of converting their stations to pump E15.

“We hear these fear stories all the time. It’s a scare tactic to try to run up the costs,” he said. “There’s a group called the Petroleum Equipment Institute that estimates that the average cost would be about $1,000.”

However, opponents have said the transition to E15 pumps could cost $8,000 to $100,000 per station.

Dr. Michael Lynch, vice president of green innovation for NASCAR, said the E15 blend works just fine on the stock car circuit.


“We’ve been running now for six million miles, Sunoco Green E15 – which is
exactly the kind of street fuel that is being proposed here – with great performance, and no issues whatsoever,” he said.

But Kimberly Pendo, of the Truck and Engine Manufacturers Association, said there’s more to the story.

“Those [NASCAR] engines were designed specifically to run on E15,” she said. “So, for them to … claim otherwise, I find hard to believe.”

University of Chicago economist Allen Sanderson said increased use of E15 fuel in vehicles would increase overall environmental damage from pesticides and herbicides, and the use of irrigation water needed to grow corn for ethanol production. 

“It also has the effect of raising the cost of food, anywhere from animal food to corn tortillas or anything else,” he said.

The AAA has said more than 90 percent of all cars on the road have not been approved by manufacturers to use E15, and the blend should only be used by vehicles with “flex fuel” engines, even though the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved E15 for use in cars manufactured since 2001.

By the end of the hearing, several aldermen had left the Council Chamber, and the committee took no vote on the proposal.

–Jeff Hennie
Vice President Government Relations and Public Affairs
Motorcycle Riders Foundation
Offic-202 546 0983
1325 G street NW
Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005


Sweet Rides and Good Vibes at an Underground Biker Rally in the Motor City


Every Sunday for the past decade, people have been gathering in a sparse corner of East Detroit for an ad hoc bike rally and block party that has grown solely through word of mouth. The event grew out of jam sessions held in a small shed called John’s Carpet Shack that featured local blues and jazz musicians including Otis Williams, the last surviving member of the Temptations.

After the organizer, John Estes, passed away and the property burned down in 2008, the event moved to a vacant lot across the street. Since then it has grown into its current form, drawing people from all over Michigan to eat, drink, listen to bands and show off their cars and motorcycles, while organizers, including neighborhood resident Pete Barrow (a.k.a. Big Time Pete), who nominally runs things now, wend their way through the crowd with collection plates.

On July 22, police shut down the event for the first time, citing a lack of permits. These pictures were taken a few weeks earlier.

Please Credit T, The New York Times Style Magazine

STURGIS MAYOR MARK CARSTENSEN To Unveil 75th Anniversary Logo–

What? With the 75th Anniversary of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally happening only a year from now riders and media can take in the 75th logo in anticipation of the most talked about rally of all time. Mayor Mark Carstensen along with City Manager Daniel Ainslie and numerous SMRi board members will be on hand to unveil the 75th logo on historic Main Street in downtown Sturgis.

When: Weds. August 6th, 2014 – noon

Where: Main Street, Sturgis SD East Photo Tower

For more information:


At 70, Dottie Mattern is in better physical condition than most 50-year-olds, but she is not taking that for granted as she makes final preparation for the 2014 Motorcycle Cannonball coast-to-coast endurance ride. Dottie is playing tennis three to five times a week – as she has done for years – and is working with a personal trainer to maintain a high level of strength, stamina, and confidence during the two-week competition.

The 2014 Motorcycle Cannonball is an event requiring contestants to ride pre-1937 motorcycles for 16 days over a 4,150-mile route that will begin in Daytona Beach, Florida on September 5th and end in Tacoma, Washington on September 21st. Dottie will be competing aboard a 1936 Indian Scout prepared by a team of volunteers under the supervision of Dennis Craig, former President of the Antique Motorcycle Foundation. Also part of Dottie’s preparation has been to complete a 1,000-mile shakedown of the rebuilt Indian in the mountains of western North Carolina.


Mattern is not contesting the 2014 Motorcycle Cannonball just for personal satisfaction. She has dedicated her ride to two non-profit organizations that hold special meaning for her. As a colon cancer survivor, she is raising money for the Colon Cancer Alliance, Inc.. and as a life-long motorcycle enthusiast she plans to contribute to the Antique Motorcycle Foundation, Inc.

