
I had a twisted thought the other day. The topic of homeless folks comes up on a regular basis in the ghetto here on the Port of Los Angeles. The locals want them to move on and the city government takes a supportive view, like, “So, what the hell are we going to do with them.”

Yep, some may have serious mental problems and no family. Some have families and don’t like their job opportunities, so would rather be homeless, many have drug problems, or problems with alcohol. They just want to scrounge enough money each day to get high.

So, for them all the rest of us are forced to buy into Obama care, forced to give the government all of our financial records, and forced to put up with any tax or regulation the government sees fit, so the government can afford to give jobless, immigrants, and homeless free care. How are we doing?

Let’s hit the news: The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by Cycle Source Magazine, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation, and Iron Trader News, the Intelligent Choice.

HARLEY MUSEUM MILWAUKEE LABOR DAY SHOW– The rumble of Harley-Davidson motorcycles could be heard in and around Milwaukee over Labor Day. At the Harley-Davidson Museum, riders gathered for a first look at the new 2016 models and to take part in the Pro Invitational Custom Bike Show.

Riders from across the country were in Milwaukee this weekend for the rally. And two riders, James and Katie Washnok of Blackout Motors, competed against each other in the Pro-Invitational Custom Bike Show and Competition.

In 2013, James and Katie built ‘his and hers’ bikes for their wedding. Katie didn’t have many requirements except the bikes needed to have a Coach saddle. On Sunday, September 6th, their bikes, Pearl and Lewie, were side-by-side competing in the FreeStyle class.

“Make sure your wife`s bike is just a little bit cooler than yours because it`s always better if she wins!” James Washnok said.

The relationship started a long time ago. Katie and James met…well re-met…in the summer of 2003 through mutual friends. They would later find out their friendship went much farther back; to their days at the Avera St. Lukes Hospital Daycares.

Together the couple also owns and operates Blackout Motors; a customization shop specializing in custom motorcycle builds, located in Aberdeen, SD.

Hang on for the Winners’ List later in the news.

Land Racing Advocates Join Forces for Bonneville.

The Save the Salt Coalition and Utah Alliance are working closely together as advocates for the land speed racing (LSR) community to protect the Bonneville Salt Flats (BSF). The following is a report on current actions.

The Save the Salt Coalition is an international group of businesses and organizations with a vested interest in the BSF. The Utah Alliance provides expertise and connections at the state and local level. Major LSR sanctioning organizations are members of both groups. The two groups have partnered on the shared mission of restoring the BSF as the premier venue for setting world land speed records. The collaboration allows experts within the groups to undertake specific projects.

The cancellation of four of the five major racing events for 2015 due to weather and deteriorating conditions has helped place a spotlight on Bonneville. As a result, the Save the Salt Coalition and Utah Alliance have already had extensive discussions with officials at the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) which oversees the BSF, mining officials, geologists, engineers, lawmakers in Congress and at the state and local level. Numerous press interviews have also conveyed the plight of the BSF to the world via newspapers, magazines, websites and blogs.

Two educational meetings have been now scheduled: one for the public (Sept. 9) and another for elected representatives, government officials, industry and other interested stakeholders (Sept. 14).

The second briefing will take place on September 14th at the Bonneville Salt Flats. Representatives from the two Coalitions will conduct a private tour and present the racer’s perspective to government, industry and local community leadership.

The private tour will allow the parties to engage in follow-up discussions and begin identifying tangible restoration actions. Both groups have already identified a number of short- and long-term actions to be considered. They include expanded brine pumping, barriers to keep the pumped brine within the racing area, and targeted dry salt laydowns. Reaching consensus on actions to be taken will be assisted by BSF core samplings to be taken this fall and winter by geologists, and consultations with engineers and water experts.

Conveying information is also critical. Toward that effort, the Utah Alliance is creating a website repository of photographic, film and historical documentation about the BSF available to everyone. The website will be unveiled in the near future. It will be an additional resource for the main website which serves to keep the public informed of day-to-day actions.

For more information, visit

Utah Alliance

Leadership: Dennis Sullivan (President USFRA); Rick Vesco (founding member STS); Larry Volk (founding member USFRA); Gary Wilkinson (Save the Salt; Vice Chairman, USFRA); Hugh Coltharp (Treasurer & founding member USFRA); Tom Burkland (Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials); Russ Eyres (Save the Salt; SCTA/BNI Liaison); Roger Lessman (Nevada State Govt. Liaison).

Save the Salt Coalition

Chairman: Doug Evans, Chief Operating Officer, Luken Communications

Public Information Officer: Louise Ann Noeth / 805.312.0893 /

Coalition Contact: Stuart Gosswein,

Members: ACCUS, FIA, American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), Blue Ribbon Coalition (BRC), Bonneville Nationals Inc. (BNI), Bonneville 200 MPH Club, Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials, Cook’s Land Speed Events, East Coast Timing Association, FIA Land Speed Records Commission, LandSpeed Productions, Luken Communications, Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC), Off-Road Business Association (ORBA), Performance Warehouse Association (PWA), Save the Salt Foundation, Southern California Timing Association (SCTA), Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA), Speed Demon, The Enthusiast Network (TEN), Utah Alliance, Utah Salt Flats Racing Association (USFRA), United States Automobile Club (USAC).

LATEST VIDEO FROM SCOTT JACOBS STUDIOS– Check out this video on YouTube:


Flames early Tuesday morning engulfed a popular Sturgis saloon that bills itself as the “world’s largest biker bar.”

The Full Throttle Saloon is a total loss after crews battled the blaze throughout the morning.

Sturgis Assistant Fire Chief Sean Barrows says crews tried to get inside but heat and smoke forced firefighters to battle the blaze from the outside in heavy winds. The building was completely on the ground by 3 a.m.

Barrows says there were no injuries.

The bar on South Dakota Highway 34 has been the subject of a reality television series. Its amenities include zip lines, musical stages and rental cabins.

–from Rogue

SHOCKSTRAP Introduces Revolutionary 10-foot
Tie Downs for Your Toys that Don’t Stretch–Sandy, UT – ShockStraps is proud to add their new 10-foot ShockStraps to their product line up. ShockStraps are a unique shock absorbing tie down that incorporates three of the most versatile tie down principals into one superior system. It is quick and easy like a motorcycle tie down, has the reliability of a ratchet system and versatility of a shock cord.

