Bonneville Bikernet Weekly News for August 22, 2019


This is going to be a wild day. This would have been the day we rolled out for the 2019 Bonneville Speed Trials, but it’s not happening. We still have work to do, but we did make our first pass around the block successfully.

I still need to finish the firewall, bolt in the 5-point harness, which arrived day before yesterday, incomplete. I need to adjust the front shocks and maybe make a couple of windows in the top of the body for access to the petcock, etc. We’re close and will now take it to El Mirage for test and tune sessions before Bonneville next year.

We accomplished a great deal in the last eight months and we are proud to say it runs and handles like a champ. Amazing. Don’t miss the 22nd Chapter of the Salt Torpedo build story.

The Bikernet Weekly News is sponsored in part by companies who also dig Freedom including: Cycle Source Magazine, the MRF, Las Vegas Bikefest, Iron Trader News, ChopperTown, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum. Most recently the Smoke Out and Quick Throttle Magazine came on board.

What year and model are you working on? Our Milwaukee Eight dipsticks are available and we will be releasing our Twin Cam dipsticks soon. Below is a link to all of our oil tank breathers. If you need anything else let me know or feel free to give us a call.

Feuling Parts

We would like to run a vented engine dip stick. We look forward to their Twin Cam version.—Bandit

NEWS FROM THE HAL ROBINSON ARCHIVES— I dedicate Bring Me Brew to you!

–Ann Robinson

Check out our Hal Robinson Art and T-shirt collection.–Bandit

Final Sturgis Motorcycle Rally figures indicate a slight decrease in overall attendance, but including a third fatality reported on Sunday, traffic deaths were the lowest since 2014 when two motorcyclists died. Four people died in traffic crashes during the Rally last year.

Accidents were also down this year, with 52 injury crashes reported, down from 56; 41 non-injury crashes compared with 50 in 2018, according to the state Department of Public Safety.

The number of vehicles counted entering Sturgis, South Dakota during the 10 days of the 79th annual Sturgis Rally, from Friday, August 2 through Sunday, August 11, was down 1.2% from 505,969 in 2018 to 499,654 this year, according to the state Department of Transportation, which has been counting since 1990.

The record vehicle count was 604,441 for seven days — Monday through Sunday — of the Rally in 2000, the 60th anniversary, according to DOT figures. The record attendance, by head count, was an estimated 738,000 in 2015, the 75th anniversary, according to Rally officials.

From the Bill Bish NCOM monthly legislative report. Check out the whole tamale.–Bandit

GUN NUT REPORT–Never in our lives or in the history of our nation have we seen the kind of vicious, orchestrated attacks against the Second Amendment that we’re seeing today.

That’s why I’m asking you to please watch a short video I prepared for you.

Please share this video with family, friends and other gun owners you know. This is our moment, the defining Second Amendment fight of our lives. We can WIN a great victory for freedom, but we can’t do it alone.

Working together, we’ll save the Second Amendment and the rights of every law-abiding citizen. Thanks for your help.

–Wayne LaPierre
Executive Vice President

NEWS FROM MAVARTS.COM–The Art of Monte Moore

To see an entirely different side of Monte, please visit his Western Cinema and Wildlife Fine Art site,


As many of you Montiacs already know, Monte is an artist who works in many different mediums and styles. Over the years, he has found great success in the areas of Fantasy Art, Pinup Art, Western Art, Automotive Art and Wildlife Art – just to name a few! Monte is pleased to announce an upcoming Kickstarter project entitled “The Menagerie” that will feature examples of many of his different styles and techniques available in collectible art prints of various sizes and designs.

This will be the perfect opportunity to get to know your favorite artist even better through the scope of his work, and to fill out your personal collection of signed art prints from Monte. Some of the pieces featured in the Menagerie have never been available in these formats before, and will be offered for the first time through this Kickstarter project.

Stay tuned to this newsletter and to Monte’s Facebook page for more information as we get ready to launch Monte Michael Moore’s Menagerie in less than a month!

Monte is teaming up with a whole raft of GREAT artists for variant covers!
The Kickstarter is starting this fall, stay tuned for MOORE from MONTE here, and on Kickstarter!

Congratulations to
S. Noe of Arizona!

Who has won a signed print of the piece pictured above,
entitled “Hot Harley”

If you want to be the next WEEKLY WINNER, enter at this link. Remember, only one entry per drawing period, no purchase necessary, good luck!

FXDR License Plate Relocation Kit–Heartland USA- Fullerton CA.

Heartland USA has just released a new product for the 2019 Harley-Davidson® FXDR. This is for the FXDR owners that loves the bike, but just wants to get rid of that Euro Monster Arm at the rear.