Dottie’s fund-raising goal is $70,000, and whatever she raises will be split 50/50 between the two non-profit, tax-deductible organizations. None of these funds will be used to offset her expenses of competing in the Cannonball. Her out-of-pocket and administrative expenses will be paid by sponsors or from Dottie’s personal funds.

For more information about Dottie Mattern and the Motorcycle Cannonball Endurance Ride, go to Click the DONATE button on Dottie’s website to make a contribution.


INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Adds To an Already Exciting Sturgis Event Week–
Indian Motorcycle Delivers Art, Heritage, and Legacy

Hot on the heels of the exciting reveal of the new Indian Roadmaster luxury touring motorcycle, is the announcement of additional activities and motorcycling celebrities participating in Indian motorcycle activities at the 74th annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

The new Indian Roadmaster will be a featured demo ride motorcycle in the demo fleet located at Exit 30 of Interstate 90 in Sturgis. In addition the full palate of 2015 two-tone, Chief Classic, Chief Vintage and Chieftain motorcycles will be available for demo rides.

Roland Sands has built a stunning custom motorcycle that will be revealed on stage at the Buffalo Chip between concert on Sunday August 3rd (appx 9:30-10:30 pm). Ronald is keeping details close to the vest – but offers a tantalizing peek at the completed bike.

John Munro, Son of legendary Indian Motorcycle racer Burt Munro will attend the rally on behalf of Indian Motorcycle. John Munro has worked to keep his father’s legacy alive with events such as the Munro Challenge in New Zealand. Traveling from Invercargill, New Zealand, Munro will meet fans and tell stories of his father’s travels, exploits and dedication to his beloved 1920 Indian Scout. John will see the “Spirit of Munro” Tribute motorcycle for the first time live in the Michael Lichter display at the Buffalo Chip.

Munro is also in Sturgis to kick off the Munro Collection of Apparel that will debut in Sturgis. Munro will join the Indian Motorcycle Riders Group ride on Sunday August 3rd and appear in several locations including:

· Saturday 8/2 – Autograph Session – 1-4pm 3rd & Lazelle / Indian Motorcycle Display
· Sunday 8/3 – Michael Lichter Event – Sturgis Buffalo Chip, Lichter Gallery – 6-9pm
· Tuesday, 8/5 – Event at Indian Motorcycle Sturgis Dealership (2106 Lazelle St)5-7pm – Autograph Session
· Friday, 8/8 – Autograph Session 1-4pm, 3rd & Lazelle / Indian Motorcycle Display

Motorcycle artist Lee Bivens will be on hand in the Indian Motorcycle display completing an original painting commissioned by Indian Motorcycle that depicts the historic reveal of the 2014 Indian Motorcycle line up last year.

Bivens is commemorating this important event on canvas that will be donated to the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum during the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum Hall of Fame breakfast on August 7th. Bivens will appear at the Indian Motorcycle display in Sturgis on the following schedule:

· Wednesday 8/6 3-5pm
· Thursday 8/7 – 9-5pm
· Friday 8/8 – 9-5pm

The Indian Motorcycle display at 3rd and Lazelle will feature a complete display of the new models including apparel and accessory displays and will host the American Motordrome that features vintage Indian 101 Scouts and is the most authentic “Wall of Death” show on tour. Daily shows will thrill audiences as they have done for decades as the vintage motorcycles defy gravity and deliver heart-stopping performances.

For more information on these events, and details on other activities with Indian motorcycle, log on to Visit the Sturgis Motorcycle Hall of Fame online at


[page break]

The Rider’s Vest – 5 Ball Racing Leathers’ Special Ops Club Vest–Are you a rider? Then the Special Ops Club Vest is built for you… (12) pockets with (2) deep conceal and carry pockets. These vests are boot tough and rattlesnake slick.

Features heavy duty gun metal grey zipper front, bound leather neck trim and double needle seam construction. Made with resilient buffalo leather. Details at

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!– The Mayhem Panhead

I like the before photo better. It looks like a pussy bike now, windshield etc. Besides Harleys are black.