We incorporate a ShockStrap that when stretched maintains tension on the webbing, locking it into the buckle. When road vibrations cause loads to shift and settle, other tie downs can loosen and become unsafe. Under these conditions, our ShockStrap stretches acting like a shock absorber and contracts with the load keeping it secure.


Dependable – ShockStraps provides superior shock absorption without coming loose

Durable – The ShockStrap is made from our own formula and is not affected by most chemicals, sunlight, oil, salt water, fungus and moisture

Rust Resistant – Hooks and buckle are yellow zinc coated, which lasts 8 to 10 times
longer than powder coated metal

Wider Hook Openings – Hooks have wider opening to allow for more connection options

Shock Absorber Qualities – You never have to worry about checking your tie downs every 30-60 miles you travel like other tie downs.

Available in an assortment of colors in 6, 10 and 19-foot Lengths for your BIG Toys! To order call: 888-334-3456 or shop online at or email

New BIKERNETTRIKES Reader Comment!–


I am a disabled biker, a recent above the knee amputee. I know how difficult it is to pick up the pieces after a traumatic accident.

Even though my accident happened over five years ago I haven’t been able to afford to buy a trike or bike. I do hope to ride again, but at age 61 and with limited resources I am not so sure it will happen.

The VA has no programs to help anyone with my credit score, and I don’t want a hand out. The biggest problem is medical bills ruined my credit. I do have a house paid for and a few acres of raw mountain land, anyone have ideas?

–Craig Hod
Elizabethton , TN

THE UNCLE’S LATEST PROJECT– With the toy run season starting to ramp up I figured this was a good year to start taking my granddaughter along on the runs. Being 8 she’s old enough that she can “fit” her grandma’s helmet, old enough to hang on and not fall off. Mix in Mrs. Monkey wants to ride her own bike and that I have a bike that actually seats two people and this year is as good as any.

My granddaughter hasn’t ridden before so before the big day comes I want her to get use to riding on the back. She has always curiously watched us as we gear up to go for a ride, wondered why we would ride when there were perfectly good cars and trucks out front. She has hung out in the garage watching me work on the bikes, asking me to pump up the tires on her bicycle, perform open heart surgery on a sick teddy bear but there has been that young innocents of not fully understanding what it all was about.

After reluctantly changing into jeans, socks and shoes and a heavy hoodie we led her out to the bike. I showed her what parts were hot, where to put her feet, where she was going to be sitting.

Grandma explained how to get onto the bike and reminded her to hang on tight. She squealed in delight and terror as I started the Rat King and pulled out. For the first couple of blocks she held on with a death grip and her face buried into my back but with each block I could feel her relax more. The demon of riding was fading away.

I aimed towards the longest uninterrupted stretch of road in town and puttered our way around. By the end of the ride she was brave enough to let go with one hand to adjust her helmet, adjust her safety glasses. When we returned home she was beaming from ear to ear, excitedly asking when we could go again, asking if she could go to her friend’s house to tell her about the ride, making plans to tell her teacher and class on her first day of classes.

Tonight I’ll take her riding again, maybe a little farther, maybe a little faster but the riding bug has taken hold of her. She made me proud when she asked when I was going to build her motorcycle.

-bad Uncle Monkey

JIMS TOOL OF THE WEEK– No. 747 Exhaust Pipe Retaining Ring Installation Tool.

JIMS Exhaust Pipe Retaining Ring Installation Tool quickly and easily installs the exhaust pipe retaining ring onto the head pipe. Easily installed without bending, twisting, or launching the retaining ring across the garage and without scratching the finish on the exhaust pipe.

Just insert the cone shaped tool into the head pipe and place a lubricated retaining ring onto the cone. With the driver tool and a soft mallet, one tap will expand the ring and pop it over the raised part of the exhaust pipe.

MSRP is $81.00.

JIMS No. 747 – For all 1984 to present Big Twins and 1986 to present Sportsters. For more info, contact, visit, or call (805) 482-6913.

QUICK, OPEN THE BIKERNET BAD JOKE LIBRARY– I got invited to a party and was told to dress to kill. Apparently a turban, beard and a backpack wasn’t what they had in mind.

Seven wheelchair athletes have been banned from the Para-Olympics after they tested positive for WD-40.

After both suffering from depression for a while, me and the wife were going to commit suicide yesterday. But strangely enough, once she killed herself, I started to feel a lot better. So I thought, “Screw it, …soldier on!”

–from Rogue and Jerry

ON GEORGE CHRISTIE’S OUTLAW CHRONICLE’S– From the Aging Rebel. Sonny Barger Responds

“Pride and memory were having an argument,” the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once quipped. “Memory said ‘It was like this’ and Pride said, ‘Oh no! It couldn’t have been!’”

For the last three weeks on the History Channel, former Hells Angel George Christie has lectured a weekly cable audience of between one and two million viewers about his own unchallenged version of what it was and is like to be a member of his old club.

Christie was an Angel from 1976 until he was expelled with the status of “Out Bad, No Contact” in 2011. That was shortly before he was arrested by and apparently debriefed with the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Since about 1980, Christie has exploited his status as the longtime president of the club’s Ventura charter to enhance his own celebrity. There is a strong consensus among current Hells Angels that he was never as important as he wanted people to think he was.

After doing seven months in federal prison in 2013-14 Christie began to exploit his former membership by promising to tell club secrets. Christie offered to give a million Walter Mittys the vicarious experience of being Hells Angels. He wasn’t the first snitch to tell tales. But Christie has followed his new Hells Angels related career more loudly than, say, Tony Tait ever did. Tait just wanted to make some money.

Christie wants to rewrite history. He wants to convince the world that his account of the way things were is the defining history of his former club. This week he wrote somewhat reverentially about himself: “An outlaw, notorious biker and infamous motorcycle club leader, George Christie’s lifestyle and experiences along with his gift for storytelling, leadership and human connection make him uniquely suited to help others and develop (the) historical record.” He doesn’t mention that he has some axes to grind.

