Bikernet explores Harry’s Old Style Bikeshow

After a week of doubtful weather the day of Harry’s Bike Show dawned clear and bright, just what the doctor ordered or in this case Harry. Gates were due to be flung open at 9 am but some guys just couldn’t wait. With the Vietnam Veterans & Veterans MC manning the gate at The Bunker this was easily accommodated and the first bikes started rolling in around 7:30.
Steve wasn’t going to let a little thing like having to work on show day get in the way of entering his Iron Head Sporty. By the look on his face he was pretty pleased with having left his bike in safe hands while he was working.

There were some spectacular bikes on display, with some great engineering. Check out Alex’s bike, finished just in time for Harry’s Show. Bet you thought it was a Pan, look again.
With over 20 trade stalls and 75 bikes officially on show, not to mention what was in the car park, there was plenty to look at.
Would have been good to share a few pictures of the Bike Games but since I don’t have any, here’s one of the winners collecting his prizes from Coxy and Harry. Not sure how he pulled up the next day but by the look of the bottles of Jack Daniels he received as part of the prize he was in for a big night.

Bike games were preceded by the ever popular Burn-Out competition that saw some impressive tyre shredding. A special mention must go to Luke and a ‘hats off’ for riding his bike out of the show arena and blowing a back tyre for our viewing pleasure before quietly placing it back in the show line-up. Love your work. Harry’s decision to move his annual Bike Show to ‘The Bunker’ in Kingston, Queensland this year really paid off for the punters. The combination of bigger better facilities, a shady camp ground and Wild Turkey cans selling cheap made for a stress free afternoon.

Along with an Art Show, a Tattoo Show and the ‘Rev ‘til it Blows’ there was plenty to keep the crowd entertained and educated. We now all know that when you drain the oil out of a ‘Chook Chaser’ (for all you non-Aussies reading this, a Chook Chaser is another name for a small engined motorcycle used on agricultural properties and a chook is another name for a chicken) Well anyway, when you rev the shitter out of one with no oil in it, it’ll only run for about 30 seconds.

Stay tuned for next years ‘Super Chook Chaser’, I heard a rumour that by fair means or foul they will get that sucker to run longer.

……..and now a word from our sponsors

……..and Harry himself would like to thank everyone from the Vietnam Veterans & Veteran MC to the girls running his stall and everyone in between for all the work done putting Harry’s Bike Show together. “Danke”, Harry.

The band played on

We all drank more piss, well I did anyway (and there’s another bit of Aussie slang for you to wonder about) Watched the Wet t-shirt Competition, which by the way was won by an impressive set of new boobs/tits making their very first public appearance. “Thank you very much”, wish I could remember her name.

Then some cash changed hands, I’ve no idea why.
The band, Sabotage was playing some great stuff so I danced and danced until it was time to, “Go home, you’re drunk”. The biggest thank-you to Harry and Nicole for a great show and see you all again next year.
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