Bikernet Book Review: Keith R. Ball predicts the future back in year 2000

January 2017: At 68-years-old, George Orwell’s novel ‘1984’ has shot to Amazon’s number one spot this week. 1935 novel ‘It Can’t Happen Here’ by Sinclair Lewis and Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ have suddenly appeared in the Top 50 Sales Titles on

June 2013: NSA Scandal and Snowden’s revelations on lack of privacy and rights of American citizens has led novel ‘1984’ Sales Rank to no. 5 on most selling titles this week.


George Orwell introduced the world to the idea of Big Brother, doublethink, and newspeak in his celebrated and prophetic novel ‘1984’.

A divided America has the world at panic with everyone and their pet dog uncertain about the future of the promised land of USA. But what does this bold new future mean to us bikers with our nomad lifestyle and love of everything that is good and pure. We were once bracketed with hippies and freethinkers. Now we are labelled as patch wearing misfit outlaws and one-percenters.

Well, a brief and graphic illustration of this dystopian future is available in 2000 novel by Keith Randall Ball titled Sam ‘Orwell’ Chopper in reference to George Orwell’s classic masterpiece ‘1984’.

Exploding from the page with images like metal etched in acid and loaded with non-stop action like the relentless drive of a jackhammer, CHOPPER ORWELL is nothing short of a throttle-open, nitro-fueled prophecy about motorcycles, freedom and America. From its first riveting scene to its heart-hammering conclusion, the suspense-saturated story takes the reader on an unforgettable, road-blistering adventure of fast bikes, fast women, fast action – and a surprise around every turn of the highway. So hang on for the ride of a lifetime. 

In this 21st century biker fiction, your refrigerator will tell you how many eggs you can eat and your local Mayor will dictate where you should take a vacation this year. Funny thing about free men is that when you enslave them, they can tell the difference. Hence, while millions of American citizens nod their head and obey their overbearing all-controlling government, the small one-percenter population of Bikers have to take it upon themselves to fight for freedom – to fight for America.




Keith Randall Ball’s Sam Chopper Orwell is a novel like a stroker ride with no front brakes. The fiction closely parallels facts of today. Personal liberties are now a national security threat and the Federalized Government owns your Karma. The better-than-thou law enforcement gestapo will crush any and all who don’t obey the whims of the politicians now drafted into “Law”. You are no longer governed by the State. You are “REGULATED BY THE STATE”.

A country with too many laws, is a country with too many problems.”- Codrut Magheru

The more laws and order are made prominent, the more thieves and robbers there will be.”- Lao Tzu (604 B.C. to 531 B.C.) 

Censorship never worked. Prohibition never worked. European nations such as Portugal and Netherlands that legalized cocaine and LSD only saw a drastic drop in crime, drop in drug addiction and complete elimination of corruption and money laundering related to drugs smuggling and networking. Less money for the terrorists. Taxes earned on sale of marijuana. If your absurd government says tobacco cigarettes are okay and legal and valid tax revenue sources and then tells you that you are junkie criminal for smoking marijuana, you should demand proof of claims from such a government.

In fact, Marijuana is a well-known medicine in Ayurveda sciences of India and among Native Americans of North America. 

The predictions in Keith Randall Ball’s novel from 2000 are no longer a fictitious prediction. These are ground realities of 2017. They are happening and they are being accepted as “Okay” by the masses. By your neighbours. By your friends and fellow voters. Sam Orwell Chopper is a book written at the turn of the millennium which has now manifested itself as a clarion call for freedom from oppression as seen in the true state of Bikers everywhere in the world. 

 “Fools multiply, when wise men are silent.” –Nelson Mandela 

Go out and buy one and GIFT ONE TO YOUR ASSHOLE SENATOR!!!

Ride On!

–Ujjwal Dey

Raging Rabid Editor at

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