Bikernet Event Coverage: 2016 Biker Belles Event

The speaking panel consisted of women with various backgrounds which is a great way to showcase the variety of our experiences. Upon arrival, you are greeted by the Buffalo Chip gals. Followed by the Team Diva Comfort Zone, which included hair care, nail care, massages all were deemed donation only with all proceeds going to “Helping Horse Power” or to the Museum.

Let me tell you about a few of the women on this day. The one and only Marilyn Stemp was the Moderator and a perfect choice! Glad to see a much respected female in the industry instead of a male for this. No offense guys we love you too!
The sassy Jodi Perawitz a panelist. I have had the pleasure of knowing her for a few years (plus some) and she continues to inspire both women and men in the racing arena and is going for the record on the salt flats! It is currently held by a male but she has set her eyes on the prize and is shooting to break it! Good luck Jody!
Karlee Cobb taking the racing by storm. She is fast, sassy and all about speed! Must be in her blood? Right mom? (Laura Klock)
Jessi Combs was there in support and an adrenaline junky. We chatted about horsepower and torque and goofy guys that got surprised when we knew what we were talking about!

3 generations of motorcycling women that are Gloria, her daughter Lori and granddaughter Kathy. The 3 are so unique and dynamic it isn’t surprising they all ride with the blood lines of Gloria!

Leticia Cline of the Iron Lillie’s, an all-female riding group from Florida, was also a panelist this year. A pleasant gal that truly loves to ride. The demands of being an Iron Lilly is you must do at least 10k per year on your bike. Her passion stated early with her dad and when he passed away it was put on hold. Like anything else, if it is in your blood it will bring you back and it did. I had the pleasure to ride and speak with her she is a gal to pay attention to.

Even though there weren’t as many riders this year, the lodge was filled with Female Power Houses!
There were so many powerhouses in this room it was impressive. Women have taken over! They paid their dues. Women build bikes, ride them, and they most certainly race them. All of these women are incredible and when you put them all in a room together you’ve got one hell of a day! Make no mistake, this isn’t a sissy tea party! It is a sharing of experience, strength and hope. The imparting of wisdom from the school of hard knocks. The day was about empowerment, encouraging each other and women riders!
As always, it was a great privilege to cover this event.
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