
This might be the wildest news ever, although a voice from South Carolina told me the lovely Nyla kicked my news ass last week–WTF.

Okay, so I’m challenged to best her pithy news effort with Trike event shots from Art, the magnificent moto-journalists from Quick Throttle Magazine. We have Smoke Out shots from the masterful Stealth in S.C. We will bring you fantastic photo art from the mastermind Bob T. Then there are girls from the ROT Texas event shot by Rigid Frame Richard, and shots from the recent SoCal BORN FREE SHOW by PJ.

On top of all the eye candy we are delivering the controversy of all time– the banning of motorcycles. See if you can beat that, bitch. Let’s hit the news:

TOM FOSTER’S TRUCK WAS HIT–“That iz solid az fuck Carnal..It iz a 65 C-10 Chevy,” said Tom Foster, when I suggested that we try to find some replacement parts for his custom slammed pickup. It was recently smacked in a hit and run with a 18-wheeler.

If you have access to a driver’s door and a front fender, do a brother a favor and reach out to Tom.

–Tom Foster

We will feature one of Tom’s sharp builds in the near future.

Charley Barnes and Motorcycle Buddies Go Behind Enemy Lines at Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka Kansas– I decided when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Westboro Baptist Church months ago that I was going to make a trip to Topeka Kansas and express my right to free speech as well; on their doorstep. True to my word, I made that trip this weekend and let’s just say that we were heard!

My best friends Kenny Oldson and Jay Tamlin, along with Chad Blanco, rode out with me early Saturday morning on a long awaited journey for justice. It was a great day to ride through Kansas; completely overcast and it was like a sign that what we were about to do was the right thing to do.

Our Arrival in Topeka

We arrived in Topeka early Saturday evening, set up camp at Forbes Landing RV Park and then went in search of the Westboro Baptist Church to see what was up, how hard it was going to be to even find and how to execute the plan. What was the plan? No idea! But we were there to execute it…

Sunday morning we were up bright and early and back at their complex, parked right at the front door by 6:30 a.m. I rang the buzzer and asked on the intercom what time services were and nothing.

Maybe I’ll try again in a few minutes.

Now, we knew they were there, because the flags were all down Saturday evening when we first got to WBC and now the flags were all up so we knew they were close, but where?

I know, I will ring the doorbell and try the intercom again, darn, nothing!

Photo by Charley Barnes


BIKERNET FAMILY COUNSELING NOTES–One lazy Sunday morning the wife and I were quiet and thoughtful, sitting around the breakfast table when I said to her unexpectedly, “When I die, I want you to sell all my stuff, immediately.”

“Now why would you want me to do something like that?” she asked.

“I figure a woman as fine as yourself would eventually remarry and I don’t want some other asshole using my stuff.”

She looked at me intently and said: “What makes you think I’d marry another asshole?”

–from Joseph Holder

Florida #1 In Corruption Matt Reed: Florida needs tougher anti-corruption laws
Reforms needed to set higher standard– Florida has led the nation for years in the number of public officials convicted on federal corruption charges. But it’s still too hard to prosecute politicians, government staff and contractors for activities most of us consider shady and wrong.

Consider Tuesday’s guilty plea by former Port Canaveral Commissioner Ralph Kennedy, who took unlawful compensation from a port developer and campaign contributor to help further the friend’s business. Kennedy got the same type of plea deal and light sentence (four years’ probation) that could be toughened if not for kinks in state law, according to a December report by the Statewide Grand Jury on Public Corruption. The same grand jury indicted Kennedy in 2009.

Among the simple reforms the grand jury urged after reviewing cases and testimony around the state: Change the law requiring police and prosecutors to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that officials not only acted corruptly, but did so with “corrupt intent.” That’s an unreasonable standard. Prosecutors should only have to show that officials acted “knowingly” or “intentionally,” the jury said.

“In this case, the Kennedy case, we couldn’t prove exactly why he did it,” said Wayne Ivey, resident agent in charge of Brevard and Volusia counties for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

They could document that “Kennedy aided in the negotiation of bids on a hotel project at the Port and then positioned himself for a financial kickback for his role in delivering the project to the contractor,” the FDLE investigative report says.
But that’s not enough in Florida. Cops must be able to read politicians’ minds.

Unfortunately, legislative committees killed bills that would make that change. They also neglected bills to enact other grand jury recommendations such as criminalizing voting conflicts of interest at all levels, toughening sanctions for faulty financial disclosures and expanding the definition of “public servant” to include contractors in privatized operations.

“It has to extend to that,” Ivey said of privatized government services. “Those people are being contracted and paid with taxpayer dollars.”

We need to bust the mayors who take freebies at local businesses then use City Hall to help friends and penalize competitors. And the bureaucrats who skirt bidding rules by breaking up purchases into smaller contracts for friends’ and family firms. And council members who meet to talk shop at restaurants, in violation of Sunshine Laws. And police officers who use their status to coerce people under the “color of law.”

You deserve better, starting when the Legislature gathers next spring.

By Reed at

–from Rogue

While the Gangster James “Whitey” Bulger may testify against Dirty FBI Agents it may open the door to some one Investigating FBI Agents That belong To Motorcycle Gangs– These Gangs are made up of Federal Agents and though they claim to be just motorcycle clubs there are reports of them being involved in numerous violations of the law that they in fact are arresting members of other clubs for.
The FEDS and Other Law Enforcement Agencies need To Clean Up Their Own Before They Go After Others.

It is way past time to get rid of Dirty Cops.



BIKERNET CALENDAR LISTINGS–my name is Jessica and I work with the March of Dimes. I wanted to ask if you could add our event to the New Jersey section of your calendar. We are already posted on the New York page but we would like to be added to New Jersey as well. I was having trouble submitting all of the information again. Thank You.

Rev up to help us give every baby a healthy start. Please join the 3rd Annual BIKERS FOR BABIES & Classic Car Show on SUNDAY, August 28, 2011 at the Staten Island Mall, 2655 Richmond Ave, Staten Island, New York 10314

Registration: 9AM – Kickstands Up: 11AM
Concert, Vendors, and Food Following the RIDE!
To register for this event, please log on to and for more information please visit or contact Lisa Voils at 917-803-7868 or via email at

 Jessica Falcone
March of Dimes- Staten Island Division
110 McClean Ave
Staten Island NY, 10305

Just in case you didn’t know, the Bikernet Events Calendar is free. You can list any event from a backyard barbecue to the Sturgis Rally, absolutely FREE. Except, you need to handle it on your own. It won’t go live automatically, the lovely Nyla reviews each listing, checks it for bullshit and accuracy, then launches it to protect the innocent. But go for it, it’s there to help riders all over the world.–Bandit

LOOKING FOR DENNIE HEAPY OF SANTA ANA– I’m trying to chase down a guy from Santa Ana that sold a 32 3 window hi-boy……the car is from Santa Ana and was owned by a Dennie Heapy……..Does anyone know how I can get in touch with him??????


SPANISHFLYTV COMES TO BIKERNET– is what I meant. Check it out, if you’re into fishing.


JIMS MACHINE TOOL OF THE WEEK– Finally, the solution is here! Eliminate the entry of dirt, dust and unwanted parts during an engine or transmission re-build with the new JIMS Twin Cam Engine and Trans Plug Kit No. 764. You no longer have to hunt for random rags and tape to protect your open ports, bores, holes, fittings and passages. You name it; there is a plug for it.

This JIMS Plug Kit includes enough pieces for one Twin Cam engine and one transmission, Alpha or Beta. Use on any Twin Cam engine and transmission 1999 to present, MSRP is $64.00.

For more information connect with us at, find us on Facebook or call 805-482-6913.

By now you have seen Sarah Palin– at Rolling Thunder…

The press didn’t give her much coverage, but, Michelle Obama was there too…


catawampus kat-uh-WOM-puhs, adjective:

1. Off-center; askew; awry.
2. Positioned diagonally; cater-cornered.

Very circuitous, I must say- most sidelong and backhanded, cockeyed and skew-jawed, catawampus and wonky.
— Candace A. Croft, Annalia’s Simply Splendid Flight: From Another Side of Day

The only traditional touches are the catawampus walls and whichaway entrances dictated by Feng Shui, the art of placing things so as to ensure luck and not disturb spirits.
— P. J. O’Rourke, Eat the rich

Catawampus arose in the United States around 1840, during a particular vogue in elaborate coinages. Cata- stems from cater-, a now-archaic root meaning “diagonal,” while the source of -wampus is subject to debate.



I checked the Bikernet web site and didn’t see any mention of the “Born Free Show” that took place at Oak Canyon Park last Saturday, 6/25/11.

As deeply devoted to old iron as you are, you’d have thought you died and went to heaven. I’ve never seen so many pre 1984 bikes. Seriously; if you didn’t show up riding a Pan Head nobody even looked your way.


There were more operational Knuckle Heads on scene than you I knew existed. I’ll be submitting an article to Thunder Press. I thought I’d rattle your cage and give you a heads-up regarding this 3 year-old event that drew a dozen builders, Including Chica,100+ vendors and more that 5,000 people.


My contact at the Born Free Show is:


Your magic water just gets better in so many ways. Di’s drinking so much like all of us, with some noticeable changes which we have reported to the Heart Foundation.

She is digesting her food far better and her energy levels have definitely increased. Could go on mate but don’t want to sound like I’m standing on a box flogging the “elixir of life”

You can expect a call from Professor Lawrence St Leger of the Heart Foundation, I have spoken to him.