Tombstone, AZ
So, how do you like the color of their building? –Bandit 

MRF Washington Weekly Updates– It’s been a slow week for Congress, with most of the energy in the room being sucked into immigration issues and foreign affairs. Both of which are important, but it leaves me with very little to wrap up.

Checkpoint Bill
The House checkpoint bill (H.R. 1861) is up to 51 co-sponsors and the Senate version (S. 2078) has four.

Black Box Privacy Bills
The House version (H.R. 1462) has 17 co-sponsors and the Senate version (S. 1925) has 24.

Ethanol Bill
The bill that we support with the ethanol viability study (H.R. 875) has 24 co-sponsors. The more popular ethanol bill (H.R. 1462) is an all out ban of E-15 bill and it has 79 co-sponsors. The Senate version of that bill (S. 344) has 5 co-sponsors.

August Recess
Use the upcoming August recess to attend a town hall or have a sit down with your elected officials at the federal level, when they are back home. It’s an easy way to get in a visit without having to come to D.C. Contact your local district office for schedules.

You can’t make this stuff up
FORT WAYNE, Indiana (CBS Cleveland) – Usually when someone says “Jesus take the wheel” it’s meant to help them through a rough patch in life. But police say an Indiana woman took the phrase literally on July 11th, when she took her hands off the steering wheel as she was driving.

The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette reports 25-year-old Prionda Hill told authorities she let go of the wheel because “God told her he would take it from here.”

Unfortunately for Anthony Olivery, her car veered off the road and slammed into his motorcycle, throwing him to the ground. Then the car ran over him. “When I looked at that bumper and looked at that tire, I told myself, today is the day you die,” he told the paper.

The accident broke all of Olivery’s ribs on his left side, cut his spleen, bruised his kidney and caused severe injuries to his left arm and leg. Hill kept on going, according to court records, hitting a pickup truck twice and only stopping when her car crashed into an island between two fast food restaurants several blocks away from where she struck Olivery. Officials say she told officers she had a prescription for Vicodin.

Though still in constant pain from the accident, Olivery, an experienced rider, told the Journal-Gazette he is grateful it wasn’t worse. “You have no idea, even though how badly I was beaten up, at that point how ecstatic I was that I was still alive,” he said.

Hill was arrested and charged with failure to stop after an accident and criminal recklessness with a deadly weapon.

Quote of the week: “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” –John F. Kennedy

HARLEY-DAVIDSON IGNITES 2014 STURGIS RALLY– Company to Host Thousands for Demo Rides and Link Customers to Daily Entertainment
with New Free Mobile App

Harley-Davidson is kicking off the 74th Annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in the Black Hills of South Dakota with a full arsenal of activities and events that will electrify all motorcycle enthusiasts.

The highly anticipated rally runs from Saturday, August 2 through Saturday, August 9. With activities, rides and demos scheduled throughout the week, Harley-Davidson created a free mobile app to help attendees navigate all the action. Harley-Davidson will also showcase Project LiveWire, Harley-Davidson’s first electric motorcycle, along with its brand-new Street™ 750 motorcycle.

“This year’s Sturgis Rally is set to be the biggest one yet,” said Kris Schoonover, Manager of Event Strategy and Execution at Harley-Davidson. “We’ve got a packed schedule of events and entertainment all week long. Sturgis riders will have the chance to provide feedback on Project LiveWire and check out our brand-new Street 750, which is available at dealers now. We’re confident our fans won’t be disappointed.”

To help navigate the full week of Harley-Davidson activities, attendees can download the new free H-D mobile Sturgis event app. The app features the complete Harley-Davidson Sturgis event schedule, maps, H.O.G. experiences, a dealer locator, plus optional push notification updates with the latest info riders need to get the most out of Sturgis.
Fans can search H-D Events Sturgis on iTunes or GooglePlay to download the app, and use #sturgis to share their experiences.

