

What a day. We try to duck the phones on Thursdays, so we can focus on the news. This morning the plan went all to hell. We discussed a new biker TV program on a conference call, see below. I found out that our new Web guys re-launched Special Reports archives in the Free Departments. Moving to another server was a scary proposition. It’s still terrifying.



The Peashooter is on wheels and I need to move toward installing the old 4-speed Norton transmission.




The Assalt Weapan is user-friendly ready for Dyno tuning at Bennett’s Performance in Long Beach next week. We will load it tonight for the trip across town. We installed a Curt trailer hitch on the Bikernet Hearse last weekend and we’re on the hunt for a landscaping type or trailer 5 by 10 feet. We reached out to Big Tex in Texas, and recently to Carson Trailer, just up the street. We’re getting closer. Let’s hit the news.




TLC TO PREMIERE ‘AMERICAN CHOPPER: SENIOR VS. JUNIOR’ August 12– American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior will follow Paul Teutul, Sr. as he operates his Orange County Choppers motorcycle business in Newburgh, NY while his estranged son Paul Jr. runs his own Paul Jr. Designs startup motorcycle shop across from OCC’s original location in nearby Rock Tavern.


Adding some drama to the reality series’ new format is that Paul Jr. has hired several former OCC employees — including brother Mikey as well as Vinnie DiMartino, Robert “Nub” Colard and Joe Puliafico.


American Chopper: Senior vs. Junior will also follow Paul Jr. struggling to launch his new business while planning his wedding with his fiance while Paul Sr. focuses on bringing new technology into his established shop.


American Chopper’s sixth and supposed final season premiered in Spring 2009 and the finale aired in February. The season featured Paul Sr. feuding with Paul Jr. and Mikey, resulting in their departures from OCC. 


Afterward, the show continued to chronicle the men’s separate activities, which included Paul Sr. continuing to run OCC on his own and Paul Jr. attempting to launch his own design business.


TLC announced plans to revive American Chopper in April before subsequently revealing the Senior vs. Junior format.


The 13-episode series is being produced by Pilgrim Films and Television, the same production company that produced American Chopper’s original series


By Christopher Rocchio

Reality TV World



We appreciate the concerns some NRA members have raised about our position on H.R. 5175, the “DISCLOSE Act.” Unfortunately, the mainstream media and other critics of NRA’s role in this process have misstated or misunderstood the facts. We’d like to set the record straight.


We have never said we would support any version of this bill. To the contrary, we clearly stated NRA’s strong opposition to the DISCLOSE Act (as introduced) in a letter sent to Members of Congress on May 26 (click here to read the letter).


Through the courts and in Congress, the NRA has consistently and strongly opposed any effort to restrict the rights of our four million members to speak and have their voices heard on behalf of gun owners nationwide. The initial version of H.R. 5175 would effectively have put a gag order on the NRA during elections and threatened our members’ right to privacy and freedom of association, by forcing us to turn our donor lists over to the federal government. We would also have been forced to list our top donors on all election-related television, radio and Internet ads and mailings—even mailings to our own members. We refuse to let this Congress impose those unconstitutional restrictions on our Association.


The introduced version of the bill would also have prohibited political speech by all federal government contractors. The NRA has contracts to provide critical firearm training for our Armed Forces and law enforcement agencies throughout the country. The bill would have forced us to choose between training our men and women in uniform and exercising our right to free political speech. We refused to let this Congress force us to make that choice.


We told Congress we opposed the bill. Consequently, congressional leaders announced they would exempt us from its draconian restrictions on political speech. If that happens, we will not be involved in final consideration of this bill in the House. If it doesn’t, we will strongly oppose the bill.


Our position is based on principle and experience. During consideration of the previous campaign finance legislation passed in 2002, congressional leadership repeatedly refused to exempt the NRA from its provisions, promising that our concerns would be fixed somewhere down the line. That didn’t happen; instead, the NRA had to live under those restrictions for seven years and spend millions of dollars on compliance costs and on legal fees to challenge the law. We will not go down that road again when we have an opportunity to protect our ability to speak.


There are those who say the NRA should put the Second Amendment at risk over a First Amendment principle. That’s easy to say—unless you have a sworn duty to protect the Second Amendment above all else, as we do.