Thoroughly enjoyed our skype conference and thank you for including Tim, who has been absolutely flattened as to what you have put together, and has asked if he could invest in our NZ operation? As his world famous art depicts he is very much in favor for creating a better environment. His web site is

Something I missed in our discussion which we have spoken about, bacteria content in milk – I believe treatment through the Separator will solve a number of issues and overcome deterioration issues without the need for expensive cooling processes and pasteurization!

With your permission Rod and I would like to conduct a trial in conjunction with our local dairy?

You look very tired so we are giving you the night off! As if you will?



It is now two weeks since we have had our water separator and I must say some unreal things are happening!

Not only does the water taste better and we are drinking more, like you said we would (could never go back to tap water!) but I noticed the other day that the aged patch of skin on my neck started to feel soft and and peeled off in my fingers (something that has never happened before). Here’s the doozie! on my leg I had patches of eczema that I have been treating with a special cream for years, well it has disappeared. I can only think it is the water?

What ever magic you have inside your water separator certainly works, will let you know of any more changes.

It’s a winner Ray!



BIKERNET BLACK MARKET BOOK DEAL OF THE WEEK– From a simple blower scoop to a complete fender, Ultimate Sheet Metal Fabrication offers start-to-finish fabrication sequences sure to educate both the beginner or the more experienced metal craftsman.

Well-known expert Ron Covell shows how to shape a panel over a hammerform, while Bob Munroe demonstrates how simple it can be to form a complete motorcycle fender – with nothing more than a hammer, a bad of sand, and an English wheel to eliminate the lumps and bumps.

Though hands-on sequences make up most of this book, the first three chapters cover Planning & Design, Mock-Up and Material Choice, and Sheet Metal Welding.

Like all the books from Wolfgang Publications this one is well illustrated with over 350 photos (black and white) spread over 144 pages. Ultimate Sheet Metal Fabrication is available this week through Bikernet for only $14.95, with free shipping to continental US addresses. If you’ve always promised yourself that “someday I’m going to try and do come sheet metal fabrication” today is that day.


NEW CROW CUSTOMS BIKE COMING TO BIKERNET–10 bike, 5 girl? I will tell Caleb to email you the tech sheet. Models name is Sarah McDowd. I hope you get that other story published, Brittany are sooo pretty there.. I am back 1’s week of Aug..

–Peter Linney
Bikernet Staff Photog

Auto Erotica: It’s time to ban the motorcycle
There, I said it. It needed to be said.

What if I were to tell you that the fatality rate for those of us who drive a car or truck is 14 out of every 100,000 drivers? That’s a distressing statistic but it’s far below what it once was.

Now, what if I were to tell you that there’s a vehicle on the road today that increases your chances of being killed while driving it by more than 500 percent, producing an average of 72 fatalities for every 100,000 users?

That vehicle would represent a pretty silly and dangerous way to get around, don’t you think? But wait — there’s more. What if this vehicle produced 11 percent of all driving fatalities, effectively erasing gains made from years of declining motor-vehicle deaths? Would you want to drive that vehicle? Would you want your loved ones to drive it?

Surprisingly, registrations for this vehicle increased by more than 63 percent from 1997 to 2005, with the fatalities that resulted rising at a disproportionately high rate.

Add to all that the fact that this vehicle can emit 10 to 20 times the quantity of nitrogen oxide than standard automobiles because so many of these vehicles don’t require a catalytic converter. In some states, they don’t even require insurance.

This deathtrap, of course, is the motorcycle, and it’s time for the grownups to take a stand and say enough is enough.

–Contact Hugh Curran at
Sun Sentinel

Bla, bla, bla, he goes on and on. It’s interesting how twisted the facts become. Annually about 5,000 die in motorcycle crashes, 75% caused by automobiles (many on cell phones). Get this, 44,000 die annually in car crashes, so ban cars. What happened to the Pursuit of Happiness in the Constitution. Now it’s all about safety and money. God god.
–Wilburn Roach

–from Rogue


SHIRLEY DA SEAT MAKER IS BACK– Just got back into seat making. I am going to do a seat for this bike run to be auctioned off. Wondered if you would be willing to give them a little publicity on your site. I know you’re a soft touch for a good cause.



AUSTRALIAN SA government warns clubs–
South Australian Attorney General John Rau has warned outlaw motorcycle clubs the State Government is preparing for a fresh assault on them after the High Court delivered another blow to the Governments anti-association legislation (SOCCA).

A High Court full bench ruling has declared NSW’s Crimes (Criminal Organisations Control) Act invalid and ordered the state to pay the fulllegal costs of the case.

It follows a successful challenge by prominent Sydney Hells Angels motorcycle club member Derek Wainohu, who faced the possibility of being banned from associating with his fellow club members because of the laws.
Mr Rau told State Parliament that bikers celebrating the striking down of the NSW legislation were “living in a fools’ paradise”.

“The Government’s unrelenting fight against organised gangsters, stand-over merchants and thugs is about to step up a notch,” he said.
“We place you all on notice. Life is about to get a lot more difficult.”

He said the NSW decision and legal failure of elements in the SA legislation presented “complex but, I believe, not insoluble constitutional problems”.

“I have asked the Solicitor General to give his urgent attention to closely considering these judgements and recommending to me a course of action,” Mr Rau said.
“The Government has no intention of giving up on providing the police with the appropriate legislation to protect the community from organized crime.

“I will soon be presenting a package of measures to attack organised crime in ways which go beyond the matters considered by the High Court.”

Premier Mike Rann has reiterated his vow to keep up the fight against motorcycle club. “We do not resile from what we’re doing, we’re going to keep coming at them,” Mr Rann told reporters after the High Court delivered a blow to tough so-called anti-biker laws in NSW.

South Australia has been watching the case, after the High Court last year struck out aspects of SA’s own tough anti-biker/anti-association laws, delivering a significant knock to Mr Rann’s vow to rid the state of the outlaw groups.

“The bikers might think that they got a free kick from the High Court but they will not be getting a free kick from us,” said Mr Rann.

The High court found a draconian NSW law designed to break up outlaw motorcycle clubs was invalid after a Hells Angel’s challenge.

The NSW government introduced the law in 2009 following the death of Hells Angel associate, Anthony Zervas, during a violent brawl at Sydney Airport.
It allowed the NSW police commissioner to ask a NSW Supreme Court judge to declare motorcycle clubs (or any other group of people) criminal organizations and then seek control orders banning individual members associating with one another – virtually identical laws to those introduced by the Rann Government which were also quashed by the High Court.

Derek Wainohu, a prominent member of the Hells Angel Motorcycle Club, launched a bid in 2010 on behalf of Sydney chapters of the club to have the law declared invalid.

It comes after the High Court in November ruled 6-1 against aspects of the SA Government’s anti-biker legislation.

The law obliged the state’s courts to impose control orders on bikers at the request of the Attorney-General and police, without any evidence being tendered.
The High Court ruled that unconstitutional, finding that it undermined the independence of judges and forced them to find guilt “based on assumptions”‘.

Some elements of the SA legislation remained in force – including the Government’s right to declare groups criminal.
SA Opposition justice spokesman Stephen Wade said the NSW ruling threw SA’s laws “into disarray”.

“The judgment has escalated the courts concerns on the legitimacy of anti-biker/ ant-association laws,” he said.
“Whereas last years Totani case focussed on the institutional integrity of the courts, in this case the High Court has ruled that the anti-biker law is beyond the legislative power of the Parliament of NSW.

“South Australias anti-biker law is very similar to NSW. In fact, the Premier reckons that they were modelled on ours.”
Mr Wade said it was time for a fundamental reassessment of organised crime laws and policing strategies.

“This is the second embarrassing loss in the High Court for SAs Labor Government,” he said. “Despite all the rhetoric about bikers, Labor has been happy to just sit back and wait over a year for the challenges in the courts wasting time, wasting taxpayer money and risking the safety of South Australians.”

–from the Bikernet Australian Secret Agent


A couple made a deal that whoever died first would come back and inform the other if there was sex after death. Their biggest fear was that there was no after-life at all.

After a long life together, the husband was the first to die.

True to his word, he made the first contact: “Sue……….Sue”

“Is that you, George?”

“Yes, I’ve come back like we agreed.”

“That’s wonderful!? What’s it like?”

“Well, I get up in the morning, I have sex. I have breakfast and then it’s off to the golf course. I have sex again, bathe in the warm sun and then have sex a couple of more times. Then I have lunch (you’d be proud – lots of greens). Another romp around the golf course, then pretty much have sex the rest of the afternoon. After supper, it’s back to golf course again. Then it’s more sex until late at night. I catch some much-needed sleep and then the next day it starts all over again”

“Oh, George, are you in Heaven?”

No, I’m a rabbit in Kansas .”

–from Rick Burgess

BAN MOTORCYCLES, NOT– Mr Hugh Currant… I recently read your article on motorcycles. In it you asked “Would you want your loved ones to drive it?”

YES! Yes I would let my loved one ride a motorcycle. Back in 1969 my Dad bought his first and only motorcycle I was 6. He rode me all over on that motorcycle. It introduced me to my life long passion of Motorcycling. Fast forward to 2011; For my Daughter’s 19 birthday present I am paying for her to take the motorcycle training course with FULL blessings of her mother my X wife. My daughter already knows how to ride. She got her 1st motorcycle when she was 9 yet she need the course to get her motorcycle license. 