Christie is free to say almost anything he wants to say with impunity because outlaw motorcycle clubs are secretive organizations that don’t generally engage in public debates about who said and did what to whom when and where. Most clubs have and enforce a do not talk to reporters rule. The flaw in that is that he who talks is he who gets heard. Christie understands both hillbilly omerta and public relations.

–Sonny Barger

This story goes on. The club life is a tough one. And anyone with experience in clubs knows the sad truth. As soon as you leave you’re no longer a part of the clan and easy to take shots at. It’s even more sad when any brother devotes four decades of his life to a club, and then is kicked to the curb.

George Christie only had two jobs as an adult, one was training kids in martial arts and the other was being a Hells Angel. He’s just trying to survive now in his mid-60s. Even Sonny knows the troubles old clubbers go through with health and survival. He’s done well with his books, but the club pension and health care system hasn’t been dialed in exactly.


Metalsport Wheels is ready to help our retail customers for the next two weeks we have our 30-inchers on special.

You can get any
30-inch wheel with a 13-inch rotor and a 30-inch tire mounted for only $3750.00

There’s more: 30-inch wheels and 11.5 or 300×5 rotor and a 30-inch tire mounted for only $3650.00, and
30-inch wheel with dual disc 11.5 or 300×5 rotors and a 30-inch tire mounted for only $3800.00.

Qualified customers can call for discounted pricing
call and get your orders in now this special won’t last long.

Metalsport Wheels
10112 Miller Way
South Gate, CA 90280
P# 562-7769594
F# 562-7769635

Attached is the pic of the Hang tag…The “Hang Tag 5B” pic is an update….the 5-ball without the words “Racing” looked a little too simple.

Let me know what you think


In the near future, we will sport Hang Tags on all over our leathers, so you know you’re getting the original.

BRAND New ROCK AND ROLL Bikernet Reader Comment!–

I guess Randy’s shop is out in Orange.

Look’s like he and his crew can handle anything.

Stuff looks really good.

Glendale Heights , IL

We will feature more of Randy’s talents in the very near future.–Bandit

Below are links to stories we’ve posted on since the last newsletter, with the newest stories that went live today at the top. I hope you enjoy these as much as my team and I do putting them together.

I particularly had fun editing the helmet-cam video that I shot in Italy earlier this summer. Check out my review of the latest gadget I’ve gotten myself into below that you might like as well.

Also, for those of you not familiar with my column, Everyday Miracles, last summer I had a yearning to pen articles exploring the spiritual side of life. After all, motorcycling, for so many of us, is such a spiritual experience. Judging by the more than 1,000 of you who’ve signed up to receive my special Everyday Miracles newsletter, I know there’s big interest in this. If you want to scroll through the list of articles I’ve written so far, visit the Everyday Miracles section on WRN here.

Congratulations to Yvette Sullivan from Beacon, New York, a WRN reader who was the winner of a riding jacket valued up to $200 from Hot Leathers in the WRN Survey Giveaway we held in May. Yvette chose a black leather jacket with pink striping as her prize that you can see here. Thanks to the Hot Leathers folks for their generosity in offering the prize.

Lastly, a shout out to Rekluse Clutches, a new supporter of WRN, a company making automatic clutches for Harley-Davidsons. Check them out by clicking the highlighted link.

Thank you for your enthusiasm, respect, and kindness always,
Genevieve Schmitt
Founder / Editor,
(Yes, that’s me showing off my antique-red deerskin leather gloves that match the antique-red flames on my Street Glide.)

[page break]

WHY THE NEW LOWER PRICES: Why a lower price now? It’s simple really. We’ve become more efficient. We added several new sewing machines with upgraded features and capabilities. After sewing a few covers on them, we quickly discovered making each cover took a lot less time. The new equipment was that much faster and more efficient. So, we are passing these savings along!

In addition to the new price savings, we are also introducing two new, limited-time cover color options. If they sell well enough they may become permanently available, but right now they’re only going to be available for a limited time.


The design, features and quality are unchanged. These motorcycle covers are small enough to take on all your road trips, and pack into a built-in self-storing pocket about the size of your hand. Overall, it’s half the size of the next smallest full-coverage cover because it’s made from a thinner, lighter fabric. The strong opaque 1.1 oz siliconized ripstop nylon is plenty tough and keeps water and dust off your bike… it’s widely used in parachutes, sailboat spinnakers, kites and skysails.

The integrated elastic cinch cord tightly snugs all covers close to your bike so it won’t blow off during a breeze, and additional grommets allow for further binding or tying down. The Aerostich label is purposefully placed at the front bottom center, right on the hem, so it’s easy to find the front of the cover.

For improving overnight security at the seediest, darkest motel parking lot, the self-storing pocket on the hem of the cover also doubles as a portable battery powered motion-detecting alarm holder, to scare the pants off of whoever wants to take a peak at what’s below.

Our mailing address is:
Aero Design and Mfg. Co. Inc.
8 S 18th Ave W
Duluth, MN 55806

Fall is upon us and that signals building season. Time to roll up those sleeves and kick your project into high gear. Summer is over, the kids are back in school, and your project is calling… Time to get started on your Brass Balls Cycles bike kit.

To honor your commitment of building your own bike, we thought we’d throw in some great perks to make getting started that much sweeter.

• Free upgrade to Brass Balls Signature Brakes ($478.00 value)
• Free Brass Balls Challenge Coin fuel cap ($90.00 value)
• Free, Your choice of available handle bars upgrade ($85.00 value)
• Normal $695 upgrade for S&S V111″ motor, only $195 ($500.00 value)

Offer Expires 09/30/2015 : Valid on purchases of complete bike kits

What Bike Will You Build?

The Bobber is inspired by our hugely popular Model 1. The Chopper is derived from our award winning 69 Chopper. The Classic… naturally from our Classic Bobber and the Freestyle, is just that. With our Freestyle kit you can mix & match a variety of components to design your own vision of your dream bike.

We look forward to helping to make your dreams of building your bike a reality.

America’s Queen of Speed becomes first female member of Colorado Mile 200 MPH Club.

