Blood, Sweat, and Gears the DVD recently became available to the public. I saw it on the Choppers Inc. website and had to get it. I knew Billy was doing something special for the soldiers overseas, but you have no idea of the magnitude of each build until you watch this tape. Absolutely incredible!
The show starts with Billy explaining why he did the tour and how he’s always done the things people said he couldn’t. Anybody who hasn’t lived in a cave the past few years knows the tales of Billy the wild man drinking and partying at all hours of the day and night. With this tour, the audience gets to see it live and in person. Hell, quite a few actually get to join in on the action, drinking and having a great time. But partying’s not all the story is about, it’s about building bikes for soldiers and the men overseas fighting for our freedom. Billy’s saying thank you to all the guys out there, risking it all, so we can sit around and do whatever the hell we feel like doing.
The best part is Billy doesn’t do it all alone. He was joined by some of the premier bike builders the world has ever seen. You get Aaron Greene from Paramount Custom Cycles, Arlen and Corey Ness from the Ness Empire. There’s Paul Cox from Indian Larry legacy (Paul makes a rather memorable trip onto the stage, by the way). Then there’s the Killer Clown of horsepower, Kendall Johnson. Mondo Pouras of Denver’s Choppers. Dave Perewitz from Perewitz cycles even makes a few appearances. The show is packed full of world class talent and true biker spirit.

Each rally starts a new project for the team. Except in Las Vegas, a bike is given away at every show. On one occasion, two bikes were given away as a man in the crowd stepped up big time and reminded us of what kind of people America is made from. Although Billy funded much of the show and the guys all worked on their own dime, the tour did have a few very generous sponsors to include our very own Bikernet.com.
This show not only showcases the heart and all around talent of Billy Lane, it shows the lifestyle we have all grown to love and cherish as closely to our hearts as our most treasured memories. It shows the life of the American biker, and why we live in the greatest fucking country this world has ever known!

Having a brother in active duty makes me extra aware of the soldiers overseas and I am reminded daily of the losses people deal with every day. I also am a veteran, so I am a very patriotic man who would fight to the death over someone even bad mouthing our country. I even recently had a little trouble with the law due to a few stupid Mexican protesters running their mouth here in Houston. Needless to say, I must have had an angel on my shoulder, because I could have easily been killed by the mob that surrounded me as I stomped the guts out of a stupid punk who forgot he was actually in the USA and not Mexico City.
Oh well, it’s only a $300 fine and a misdemeanor on my record. My ribs will heal and my head doesn’t hurt quite so much anymore, but I’ll be Goddamned if I let anyone spit on my flag or treat our country like it’s their hotel.
From the way the video went down, I don’t believe there’s a biker alive that doesn’t agree with me, and I sure as hell believe Billy and his guys would have been fighting right next to me if they had been there.

I could write a small novel detailing every scene, but who’s got the time? Just get out there and buy the tape.
So, if you are a biker, and especially and American biker, buy this DVD!
It is one of the most endearing stories you will ever see and surely better than the Discovery Channel’s shows. I swear, if you don’t buy this DVD, you ain’t got a hair on your ass or a heart in your chest. It will make you laugh, cry, and feel great to be an American today!
Thank you Billy!
You are definitely the type of man our kids should be watching!
Go to www.choppersinc.com to watch a trailer and to order the movie.
This was definitely the best 20 bucks I ever spent! Take care everyone, and GOD BLESS THE USA!!!