The NRA is a non-partisan, single-issue organization made up of millions of individual members dedicated to the protection of the Second Amendment. We do not represent the interests of other organizations. That’s their responsibility. Our responsibility is to protect and defend the interests of our members. And that we do without apology.


Today, the fate of the bill remains in doubt. The House floor debate has repeatedly been postponed. Lawmakers and outside groups who once supported the bill, or took no position—including the Brady Campaign—have now come out against it because of the announcement regarding NRA. The outcome in the Senate is even murkier, as anti-gun Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has announced her strong opposition to the proposed change.


No matter what may happen now, NRA members can be assured that protection of gun owners’ interests will remain NRA’s top priority.  Please check in regularly at for the latest news on this issue.




A picture’s worth a thousand words
To some just, ‘Biker Trash’
Yet perception depends
On what’s seen through the lens
Of a Graflex in the hands of ‘Flash’
With but a click, a world revealed
An inner sanctum, seldom shared
Ugly, pretty
Elegantly gritty
Of those that freedom dared

His photographs are as paintings
Captured on a canvas of life
Each managing to paint
The sinner and saint
Sharp as a double edged knife

Visual reminders in black n white
Blueprints with reason n rhyme
Perception depends
On what’s seen through the lens
By a man ahead of his time

Dedicated to Jim ”Flash” Miteff, (1933 – 2000)
Biker, Photographer, Father…”The Real Deal”
Also to Beverly V. (Miteff) Roberts – Biker, Author, Devoted Daughter and Friend…The above is based on “Flash” & Beverly’s must see/read books found at:

Copyright 2010 Laurence P Scerri-Ironhorse Writer – American Biker Poet



BIKERNET WELDING LESSON FROM THE DEVIL–Silicon bronze is great for welding dissimilar metals, so yes you can use it on stainless. On bikes I have used this on sheet metal projects because it flows nice at low temps and it’s soft so it smooths out nice ( I use rolock sanding discs, 3″ air powered and 4″ on an electric grinder for finish work).


Another common use is to attach the faster tabs on the frames of Drag bikes to hold the skins on, this is because it is soft and a little flexible (unlike a metal rod you can bend a piece of silicon bronze filler rod back and forth all day). Give me a ring if you’d like to discuss this some more 281-477-3590 I’ll be around the shop all day but you never know hehehe!




David was working on his latest release. “David said hello to the Bikernet staff,” Marc said.


I thought bidding was brisk but much lower than normal for a Barrett-Jackson event. There were some great deals to be had if you had an extra $25,000 to kick around.


Vendors did not fare well due to booth positioning. Most were away from the bidding crowds and did not get a chance to even see the vendors.


Scottsdale is a much better set up where bidders have to walk thru the vendors to get their bids in. That’s very conducive to vendor sales.


Marc J. Beaulieu

Chief Sales Agent

Bikernet Insurance Center LLC





California Anti-Motorcycle State Senator at it Again. Help us kill SB-435–
California State Senator Fran Pavely, who represents Hollywood, has brought her anti-motorcycle agenda alive once again. And it’s worse than ever. Pavely, a Democrat, has amended her legislation so that now it would make aftermarket exhaust systems on any motorcycles illegal. SB-435 gives law enforcement the ability to inspect motorcycles as they see fit for an EPA approval stamp. If they can’t find the stamp, the motorcycle is illegal.


We here at the MRF love our clean air and could not agree more that California’s air should be as clean and fresh as possible. It seems this isn’t about fresh air as one would think. You see, Pavely’s bill started life as smog check bill forcing motorcycles to participate in the same emissions program as autos and trucks. With motorcycles maintaining about 3% of California’s entire vehicle population, this expensive proposal went no where.


So what does a Hollywood senator do when her anti-motorcycle, anti-freedom agenda fails? Change the bill! The new SB-435 doesn’t look for polluters, it punishes people who don’t have the EPA stamp required by manufacturers, regardless of the actual emissions. The stamp is often hidden from view due to aesthetic purposes, or in the case of older bikes with stock pipes, just isn’t there.


SB-435 is scheduled to be heard today, Monday June 28, 2010. Please take action. Instructions are below. Help defend your freedom.


ABATE of California along with the Motorcycle Riders Foundation is asking you to assist us by voicing your disapproval of this particular piece of legislation by calling Assembly Transportation and Housing Committee Chairman Bonnie Lowenthal and asking that the Chair not support this bill.