Valerie Thompson fastest female motorcycle racer with 201.2 mph pass at inaugural Colorado Mile Speed Competition

Seven-time land speed record holder Valerie Thompson became the first female member of the Colorado Mile 200 MPH Club with a top speed pass of 201.2 mph on her Quicksilver Powersports Lubricants/CTEK sponsored BMW. Thompson premiered an Iron Horse Motorcycles prepared motorcycle with an all-new hand built racing engine provided by BMW Motorrad, the first of its kind to see competition in the US.

The Colorado Mile, presented by US Mile Racing, is a new competition for the 2015 land speed racing schedule. The event is held at Front Range Airport in Watkins and is Colorado’s first one-mile speed event. US Mile Racing also hosts the Texas Mile where Thompson dominated in 2014 with a personal best speed of 217.7 mph.

Thompson made a total of 11 runs on the one-mile course during the two-day speed festival, taking special care to break-in the custom built BMW racing engine and all-new high performance exhaust system. Denver’s high attitude provided its typical challenges thrown at every racing team manager and tuner.

“Valerie is a true champion and fierce competitor, so we decided to provide her with a S 1000 RR Stage 3 HP Race engine, specifically the ‘Power Motor’ variant. This is the first time we have imported a Stage 3 engine to the US from the BMW HP race shop in Munich. Producing 215 hp from 999 cc, it’s the same engine specification BMW Motorrad offers teams participating in the FIM WSBK series,” said Mike Hernandez, Manager BMW Motorrad Parts and Accessories.

“This was our first competition after several months of event cancelations at Bonneville. In addition to the BMW engine, we were testing a new Akrapovic exhaust system and other new equipment,” said Thompson. “The 8300 foot elevation near Denver is much higher than where we normally compete, so we knew optimal performance would be a real challenge. Despite that handicap, we learned a lot and I know the Quicksilver Powersports Lubricants BMW will go much faster at other venues. I’m very excited about our next race on the salt,” said a confident Thompson.

Thompson’s next competition will be the prestigious Mike Cook’s Bonneville Shootout September 17-21, featuring the world’s fastest streamliners and motorcycles.

For additional information, visit and

‘PAUGHCO SPECIAL’ Springers Won’t Break the Bank–
Paughco’s all new, all American Made “Special Springers” provide a low-cost alternative for custom bike builders who demand USA craftsmanship at an easy to live with price.

These Special Springers feature sandblasted steel components and welded-only finish, no polishing and solid half round rear legs for a no frills hand crafted appearance. Lengths offered include standard 27-inch and plus 3-inch for 30 inches overall. You also have your choice of narrow and wide widths.

All t3 shown here are wide versions. The unique high quality front ends are available in gloss black, textured satin black, and red powder paint with tumble finish, chrome springs and rocker studs. Additionally each unit comes with a standard top clamp and dual brake tabs for single or dual discs. Optional items such as axles, fender mounts and shocks are offered at additional cost.

And get this, these awesome springers featuring Paughco’s world renowned quality and attention to detail retail for a mere $699.95 each!! For additional details and ordering information visit or call direct to 775-246-5738


180STSPB 181STSPB Stock length – Gloss Black

180-3SPB 181-3SPB 3-inch over stock – Gloss Black

180STSPTB 181STSPTB Stock length – Satin Textured Black

180-3SPTB 181-3SPTB 3-inch over stock – Satin Textured Black

180STSPR 181STSPR Stock length – Gloss Red

180-3SPR 181-3SPR 3-inch over stock – Gloss Red

Saw the piece for Rock & Roll Custom Paint in the Sunday Post.

Also Jimmy White Circle City Hot Rods out in Orange is custom Hot Rod builder. 1-714-279-0400

His stuff looks awesome!!


QUICK, OPEN THE BAD JOKE LIBRARY– His horse had already died of thirst. He’s crawling along the dusty ground, certain that he has breathed his last breath, when all of a sudden he sees an object sticking out of the ground several yards ahead of him.

He crawls to the object, pulls it out of the ground and discovers what looks to be an old briefcase. He opens it and out pops a genie. But this is no ordinary genie. She is wearing an IRS ID badge and a dull grey dress. There’s a calculator in her pocketbook.

She has a pencil tucked behind one ear. ‘Well, cowboy,’ says the genie ‘You know how I work….You have three wishes.’

‘I’m not falling for this,’ said the cowboy, ‘I’m not going to trust an IRS genie.’

‘What do you have to lose? You’ve got no transportation, and it looks like you’re a goner anyway!’

The cowboy thinks about this for a minute and decides that the genie is right.’OK! I wish I were along-side a lush spring with plenty of food and drink.’ ***POOF*** The cowboy finds himself beside the most beautiful spring he has ever seen, and he’s surrounded with jugs of wine and platters of delicacies.

‘OK, cowpoke, what’s your second wish.’

‘My second wish is that I was rich ….beyond my wildest dreams.’ ** *POOF*** The cowboy finds himself surrounded by treasure chests filled with rare gold coins and precious gems.

‘OK, cowpuncher, you have just one more wish. Better make it a good one!’ After thinking for a few minutes, the cowboy says,’I wish that no matter where I go, beautiful women will want and need me.’ ***POOF*** He was turned into a tampon. Moral of the story: If the U.S. government offers to help you, there’s going to be a string attached.

–from Rogue and Jerry

RYAN MCQUISTIONED LENSED BY MARKUS CUFF— for Cycle Source Magazine on Labor day.

Lowrider taffy pull frame, taffy pull mirror & foot pegs…yea, this bike’s got some great details. When I 1st saw it I thought it was whacky, kind of ungainly, so retro… and it’s still not the kind of thing I love, but while shooting it I came to appreciate Ryan’s effort.I think it’s a big step up for him—he calls it ‘Rusty Moonshine’

–Markus Cuff


Tonight, September 10th 2015

Drift fans, we’re ending the summer off with a sexy Bikini Contest Drift Night!

Ladies if this heat wave has you wanting to strip down to your bikini and you think you’ve got what it takes to win some cash then send an email to to sign up today!

First place will win $400.00 cash!! Plus great prizes will be given out all night long!


How do you boost shop inventory when money is tight? For William “Bill” Cottom, a young bike shop owner with a penchant for riding fast but who was short on cash, the solution came naturally: He raced other riders for pink slips and fortunately—for him—he won most of the time!