My current wife rides and we go on family motorcycle trips with my step son. If my step-son has an interest in motorcycles I will encourage him to do so and help him learn to ride. 
ALSO- When the time comes that I have grandchildren & great grandchildren, when they show an interest in motorcycles & motorcycling I will also assist them in getting & operation there motorcycles

SO YES – I would & will let my loved ones ride a motorcycle

WHO THE HELL are you to tell US we shouldn’t ride a motorcycle ????

–Rich Pagano

BIKERNET BEST POCKET KNIFE RESEARCH– OK, so I did some research about getting the best pocket knife possible (already have some inexpensive but decent ones in the toolbox). So, in the process, I find out that, aside from Solingen, Germany, there is another world-famous knife capital, namely, Seki City, Japan – which has a rich history going back to the 13th century as far as the making of Samurai swords and knives/cutlery. And, even more surprising …that Zwilling J.A. Henckels apparently makes their most expensive knives there – wow, did not know that.

Here’s my new tool – designed and manufactured in Washington USA with a VG 10/420 J2 steel blade from Seki, Japan – meet the SOG Mini Vulcan:

Ride Free Forever,


BAN MOTORCYCLES– It seems to be a persistent call that goes out every few months. Usually it is when some reporter’s friend or love one is injured in a motorcycle accident or they had a near miss themselves with a rider.

They rarely do the research to find out what really happened, who was at fault, jumping to blame some “long haired hippy biker”. With the exception of cars and a few of my readers confined guest of the state we as humans are pretty vulnerable to the outside world.

More often motorcycle, pedestrian, and even office injures are the result of an inattentive motor vehicle driver and not the actions of the victim. If you ride a motorcycle you know you have to watch out for vehicles, not because you may run into one but because they are most likely to run into you. The same goes for people who walk or run. And that fact is not confined to busy city streets as every year we hear of a vehicle/pedestrian accident on wide open freeways and roads. People have even been injured sitting quietly at their desks or watching a movie at home when a vehicle has come careening through the space.

The motorcycle is an easy target for these people. They feel if only the motorcycle had more wheels for stability, bumpers, seat belts and airbags, all designed to prevent injury it would absolve them of their responsibility of being a good driver. After all, we were injured because we didn’t protect ourselves from them. Is there an answer? Sadly no. Drivers don’t want to take responsibility. They don’t understand that the rules of the road are not to oppress but to ensure everyone operates and behaves in a predictable manner. The majority of drivers would truly benefit from fully automated automobiles that turned the driving over to smarter artificial intelligents.

It is not my motorcycle or me that are dangerous. I’m a professional driver. I have my 1A drivers licence and I’ve passed a drivers exam every five years or so. I am confident in my ability because I’m not worried about my driving but worry about the other driver. Perhaps the next time a writer wants the ban motorcycles they should look at their own driving habits first.

-bad Uncle Monkey

MAGNIFICENT MOTO-JOURNALIST ATTENDS TRIKE EVENT IN HUNGTINGTON BEACH–Art from Quick Throttle magazine hits every event in Southern California for the regional mag. 
This may have been the first of its kind, a Trike centered event in the biker-hating beach community. Most bikers avoid Huntington beach for fear of helmet infractions and loud pipe tickets, but not the weekend of June 18 when the streets lined with three-wheelers.
It’s interesting to see the trike market grow. We encountered a CanAm dealership in Florida recently. Older folks who are concerned with dropping big touring machines are turning to three-wheelers, and the market is giving them what they want in the form of very user friendly, well equipped trikes for the long touring haul.

BIKERNET CLARIFICATION DEPARTMENT– NTSB chairman Christopher Hart’s claim “that Louisiana reinstated its helmet law after it saw a spike in motorcycle deaths and injuries” in the Michigan helmet law piece in the Bikernet blog. That’s bullshit. The bill to reinstate Louisiana’s helmet law had died in committee, until then-Governor Kathleen Blanco strong-armed it back to life and rammed passage through the legislature for one reason only – to kick sand in her Republican predecessor’s face.

–Bruce Snyder

Official Bikernet Copy Editor

On their way to get married, a young Catholic couple were involved in a fatal car accident. The couple found themselves sitting outside the Pearly Gates waiting for St. Peter to process them into Heaven. While waiting they began to wonder; Could they possibly get married in

When St. Peter arrived they asked him if they could get married in Heaven. St. Peter said, “I don’t know. This is the first time anyone has asked. Let me go find out,” and he left.

The couple sat and waited for an answer…. for a couple of months.

While they waited, they discussed the pros and cons. If they were allowed to get married in Heaven, should they get married,what with the eternal aspect of it all? “What if it doesn’t work? Are we stuck in Heaven together forever?”

Another month passed. St. Peter finally returned, looking somewhat bedraggled. “Yes,” he informed the couple, “You can get married in Heaven.

“Great!” said the couple. “But we were just wondering; what if things don’t work out? Could we also get a divorce in Heaven?”

St. Peter, red-faced with anger, slammed his clipboard on the ground.

“What’s wrong?” asked the frightened couple.

“OH, COME ON!!!” St. Peter shouted. “It took me 3 months to find a priest up here! Do you have ANY idea how long it’ll take to find a lawyer???”

–from Robin Hartfiel

THIS WEEKS BIKERNET TECH QUESTION TO COMPU-FIRE BOSS--The Commander of the SmokeOut smoked his chopper battery with a 32 amp charging system. He needed answers, so Wrench hooked him up with Martin Tesh, the boss of Compu-Fire for the answer.

“The Compufire Voltage Regulators feature series type circuitry which opens the stator circuit when the battery is fully charged,” said Martin. “This is automotive type voltage regulation and is more accurate in battery voltage sensing which prevents battery overcharging.”

The 32 Amp regulator is P/N 55120 for a black finned unit or P/N 55130 for a chrome/billet case unit, Call me at 562-803-1700 ext 227. 

BIKER’S CHOICE CYCLE SOUNDS SPEAKER SYSTEMS–The perfect companion to Cycle Sounds motorcycle speaker systems or an upgrade for any fairing radio, the new Rock Box from Cycle Sounds is the industry’s smallest all-in-one audio source. It allows you to listen to your favorite FM radio stations, mp3/mp4s, tell time and check temperature with ease. Features six radio station presets, home and away functions, USB port, easy to access volume controls and function buttons with an auxiliary input to connect a separate music device. Powered USB port allows for mp3 playback via a thumb drive and doubles as a charger for most any USB device.

For more information, visit

Happy Riding!!


THE COOLEST JOKER MACHINE 7/8″ Handlebar Clamps–At last and by popular demand, all billet aluminum 7/8″ handlebar risers from Joker

• Fully CNC machined Racing styled design is made from solid 6061-T6 bar stock for maximum strength.
• Special alloy “Gold Zinc” top clamp mounting bolts are included.
• Lightweight, yet heavy duty, “DUAL” design top clamp gives your bike a unique “CAFE” racer look.
• Universal, internal mounting bolt design in the lower section, enables the use of Allen head bolt sizes: 1/2″, 12MM, or 10MM (with our adapter bushing that is sold separately). This feature enables you to choose the bolt size and length you need for your application.

• Available in “Hard Black” or Clear anodize, and chrome finishes.


Part No. Description Retail
09-378B 7/8” Handlebar Clamp Black $144.95
09-378C 7/8” Handlebar Clamp Clear $144.95
09-379 10mm Mounting Bolt Adapter Bushing $9.95

Bryan Warren

Joker Machine
1931 Yeager Ave.
La Verne, CA 91750
(P) 909-596-9690
(F) 909-596-9693

THE SMOKEOUT XII IN ROCKINGFORD N.C. LAST WEEKEND–THE SMOKE-OUT rocked Rockingham NC again this year. The temps were hot again but the bikes and ladies were hotter!
There were Flatheads, Knuckleheads, Panheads, Shovelheads, Evos and even a few Twin Cams. Some of the coolest Triumphs on the planet were also on hand. The metric bobber crowd was also well represented.

There were Ape Hangers, Z-bars, jockey shifts, tank shifters, and kick starters, sissy bars that touched the sky, fishtail exhaust, rigid frames and chains!

I love the SMOKE-OUT, it is my favorite event. You see the bikes we grew up with. You see friends that you have not seen since the previous Smoke-Out. This year I got to hang out with my good friend Bandit and that was a GREAT time in itself.

For the first time this year I attended the Mini-Bike races. It was a blast, especially the costumes the racers wear. There were some spectacular crashes but no one got hurt. I plan on entering Vicki next year!

The bikes at the Smoke-Out are the purest form of motorcycles, bare bones, NO GPS SYSTEMS or IPODS or STEREO speakers, just bad ass in your face bikes!

Thanks to EDGE and everyone at THE HORSE BACKSTREET CHOPPERS for another GREAT SMOKE-OUT!

See you next year!
Until next time, RIDE!

Photos by Vickie

BAN WHAT?–As you stated, you are not a motorcyclist. Do most automobile drivers care or respect the rights of motorcyclists, thru my 45 years of riding the answer is NO. Do automobile drivers get any or enough training related to motorcycling – NO. Do the majority of states broadcast motorcycle awareness, NO unless some association pays a radio station to inform people to be aware of motorcycles being on the road.