Harley-Davidson also will rock two different event locations during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally – Black Hills Harley-Davidson (I-90 Exit 55, north of Rapid City) and 3rd & Lazelle Street (Downtown Sturgis) – where fans can enjoy a variety of free activities and entertainment, including:

Black Hills Harley-Davidson (I-90 Exit 55, north of Rapid City):

Fans can visit Black Hills Harley-Davidson to demo the latest and greatest Harley-Davidson motorcycles and MotorClothes®:
· Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Test Rides – Take a FREE test ride on a 2014 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, including the new Project RUSHMORE bikes, LowRider and SuperLow 1200T. Demo registration will close at 4:00 p.m. daily.
· Harley-Davidson MotorClothes – Try on the new jackets and even take them for a test ride! All items will be available for immediate purchase.
· H-D1 Fit Shop – Come experience the feel of a more comfortable, safer ride and find the perfect seat and handlebar combination.

· Project LiveWire – Harley Davidson’s first electric motorcycle will be on display.

3rd & Lazelle Street (Downtown Sturgis): Those looking for a more relaxed atmosphere can head to 3rd and Lazelle Street where they’ll find a variety of free activities and entertainment:

· Project LiveWire – Feel the power of Project LiveWire – Harley-Davidson’s first electric motorcycle – on JumpStart, a simulated riding experience.

· New Motorcycle Stunt Show – Experience the thrilling stunt show three times daily (10 a.m., 1 p.m., & 4 p.m.) produced by Ill Conduct Team.

· Weber Mobile Grill Academy – Get a first-hand look at Weber grills and accessories. Weber Experts will be there to answer any questions you may have about grills, grilling techniques, recipes, and all things grilling!

· Craftsman Garage Station – Hang out at the Craftsman Garage and check out a variety of products perfect for anyone’s “man cave.”

Genuine Harley-Davidson Parts & Accessories Display – Check out the latest Harley models equipped with the full line of custom Parts & Accessories.

H.O.G. 31st Global Lounge – Enjoy the unique historical and educational displays as well as live entertainment and complimentary samples of new H-D Road House Meats and beer samples.

Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) – Support the cause with the purchase of a pin and enter to win a black 2014 Street Glide!

Willie G. and H.O.G.® Commemorative Merchandise – Purchase exclusive 2014 Sturgis merchandise.

Women’s Area –
Rebel One hosts the JUMPSTART Rider Experience and Bike Lift Seminars on how to properly lift a dropped motorcycle. Enter the sweepstakes to win a FREE Riding Academy course or Rental.

Free Bike Wash – Wash away all the Black Hills dust and dirt at the free bike wash from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Just bring a dirty bike and a little elbow grease.

For a complete listing of Harley-Davidson events at the 2014 Sturgis Rally, download the new mobile app or visit


EXCLUSIVE EXPENDABLES 3 REVIEW—Hey Bandit, You gotta pay me for this scoop. I have watched Expendables 3 even before its release on August 15. Here is a tell-tale tell-all and spoilers galore.

Expendables 3

They are back and it’s a bang! This mission starts with the rescue of 8-year hell hole prisoner Wesley Snipes to be rescued off a military train transporting him to worse hell. If you think the fireworks and fighting in these first 10 minutes is spectacular – well this was just an errand while their primary mission is to stop an arms deal in Somalia.

All hell breaks loose and there is a thrilling “car” chase using military vehicles. The target is a surprise. A dead man from Stallone’s past is alive and well. Enter MEL GIBSON. He is mesmerising and totally a cool cat as the villain. He easily beats out the Expendables 2 villainous turn by Van Damme. Clearly Mel Gibson breathes the life into this sequel of the franchise.

–Ujjwal Dey
Bikernet India Editor and Emperor

See the full report on Bikernet

Round ‘Em Up Cowgirl!
Round Up of Articles from the Bikernet Family of websites.

Gettysburg Bike Week, 2014

Rocking the Battlefields

Thursday night Tesla rocked the battlefields in Gettysburg. Following an excellent day of riding and visiting the band played for over an hour without a break. Jeff Keith can belt out the songs and was truly excited to be at the rally. His energy is contagious and he really lights up the stage. The bands that are lined up for the event will provide some great music.

CLICK to read!

Aeromach Meets Indian

Paul Aiken Buys an Indian Classic and Goes to Work

A few years ago Paul Aiken, out of Charlotte needed something to do. He loved motorcycles, was a machinist, and had a creative nature, so he bought a very small parts company called Aeromach. Paul’s shop was akin to Geppetto’s workshop in a storybook. It was dinky, but now contains two state of the art CNC machines, and Paul never lets them rest. The first one started cranking out billet mirrors, and you’re normal line of accessories, grips, pegs, levers, risers, etc.