That was in the 1950s and Bill’s shop, Century Motorcycles, is alive and well today in San Pedro, CA. Bill’s grandson and the current proprietor, Tim Rutherford, is the third generation of the family to handle day-to-day operations at the shop.

Check the whole story by Marilyn Stemp on Bikernet in Special Reports–Bandit

QUEST SHOP OF THE WEEK– Have you ever heard of these guy’s ????


New BIKERNET TRIKES Reader Comment!–


I purchased a 2015 Freewheeler in October of 2014. I have 8,500 miles on it and I love it. I agree with many of the comments in this article.

Unfortunately I have an issue right now. When you turn the trunk latch you hear it trying to open but it will not open. It appears the cable has come undone. Has anyone experienced this with the trunk? If so what was done?

Long Grove, IA

Hello Darcy. This is an issue the Harley factory is well aware of. The cable that attaches to the locking mechanism has slipped out of its clip. The rear wheel needs to come off to gain access underneath the body.

Take it back to the dealer and tell them to check with corporate and they should fix this
for you AND, when they do reattach the cable tell them to use zip ties to secure it to prevent this from happening again.

Enjoy, the Freewheeler is a great Trike.

Gary Mraz
Supreme Bikernet Trike Editor and Triking Viking

INTERMOT customized brings the Customizing scene together in Cologne– With the AMD World Championship of Custom Bike Building, parts of the international Customizing scene were already represented at INTERMOT 2014.

In 2016, the scene will be linked to the industry’s leading fair under the name ‘INTERMOT customized’ as a standalone “show within a show”. In addition to the V2 custom scene, the new wave custom scene around the café racers and modern adaptations are also addressed. Furthermore, in addition to the contacts to the scene, the exhibitors at INTERMOT customized will also benefit from the presence of the many international manufacturers and commercial traders at INTERMOT.

“INTERMOT stands for bringing the scene together with high-quality international purchasers as well as an interested and financially strong audience,” comments Christoph Werner, Senior Vice President of Koelnmesse, on a benefit of the show-within-a-show concept. “Customizing means much more than just the scene. It is a huge trend in the motorcycle industry and thus an ever-growing business.” For the proper atmosphere, an event programme with festival character, music and lifestyle elements is planned.

The topic of customizing already played a considerable role at the 2014 edition of INTERMOT. The organizers could score with the participation of exhibitors such as Custom Chrome, MAG Europe or Motorcycle Storehouse on the one hand, and Ace Cafe, LSL and Öhlins. An essential goal for 2016 is a clear increase in the number of exhibitors, among them renowned customizers as well as representatives of the new wave scene. An American Pavilion is also planned.

In addition to international business, INTERMOT customized will offer professional expertise on site as a stable feature of the event program. The customized stage with expert talks, interviews and music will be a central element. The “Glass Bench,” an open workshop for live modifications which celebrated its premiere in 2014 will likewise become more centre-stage, to create more room for even more modifications.

At the AMD Championship of Custom Bike Building in which the Who’s Who of customizers will participate, the most spectacular of customs will be viewable. The world championship focuses mainly on the category of V2-customs, but also addresses the new custom scene with the category of café racers.

There is not only competition with regards to design, but also on the street:
as early as the past weekend of 5 September, Christoph Werner, who, as Vice President, is also responsible for INTERMOT, will compete at the International Sprint at the Glemseck 101 Festival. His bike, originally a Ducati Scrambler, was elaborately remodeled into a very sporty interpretation of a roadster by WalzWerk Racing. The INTERMOT team will be represented at and cooperate with various custom fairs and festivals before INTERMOT 2016. Both classic motorcycle events, and festivals for the new wave custom scene are on the agenda, as it is exactly these two scenes that INTERMOT customized targets. The first collaboration is already decided: in cooperation with the Glemseck 101 Festival, there will be eighth mile sprints in Cologne. The exact categories are still to be determined by the organisers.

Intermot on Facebook:
Your contact:

Sarah Kraft
Communications Manager
Koelnmesse GmbH
Messeplatz 1
50679 Köln
Phone + 49 221 821 3881
Fax + 49 221 821 3544

BAD JOKES FROM EL WAGS– My girlfriend thinks that I’m a stalker. Well, she’s not exactly my girlfriend yet.

Went for my routine checkup today and everything seemed fine until he stuck his index finger up my butt! Do you think I should change dentists?

A wife says to her husband, “You’re always pushing me around and talking behind my back!” He says, “What do you expect when you’re in a wheel chair?!”

The wife’s been missing for a week. Police say to prepare for the worst. So, I go to the thrift shop to get all of her clothes back.

The Senior Citizens Center had a contest the other day. I lost by one point: The question was: Where do women mostly have curly hair? Apparently the correct answer was Africa !

A new Muslim clothing shop opened in our shopping center. I was banned from it after asking to look at some of the latest bomber-jackets.

–El Waggs

the 12th. I hit Biketoberfest then continue to Washington DC and Paul Cox Brooklyn.


SEE CHUCK PALUMBO ON BIKERNET AND TV— Here’s an archival shot from 2008. Check out the full story on Bikernet right now.



AIM Expo’s show personnel, sales staff and management, including Show Director Cinnamon Kernes and AIMExpo show creators Mike Webster and Larry Little, will form a new department within MIC titled “MIC Events.”

This show is just two years old, not profitable, and already changing hands. We will bring you more reports about the Orlando dealer show with the same dates as Biketoberfest. Hang on! Always seemed like an odd formula.

EASY RIDER CHOPPER NOW ON VIEW AT EMP MUSEUM– Customized “Captain America” is the Last Remaining Motorcycle from the Landmark Film

One of the most iconic motorcycles in the world – the “Captain America” chopper from the landmark film, Easy Rider is now on display at EMP Museum.

Actor Peter Fonda rode the motorcycle in the highly influential 1969 counterculture film that depicted the psychedelic journey of two freewheeling hippies. Starring Fonda and Dennis Hopper, the independent film helped launch an exciting era of filmmaking called New Hollywood.