You can reach Mrs. Lowenthal at:


Capitol Office:

State Capitol

P.O. Box 942849

Sacramento, CA 94249-0054

Tel: (916) 319-2054

Fax: (916) 319-2154


District Office:

110 Pine Avenue

Suite 804

Long Beach CA 90802

Tel: (562) 495-2915

Fax: (562) 495-2983


Additional calls may be also placed to Governor Schwarzenegger, informing him of the potential loss of tourism and tax revenue in the event SB-435 is passed.  ABATE of California asks that you send cards, letters, faxes, or emails as promptly as possible. 


California Governor:


For those who would like further information to help fight this, please contact Carol Cromwell at the ABATE state office at:
10240 7th Avenue
Hesperia 92345-2631.
Telephone: (760) 956-1669.  (Fax) 760-956-6519




HIGH COURT’S BIG RULING IN FAVOR OF GUN RIGHTS–In its second major ruling on gun rights in three years, the Supreme Court Monday extended the federally protected right to keep and bear arms to all 50 states. The decision will be hailed by gun rights advocates and comes over the opposition of gun control groups, the city of Chicago and four justices.


Justice Samuel Alito wrote for the five justice majority saying “the right to keep and bear arms must be regarded as a substantive guarantee, not a prohibition that could be ignored so long as the States legislated in an evenhanded manner.”


The ruling builds upon the Court’s 2008 decision in D.C. v. Heller that invalidated the handgun ban in the nation’s capital. More importantly, that decision held that the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms was a right the Founders specifically delegated to individuals. The justices affirmed that decision and extended its reach to the 50 states. Today’s ruling also invalidates Chicago’s handgun ban.




WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court appears poised to issue a ruling that will expand to the states the high court’s historic 2008 ruling that individuals have a federally protected right to keep and bear arms, following an hour-long argument Tuesday. If so, the decision would mark another hallmark victory for gun rights advocates and likely strike down Chicago’s handgun ban that is similar to the Washington D.C. law already invalidated by the justices.


Tuesday’s lively arguments featured lawyer Alan Gura, the same man who argued and won D.C. v. Heller in 2008. He now represents Otis McDonald who believes Chicago’s handgun ban doesn’t allow him to adequately protect himself. Gura argued the Heller decision which only applied to Washington D.C. and other areas of federal control should equally apply to Chicago and the rest of the country.


“In 1868, our nation made a promise to the McDonald family that they and their descendants would henceforth be American citizens, and with American citizenship came the guarantee enshrined in our Constitution that no State could make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of American citizenship,” Gura told the Court.


He argued the language of the Constitution’s 14th Amendment forces the states to protect the rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment. The Bill of Rights, which was adopted in the late 18th Century, was then commonly viewed as only offering protections from the federal government.


It wasn’t until after the Civil War that the Supreme Court in a piecemeal fashion began to apply–or incorporate–parts of the Bill of Rights to the states. It has used the 14th Amendment’s Due Process Clause to incorporate most of the Constitution’s first amendments but has not yet done so for the Second Amendment. Gura argued that another part of the 14th Amendment would be a better vehicle for the justices to make their ruling but there didn’t appear to be enough support from the bench on that front.


Chief Justice John Roberts was the most vocal advocate of using the Due Process Clause to extend the Second Amendment rights to the states. “I don’t see how you can read — I don’t see how you can read Heller and not take away from it the notion that the Second Amendment…was extremely important to the framers in their view of what liberty meant.”


The discussion over “liberty” was a major philosophical theme of the arguments. Gura and National Rifle Association lawyer Paul Clement argued that the rights articulated in the Second Amendment are fundamental freedoms and would exist to all Americans even if there was no law specifically saying so.


James Feldman, lawyer for the City of Chicago, defended his city’s handgun ban and argued why the Heller decision’s Second Amendment guarantee doesn’t comport with the view that it represents a vital protection of liberty that needs to be expanded to the states.


“[T]he right it protects is not implicit in the concept of ordered liberty,” Feldman said. “States and local governments have been the primary locus of firearms regulation in this country for the last 220 years. Firearms unlike anything else that is the subject of a provision of the Bill of Rights are designed to injure and kill.”