CLICK to read

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

Enjoy the camaraderie of other independent, self-reliant women.
by Vicki Sanfelipo

Be the first to comment ‘Rallies’, ‘Road Trips’ and it’s human nature to want to belong to a group of like-minded individuals. You see many such groups in the world of motorcycling. In 1985, when I started riding, there weren’t many female groups, and most of the male-dominated groups did not allow women to belong. Computers, social media and even cell phones weren’t prevalent, so most groups were in local communities.

CLICK to read!

The Roadmaster Is Indian Motorcycle’s New Luxury Touring Model for 2015

The 2015 Indian Roadmaster will be available for demo rides in Sturgis.

Indian Motorcycle is launching the 2015 Indian Roadmaster. The luxury touring motorcycle is scheduled for a public unveiling on August 2nd at the 74th annual annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

The 2015 Indian Roadmaster will be available for demo rides throughout the weeklong event along with the rest of the 2015 Indian Motorcycle lineup including the two-tone Chief Classic, Chief Vintage and Chieftain models. Indian Motorcycle hints that more announcements regarding the 2015 lineup will also be made the evening of August 2nd.

CLICK to read!

The L.A. Calendar Show Finds A New Home In The Malibu Hills

Beautiful bikes, pretty girls, great food and live music in the Malibu hills.

Now in its 23rd year, the 2014 edition of the LA Calendar Motorcycle Show was held this year on the lush lawns of the Malibu Golf Course, in the Santa Monica Mountains, near the Pacific Ocean.

Highlighting this year’s activities was the emergence of a new custom bike builder to the sport.

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100,000 Enthusiasts Rev the 2014 Muskegon Bike Time Rally

Muskegon was loud and colorful for the 8th Bike Time Rally.

The tribe of 100,000 assembled this past weekend by the lakeshore in Muskegon, MI for the annual Muskegon Bike Time Rally. The main drag is West Western Avenue and it transforms into “Steel Horse Alley” on Thursday when the circus comes to town.

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Hell Raiser Comes Down to Earth

I’ve been interviewing feature builders and owners for 40 years. You can imagine, I’ve conversed with every personality under the stars, including a prick or two. Sometimes we start to talk and suddenly it’s like shooting the shit with a brother of 20 years. And often this one conversation will lead to a decades-long relationship.

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From The CANTINA we have:

Wicked Bikes – Wicked Girls

Wicked Influence, a bike and a girl.

Frank over at Wicked Influence in Arvada Colorado builds a wicked bike and through some searching we found a wicked girl to match. With a passion that started with Easy Rider, Frank has been in the industry since the late 70s. After high school he went to school for motorcycle mechanics while his brother went for automotive. Frank wanted to know everything he could about bikes, he even roomed with his instructor so he could pick his brain 24×7. His first bike was a Norton 850 Commando that he rebuilt from the ground up while in school.

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From Baggers we have the following:

Brotherhood Around The World

2007 Firefighter Harley Ultra travels from Texas to Serbia for Brotherhood.

In May of 2012 even though it was very chilly at 5 AM I was riding my ‘07 Firefighter Harley Ultra to work for a typical 24 hour shift. The cold ride to work was worth it for the beautiful ride home after shift! During training that day I was very significantly injured – retired on permanent disability from on the job injury – and had to be brought home by ambulance. Long story short, I was robbed of my ability to ride, at least at that time and certainly not atop a heavy Ultra. As a result my bike sat outside for some time and later even longer sat in my basement!

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“I don’t know where I am… I don’t know what’s going on. I think I lost somebody but I, I can’t remember… and I can’t remember…” — Dory – Disney’s Finding Nemo

–Chris “Mistress” Kranzler
Women’s Editor

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BAD JOKE LIBRARY NOW OPEN–When a man talks dirty to a woman, its sexual harassment. When a woman talks dirty to a man, it’s $3.95 per minute.

Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won’t hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it.

Older women are forthright and honest. They will tell you right off if you are a jerk or if you are acting like one. You don’t ever have to wonder where you stand with her.

