The Women of Sturgis

The Sturgis Buffalo Chip created the Biker Belles to embrace women in motorcycling and raise funds for women charities. Toni from Buffalo Chip is Ron Woody Woodruff. The Chip well known in the giving back community. Toni has been involved and has done a fantastic job in coordinating this endeavor with icons such as Diva Amy Skaling and Laura Klock.

I am grateful it was held at the Deadwood Lodge allowing more time and an ideal place to have a conversation to share stories.

Team Diva is a sponsor of the Buffalo Chip Biker Belles Event held at the Deadwood Lodge had the Comfort Zone up and running with massages, haircuts and braiding, team Diva hats, 1LBC one of a kind jewelry and the Helping with Horsepower bikes set up with info on how to win and help.

The event drew many men out to show support like Dave Dunn, Dan Roche, Donnie Smith, Tony Pan, Earl and Rogue.

Women from Canada, Montana, Wisconsin, New Jersey, Florida, Arizona seriously from all over.

This event has brought together female icons in the motorcycle industry and this year was no different.

Women like Missy Iron Cowgirl has been supporting this event she has been performing at the Biker Belles events for years. She is also a female motorcyclist, singer/song writer and has been riding her own since she was 8 years old. She is from Michigan.

Diva Amy Skaling, known for her blinged out Diva Glide and hats extraordinary she loves women and motorcycling. She has a heart of gold and believes anything worth doing is worth over doing! Well known in both Rock n Roll and motorcycling she isn’t a trailer queen she has many miles under her belt!

Suzy Q. Yaffe wife of Paul Yaffe out showing support for women in motorcycling. She is a huge advocate for women in motorcycling and has continued to encourage women riding whenever she can.

Karlee Cobb breaking land speed records top speed 197 going for over 200 this year.

Kristy Swanson actress and motorcycle rider.

Christine Paige Diers, Executive Director of the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame

Vicki Sanfelipo an RN she is best known for her efforts to reduce injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists by creating Accident Scene Management a bystander training program with instructors in Australia and South Africa.

Jen Shade radio personality and artist extraordinaire and female motorcyclist.

This next gal is why I love this too.

First time solo rider from Florida. She was stood up by a partner she was to meet and decided to keep going. I encouraged her through Facebook and so did others and I had the pleasure of sharing a hug with her at this event and congratulating her for her self-determination. Marcy Meyer.

Of course we were there to celebrate Gloria Tramontin Struck’s 90th birthday. Yes she still rides and she came from New Jersey to celebrate with us! Her story incredible. For a lady who said no I don’t want to ride she has sure been riding her own for a long long time! So let’s talk about the 3 generations representing women there. Gloria riding since 1941. Her daughter Lori her traveling companion for years. I have had both the pleasure to meet and ride with both many times. But let’s talk about the game changer.


Kathy DaSilva this gal not your ordinary gal but a 3rd generation motorcycle rider. So the story goes her mom didn’t want her to ride. So she snuck out took the classes, got her motorcycle endorsement then went home and said guess what! LOL. That isn’t all that is it? Well, she wanted to be a Motor Maid like her grandmother. The convention in Canada was coming up and she wanted to ride with Gloria and her mother Lori to the convention but no motorcycle. Well a few days before she come home with her new motorcycle and rides 1780 miles to and from Canada. So let me say hats off to an incredible young 3rd generation female motorcycle rider! I had the pleasure of meeting her at this event she is a lovely young lady and since I know both her grandmother and mother I am not surprised. Way to Go Kathy!

So yes there were strong women in the industry so many to remember them all. But isn’t this why we come together for the Marcy’s and the Kathy’s in this world. To share our experience, strength, skills and life lessons and story’s!

An awesome event and celebration. Toni and Diva you knocked it out of the park again!


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