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dissented in Heller and wondered why the right to bear arms was necessary to extend to the states. “[I]f the notion is that these are principles that any free society would adopt, well, a lot of free societies have rejected the right to keep and bear arms.”


Later in the arguments Roberts disputed that notion. “I do think the focus is our system of ordered liberty, not any abstract system of ordered liberty. You can say Japan is a free country, but it doesn’t have the right to trial by — by jury.”


Roberts was part of the five member majority in Heller and there’s a good chance Tuesday’s case will result in a similar 5-4 outcome. All of the members of the Heller majority are still on the Court and at least one of them would have to rule against extending the Second Amendment protection in order for the opposing side to prevail.

By Lee Ross, Fox News





NEW MOTORCYCLE TRAVEL BOOK FROM BRUCE HANSEN– Motorcycle Journeys Through the Pacific Northwest, 2nd Edition aims to be as popular as the first edition and we currently have review copies available.  I think your readers will enjoy this book and I would like to send you a copy for you to mention to them or provide them with a review.
 An important update to his very popular first edition, Hansen’s enthusiasm for exploration comes through in this full-color, fully-detailed tribute and guide to the great roads of America’s Pacific Northwest. Both visitors to the region and lifetime locals will enjoy and learn from the 30+ trips that Hansen has planned and perfected. Designed from top to bottom for motorcyclists, this new second edition includes topographical maps for each trip, specific directions, and tips on the best places to eat, sleep, and visit.

Hansen guides motorcyclists through the areas around Seattle and Portland, up and down the coats of Washington, Oregon, and northern California, around the volcanos of Mt. Saint Helens, Mt. Hood, and Mt. Ranier, across the desert of Oregon, out to the San Juan Islands, and over the border into parts of British Columbia. Riders will see everything from the most interesting places in the region’s history, to the hills, inlets, islands, and valleys that make the American Northwest a favorite among motorcycle enthusiasts.
–Kris Skellenger
Motorbooks  Quayside Distribution Services
400 First Avenue North, Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN,  55401        




BIKERNET OFFICIAL COPY EDITOR FACES ROAD KING PROBLEMS– The guts of the primary on my RK took a dump and it’s in the shop for awhile. Chewed-up pinion gear (again; I replaced that starter last summer), fucked up bearing and race, broken teeth in the clutch hub spline. It’s nasty, but at least it didn’t seize up on me. Just started noticing a faint grinding in the primary last week when it was in neutral and the clutch released. Won’t know the full extent of the damage until they pull the inner primary. Ruined last weekend’s plans. Of course, the bike’s long out of warranty, but I did write a letter to H-D customer service on the slim chance they’ll pony up for what’s obviously the result of shoddy materials and workmanship. Ain’t no way a meticulously maintained bike should go tits-up like this at 43K miles.

I suspect – but can’t prove – that this is the cumulative result of what started as a starter run-on problem when the bike had only 4000 miles on it (before I owned it, but I have the bike’s entire service history from the day it was set up). All they did then was replace the starter relay. Call me crazy, but common sense would say to pull the outer primary and check for internal damage. Instead, three years later, I’m stuck with a hefty repair bill.

–Bruce Snyder



Q: My wife went to visit her mom two weeks ago and I haven’t heard from her since. I am getting worried. What should I do?

A: Do the dishes…


–From the Canyon Carver



UNCLE MONKEY RESEARCHING THE CODE OF THE WEST– Bikers are a peculiar bunch. We take perfectly good, complete running motorcycles and replace half the parts. Imagine buying a new car and replacing the steering wheel, seats, instruments, sheet metal, paint, wheels and motor before we even leave the showroom floor. We like our bikes to reflect ourselves, our personalities, our beliefs. That means factory drag bars are swapped out for ape hangers. If it had apes we will want drag bars and so it goes.


Fat tire kits, different bars, tanks, and sheet metal. Sometime we even delve into the heart of the beast with big bore kits, heads, even flywheels and gear sets. It is all in the pursuit of making the bike our own, making it faster, making it unique, just like everyone else.


There usually is nothing wrong with these parts. We carefully wrap each part to prevent scratches, to prevent damage. They find their ways into milk crates and under workbenches. Machine after machine, part after part. Sometimes we forget what we have and buy new again. Sure I got apes


We hit the swap meets looking for deals only to find the right part in a box of junk. We know what it is worth and pray that the guy behind the table doesn’t. $5 for the whole box and out the door we go with our prize — the part and a box of useless parts to be mentally cataloged with the rest of our stuff.