–from Rogue and Jerry

Ridewright Wheels Introduces 2 New Forged Billet Wheels…The Warrior and the Turbine–Anaheim, CA –
Ridewright Wheels, known the world over for their incredible spoke wheels, is proud to announce the addition of two new wheel designs to their El Camino product line up, the Warrior and the Turbine.

They’re manufactured to the highest standards utilizing aircraft quality 6061 T-6 billet aluminum. Strong, beautiful, balanced and complete with a full lifetime structural Ridewright backing, these forged billet wheels are available in polished, chrome, black powder coated or painted to your liking…OR can even be “Personalized” in a highly customized fashion to work with your ride. No other manufacturer can offer the hundreds of options that Ridewright Wheels offers their customers!

All Ridewright Wheels feature their exclusive 3-piece modular hubs so riders can take their favorite Ridewright wheels and put them on their new bike by just changing the hub ends. Choose from 19 different designs, all with matching rotors and pulleys…Applications to fit Harley-Davidson, Indian, Victory and Yamaha motorcycles.

Worried about scratching a new wheel when mounting a tire? Order a set direct from Ridewright Wheels with your favorite tires mounted and computer balanced. For more information on Ridewright Wheels, call 714-632-8297; email them at or visit

–Rick Raus

SUPPORT THE AMERICAN RED CROSS–Emergencies don’t take a vacation.

Whether it’s volleyball on the beach, hikes in our national parks, or road trips to see family, summer plans can turn into emergencies at a moment’s notice – which is why your support right now is so vital.

Your generosity powers the constant Red Cross response. A 3AM house fire, a 2PM blood drive, or a 6PM community preparedness class – any time, any place, and the Red Cross is there because of you.

Donate $25 or more by midnight tomorrow to support our around-the-clock work, and you’ll receive this exclusive Red Cross hat

As a Red Cross supporter, you know better than anyone that being prepared before an emergency strikes can make all the difference to those who may be impacted.

In the past month alone, here are some of the things supporters like you have made possible:

Provided meals and snacks to families after disasters like fires, floods and severe storms
Supported blood drives
Trained people in First Aid and CPR
This life-changing work depends on the generosity of the American public it depends on you.

Please don’t wait! There’s still time to donate $25 or more to the Red Cross and receive an exclusive hat to proudly show your commitment to families in need across the U.S.

Thank you for all you do.


Lauri Rhinehart
VP, Humanitarian Services, American Red Cross


Murphy’s’ old lady had been pregnant for some time and now the time had come.

He brought her to the doctor and the doctor began to deliver the baby.

She had a little boy, and the doctor looked over at Murphy and said. ‘Hey, Murph, you just had you a son!

‘Ain’t dat grand,’ Murphy got excited by this, but just then the doctor spoke up and said, ‘Hold on! We ain’t finished yet.’

The doctor then delivered a little girl. He said, ‘Hey, Murph! You got you a daughter!!!! She is a pretty lil’ ting, too….’

Murphy got kind of puzzled by this and then the doctor said, ‘Hold on, we aint got done yet!’

The doctor then delivered another boy and said, ‘Murph, you just had yourself another boy!’

Murphy said to the doctor, ‘Doc, what caused all of dem babies?’

The doctor said, ‘You never know Murph, it was probably something that happened during conception.’

Murphy said, ‘Ah yeah, during conception.’

When Murph and his wife went home with their three children, he sat down with his wife and said,

‘Mama, you remember dat night that we ran out of Vaseline and we had to use dat dere 3-in-1 Oil?’

She said, ‘Yeah, I remember dat night…’

Murph said, ‘I’ll tell you, …’s a freaking’ good ting we didn’t use WD-40.

–from Robin Hartfiel

GUN NUT GOOD NEW, HOORAY a 53-46 vote– The U.N. Resolution 2117 lists 21 points dealing with firearms control, but perhaps of most interest is point number 11. It “CALLS FOR MEMBER STATES TO SUPPORT WEAPONS COLLECTION and DISARMAMENT of all UNcountries.”

By a 53-46 vote – The U.S. Senate voted against the U.N. resolution. HOORAY.

This is that brief, glorious moment in history
when everyone stands around…reloading.

