We are pleased to offer for the first timethis professionally built bikefrom Lucky’s Speed Shop (LSS), a worldwiderecognized builder, Don Yates, who produces a very limited number of custommotorcycles. You now have the opportunity to own a bike that has no publicexposure to date. This bike has not been shown or photographed by anypublication as of yet.
Construction of this bike began in late2011, but due to illness was not completed until late December2016. The bike was test ridden for the first time on January5, 2017 and has only 12 miles on it to sort out any possible issuesalong with calibrating the speedometer. It has gone through its pre-deliverycheck, oil changed along with oil filter dissection analysis and is ready toride or show anywhere.

“I’ve ridden countless custom motorcyclecombinations and as far as hard tail, springer combinations go, this is by farthe most well engineered, nimble, comfortable, easiest to ride bike thatI’ve ever been on regardless of price. Seat height, controls and barplacement make for a perfectly balanced bike front to rear and side to sidemaking riding effortless for anyone 5’9” to 6’3”.The bikes center of gravity, rake and trail make it ride and handle likeit’s 200 pounds lighter than it actually is with no sensation of lossof balance, flop or wobble in the front end at anyspeed. Engine has morethan enough torque and horsepower to pull through any gear selection even atlow RPM.
It’s a very understated bike with impeccabledetail, finish and engineering, the sum of which makes a remarkable motorcyclefrom every aspect including price. It’s a damn nicebike!”
–Preston Watts– January 5, 2017
Former Production Manager at Bourget Bike Works2002-2008
– Don Yates
Lucky’s Speed Shop