Chopper builders Cliff Vaughs and Ben Hardy, with suggestions from Fonda, created this distinctive motorcycle, known for its stretched out wheel-base, retracted handlebars, and tall sissy bar, or backrest. Called the “Captain America” bike because of the stars and stripes painted on its gas tank, the motorcycle was partially destroyed in the film’s final scene, then rebuilt years later. The success of Easy Rider helped popularize choppers throughout the world.

Photo credit: Brady Harvey/EMP Museum

EMP is a leading-edge, nonprofit museum, dedicated to the ideas and risk-taking that fuel popular culture. With its roots in rock ‘n’ roll, EMP serves as a gateway museum, reaching multigenerational audiences through our collections, exhibitions, and educational programs, using interactive technologies to engage and empower our visitors. At EMP, artists, audiences, and ideas converge, bringing understanding, interpretation, and scholarship to the popular culture of our time.

EMP is housed in a 140,000 square-foot Frank O. Gehry-designed building. This spectacular, prominently visible structure has the presence of a monumental sculpture set against the backdrop of the Seattle Center.

[page break]

ROCK GROUP OF THE WEEK– Rage Again rocks the crowd with all the classic, energy filled hits you know and love from the world famous, 16 million + album selling band!

Come be reminded of the hits and high energy performances that brought RATM international acclaim!

Rage Again’s sincere devotion to that classic Authentic Rage Against The Machine sound is filling venues and rocking people’s faces off!
With the ability to span over a decade of hits and dozens of songs, every show provides a unique high energy live music experience.

Already creating a buzz on the SD and LA music scenes, Rage Again never fails to create the hardcore party edge that everyone expects from a RATM show.

They are available for booking all throughout the nation!

Take a moment to check their latest promo video to see them tear up the stage!

–Christopher Holloway
Music Zirconia Tribute Agency
Just Like the REAL Thing….Only Less Expensive
5595 Magnatron Blvd Unit A
San Diego, CA 92111
Office: (858) 598-7311
Cell: (760) 883-0625

CROSS COUNTRY INDIANS— I was excited to picture my Chief Classic rolling from Coast to Coast during Sturgis 2015. I reached out to Robert Pandya, the director of Indian marketing for confirmation. Could it be that Rich Worley, from American Biker, in Charleston, SC and I rode the first Indian coast to coast? 

“As usual, you’re full of shit,” he said. “I rode my Classic on the Cannonball from Florida to Santa Monica in 2014. I’m the first!” Does it count? He works for Indian.

Then Ken Conte contacted me. “I’m going to test ride a Classic across the country later this year or next. That could be exciting. I’ll be the first.”

Not so fast Kimosabe. But this is a tribute to the new Indian, if three riders, or four, can sweep across the country on these new classics without as much as a hiccup. Helluva motorcycle!


NEW YORK MIKE RETURNS TO SAN DIEGO H-D– I’m currently riding to NYC for 9/11. I rode to Milwaukee for the WillieG exhibit at the H-D Museum, now going to pay my respects at Freedom Tower tomorrow at midnight (9/11 tradition) then start heading back to the shop on Sunday. Lots of great riding out there but we can only take one road at a time! Stay cool!

NYC Hog rides to Ground Zero every 9/10 at midnight for a vigil into 9/11. I’ve been in that pack before, and will try to get a shot or two of it with the new Freedom Tower. Should be cool and inspirational!

–New York Myke
San Diego Harley-Davidson

MUSTANG SADDLES UP– Ride Home From The Rally In Comfort!

What a ride! Mustang Motorcycle Seats, LLC 2015 Rally Season is headed into the home stretch, including a quick trip to Europe and an extended West Coast swing. After kicking off our extended 35th Anniversary Tour with Bike Week in Daytona, the Mustang Rally Rig has racked up thousands of miles criss-crossing the country from Laughlin to Laconia this season, highlighted by two displays at the 75th Sturgis Rally. Throw in detours for dealer and distributor events and Mustang has probably been in your backyard at least once already… but if you haven’t discovered what a difference comfort makes, you still have a chance to see what’s new during our fall swing.

“Not only can you see the largest selection of seats on the road, but you can try it on for size… and comfort,” explains Mustang’s Rallymeister, John Glynn. “We have factory trained reps to assist you with finding the perfect replacement seat. Once you have picked the perfect seat, our factory trained techs will mount it for you for free.”

With the express goal to retain its #1 rating in both customer service and comfort, Mustang goes that extra mile. In addition to the installations conducted at the Rally Rig, Mustang even ships your old seat back for you. “This is just part of the way Mustang earns its wings.”

After returning from European Bike Week on September 12th, the Mustang crew gets back in the saddle at DelMarVa Bike Week in Maryland September 17-19. Then it is time to head west for Street Vibrations in Reno September 23-27 and Las Vegas BikeFest October 1-4 then all the way back across the country again for Daytona Beach for Biketoberfest October 15-18 and on to the Thunder Beach Fall Rally October 21-25.

“It is a long haul, but it is worth it for us to be able to demonstrate the Mustang difference,” concludes Glynn. “We guarantee your ride back from the rally will be more comfortable that the ride to it!”

Get more details on Mustang’s full fall rally schedule at the website:

· European Bike Week September 5th – 12th Faaker See, Austria
· DelMarVa Bike Week September 17th – 19th Ocean City Convention Center, Ocean City, MD
· Street Vibrations September 23rd – 27th Silver Legacy Resort Casino Reno, NV
· Las Vegas BikeFest October 1st – 4th Rally Central Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV
· BiketoberFest October 15th – 18th Rally Truck at Daytona International Speedway Daytona Beach, FL and Factory Reps at J&P Cycles Ormond Beach, FL
· Thunder Beach Fall October 21st – 25th Club La Vela Panama City Beach, FL


With The Haifley Bros.

Watch as Kelly, one half of the Haifley Bros. of Phoenix, Arizona, shows you how easy brazing is in this quick tutorial video they did just for YOU!

These investment-cast, mild steel bungs are a nice detail piece for a myriad of uses and mounts. Being mild steel they can be MIG or TIG welded as well as brazed. They are coped for 1-inch tubing, though there is enough material to open up the coped end for larger tubing, and they have a standoff height of 1-inch. Sold per pair.