I rarely throw parts out. They are relegated to milk crates and toolboxes. I’ve made tach mounts out of signal light arms, rebuilt a Speedo out of four different ones spanning 50 years of motorcycles. Even the badly mangled gas tank from a softail waits under the bench ’cause I never know when I’ll need a good petcock bung.


My friend Bandit has been fortunate enough to be in this industry long enough to have collected parts from near and far. We all have to a certain extent. It is not until we start shuffling through that Rolodex of our minds, out of boredom, out of restlessness that we realize that we have a complete bike, or mostly a complete bike stashed away in the rafters waiting for us. Often they are a collection of parts for an odd ball or out of the norm bike, a peashooter frame, an Indian dirt bike motor. Those of us lucky enough know we can rely on our friends and their parts drawers for the rest.


-bad Uncle Monkey





Recently Belt Drives LTD unveiled this unique, light weight, chain compensator kit for 1970-2006 Big Twins. Weighing in at about half that of the OEM piece it retains all of the functionality and reliability and the 3-piece design assures a no hassle installation. Available in both 24 and 25 tooth sprockets the kits retail starting at $80.00.



For complete details and ordering information call BDL direct at 714-693-1313 or catch them on line at







 I was shopping at the local supermarket where I selected:
 A half-gallon of 2% milk
 A carton of eggs
 A quart of orange juice
 A head of lettuce
 A 2 lb. can of coffee
 A 1 lb. package of bacon
 As I was unloading my items on the conveyor belt to check out, a drunk  standing behind me watched as I placed the items in front of the cashier.
 While the cashier was ringing up the purchases, the drunk calmly stated,  ‘You must be single.’ I was a bit startled by this proclamation, but I was
 intrigued by the derelict’s intuition, since I indeed had never found Mr.  Right. I looked at the six items on the belt and saw nothing particularly
 unusual about my selections that could have tipped off the drunk to my  marital status..
 Curiosity getting the better of me, I said, ‘Yes you are correct. But how on earth did you know that?’
 The drunk replied, ‘Cause you’re ugly.
–from Nicole B.



Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA) REPORT– The European Motorcyclists’ Forum and the 1st International Motorcyclists’ Conference – an overwhelming success


On June 28/29 the Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA) successfully organized groundbreaking events in Brussels, Belgium: the European Motorcyclists’ Forum, the 1st International Motorcyclists’ Conference, which together gathered over 230 participants, plus the 13th edition of the MEP-Ride.


Organized in partnership with the Australian Motorcycle Council (AMC) and the Motorcyclists Confederation of Canada (MCC), with the support of the European Commission, the objective of these activities was to open a fruitful dialogue between the users, the industry, the research community, and especially with politicians and government representatives. Altogether the three motorcyclists organizations have, as directly affiliated members, almost five hundred thousand (500.000) power two-wheeler (PTW) users from around the world. (…)



FEMA – Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations

Rue des Champs 62

1040 Brussels, Belgium

Tel +32 2 7369047

Fax +32 2 7369401



WARLOCK INLAY FROM LE PERA– Let your imagination run wild with Le Pera’s killer custom seat inlays. Take any one of Le Pera’s legendary seats, from a touring to the barest of bone solos and create something all your buddies will be drooling over.


Made the old school way (no computers, all by hand in the USA)!! Warlock inlay and stitch starts at just $329.00 and as shown in Orange Gator Inlay retails for 384.00. Be sure to catch these unique inlay patterns, the entire Le Pera line of seats, and options at




   (On  September 17, 1994, Alabama’s Heather Whitestone  was selected as Miss America 1995.)

Question:  If you could live forever, would you and  why?

Answer:  “I would not live forever, because we should not  live forever, because if we were supposed to  live forever, then we would live forever, but we  cannot live forever, which is why I would not  live forever,”

–Miss  Alabama in the 1994  Miss USA contest.


My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That’s almost $21.00 in dog money.

–from Ray Russell


OPEN LETTER FROM ABATE OF CALIFORNIA STAFF– As Executive Director of ABATE of California, I am pleased to announce that hundreds of thousands of California motorcyclists can sleep easier secure in the knowledge that the impending threat of SB-435 as a motorcycle smog check bill has been neutralized at this point.  After two years of staunch opposition from ABATE of California, Senator Pavely realized that she did not have the necessary support to implement another unwarranted and costly bureaucracy in a state 24 billion dollars in debt for such a minimal gain.   