Yes you have your small share of people who think they are invincible on their motorcycles and a small share that drink and drive while riding their motorcycles but compared to drivers of 4-wheeled or larger vehicles, it is almost inconsequential. The large majority of motorcycle accidents and deaths involve an automobile because people who are not motorcyclists think a motorcycle can maneuver around anything in a split second or can stop immediately due to a lack of understanding thru training.
I have been hit from behind two times by tailgaters and luckily didn’t get run over. I have had to lay down my bike three times because someone pulled out 40 feet or less in front of me on a side street that I was traveling on at 35 mph. I couldn’t go left as there was oncoming traffic and couldn’t go right because of trees or stone walls. I drive defensively as I ALWAYS expect someone to pull out in front of me, run a red light, be talking on their phones and run up my backside, take a right turn from the left lane, etc. All three people thought I could just zip around them.

I can’t remember the amount of times a car driver looked at me and just decided that they wanted my lane because they had a vehicle bigger than mine. I have probably had well over 100 times thru the years that I have had to pull of drastic maneuvers in order to stay on my bike without impacting an automobile, but I for one will fight you to the day I die for the right to choose my mode of transportation.

Why stop at motorcycles, take away cars, trucks, trains, planes, alcohol, cigarettes, fatty fried foods, shut down the military, take away all guns, knives, sharp pencils and all other devices that someone can use to harm someone else. When are you going to understand, IT IS NOT THE VEHICLE THAT IS KILLING PEOPLE, IT IS THE OPERATORS. If the operators understand the workings of the vehicles they drive as well as the vehicles they don’t drive, then these skewed number you quote would minimize themselves thru real training.

–David Hoha
Global Manager
Final Assy/Flight Operations

REPUBLIC OF TEXAS MASSIVE EVENT–Here are a few images from ROT didn’t know if you just want pictures of cute girls or if you want me to add some words?

My friend Bronson from Southern metal Choppers was the Grand Marshall of the parade and he just got the cover of Hot bike with a really sharp blue bagger, just let me know.




After a month of public voting the 2 winners of the Garage-Girls Ultimate Biker Makeover have been chosen.

Contestants (guys and girls) were asked to submit a 600 words or less essay – describing why they are most in need of a biker makeover as well as a photo by May 10, 2011. Submissions were narrowed down to the final four by selected judges from Garage-Girls and Carlisle Events. The final 4 were then placed on for the public to vote online at for who they felt most deserved the Ultimate Biker Makeover.

Runner up Mary Pinkerton shared her story of experiencing the loss of her mother and then being informed she was diabetic. After focusing on her health and making changes to her new condition she has found herself many pounds lighter and with riding gear that no longer fits her properly. Grand Prize Winner Pat Henderson shared her story of continually making self-sacrifices to provide her children with all she could, which included giving up her motorcycle. With her children grown she is asking for help in fulfilling her dreams of getting back out on the road.

Mary and Pat will both receive all-new gear and accessories with Pat, the grand-prize winner, also receiving accessories for her motorcycle. Winners must be present at the Carlisle Bike Fest on Saturday, July 23rd, 2011 to collect their prizes.

For more information, rules, eligibility and submission procedures, visit or
If interested in getting your company involved please contact Sara Liberte at

For more information, visit or contact Sara Liberte at


BUCKSHOT’S FIRST NOVEL NOW AVAILABLE–My first novel, Skinner’s war, is now available through Amazon for download to Kindle and other “readers”! It’s dirt cheap at $2.99, an’ the chapters are all short so yer legs don’t fall asleep in the “library”! It’s true biker fiction, with military action, political satire, sex, an’ woods lore all tossed in together. The Amazon link is below.



PROGRESSIVE ULTIMATE BUILDER SHOWS RELEASES NEW SCHEDULE 2011-2012 nationwide tour dates– The Progressive International Motorcycle Shows will kick off in mid-November in California and roll through 11 cities before concluding at next year’s Daytona Bike Week.

In announcing the 2011-2012 tour schedule, organizers said they are working on bringing in more manufacturers and providing an even-more engaging experience for the widest audience of powersports enthusiasts in the United States. The tour will provide more features that “connect” riders with products and services that support their riding lifestyles, and new interactive entertainment and educational experiences designed for all types of enthusiasts and their families.

“This year will see an emergence of additional OEMs, bike models and brands. Plus, with a number of innovative new features, this tour will be our most interactive yet,” added Kerry Graeber, brand director at Advanstar.

What’s different this year? For starters, the tour has “switched Carolinas,” swapping a previous stop in Greenville, S.C., in favor of Charlotte, N.C. And the tour has cemented its commitment to Daytona Bike Week by returning to Ocean Center in Daytona Beach during the big spring rally. For the enthusiasts in the Pacific Northwest, the Seattle show has a new home in the Washington State Convention Center.

“The 2011-2012 tour cities chosen [see below for list] represent the most motorcycle-dense populations in the United States, reaching 75 percent of the nation’s motorcycle enthusiasts,” reported Advanstar Communications, organizer of the motorcycle shows (and parent of Dealernews).

The tour will kick off in mid-November in San Mateo, Calif., south of the Bay Area, before jogging east to Texas and then right back to California for the big Long Beach exposition. Media Days are scheduled for Long Beach, New York and Chicago.

Here are the dates for the 2011-2012 tour.

* Nov. 18-20, 2011 – San Mateo, CA: San Mateo County Event Center
* Dec. 2-4, 2011 – Dallas, TX: Dallas Convention Center
* Dec. 9-11, 2011 – Long Beach, CA: Long Beach Convention Center
* Dec. 16-18, 2011 – Seattle, WA: Washington State Convention Center
* Jan. 6-8, 2012 – Novi, MI: Suburban Collection Showplace
* Jan. 13-15, 2012 – Washington, DC: Washington Convention Center
* Jan. 20-22, 2012 – New York, NY: Jacob K. Javits Center
* Jan. 27-29, 2012 – Cleveland, OH: I-X Center
* Feb. 3-5, 2012 – Minneapolis, MN: Minneapolis Convention Center
* Feb. 10-12, 2012 – Chicago, IL: Donald J. Stephens Convention Center (Rosemont, IL)
* Feb. 24-26, 2012 – Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Convention Center
* March 14-17, 2012 – Daytona Beach, FL: Ocean Center

For more information, visit

TRAFFIC TICKET AVOIDANCE, WORTH A TRY– Okay, so I’m sending this to those that I think may get a ticket. God knows some of you deserve one the way you drive.

This advice was sent by a retired State Farm agent! This system has Been tried and it works in every state.

If you get a speeding ticket or went through a red light, or whatever The case may be, you’re going to get points on your license and a Surcharge on your auto insurance. This is a method to insure that you DO NOT get the points.

When you get your fine, send in a check to pay for it. If the fine is $79.00 make the check out for $82.00, some small amount over the fine. The system will then have to send you back a check for the difference.
However, here is the trick:



Points are not assessed to your license until all Financial Transactions Are complete. If you do not cash the check, then the transactions are NOT complete. The system has received its moneyand is satisfied and Will no longer bother you.

This information comes from an unmentionable computer company that sets up the standard databases used by every state.

Send this to everyone you know. You never know when they may need it AND THEY MAY BE FOREVER GRATEFUL

–from Buckshot


VICTORY INCREASED APPS–Victory motorcycles just announced their new mobile application that can be downloaded on Android and Apple devices. The app features:
The app provides you almost everything you need on your ride and will make sure you enjoy every single moment without any stress.


If you want to share the experience with those stuck back home, this app tracks you and your friends every mile of the way. At the end of the day, you can share pictures and video with fellow motorcyclist, and show everyone on Facebook just how much fun the motorcycle lifestyle really is.

–from U.S. Riders News


D&D CONGRATULATES BRASS BALLS BOBBERS–D&D Performance Exhaust would like to congratulate the hard work that was done to complete The Horse Backstreet Chopper giveaway chopper by the Brass Balls team. We are proud of the exceptional craftsmanship and the reception of the bike and our custom exhaust at the Smoke Out.

D&D builds performance exhaust for Harley-Davidson motorcycles and custom v-twin engines.

–Prince Najar
Ultimate Builder Show Series

AMA American Affiliate

ACE CAFE REUNION WEEKEND–  Independently acclaimed as the world’s coolest motorcycle event!  Three Days, Three Rides, One Reunion!

Friday 9th September from 6pm – The Continental Run Ride-In

Saturday 10th September – Cafe Racer & Rockers Ride-Out
Depart: 10.30am
Destination: Battersea Park (Central London)

Sunday 11th September – Brighton Burn-Up & Ride With The Rockers
Depart: 10.30am
Route: A406 – A40 – M25 – M23 – A23 to Madeira Drive, Brighton Seafront
Taking place over three days of the second weekend in September and first held in 1994, the 18th annual Ace Cafe Reunion Weekend & Ride With The Rockers celebrates the unique history, culture and style of Ace Cafe London and what it represents. The event acts as a focus in the motorcycling calendar for all those who are not only interested in the Ace Cafe, Ton Up and Rocker heritage, but also for many others who enjoy a weekend full of rock n’ roll and fun!

Over the years, Ace Cafe London has forged lasting and strong links to the global motorcycling and rockin’ community, which is reflected by the many visitors from overseas, one of the largest contingents being The Continental Run, which starts with a party at Cafe Hubraum in Solingen, Germany, before departing the next morning to cross Holland, Belgium and France, gathering numbers en route to the ferry, arriving at the cafe late afternoon, and culminating in an evening of rock ‘n’ roll!