…Rollie Free raised the American motorcycle speed record by riding the very first Vincent HRD to a speed of 150.313 mph.
Free had developed special leather gear and wearing it, reached 147mph. On his last attempt he discarded them and wore only a Speedo bathing suit, a shower cap, and a pair of borrowed sneakers allowing him to go over 150mph.

This photo capturing his record run was published in Life magazine and became the most famous image in the history of motorcycling.


An archival quality print of record-breaking moto-history, expertly framed and matted. This famous image is reproduced in full-size to capture every original detail. Close study of the image reveals the machine’s every nut, bolt and detail. You can almost feel the heat out on the Utah Salt Flats, hear the engine roar and smell the burning Castrol. A timeless, engaging and influential image. A piece of riding history, and an Aerostich exclusive. Frame size: 11″x17″, image size: 7.5″x9.5″.


The iconic image of Rollie Free setting his 1948, 150.313mph record on the Utah Salt Flats. Carefully applied to a 100% cotton white t-shirt.


Here’s Rollie wrapped 270º around a high quality ceramic china mug (coincidentally, made in China). The image is long-lasting, baked-on ceramic glaze. (If you don’t drink coffee or tea, it still looks nice holding pens and pencils.)

DMP offers a complete line of Teflon ac fittings from aeroquip in plated nickeland Teflon hose covered in braided stainless wrap. Also for the customizer we carry brazeable stainless fittings that you can use stainless hardline to make that custom one off finish.

For that clearance problem try one of our 90 deg adapters. We now can produce stock oem style hose from rubber, including dryers, evap cooler, switches. Just remember if you don’t trust yourself we can make it and plumb it in our location.


Today’s news brought to you live from Olive Branch, Mississippi. May have found the perfect Mud Flap Girl during my summer travels.

Loaded a few of my earthly belongings in June and hauled ass eastward to work with a start up company called Ng1techflo.

More Air ….
And what does this have to do with Racing Machines and performance? Funny you should ask …. Seems the multi-patented Spin Flow Technology creates a vacuum providing the engine with a fresh breath of air and clean fuel.

Two test inserts, note the different number of twists.

The numbers recorded by the air flow meter indicated over 20% more air with the test insert. The test inserts were not sealed properly (their test only guesstimates). We expect higher results with a properly designed and manufactured part.
Ng1 patented inserts and exhaust systems are in the drawing stages, as well as mid size and box truck systems.

A temporary office in progress.

Yet more good news, in 14 days the hot rod will be loaded and rollin to the Ohio Mile Land Speed Event. The weekend is billed as a Motorcycle Shootout. Last minute clean up and safety wiring should do the trick. Looking forward to seeing the Crew from S&S Cycle, The Perewitz Team, Grey Ghost and more. Has Santa Claus once said “ like a family reunion you want to attend.”

Look for your 5-Ball Racing Team on the tarmac looking for the green flag and a clear track.

Safe, fast, and forever.

Haul Ass!
Ride for Your Life!
–Ray C Wheeler
Performance Editor

As I write this it has only been a couple hours since word of the fire at the Full Throttle Saloon in Sturgis, SD broke. Many more details about the fire will be coming over the next few days and weeks but the impact will be rippling across the biker community for some time yet.

It is hard to believe that Michael Ballard and company won’t rebuild the temporary home for so many of us as we descend on the Black Hills every August. They will be starting with a virtual clean slate so the question becomes what they have learned in the last 16 years. Everything can be improved on. What seemed ideal in concept sometimes fails in fruition.

Society demands and expectations change and evolve creating gaps and holes with the best laid plans. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it is a mentality that runs things into the ground, worn out beyond any repair. I’ve already said that the Sturgis Black Hills Rally will be changing significantly in the next few years and this fire only pushes the concept along.

Sixteen years is a long time and it will be interesting to see what changes will be implemented into the new Full Throttle. New stages, new bar layouts, better infrastructure to assist the 400+ people who work to make every moment at the Full Throttle memorable.

I can tell you from personal experience it takes a full year of planning to make an event like this seem to run smoothly. With the saloon just being one of many things on Michael’s plate it is going to be a monumental task if he hopes to be up and running by next year’s rally. Years of experience of what works, what doesn’t and a clean slate is countered by the weight of the hour glass of time. It will be interesting.

-bad Uncle Monkey

QUOTE OF THE DAY FROM THE WEEK MAGAZINE— The person who follow the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd.

The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.–ALBERT EINSTEIN, Quoted in the Boston Globe

LABOR DAY HARLEY MUSEUM SHOW RESULTS– Carl Pusser wins the Pro Invitational Custom Bike Show.

Over 5,000 gearheads and fans converged on the Harley-Davidson Museum on Thursday evening for Bike Night and to kick off a weekend full of custom culture. Thousands of bikes line up in long rows of choppers, trikes and cruisers. Bike enthusiasts come from all over the country to see world-class designs and celebrate Harley culture.

There are two custom shows, the Pro Invitational Custom Bike Show, for those who customize motorcycles for a living, and the Ride-In-Show, featuring the most serious garage tinkerers who roll into town.

“Our annual Custom Bike Show Weekend puts customization at center stage,” said Bill Davidson, Vice President of the Harley-Davidson Museum. “Visitors will see motorcycles that can only be described as rolling sculptures, and they will also enjoy the amazing work of the custom culture artisans who will be here. We look forward to hosting this event every Labor Day weekend.”

FreeStyle Class

Carl Pusser – ’71 Triumph custom
Todd “Gilby” Gilberston – ‘89 EVO Chopper

Rules – Anything goes, 2 or 3 wheel drivetrain / chassis motorcycle configurations as defined by the DMV. The only limitation is the builder’s imagination and resources.

Retro Custom Class

Zinger – ’83 Rigid shovel
Peter Mathis – ’53 Pan bobber

Rules – Must have a Pre – 84 any brand OEM engine, replica engines are not allowed. Custom or stock modified frames are acceptable. Must be a 2 or 3 wheel motorcycle configuration as defined by the DMV.

Street Custom Class

Dell Battle – ’01 Sportster tracker
Bryant Schoeder – V-ROD custom cruiser

Rules – Must have a Harley-Davidson engine and frame. Neck may be cut to rake or stretch frame. Hard tail sections and wide tire kits are acceptable. Softails, Dynas, FXRs, Sportsters and V-Rods qualify for this class. Must be a 2 or 3 wheel motorcycle configuration as defined by DMV.

