Big Wheel Fenders Are Here! 



Klock Werks 23″/26″ Real Steel Front Fenders are officially in stock and ready to ship!

Fall has arrived in South Dakota, and old man winter is lurking around the corner. This time of year is when we start thinking about winter makeover projects, and we assume you do too! So, welcome to “Metal Mania”. Klock Werks Sheet Metal Mania that is!

When a shipment of fenders arrives at Klock Werks, all departments gather in the shop to start the fender packaging assembly line. It’s actually a fun time together as a team! Fenders might seem like a strange thing to get all excited about, but if you try one of our many Klock Werks steel fenders, you will understand. And don’t forget the original Flare Windshield. 🙂 Your bike will look good, and handle even better.

Keep an eye out for Klock Werks’ Black Friday – Cyber Monday Specials, so visit their website and sign up for their email alerts today.



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