The Brighton Burn Up & Ride With The Rockers, has been an integral part of Ace Cafe Reunions since 1996, and is a free, grand day out at the seaside on Brighton’s famous seafront road, Madeira Drive. With trade and club stands, stunt displays, live music and special guests, it’s an experience not to be missed!

On Saturday 10th September, a Cafe Racer & Rockers Ride-Out to London’s historic Battersea Park will depart from the cafe at 10.30am, led again this year by the Limited Edition Ace 904S Thruxton Special, returning to the Ace for the 3rd annual Cafe Racer Review, with prizes for the “Best Ridden Cafe Racer”.

This year, together with celebrating the 40th anniversary of the release in 1971 of the seminal Steve McQueen film “On Any Sunday” with prizes for the “Best Ridden Flat Tracker”, and recalling his famous quote of that same year, “When you’re racing, it’s life”, the Ace is also celebrating a very special landmark, the 10th anniversary of the legendary cafe having fully reopened!

Sponsors for the competitions at the cafe include; Triumph, T-Bird Records, Red Torpedo, Lucky 13, Lewis Leathers, Salon Moto Legende, Dainese, and more with awards and prizes being presented by Ace Cafe Hostess Sophia St. Villier.

Amongst special guests,we are delighted to host Manx man and renowned author Mick Duckworth signing copies of his recently published book “Ace Times – Speed thrills and tea spills, a cafe and a culture”, together with the legendary “Prince of Speed”, 8 times world champion road racer Phil Read MBE.

The fiesty London Rockin’ Rollers will be with us again, raising funds for London’s Air Ambulance, the cafe’s chosen charity for Saturday 10th September.

On Sunday 11th September in Brighton, as well as an array of club, trade stands and live bands, the annual short seafront service and blessing is being kindly undertaken by both Father Scott and Father Denis of the 59 Club.

Stunt Shows, to include featuring the ever popular Marc “Sparky” Chennel, will take place at Black Rock, the eastern end of Madeira Drive, with three displays scheduled for 11.30am, 1.30pm and 3.30pm, together with a wheelie machine for those who want to try out riding on the back wheel and, for the first time, this years Reunion will host a static Show Up n’ Shine “Best Streetfighter” competition.

As part of Battle of Britain Week, the cafe’s chosen charity RAFA will be in attendance raising funds and, for your convenience, the charity Riders For Health will be in attendance with a “helmet park”, where you can leave your gear and enjoy the day.

Ace Cafe Reunion Weekend Entertainment:

The Hicksville Bombers+ Burlesque Show (Friday 9th), Doggone Honkabilly Band + The Bullets + Furious + The Space Cadets + Burlesque Show (Saturday 10th) at the cafe, plus Rockin’ The Joint & Mark Keeley’s Good Rockin’ Tonight performing at Brighton (Sunday 11th). DJ’s spinning the weekend’s wax are Bill & Jimmy Guntrip, Dave Crozier and Mouse, and yes, it’s all free!


As guests of Brighton, and this free to enter event we thank you in advance for your understanding and co-operation in ensuring that the event is accessible and safe for all who attend.

We ask that you do not park any vehicle on the pavements or block the footways and emergency routes, and adhere to the directions and requests of Reunion staff & Marshals.

Please note that the seafront road, Madeira Drive,will be open to the public (and bikes) from 9.30 a.m.  with the event closing at 6 p.m.

For updates:

Kind Regards


Tel: ++44 (0)20 8961 1000
Fax: ++44 (0)20 8965 0161

Ace Cafe London
Ace Corner
North Circular Road
NW10 7UD

Ace Cafe London is a limited company registered in England & Wales
Registered Number: 3077552

Registered Office: 209 Liverpool Road, Birkdale, Southport, Merseyside, PR8 4PH

THUNDERMAX ADJUSTABLE IDLE ON A 2011 ROAD KING–  View the newest ThunderMax video on You Tube! The new “Low Idle” video demonstrates the adjustable idle feature available in the ThunderMax tuning software. A lower idle will help your EFI H-D Big Twin idle cooler and improve the sound of your exhaust. The adjustable idle feature is available for both cable-throttle and throttle by wire applications.

View the new video on You Tube here:

View the ThunderMax You Tube Channel here:

See your favorite dealer or contact:

6655-A Amberton Drive
Elkridge, MD 21075
Phone 410.579.2828 Fax 410.579.2835


EUROPEAN GUARD RAIL DISPUTE FROM Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA)–CEN misses historic opportunity to save European motorcyclists’ lives by turning ready-to-be-voted guardrail standard into mere technical paper

On Thursday, June 16, CEN’s technical committee on road equipment (TC226) held its annual meeting in Stockholm. The draft standard for motorcyclists protection systems which was ready for vote, was turned into a mere Technical Specification by the United Kingdom, Germany, Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, and Ireland. FEMA expressed great disappointment and thanks those who have worked hard in preparing what could have become a milestone in the history of motorcycle safety.

Read the full Press Release attached in English, or online at the following address:

FEMA – Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations
Rue des Champs 62
1040 Brussels, Belgium
Tel +32 2 7369047
Fax +32 2 7369401


BIKERNET UNIVERSITY POLITICAL FORUM–No government deprives its citizens of rights without asserting that its actions are “reasonable” and “necessary” for high-sounding reasons such as “public safety.” A right that can be regulated is no right at all, only a temporary privilege dependent upon the goodwill of the very government officials that such right is designed to constrain.

“Let your gun be your constant companion on all your walks.” Jefferson

“If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun.” The Dalai Lama

“Gunbans don’t disarm criminals, gun bans attract them.” Walter Mondale, VP

“Gun control? It’s the best thing you can do for crooks and gangsters. I want you to have nothing.” Sammy “The Bull” Gravano

“A system of licensing and registration is the perfect device to deny gun ownership to the bourgeoisie.” Lenin, Creator of USSR

“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms” Hitler

“To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.” George Mason, Father of the Bill of Rights
–from Jay Martinez

IN CALIFORNIA NATCH, Feds in CA seek order banning motorcycle gang logo–LOS ANGELES (AP) — Federal prosecutors sought a final order Monday barring members of the notorious Mongols motorcycle gang from wearing or distributing its trademarked logo and using its name.

The move came after nearly three years of legal wrangling between the Mongols and prosecutors over the insignia that shows a ponytailed Genghis Khan-like figure aboard a chopper.

The order, if signed by U.S. District Judge Otis Wright, would make the government the owner of the logo and the club’s name, Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Welk said.

The prosecution’s request marked the first time in the U.S. the government has sought control of a gang’s identity — via its logo — through a court order.

The effort is part of a 2008 racketeering indictment that accused gang members of murder, drug trafficking and torture. More than 100 people faced charges in state and federal courts, and dozens have pleaded guilty to crimes ranging from drug possession to conspiracy.

Prosecutors argued the logo should be forfeited because the trademarks were acquired and maintained by former Mongol president Ruben “Doc” Cavazos while the club was involved in criminal activity. Cavazos has pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy and is expected to be sentenced later this year.

“During his tenure as national president, Cavazos personally controlled the distribution and use of the registered marks, also with the knowledge and consent of the gang membership,” prosecutors wrote in court documents filed last week.

However, attorney George Steele, who represents the Mongols club, said a person cannot own a collective membership insignia.

“That is the key issue here,” Steele said at the hearing Monday before Wright, who took the matter under submission.

Another judge issued an injunction in late 2008 prohibiting Mongol members from wearing the logo. The move led to numerous seizures across the nation of Mongol-related gear. Wright last year entered a preliminary order of forfeiture.

However, Wright found in favor of the Mongol Nation Motorcycle Club Inc. in September, ruling that none of the defendants had a forfeitable ownership interest in the logo, and vacated his order.

Over the past several months, prosecutors have culled more evidence to show the judge that Mongol members knew Cavazos was the sole owner of the logo. Cavazos said during a deposition in April that the insignia was his property.

“They were in my personal control to begin (with),” Cavazos said. “Mongol Nation is mine.”

Prosecutors had planned to play an August 2008 recording at Monday’s hearing in which then-Mongol president Hector Gonzalez is heard at a club meeting telling members that Cavazos was the logo’s rightful owner, Welk said. Wright opted not hear oral arguments, though.

The club’s website displays the logo on its home page and promises to have an online store with its black-and-white apparel soon.

By GREG RISLING, Associated Press

–from Rogue
Sturgis Freedom Fighters

QUOTE OF THE DAY– Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she’ll give you her heart.

She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any c**p, be prepared!
–from Sam Burns

HANGTOWN BIKEFEST 2011– Presented by Boozefighters MC #121 “Hangtown Crew”, this event is billed as the BIGGEST, BEST ride-in biker party ever, with vendors, all-you-can-eat barbecue, live outdoor bands, dancing, best bike trophy, raffle, and more.
Members of our Armed Forces who had just returned home from World War II founded the Boozefighters M.C. in 1946. Their love of riding and racing motorcycles would become legendary and the catalyst for what’s referred to now as motorcycling’s “Original Wild One’s.

So their 21-and-over Bikefest is one of a kind. Roving reporter Rudy Alba headed over to check out the scene and got some cool coverage.
Photos by Rudy Alba

D&D DEALER DIRECT PROGRAM CONTINUES TO EXPAND–Here are some of our newest dealers, any questions please contact me directly.