Senator Pavley’s own comments to the committee were that “ABATE and their lobbyist killed my smog bill on the Senate floor!” After all of the months of wrangling and backdoor attempts to sidestep and circumvent the legislative process by seeking resolutions from individual cities which were met and defeated by dedicated ABATE members, Senator Pavley changed her tactics and sought to implement a 27 year old EPA regulation requiring matching noise label tags in yet another bid to restrict our rights to ride in California.  

Since she could not pass SB-435 out of committee as a smog bill, Senator Pavley changed SB-435 to an EPA noise label match-up bill which presented a different dynamic with regard to the amount of support she could garner from committee members.
I am also pleased to announce that with barely three weeks notice, ABATE of California was able to mobilize and meet this new threat in an extremely efficient and pre-emptive manner.  While the voting dynamic among committee members was radically changed by Senator Pavley’s new amendment, ABATE of California was nevertheless able to effectively gut SB-435 by forcing Pavley and co-author Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal to remove the most motorcycle unfriendly and potentially harmful language from the bill.  It should be noted that Assemblywoman Lowenthal is Chairperson of the Assembly Transportation Committee and for ABATE to force the concessions we received from the Transportation Committee is an unqualified success and nothing short of miraculous given the growing public outcry for noise enforcement and the targeting of motorcyclists on this issue.
While there are many out there who challenge ABATE of California’s action in this matter and have gone so far as to say or imply that ABATE of California rolled over or caved in to the opposition, I have only one thing to say.  That is a crock of crap and nothing could be further from the truth.  Even though the bill was put on call Monday to allow absent committee members time to get back to the hearing room and vote, this was not even a close vote and we lost by a 2 to 1 margin.  For those of you who are disgruntled over the negotiated settlement, examine the vote and tell me you wanted ABATE of California to play Russian Roulette with SB-435 just because you wanted to take a stand on principle and ignore the political realities we faced in committee.  I would remind you that twice before in ABATE’s history, we have had a chance to rid ourselves of the helmet law with conditional exclusions such as “over 21” but the hard-line element insisted ABATE take a stand on principle and here we are 18 years later with lids still on our heads.
Going into the final three weeks of this fight, ABATE leadership was made aware of this overwhelming shift due to the bill’s new form.  Realizing the very real possibility that we could not kill SB-435 outright, we nevertheless forced concessions through hard negotiations that will benefit every rider in this state, especially those who have aftermarket exhaust systems installed.  As it stands now, all riders and motorcycle owners in the State of California are in extremely good shape since we will NOT have to contend with smog checks, roadside sound tests, cannot be stopped for label inspections as a primary reason, will receive correctible fix-it tickets, and will now have legal defense should some be unfortunate enough to be cited.  I would like to note here that the official positions of the Motorcycle Industry Council and the AMA to the Transportation Committee on SB-435 were to adopt SAE J2825, which would have made roadside sound checks a reality, and we have escaped that.  Most importantly, all motorcycles currently on the road will be grand-fathered in.  Folks, I can’t tell you what a huge win that is for our side.
I for one am personally proud of the way the membership of ABATE rallied to gather signatures, write letters of opposition, send faxes, and make calls to Transportation Committee members and to organize others in opposition.  Kudos are in order for Brad Davis and Yve Mulholland of RideRag who together are responsible for gathering several thousand signatures in opposition to SB-435.  I would also like to thank Jeff Rabe of the MMA, Nick Haris of the AMA, and especially John Paliwoda of the CMDA, whose testimony absolutely rocked the house and forced committee members to concede yet another year before implementation of label match-ups is enacted by this bill.  Several other organizations I would also like to thank for their support are the Defenders Program, the UBNC, the MMA, the COC, the Mendocino HOG Chapter, Vacaville Harley-Davidson, and ALL of the riders who made the long trek to Sacramento to oppose SB-435 in the hearing room.  