Heartland USA has a license plate relocation kit that Mounts to the swing arm at the same location as the Euro Arm with the OEM bolts from the Monster Arm. Available in Vertical or Horizontal positions. Has a build-in plate light to illuminate the plate.

Machined from 6061 Aluminum. The bracket machined with details to match the stock swingarm and is powder coated Wrinkle Black to match the FXDR® swingarm. The plate frame is coated in a nice Gloss Black for some contrast.

Retails for $519

Check out the Heartland USA web site for ordering details
Call them 310-822-2697

QUICK, OPEN THE BANDIT’S CANTINA BAD JOKE LIBRARY— A man is driving down the road and breaks down near a monastery. He goes to the monastery, knocks on the door, and says, “My car broke down. Do you think I could stay the night?”

The monks graciously accept him, feed him dinner, even fix his car. As the man tries to fall asleep, he hears a strange sound.
The next morning, he asks the monks what the sound was, but they say, “We can’t tell you. You’re not a monk.”

The man is disappointed but thanks them anyway and goes about his merry way.
Some years later, the same man breaks down in front of the same monastery.
The monks accept him, feed him, even fix his car. That night, he hears the same strange noise that he had heard years earlier.

The next morning, he asks what it is, but the monks reply, “We can’t tell you. You’re not a monk.”

The man says, “All right, all right. I’m *dying* to know. If the only way I can find out what that sound was is to become a monk, how do I become a monk?”

The monks reply, “You must travel the earth and tell us how many blades of grass there are and the exact number of sand pebbles. When you find these numbers, you will become a monk.”

The man sets about his task. Forty-five years later, he returns and knocks on the door of the monastery. He says, “I have traveled the earth and have found what you have asked for. There are 145,236,284,232 blades of grass and 231,281,219,999,129,382 sand pebbles on the earth.”

The monks reply, “Congratulations. You are now a monk. We shall now show you the way to the sound.”

The monks lead the man to a wooden door, where the head monk says, “The sound is right behind that door.”

The man reaches for the knob, but the door is locked. He says, “Real funny. May I have the key?”

The monks give him the key, and he opens the door.

Behind the wooden door is another door made of stone.

The man demands the key to the stone door.

The monks give him the key, and he opens it, only to find a door made of ruby.

He demands another key from the monks, who provide it.

Behind that door is another door, this one made of sapphire.

So it went until the man had gone through doors of emerald, silver, topaz, and amethyst.

Finally, the monks say, “This is the last key to the last door.”

The man is relieved to no end.

He unlocks the door, turns the knob, and behind that door he is amazed to find the source of that strange sound.

But I can’t tell you what it is because you’re not a monk

–Sam Burns


influential media pundits collectively.

Meanwhile, imagination is in short supply among the energy punditocracy.
— Mark P. Mills, “Imagining How Technology Will Disrupt Future Energy Markets,” Forbes, May 28, 2019
Punditocracy, originally an American term, composed of pundit “learned person, authority, maven” and the thoroughly naturalized suffix -cracy “rule, government,” is a snarky noun used to refer to the elite members of the news media (also known as the commentariat—another snarky noun). Pundit comes from Sanskrit pa??ita, an adjective and noun meaning “learned, learned man” (in Sanskrit language and literature, Hindu religion, philosophy, and law), also used as a title like Doctor. Punditocracy entered English in the mid-1980s.

FREEDOM FICTION IS ALIVE— I started e-publishing back in August 2008.

Completed 11 years online now.

Please visit to read Free short stories in all genres of Fiction.

Website is:

We nominate Short Stories for the Pushcart Prize every year. If you are an Author of Fiction, get noticed by publishing with us.

E-books and Paperbacks at huge sale.


How do you walk 3,000 miles across Mexico without food or support and show up at our border 100 pounds overweight and with a cellphone?—El Waggs

THE DIME BAG NEWS–I will experiment with lighter leather. I am going to have a set of Dimebag heavy steel stamps instead of handtooling each piece for the three products I have now.

I am working on the watch cover and card wallet also. I am going to expand with a Dimebag clothing line with some cool ‘70s era art in the future, however I am open to more ideas to help grow Dimebag. Thank you for your feedback bro.

Exciting to hear the news on the Salt torpedo! If I can help in anyway, just ask…

All the best
–Adam Croft

PETER FONDA THOUGHTS FROM SENATOR ZIEN–Now just got back from Gov Walker’s Harley ride. For me a near 600-mile plus day .

Perhaps someone might be interested in going to Peter Fonda’s celebration of life or funeral? Not sure where it’s going to be ?

Much to share, Peter was / is a big influence:

— Wrote in 1967 original poem ‘llonely wild and free “. went to the state forensics tournament.( The music by David Allan and the arrows was the most influential)!

—my first college newspaper term paper ,”the motorcycle syndrome.”