1) AMR Superbikes Inc 4301 Oak Circle # 19 Boca Raton, FL 33431 561-750-6069

2) American Powersports LLC 3690 Speedway Dr Findlay, OH 45840 419-422-9253

3) Motociclo 95-97 Princes Hwy, St Peters Sydney NSW Australia 2044 02)9-557-7234

4) Speedwerks Performance Center LLC 2415 Stonebridge Circle #18 West Bend, WI 53095 262-338-6870

5) Broadway Powersports 2850 SSW Loop 323 Tyler, TX 75701 903-595-6288

6) DRS Cycle Works LLC W 184 S 8362 Challenger Dr Muskego, WI 53150 262-679-0697

7) Dudley Engineering 65 W Suffolk Ave Central Islip, NY 11722 631-851-9005

8) Halo Cycles LLC 79-09 Cooper Ave Glendale, NY 11385 718-326-3906

9) Trike Zone H-D SE Corner of Hwy 616 & 780 Mulhurst, Alberta Canada T0L2C1 780-389-3344

10) Cycle Ward LLC 319 N Independence Enid, OK 73701 580-237-6933

11) Helmet Outlet 5648 N Government Way Dalton, ID 83815 208-762-3668

12) Malpaso Sport Motorcycle Inc Carr 417 Int. 416 Aguada, PR 00602 787-868-4060

13) Combs Custom Cycle 725 N 2nd St # A Lawrence, KS 66044 785-749-1562

14) Finishline Pro-formance Cycles 1552 Juliesse Ave # C Sacramento, CA 95815 916-564-3500

15) N Sane Motors 914 Church St Ottumwa, IA 52501 641-682-8950

16) Scandinavian Choppers Kirkkokatu 4 AS 22 Oulu, Finland 90100 358-407-177807

17) Motorcycle Madness 115 El Camino Real San Bruno, CA 94066 650-952-1362

18) Rocket H-D 5100 Hwy 20 W Madison, AL 35756 256-340-7333

19) Jim Moroney’s Inc 833 Union Ave New Windsor, NY 12553 845-564-5400

20) Monterey County H-D 333 N. Main ST Salinas, CA 93901 831-424-1909

21) Ruff-Neck Cycles 604 Hefner Dr Allen, TX 75013 512-538-3976

22) Cycle Works LTC 3097 Los Felix Dr Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 805-778-9212

23) Rising Phoenix Motorsports 2126 Hamilton RD # 250 Argyle, TX 76226 940-565-0204

24) Apol’s H-D 1515 42nd Ave W Alexandria, MN 56308 320-763-9800

25) Powersports Pro 23 Hargrove Grade # E Palm Coast, FL 32137 386-986-6914

26) Timberwolf H-D 6815 E Trent Ave Spokane, WA 99212 509-927-7433

27) The Vic Shop Inc 20957 Northcrest Ave Minburn, IA 50167 515-339-4313

28) Gasoline Dreamz Performance 21663 Cloud Way Hayward, CA 94545 510-266-5288

29) Urban Custom Bikes LLC 4711 Pacific Hwy E Fife, WA 98424 360-480-6304

30) Harley-Davidson of Central MS 3509 I-55 South Jackson, MS 39212 601-372-5770

31) All Out Racing 4027 Prider Rd Kimbolton, OH 43749 740-492-0093

32) CMPMC 329 W Lone Cactus Rd # 5 Phoenix, AZ 85027 602-334-3203

33) DMH Sic Cycles 201 E Pickwick Dr # C Syracuse, IN 46567 574-457-4299

34) South Bay Customs 115 Penn St El Segundo, CA 90245 310-982-1300

35) Rusty Palmer Inc 105 Rusty’s Blvd Honesdale, PA 18431 570-253-4507

36) Foster H-D 595 Hwy 72 W Tuscumbia, AL 35674 256-383-5814

37) Harley Davidson of Naples 3645 Gateway Ln Naples, FL 34109 239-594-5504

38) Riders Needs 3818 W Montrose Ave Chicago, IL 60618 773-463-0100

39) Bike Wurkz 326 W Kechi Rd Kechi, KS 67067 316-641-1147

40) J-C Harley Services Inc Road 842, KM 1.6 Caimito Ward San Juan, PR 00926 787-720-0897

41) Slick Customs 2108 S Halsted St Chicago Heights, FL 60411 708-754-9488

42) Dream Machines of Texas 13700 N Stemmens Frwy # 150 Farmers Branch, TX 75234 972-380-5157

43) Leather Works 57695 Van Dyke Washington TWP, MI 48094 586-786-3050

44) A & R Motorsports 5612 Highland Ave # 100 Haltom City, TX 76117 817-834-5070

45) Papy’s Cycle & Sport 4071 Walnut Hill Rd Walnut Hill, IL 62893 618-822-6743

46) Max Motorsports 400 Keystone Ct, Pelham, AL 35124 205-605-1904

47) Firehouse Performance 4502 22nd Ave Kenosha, WI 53140 262-656-0773

48) Fox Cycle Works LLC 4007 Tiffin Ave Sandusky, OH 44870 419-621-5888

49) Budget Overhaul 3328 Nelson Rd Sun Prairie, WI 53590 608-837-9596

50) BM Cycle Works LLC 30 Conselyea St Brooklyn, NY 11211 347-689-9494

51) S & D Custom Cycle 360 Tunnel CR RD Grants Pass, OR 97526 541-476-8498

52) Mid County Collision Inc 59 Brooklyn Ave Massapequa, NY 11758 516-799-2000

53) South Valley H-D 8886 S Sandy Parkway Sandy, UT 84070 801-563-1100

54) Reinhardt’s Motorcycles 1635 N Dale Mabry # 1 Lutz, FL 33548 813-909-2299

55) Echo Cycle 110 Bank St Sweet Grass, MT 59484 780-447-3246

56) Super Daves 260 Old Rt 21 Carmichaels, PA 15320 724-966-2960

57) Willow Creek Cycle 23127 Pampas St Spring, TX 77389 832-971-9887

58) Fat City Customs 180 Johnson St Middletown, CT 06457 860-347-9880

59) Arlen Ness Motorcycles 6050 Dublin Blvd Dublin, CA 94568 925-479-6300

60) Hogkillers Inc 12024 G Centalia St Hawaiian Gardens, CA 90716 562-276-3427

61) Hustler Machine LLC 6381 Ferrell Dr Memphis, TN 38134 901-347-0334

62) The Shop Motorcycle Parts & Service 23480 Telegraph Rd Brownstown, MI 48134 734-671-3509

63) Santa Rosa Vee Twin Inc 1240 Petaluma Hill Rd Santa Rosa, CA 95404 707-523-9696

64) Bootheel H-D 2100 E Outer Rd Scott City, MO 63780 573-334-7716

65) Motoplex of Norfolk 404 E Omaha Ave Norfolk, NE 68702 402-379-8433

66) Ride Motorsports 19035 Woodinville-Snohomish Rd Woodinville, WA 98072 425-487-3881

67) Dillon Brother’s Harley Davidson Shop 2440 E 23rd Fremont, ME 68025 402-721-2007

68) Insane Cycles 18580 W National Ave New Berlin, WI 53146 262-679-3333

69) Harley Davidson of St Augustine 2575 State RD 16 St Augustine, FL 32092 904-829-8782

70) Precision V Twin 15008 N Cave Creek Phoenix, AZ 85032 602-569-1118

71) Sport Rider Inc 1504 Hillcrest Pkwy Altoona, WI 54720 715-834-0244

72) Bad Boys of Texas 4690 SO MLK Beaumont, TX 77705 409-835-7443

73) Napalm Motorsports 12112 RR 620 N Austin, TX 78750 512-345-7433

74) Thunder Tower H-D 190 Pontiac Business Center Dr Elgin, SC 29045 803-461-1121

75) Beast Builders 1/9 Lomond Terrace East Brisbane Queensland AU 4169 617-339-11556

76) GD Custom Cycles 9418 Scranton St Houston, TX 77075 832-883-9341

77) Mikes Customs Inc 27500 Royalton Columbia Station, OH 44028 440-236-3501

78) Throttlez Motorsports 4495 Marysville Rd Delaware, OH 43015 614-425-6186

79) O’Tooles H-D 4 Sullivan St Wurtsboro, NY 12790 845-888-2426

80) BPRO Inc 4608 W 137th St Crestwood, IL 60445 708-692-7140

81) Donahue H-D Shop of Brainerd 15808 Edgewood Dr Baxter, MN 56425 218-822-4434

82) Snow Speed Accessories 22701 Lake Montcalm Howard City, MI 49329 231-846-1022

83) Harley Davidson of Victorville 14522 Valley Center Dr Victorville, CA 92395 760-951-1119

Thanks, hope you have a great 4th!!!
— Jennifer Barnard
D & D Performance Ent
And as always RIDE SAFE &

Fx: 817-831-4260

BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS KILLER DEAL OF THE WEEK–HERE IS THE DEAL OF THE WEEK FROM THE BIKERNET CLASSIFIEDS! A 1962 PANHEAD WITH SHOVEL TOP END! Engine and trans have been gone through, clean paint job! A piece of history and priced right! All of us would love to have this bike!