You folks rock!
And lastly, let me remind all of you that this fight is far from over and we have much unfinished work to do here.  SB-435 is far from a done deal, it has simply passed out of committee and in a greatly watered down form thanks to ABATE.  It still has to pass Appropriations where it will be heard in August and then go back to the Senate.  For those of you who say you are quitting ABATE or walking away from us, just remember:  Winners never quit and quitters never win!  The battle lines have been re-drawn and we are not retreating one inch, we simply must attack in a different direction.  To that end, we must make sure that Senator Pavley and Assemblywoman Lowenthal pay a heavy price for their attacks on our way of life.  We need to make sure that they DO NOT get re-elected and send them to the showers.  And lastly, we also need to make sure the American Lung Association and Noiseoff pay a heavy price for their involvement in this issue.  Quit if you feel you must but speaking for myself, and those other ABATE members who are ready to fight on, LET’S ROLL!
If you haven’t already signed up for Action Alerts on our website and want to help continue this fight, go to  We can only do so much without your help.
 –Anthony Jaime
Executive Director
ABATE of California

–John Del Santo
( 619 ) 223-0421  



EPA Updating Noise Emission Standards–The Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) has learned that the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is updating the regulation that governs all motorcycle noise emissions.  The EPA has sent a letter to various private companies located in the USA, that import or build motorcycle exhausts intended for use in the USA, asking the companies to disclose sensitive financial and business plan information, as well as trade secrets.

The EPA claims that it must update the regulation because of “technical changes that have occurred since the last update of the rule”. Current law has decibels capped at 83 for motorcycles built since 1983. It is not clear from the letter which direction they will pursue, but in the past, any time the EPA “updated” anything it meant that the regulations got stricter. Reading between the lines shows that the EPA will likely lower the decibel limit for motorcycles, not increase it.

The 5 page questionnaire asks for some very sensitive information such as; overall value of the company, part numbers of items built and or sold, testing techniques, will the company pass on the costs of more testing to the customer and so on.

The MRF is arranging a meeting with the EPA to clarify exactly what is going on here.

If you or anyone you know has received this letter, please put them in touch with the MRF so that they can join the coalition to ensure that this does not put in place any hardships for the American rider.

Contents of the letter to manufacturers follows.

Should you want to view the questionnaire click here:



DO THE DEW AND SAVE SOME DOUGH AT THE LEGENDARY BUFFALO CHIP– Buffalo Chip, SD (June 28, 2010) – When is Mountain Dew® more than just the world’s most refreshing and exhilarating soft drink? When it’s also a coupon worth $2 off the 2010 Official Sturgis Buffalo Chip Event shirt, that’s when!


In a unique marketing collaboration between Admiral Beverage and the Legendary Buffalo Chip beginning June 21, 1.5 million specially marked cans of the world’s favorite soft drink will be distributed in retail outlets and vending machines in Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota and North Dakota. Each can contains a coupon on its side panel worth $2 off Hot Leathers’ premier Buffalo Chip 2010 Event Shirt available only at the Buffalo Chip Official Logo Store in the campground’s amphitheater.


Hot Leathers, in conjunction with the Legendary Buffalo Chip has fashioned the renowned Sturgis hot-spot with an officially licensed event shirt to specifically commemorate Sturgis Rally Week 2010.


If you are among the millions of people who have made Mountain Dew the largest selling soft drink in the world, make sure to bring your Buffalo Chip Mountain Dew can to the Chip and receive $2 off the 2010 Buffalo Chip event shirt. So, do the Dew! You’ll save some dough! 


 PROJECT BIKE OF THE WEEK–Started out as a 96 Dyna. Stortz Ceriani 55MM inverted forks, PM brakes, 120″ HO Merch Motor, Baker Six Speed tranny, Super Max belt drive, billet wheels, RPP swing arm, oil filter mount, forward controls, risers, and a lot more. Hope to have it finished before Sturgis Bike Week.











WILD ENDING–Well not so wild, but whatta week. I’ll be a lot more relaxed if the tuning goes as planned tomorrow. Mil Blair, Stu Prince, Pegasus Fuel Injection designer, and Eric Bennett will be helping out.

Next for the Peashooter: I need to maching brackets and install the Norton 4-speed transmission and order the primary system. I still have some Lowbrow spark plug wire, but I need to design a cap for the magneto, then ponder an oil bag and controls. No problem, right?


Have a helluva 4th weekend and keep the faith. America will survive this bullshit and be strong once more.



Ride Forever,















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