Custom Bagger Class

Dustin Hanson – ’11 30” Big wheel bagger
Ryan Kovarik – ’08 Mean green bagger

Rules – Must have a Harley-Davidson rubber mount touring engine and frame. Neck may be cut to rake or stretch frame. Drop seat tail sections and wide tire kits are acceptable. Must have saddlebags, windshield or fairing preferred. Must be a 2 or 3 wheel motorcycle configuration as defined by DMV.

Judging – Judging is conducted by ‘peer review,’ topped up by a VIP panel. One voting form will be issued per builder on registration regardless of the number of bikes entered.

In addition to hosting two custom bike shows, the Museum’s special summer exhibit for 2015, honors motorcycling’s legend behind the legends – Willie G. Davidson. The exhibit, titled Willie G. Davidson: Artist, Designer, Leader, finished up at the conclusion of the rally. It is an amazing walk through the life of Willie G. Just seeing his one-of-a-kind vehicles, original designs, art and artifacts was an inspiration.

New Bikernet Reader TECH Comment!–

S&S Twin Cam Gear Drive Set Installed

I loved this article, fascinating . Thank you so much.

I have been looking at upgrading my `03 stock cam plate but spoiled for choice with upgrade cam plates and alike. I really like the idea of gears over chains, especially after reading this, but a couple of questions:

A. Was the owner happy enough with the stock oil pump?

B. Do the push rods and cam plate have to be removed in order the measure crank run out? I guess for most people this will dictate chain or gears.

— baz
Reading Berkshire, RG, United Kingdom

I never had a problem with the stock oil pump, but I ran a serious oil cooler. I believe the answer to the second question is yes, but I’ll get an official response from S&S.–Wrench

EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ALERT– powered two-wheelers play a significant role in sustainable mobility.

The European Parliament adopted this afternoon Wim van de Camp’s “Report on the implementation of the 2011 White Paper on Transport: taking stock and the way forward towards sustainable mobility”. In the report motorcycles are seen as a way to solve the problems in urban transport by tackling congestion and parking problems as well as providing a solution for small logistics. The report also states that the specific design and afferent benefits of these vehicles should be adequately taken into account and reflected in EU transport legislation and guidelines.

In Mr. Van de Camp’s report the implementation of the White Paper on Transport, launched by the European Commission in 2011, is evaluated and recommendations are given for the next years. Although this report has no legislative characteristics itself it is the base of many regulations on the wide area of transport. Motorcycles are seen as a way to solve the problems in urban transport by tackling congestion and parking problems as well as providing a solution for small logistics. The report also states that the specific design and afferent benefits of these vehicles should be adequately taken into account and reflected in EU transport legislation and guidelines.

This means that using motorcycles should be stimulated and facilitated. Also, that motorcycles and other powered two-wheelers should be considered when new roads are designed but also in the maintenance and design of existing roads. The European Parliament also calls for actions to reduce accidents among vulnerable road users, in particular users of two-wheeled vehicles, pedestrians in urban environments and older drivers.

Also to the extension, within the revision of the Directive 2008/96 EC on road infrastructure safety management of its four main measures to other parts of the road network, including all parts of motorways and rural and urban roads. In other words: all roads should be designed, monitored and maintained in the same way as the roads that are part of the TEN-T network.. in practice this means better design and better maintenance of all roads in the whole of Europe.

FEMA’s General Secretary reacted: “This is the first time that the European Parliament recognizes the importance of motorcycles for transport. We have been saying for a long time, that motorcycles are part of the solution for urban congestion. environment and parking problems. The use of motorcycles should be stimulated and facilitated. In cities like Rome and Paris there would be enormous problems if anybody who now uses a motorcycle or scooter would go by public transport or, even worse, by car. Therefore we are very glad with the report from Wim van de Camp and the adoption of it by the European Parliament and we hope, that the European Commission will do something with it and take adequate action.”

The European Federation of Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA), represents riders’ rights organisations from the whole of Europe in the European institutions and the United Nations to have their voice heard in an early stage in the legislative processes concerning motorcycling. More information on

ZIPPER’S CHANGED DELMARVA BIKE WEEK LOCATION– Visit Zipper’s Performance Products at the Ocean City Convention Center during Bike Week 2015!
(Roland E. Powell Convention Center in Ocean City, MD – 4001 Coastal Hwy, Ocean City, MD)

Zipper’s Performance will be set up in a NEW location this year for Delmarva Bike Week!

Zipper’s booth will be set up at the Ocean City Convention Center, come visit us September 17th – 20th!

Talk to us about the latest in our engine kit development including Muscle Kits, Zipper’s CNC heads, Red Shift Cams, ThunderMax and more!

We will NOT have staff at either of the Salisbury locations.

NEW BIKERNET BAGGERS CONTENT– Here are the three comparison features I posted on Baggers, they are exclusively for Bikernet Baggers only.

–Gary Mraz
The Esteemed Bikernet Baggers Contributor

5-BALL LEATHERS SPL OPS VEST FOR WARM WEATHER RIDING— The 5-Ball Leathers vests are made from durable Buffalo hide. Whether you are on a Bagger, cruiser or Chopper, you need storage.

Our Special Ops vest comes with 12 pockets including (2) concealed pockets. Built to ride and built for the long haul. Check them out at

NEVER STOP— And never stop the search for the right path. I run across lost kids all the time. I don’t get it. Most bike builders, young and old have a fever. They can’t stop. Everything they see is a creation, a new product, a tool, etc.

I need to bring you another report on our Krash Kranzler bagger rebuild from Steve at Paughco. Content is flying at us.

Salt Torpedo report is coming from the Devil himself in Houston. And we all can’t wait for that one.

I’m still working on the engine article of articles. Eric Bennett hid from me when I stopped at his shop. He couldn’t handle my non-stop grilling him with tech questions.

Can’t wait to work on this classic Knuckle feature recently shot by Peter Linney. There’s so much more headed your way, but damn it’s 95 degrees in the shop today. I need to get the hell out of here.

Ride free forever,


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