A TRIBUTE TO MIKE SQUIRE COMING FROM BETSY– I just got the sad news today that my friend Miles Squire passed away from the cancer that had taken over his body. I knew he was at the end, and I did sit down with him a couple of times and had many phone calls in an effort to put together a piece to remember him by. I didn’t get everything I wanted to get out of him, but I have enough to do a great tribute. Are you interested in running that?

–Bikernet Betsy

PIKES PEAK RUN IN 10 MINUTES– Following is a ride along from the roof camera for the first sub 10 minute run.

It has the video of the entire run that is just over 10 minutes.


National Transportation Safety Board Updates “Top Ten Most Wanted” List– The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) released its yearly update to its “Top Ten Most Wanted” list Thursday, June 23rd. The list is a targeted group of the safety board’s ten priorities for the year.

Last year for the first time, motorcycle safety was a target. However, the safety board missed the mark. Their answer to motorcycle safety, at the time, was to ask each State to pass mandatory helmet laws. This was not acceptable to the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF).

The NTSB has an extremely brief and inexperienced history with motorcycle safety, so the MRF led the charge with educating their board members and staff. The agency has investigated just 6 motorcycle accidents in their 44 year history of surface transportation investigation. Compare that to the 60,000 other surface transportation incidents and their lack of expertise is obvious.

The MRF is pleased that the new recommendations for motorcycle safety no longer call for a helmet law. What the NTSB is now asking for is voluntary helmet use and puts equal importance on crash prevention. The MRF has been key in getting all government agencies to focus on crash prevention over injury reduction for decades.

“Of course, the NTSB has a long way to go before they can even be considered amateur motorcycle safety specialists, but this is certainly a step in the right direction” said Jeff Hennie, Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs for the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. “This should be considered a victory for motorcycle rights groups who have engaged on this issue” he added.

To read the entire “Top Ten Most Wanted” click here:

To read the specific motorcycle recomendations click here:

The NTSB is an independent government agency charged with determining the probable cause of transportation accidents and promoting transportation safety, and assisting victims of transportation accidents and their families. Formed by Congress in 1926, their original charter was to investigate only airline and airplane accidents. In 1967, that charter was expanded to include; marine, pipeline, railroad and highway modes.


THE BIKERNET BLONDE JOKE FILE IS NOW OPEN– A blonde and her husband are lying in bed listening to the next door neighbor’s dog.. It has been in the backyard barking for hours and hours. The blonde jumps up out of bed and says, “I’ve had enough of this”.
She goes downstairs. The blonde finally comes back up to bed and her husband says “The dog is still barking, What have you been doing?” The blonde says, “I put the dog in our backyard, let’s see how THEY like it!

Two Blondes With Hammers… Lynn and Judy were doing some carpenter work on a Habitat for Humanity House. Lynn was nailing down house siding, would reach into her nail pouch, pull out a nail and either toss it over her shoulder or nail it in.
Judy, figuring this was worth looking into, asked, ‘Why are you throwing those nails away?
Lynn explained, ‘When I pull a nail out of my pouch, about half of them have the head on the wrong end and I throw them away.
Judy got completely upset and yelled, ‘You moron! Those nails aren’t defective! They’re for the other side of the house!’


Did you hear about the two blondes who froze to death in a drive-in movie? They had gone to see ‘Closed for the Winter.

Blondes Are The Best!!!

–from Robin Hartfiel
Don’t miss more Blonde jokes in the Sunday Post.

CALIFORNIA Police to Conduct Crack Downs During 4th of July Weekend–
June 27, 2011 — Police will crack down on drunk drivers and reckless motorcyclists who can cause collisions, injuries, and fatalities during the upcoming 4th of July weekend.

Police will be conducting a Sobriety/ Driver’s License checkpoint on Friday, contacting drivers to confirm their sobriety and drivers license status, since unlicensed drivers are over-represented in fatal crashes.

This is the fourth checkpoint conducted over the past 12 months and is part of an ongoing campaign to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities in alcohol-involved crashes.

Statewide, overall traffic deaths declined by 23 percent, from 3,995 in 2007 to 3,081 in 2009, reaching the lowest levels in six decades, according to law enforcement authorities.

During the same period, DUI deaths declined by 16 percent, from 1,132 to 950, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System.

Drivers who plan on drinking should have a designated driver or call a taxi. For more information contact Sergeant Jeff Wiles at the Santa Monica Police Department Traffic Division, 310-458-8950, or the Public Information Officer, Sergeant Richard Lewis at 310-458-8462.

On Saturday and Sunday, as part of two specialized Motorcycle Safety Enforcement Operations additional officers will be patrolling areas frequented by motorcyclists and prone to crashes.

Officers will be cracking down on traffic violations made by motorcyclists, as well as by other vehicle drivers that can lead to motorcycle accidents.

“Motorcyclists are much more vulnerable than others sharing the road,” said California Office of Traffic Safety Director, Christopher J. Murphy. “Motorcyclists require special skills and abilities to reduce their risk of being involved in a crash.”

Motorcycle fatalities had been on the rise in California, increasing by 175 percent in 10 years, from 204 deaths in 1998 to 560 deaths in 2008, police said.

The trend has been reversed, however, with data showing a 30 percent decrease, to 394 motorcyclist deaths in 2009. Despite this “dramatic reduction,” police said, California remains one of three states that lead the nation in motorcyclist deaths.

Between 2006 and 2008, 58 percent of motorcyclist fatalities involved drivers under age 25 who were not properly licensed.

–from Rogue
By Lookout Staff

Santa Monica Lookout News

WANT A YELLOW BRICK ROAD? Historic motorcycle factory ‘Milwaukee yellow cream’ bricks for sale–Want to build your own yellow brick road? You can, now that the rare “yellow cream bricks” from the Milwaukee factory are up for sale.

Liquid Asset Partners acquired the famous bricks from the factory museum and is now making them available in pallets and truckloads.

Under the terms of the original deal, Liquid Asset Partners is prevented from specifically confirming the exact name of the factory building (but from the images posted on the website we can conclude that it rhymes with barley). But each order will include a copy of the bill of sale from the factory museum.

Yellow cream bricks were made in the mid-1800s to early 1900s in southeastern Wisconsin and used in the construction of many buildings in Milwaukee (hence the city’s nickname, “The Cream City”). The bricks vary in shade from light cream to yellow. The bricks for sale come from the 1918 factory that was torn down.

The bricks are available 500 to a pallet (cost: $1,500 plus shipping) or 10,000 to a truckload ($20,000 plus shipping). More than 100 pallets of the yellow cream bricks are up for sale, as are 27 pallets of red brick and 31 pallets of granite pavers, all from the motorcycle factory building.

“This will be a once-in-a-lifetime chance for motorcycle enthusiasts and history buffs to purchase a true piece of American History,” stated Bill Melvin Jr., CEO of Liquid Asset Partners, on the company’s website.

Anyone interested should contact Liquid Asset Partners at 616.719.5917.

Posted by Mary Slepicka

Published courtesy of Dealernews:


PUDDLE OF MUDD JOINS SAVING ABEL AT CHIP–Buffalo Chip Campground, S.D. – Puddle of Mudd, the four-member band known for exerting emotional, electric, metal-infused, alternative rock music will be playing on Friday, Aug. 12 at the Legendary Buffalo Chip during the 71st annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.

Puddle of Mudd was formed in 1992 by Wes Scantlin, Sean Sammon, and Kenny Burkitt. The band from Kansas City, Missouri got their name from a Missouri River flood, which left a big “puddle of mud” on the floor of their practice space.

The group’s first album, Stuck, was released in 1994. It spawned two radio singles “You Don’t Know” and “Drift and Die,” instantly making Puddle of Mudd a favorite among alternative and active rock fans. The group released their second album, Abrasive, in 1997. It had eleven tracks, all written by the band, three of which made it on to Puddle of Mudd’s first major label release.

The bands first major label album, Come Clean, was released in August 2001. It was the first rock album by a debut artist to enter the charts in the top ten, and has since gone platinum. “Control,” the lead single from the album, was successful and grabbed the attention of rock music audiences worldwide. The second single off the album, “Blurry” turned out to be Puddle of Mudd’s most successful single, reaching number five on the Billboard Hot 100 and number eight in the United Kingdom. “Drift & Die” was also released as a single and was very successful with rock audiences with the single spending six weeks at number one on the Mainstream Rock Chart. The fourth single, “She Hates Me,” was released in late 2002 and became a massive hit reaching the number one spot on the Mainstream Rock Tracks chart, as well as number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100.

Life on Display, was the band’s follow up album and spawned three singles “Away From Me,” “Heel Over Head,” and “Spin You Around”. The album was certified gold and has sold more 700,000 copies. In 2007 the band released their third major label record, Famous. “Psycho” garnered immense popularity, radio play and topping both the Mainstream Rock Tracks and Hot Modern Rock Tracks charts for nine weeks. “Livin’ on Borrowed Time” and “We Don’t Have To Look Back Now” were the final singles released. Volume 4: Songs in the Key of Love & Hate yielded the single “Spaceship.”

Puddle of Mudd has toured worldwide with Godsmack, Linkin Park, Stone Temple Pilots and Staind and will be joining Saving Abel at the Chip. Reservations for multi-day passes or daily admissions are available online at or by calling 605-347-9000 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. (MST) Monday through Friday.

BIKERNET ONE-MAN BAND–I play many gigs. Recently I was asked by a funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man.

