Bikernet Event Coverage:Casper Iron

Chilling on my back porch with the cool evening breeze and sipping some Wyoming Whiskey, I am pondering my recent trip to Casper Wyoming. The annual Casper Iron Swap and Show was my destination. Traveling through Wyoming is always a challenge, snow, wind, rain, burning sun, and road construction are a few of the obstacles that confront you. That’s all in the same day. On this run the one that evaded me and I so direly wished for was the sun. The cool spring and unrelenting rain was chilling me to the bone. But part of the fun of making it out to these events is the personal victoryís one has along the journey. Mine was beating the rain and wind. Wyoming wind has a mind of its own. Cruising north on that black four lane ribbon, one moment the wind would be from my right the next from my left and then straight on. If this damn wind would just make up its mind I could find a grove and lean in to it, or better yet why doesnít it quit. My theory is those big fans they turn on, Wyoming has so many they call them wind farms. But my mind wonders as the Whiskey begins to set in.

[Photo 81606]

When I got the call from Bobby I marked my calendar and started preparing for the trip. That mark on the calendar said a motorcycle ride to Casper and that was what I planned on doing. A lot of thoughts go through your head when planning spring time rides and most deal with weather. Part of my preparation was checking my rain gear and helmet. I also was in need of a tour pack for my Road King. My last trip with camera gear, clothes, and riding gear was a tight fit and left scratch marks on my rear fender. Trips this year would be better. Being a Scotsman at heart I couldn’t see shelling out big bucks for a factory tour pack so I started my search and began compiling the required parts. A 10 inch chopped pack was just the right size along with, a back rest, hinges, latches, luggage rack, and quick disconnect mount were on my shopping list. These projects are never a quick and easy as you think. I learned how to work fiberglass, as the latches did not fit. I think it turned out well for my first attempt. The paint job looks good, well good enough for government work. The trick was mounting it 3 inches high so I could still operate the cop style saddle bag lids. I also designed the mount so it is a one-up back rest. This turned my 2 hour Danny Gray seat into an all day rider. I wont say how much it ended up costing but I came in slightly under the factory model.

Wyoming is where the old west meets the todayís world of the iron horse. Admiring the bikes as horses are ridden by provides a view of the world and Wyoming many do not get to see. Casper Iron is a local bike show like you find across the country but with a Wyoming flair. At the fairgrounds that weekend the high school rodeo competition was in full swing. So bikes and horses were sharing the road. I was impressed by the calm and sturdiness of the horses, a straight pipe sportster wouldn’t shake them. This calmness was reflected in Cowboys, Cowgirls, civilians and 1%’ers all getting along with no hassle or concerns. It was a refreshing sight after all the turmoil in the country right now. I guess I needed a break from the rat race and everyone ís problems.

Bikes from all around the state came in for the show and there were some decent showings. Custom Harley, BMW, Indian, Kawasaki, Trikes, some scratch build specials and some sweet custom rides. The show draws people and bikes from all over. A couple cruised up from Colorado Springs just for something to do that weekend. A good variety of vendors pedal their wares as the crowd steadily made there way in between light rain showers. A pretty good showing for a small town show.

A new comer to the show was MR Speed Co, a Casper bike shop looking to provide something different. Their drift trike was the big draw, pulling in a crowd all day. MR Speed is scratch building custom drift trikes and looking to make a name in the market. All frame work done in house they are building a quality trike. These guys are not only building bikes, they are discussing building a track and looking to promote Casper as a destination for motor-sports of all kinds.

One of the my favorites at the show is a collection of Indian motorcycles. The collection currently set at 9 I believe and he is looking for more. The owner has a love for Indians that started with childhood and his uncle’s bike back in Nebraska.

Leaving Casper I slipped into a package store and grabbed a bottle of Wyoming Whiskey, I knew I would need something to warm me up after riding through the turmoils of the wild west.

Bobby ñ Thanks for having me back…

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