Now, Which 46 Senators Voted to Destroy Us? Well, let their names become known ! See below . If you vote in one of the states listed with these 46 “legislators” vote against them.

In a 53-46 vote, the Senate narrowly passed a measure that will stop the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.

The Statement of Purpose from the Senate Bill reads: “To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.” The U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which has been championed by the Obama Administration, would have effectively placed a global ban on the import and export of small firearms. The ban would have affected all private gun owners in the U.S. and had language that would have implemented an international gun registry, now get this, on all private guns and ammo.

Astonishingly, 46 out of our 100 United States Senators were willing to give away our Constitutional rights to a foreign power.

Here are the 46 senators who voted to give your rights to the U.N.
Baldwin (D-WI)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bennett (D-CO)
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Coons (D-DE)
Cowan (D-MA)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Franken (D-MN)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hirono (D-HI)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kaine (D-VA)
King (I-ME)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
McCaskill (D-MO)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murphy (D-CT)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schatz (D-HI)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Udall (D-CO)
Udall (D-NM)
Warner (D-VA)
Warren (D-MA)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)

What? No Republicans????

RIDER PROTECTION PROJECT FROM ALLSTATE– which is a collection of programs and applications to help keep riders riding safely.

Quite frankly, when it comes to motorcycle insurance & helping keep riders riding safely, no one else out there is doing anything like what Allstate is doing. Their Rider Protection Project is a great example of that and is something people may not expect from a motorcycle insurance company. With tools like the Rider Risk Map and the GoodRide app, Allstate helps raise awareness of motorcycles on the road. A complete list of programs and applications that make up the Rider Protection Project is as follows:

Rider Risk Map – an interactive map on Facebook ( that provides an opportunity for riders to flag a location that may be especially dangerous for riders

The O.N.E. Program – a federally-recognized motorcycle awareness program that works to identify dangerous intersections for riders (the most common location for crashes), install warning signs at each location, and raise awareness within the community.?
The Rider Protection Zone – a traveling rider experience that visits 11 of the highest-profile motorcycle rallies around the country, spreading the word about motorcycle safety and advocacy through in-person interactions and social media, using the hashtag #Watch4Moto (this will be on display at Sturgis).

The Good Ride App – an app which can be downloaded and used to alert your friends and family that you’re heading out for a ride and to remind them to watch for motorcycles, as well to track your rides, log bike maintenance, check the weather, and find out where the cheapest gas is during your trip.

Furthermore, as another point of interest, Allstate brand ambassador Jeff Buchanan will be making a four day ride to Sturgis beginning on Tuesday, July 29 in Minneapolis, MN and is available for media interviews to discuss his using of this Rider Protection Project on his way to Sturgis.

Also, in conjunction with Indian Motorcycle, Allstate will have on display at their Rider Protection Zone at Sturgis a yet to be unveiled Indian Touring Motorcycle. The motorcycle is being unveiled at each stop along Jeff’s ride to Sturgis as he will be riding one on his way to Sturgis. Details of Jeff’s scheduled ride are as follows (he will be available to media at Sturgis on August 2 & 3 or available via phone interviews before then):

Day One – Tuesday, July 29: Minneapolis, MN to Cedar Rapids, IA (277 Miles)
Day Two – Wednesday, July 30: Cedar Rapids, IA to Des Moines, IA (128 Miles) then Des Moines, IA to Omaha, NE (139 miles)
Day Three – Thursday, July 31: Omaha, NE to Sioux Falls, SD (185 Miles)
Day Four – Friday, Aug 1: Sioux Falls, SD to Rapid City, SD (347 Miles)

–Adam Colborne
Wheelhouse Media



Long days of hard work; burning the midnight oil to get a job done. There is fulfillment at the end of a day witnessing what you accomplished. It’s a good days in the garage, a day when the set goals were realized, everything clicked. Parts were at hand, everything lined up, even the little hiccups were handled quickly, efficiently and with what was on hand.

At the end of the day when we finally hang up for the day retreating back to the deck to finally have a bite to eat, to drink a tall glass of Jack & Coke do we really comprehend the mountain that we moved that day?

Some projects take months, even years to complete struggling with free time and money to see it through. The good days come, days after long days of work that you see what all the sacrifice is for, why you started, why you are determined to see it through.