He had no family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper’s cemetery in the Oklahoma back country. As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost and, being a typical man, I didn’t stop for directions.

I finally arrived an hour late and saw the funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch.

I felt badly and apologized to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave and looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn’t know what else to do, so I started to play.

The workers put down their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul for this man with no family and friends. I played like I’ve never played before for this homeless man.

And as I played ‘Amazing Grace,’ the workers began to weep. They wept, I wept, we all wept together. When I finished I packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head hung low, my heart was full.

As I opened the door to my car, I heard one of  the workers say, “I never seen nothin’ like that before and I’ve been putting in septic tanks for twenty years.”

Apparently I’m still lost….

it’s a man thing!!
–from MWF Photo


BANDIT INTERVIEWS COMMANDER EDGE OF THE SMOKE OUT--The Commander is the head of the Smoke Out Mafia. We stopped at his HQ to discuss the Long Road and the run up to the 2011 Smoke Out. 

See more interviews in Bikernet Studio.

–Prince Najar
Ultimate Builder


MICHIGAN SENATE PASSES HELMET LAW REPEAL– Karen Bouffard/ Detroit News Lansing Bureau Lansing — Michigan’s motorcycle helmet law would be repealed for people 21 and older under a law passed by the state Senate this afternoon.

Those riding without a helmet would be required to carry enough insurance to cover up to $100,000 in medical costs if they get into an accident.

The law passed 25-14 mostly along party lines. Republican Sen. Roger Kahn of Saginaw, a physician, sided with Democrats in opposing the repeal.

The rider would also have to have been licensed to ride a motorcycle for at least two years or have completed a motorcycle safety course.

Gov. Rick Snyder this morning said repeal of the helmet requirement isn’t a top priority for his administration, though it might be considered as part of a larger insurance reform package later this year. It was unclear whether he would sign the repeal if passed by the Legislature.

The bill now goes to the House for consideration.

The current law requires a helmet for motorcyclists, as well as for individuals under 19 operating a moped on a public thoroughfare.The Legislature previously repealed the requirement for motorcyclists but former Gov. Jennifer Granholm vetoed the repeal citing the health costs paid by the state when uninsured riders are injured.

The previous Legislature repealed the helmet requirement twice but former Gov. Jennifer Granholm vetoed it both times, saying the healthcare tab for injured and uninsured motorcyclists would be too costly for taxpayers. If passage of the bill led to more head injuries Medicaid costs for the state could potentially increase.

To the extent that the bill would exempt certain people from wearing a crash helmet, it could decrease the number of civil infraction determinations for violations of this section, thereby decreasing revenue from fine, which is dedicated to public libraries

Sturgis Freedom Fighters


FRANCE COMPLETELY PARALYSED BY ALMOST 100,000 BIKERS– Further to the bikers’ demonstrations that took place last Saturday throughout France and paralysed the entire nation.
Michèle Merli, in charge of France’s road safety and working closely with Claude Guéant – current French interior minister, has made herself heard on national radio. According to Ms Merli, it would appear that the bikers have totally misunderstood the proposed obligation for all to wear a fluorescent high visibility yellow vest! Ms Merli has said that it has never been a question of wearing that vest but rather propose (not impose?!) to the bikers that they wear a little yellow strap around their arm so that they can be better seen by motorists.

According to Ms Merli, that only costs 3 euros, so certainly everyone can afford it! UK France believe that it is not the bikers who have misunderstood the latest government’s proposals but rather the French government who continue to severely misunderstand and under-estimate the safety of riders. As if wearing a little yellow strap around one arm, and no obligation for bikers to wear appropriate protective clothing, was indeed going to make them more visible on the road and, more importantly, protect them from injuries in case of accident.

The FFMC (French Federation of Angry Bikers that organised the massive demonstrations all over France) has urged all bikers in France to stay tuned and get prepared for another series of paralysing demonstrations all over the nation in no later than September unless, of course, the government abandons their proposals by then! UK France is committed to support the actions of the FFMC by keeping all our readers around the globe informed of the developments. Stay tuned!

UK France is the only website that is solely focused on motorcycle news in France and the United Kingdom, all in english.

U.K. France

Bikers in the United States should do the same to stop ALL The Bullshit Laws that Have been passed and Are Being Passed.
Remember the Good Things that Happened To Motorcycle Rights after the BIKERS Held A Protest In Washington DC years ago.

If you are not aware of what happened I suggest you get a copy of Brotherhood Of Outlaws by Bob Lipkin for sale in the Bikernet Black Market Store (the shop).



BIKERNET INSURANCE WEEKLY MEMO–Normal Wear & Tear. Covered or not covered?

Hey biker friends, no question gets more attention than whether or not “wear & tear” is covered after a motorcycle accident. Here’s the lowdown on the issue.

Wear & Tear Defined
Normal Wear and Tear is defined as the inherent and natural wear characteristics of mechanical parts on your motorcycle. Bike manufacturers typically specify the lifespan and tolerances when certain parts will wear out from normal riding habits. Parts do not have to “breakdown” to wear out by the way.

Wear & Tear Exclusion
Wear and Tear is normally an “exclusion” on the vast majority of Vehicle Service Agreements and Vehicle Insurance Policies. We see many claims denied by motorcycle insurers for the “Normal Wear & Tear” reasoning. Always double-check your motorcycle insurance policy wording. You’ll see the “Wear & Tear” clause in the Exclusions section of your policy. Consult your biker-friendly agent at Bikernet if ever in doubt.

What can you do about it?
Prevention is the key. Always keep your motorcycle running in top condition. Every once in a while we’ll call an insurance company to discuss their exclusion on a specific Wear & Tear case. For example, premature wear on wheel bearings, bushings, joints, and pistons. If the parts lasted beyond the manufacturer’s tolerances and specified lifespan, we have no case. If a part, say a motorcycle seat, is damaged in an accident, they may deny coverage due to the “normal” usage nature of a seat. The insurance company claims adjusters usually have the final say.

Insurance Defined
Insurance is meant to protect you against events that are “sudden, accidental and unpredictable”and/or events that are “unexpected and unforeseen”. A machine that comes apart over its useful life is anything but! If insurance companies had to replace everything that just plain wears out, or was not properly maintained, they would go broke or premiums would be so high that no one could afford to buy coverage.

The Bottom Line
No insurance policy covers normal “Wear & Tear”. Don’t expect the insurance company to pick up the tab on anything caused by a lack of motorcycle maintenance, rust or corrosion, wear and tear, and basic gradual deterioration of your machine. Machines naturally wear out. There is no insurance for “wearing out”. Maintaining your motorcycle or any of your vehicles is your responsibility, not your insurance companies.

Ride Safe Out There. We Care About You.

The Crew at Bikernet Insurance.

Call Toll Free Anytime: 888-467-8703
Fax: 858-693-8703
Email for fastest response:

CA 0G67810 & 0D71028 – Serving 20 states. States added as needed to serve customers.


SHOULD TRIUMPH ENTER THE INDIAN MARKET?–From U.S. Rider News–Not the Indian motorcycle market… Iconic British motorcycle manufacturer Triumph has announced its intention to enter the Indian market.

First established in 1902 and now based in Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK, Triumph Motorcycles has in recent years been the fastest growing motorcycle brand in the world. For many years Triumph has produced a wide range bikes which perfectly blend design, character, charisma and performance. At the heart of Triumph’s philosophy is a commitment to developing truly unique motorcycles that offer a blend of distinctive design, intuitive handling and performance.

The innovation and engineering passion that gave birth to the iconic Bonneville of the 1960s has today created a broad range of bikes suited to all motorcycle riders, including the striking 2.3 liter Rocket III, the unmistakable Speed Triple, the award-winning Daytona 675 super-sport machine and the recently launched Tiger 800. Remaining true to their heritage, Triumph combines the very latest design and manufacturing facilities with the character and design flair that has always been associated with the famous swooping badge.

Triumph has appointed Ashish Joshi as its Managing Director for India. Prior to joining Triumph, Ashish was heading the European operations for Royal Enfield and established the company’s business in Europe. He has over 16 years of experience in Asia and Europe.

Commenting on Triumph’s entry to the Indian market, Nick Bloor, CEO of Triumph Motorcycles, UK said “India is a very important motorcycle market and Triumph has assessed it carefully before deciding to step in. We see it as the next step in our global business model. The appointment of Ashish Joshi is a signal of our seriousness about success in India. I wish him the best and look forward to comprehensive growth from the Indian market.”


HOLY MOLY–Was that a news or what? So what’s coming to the pages of Bikernet. The bros at Robintek said they captured all the old archives, and we are slowly launching them into the departments. You’ll be able to check techs a bike builds from 10 Years ago.

But new material is flying at us constantly, plus I’ll be writing about the long road ride from New Orleans to North Carolina and the Smoke Out, on the Victory Highball. I will have a blast with this story. The guys who make the Long Road are entered into a special brotherhood for brothers who survived the 1000 mile ride to the ultimate chopper event in Rockingham, N.C. I have the medal to prove it.

And now we stare at the next calendar deadline, Sturgis, and the Mudflap girl builds. Everything is flying together and somehow we’ll figure a plan for the ride to the Badlands. Hang on.

Plus, I have a Zen fiction piece to read and share with you, more techs, a chapter of Tides or Chance’s World Run, and we’re searching for the next wonderful Girl of Bikernet for the Cantina.

Ride Forever,


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