We get gratification from completing it with our own hands. Satisfaction from the admiration from others as they see the completed project. We didn’t just turn the job over to someone else, didn’t just pick something off the showroom floor to ride away into the sunset. We put in the long hours, bloodied our knuckles, and sweated it out to see it through.

Sadly it seems society is moving away from work, from rolling up your sleeves and accomplishing what needs to be done. Everything is disposable; everything has a five-year life expectance or less because the next new thing will be along even if it is just a repackaging of what we already have. Gone are the days of building a fence, fixing a lamp, handing something down to the next generation.

But there are still holdouts like me, like you, which accept challenges, which put the time in to make something, to make our lives better. It makes the sore muscles worth it because when we are finally ready to roll it out we can stand tall behind it with pride and say we built this. Perhaps it is time we put some of that time into rebuilding this country back into the great nation it was, the great nation it could be.

-Bad Uncle Monkey


2014 AMSOIL STURGIS NATIONALS TO AIR ON ‘INSIDE DRAG RACING’ ON MAV TV–Bristol, Tennessee – This year’s 3rd Annual AMSOIL Sturgis Nationals promises not only to thrill and excite all those present at the track, but a national television audience as well.

Masters Entertainment Group (MEG) will be on site at Sturgis Dragway filming the competition, with racer interviews, opening ceremonies and all the fun you’ve come to expect at the dragstrip. The 2014 AMSOIL Sturgis Nationals will air this season, as a stand-alone episode on the ‘Inside Drag Racing’ television series on MAV TV.

“The WMDRA is thrilled with this opportunity for our sport of motorcycle drag racing and we look forward to showcasing the variety of motorcycles and racers that make up our drag racing family,” said WMDRA President Sandra Alberti. “This is unscripted, real television and a chance for our racers to shine while giving viewers a behind the scenes look at grass roots drag racing and its accessibility even for the casual fan or motorcycle enthusiast.”

The episode is made possible by the generosity of Dragon Fyre, Inc., a boutique sponsorship company for exceptional racers. President and CEO Zona Kaml says, “When I learned of the opportunity for an ‘Inside Drag Racing’ episode at Sturgis, I jumped in with both feet. The passion the WMDRA shows for their sport and their events is truly unmatched in the industry and mirrors my feelings for the sport and its racers.”

Since its inception over 20 years ago, MEG has created and produced quality programming for Velocity Channel, NBC Sports, MAV TV, Fox Sports Net, ESPN, ESPN2, Outdoor Channel, Speed Channel, Sun Sports, and CSS. One of their trademark shows, ‘Inside Drag Racing’ is the longest running drag racing show in television history.

Join the WMDRA and MEG August 5 and 6 for our television debut, and shine with the stars.

Sturgis Dragway is located at 20523 Hwy 79, just 3.7 miles East of downtown on SR 34, then 0.8 miles North on SR 79. Competition qualifying begins on Tuesday, August 5 with final eliminations on Wednesday. Gates open at 10:00 a.m. both days; with a hot track at 3:00 p.m. Tickets are just $15/day or $25 for the two day event.


SCRAMBLING FOR THE FINISH LINE—Packing and working on Jeremiah’s bike. I asked Kendon Trailers, Frank Esposito for some advice about my three-rail bike trailer. They are amazing and he allayed my fears of packing two bikes, one in the center and one on the outside. I was concerned about balance. No problem. These trailers are designed to handle offset loads.

He gave me a lube list for servicing the Kendon before we hit the road—perfect. Above is a fender painted by Ryan McQuiston. His first feature is currently in the new issue of Cycle Source Magazine. Check it out. As soon as we are back from the Badlands we will put together a feature on his shop.

I’m hoping to run into Rich from Indian of Charleston, SC in Sturgis. He builds these bitchin’ custom Indians. His guys know what they are doing. I’m buying a 2014, and getting a 5-year extended warranty. Can’t beat that. Plus they are giving me $1,000 back because I’m a veteran. Not bad.

We have a myriad of features headed your way. I almost finished a Bonneville update, but ran out of time.

Whatever you are doing, have a helluva good time, stay safe, support freedom, and ride like the wind.

Ride Free Forever,


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