—Peter & I were inducted to the Sturgis motorcycle museum & Hall of Fame together in year 2000. Also led BlackHills Ride.

— led The Harley Davidson 95th anniversary ( 1998) parade through Milwaukee —right behind Governor Tommy Thompson and Jay Leno.

—Appeared often with Peter over the years at various Sturgis/Harley/functions .

Please let me know if anyone is going or would like to meet. We’re guessing events would be at Montana or California.

God Bless you & your Loved Ones ‘

–Dave Zien
Million Mile Harley Rider

BANDIT’S CANTINA BAD JOKE LIBRARY IS OPEN–A farmer had five female pigs. Times were hard, so he decided to take them to the county fair and sell them.
At the fair, he met another Farmer who owned five male pigs. After talking a bit, they decided to mate the pigs and split everything 50/50.

The farmers lived sixty miles apart. So, they agreed to drive thirty miles each, find a field in which to let the pigs mate.

The first morning, the farmer with the female pigs got up at 5 A.M., loaded the pigs into the family station wagon, (which was the only vehicle he had) and drove the thirty miles. While the pigs were mating, he asked the other farmer,
“How will I know if they are pregnant?”

The other farmer replied, “If they’re lying in the grass tomorrow morning, they’re pregnant. If they’re in the mud, they’re not.”
The next morning the pigs were rolling in the mud. So, he hosed them off, loaded them into the family station wagon again and proceeded to try again. This continued each morning for more than a week. Both farmers were worn out.

The next morning he was too tired to get out of bed. He called to his wife,
“Honey, please look outside and tell me whether the pigs are in the mud or in the grass.”

“Neither,” yelled his wife. “They’re in the station wagon and one of them is honking the horn.”

–Sam Burns
Senior Editor
Bandit’s Cantina™ Bad Joke Library

FROM THE CAR FRONT–An Appropriate Balance for Whom?

In “An Appropriate Balance for Whom?” (NMA E-Newsletter #552), we discussed HB 3663, a recently introduced bill to Congress that would require each state to fund its own program to prioritize walking and bicycle riding over vehicular traffic when designing new or upgrading existing roads.

Data from the 2016 U.S. Census showed that more than 86 percent of commuters travel by motorized vehicle. By contrast, the same data indicated that the combined total of pedestrian and bicycle traffic topped out at 3.3 percent. HB 3663 would require some serious social engineering by government edict.

Not surprisingly, several NMA e-newsletter readers spoke out:

This simply follows today’s destructive trend of channeling the resources of the many to benefit the select few. Next, we’ll be hearing about how motorists enjoy “driver’s privilege” and that society has been unfairly “rigged” to benefit drivers. Finally, we’ll have to curtail driving altogether to accommodate the rights of “native pedestrians.”

–James T.

“In an appropriate balance?” Is that any different than “In the eye of the beholder?”

–Ken W.

I just finished reading Thomas Sowell book “the vision of the anointed.“ What you called out here is a perfect example of what he discusses. If you have time, it’s a great read.

–Jim D.

It simply isn’t feasible for most things these days to be done on bicycles or on foot. How do you carry a week’s worth of groceries either way? Especially if you live 10 miles from the nearest grocery store like I do (and the one I shop at is 15 miles away). Or you have to buy and transport anything else that is bulky? Heck, I sometimes have to engage in extreme measures just to carry my mail from the post office to my car parked outside!

Stopping the ticket quotas is necessary, but that shouldn’t be thrown into the same bag with something totally disruptive like Complete Streets. Washington needs to stop meddling in the traffic issues best
left to the states.

–Pat G.

“Unintended negative consequences???” I think not. They are very much intended. They want to make freedom of individual mobility a thing of the past and make those same folks pay for it. It is like a two-year-old throwing a tantrum if they don’t get their way no matter how it affects anyone else. If the changes make traveling more expensive and time-consuming for most of the public, they could not care less because they doing the “good things” for society and we are the bad guys that have to be reined in. Not all at once, of course, but slowly, like a frog in a pot of increasingly warm/hot water. By the time you realize the problem, you’re cooked!

They must be defeated.
–Mike M.

We agree with Mike that the goals of movements like Vision Zero and Complete Streets are very clear, perhaps most starkly asserted by University of Iowa College of Law Associate Professor Gregory H. Shill , who writes, “Decades of public and private investment . . . have created a car-centric landscape with Dickenisan consequences. . . The appeal of cars’ convenience and the lack of meaningful alternatives has created a public health catastrophe.”

By ‘unintended consequences,’ we refer to the obvious lack of reflection – perhaps just willful ignorance – by Vision Zero/Complete Streets proponents to consider the overall impact of the anti-car programs they espouse.

Last year a pro-motorist group, 40 Million Motorists, reacted to France’s plan to lower speed limits across the country by 6 mph to save what it projected as 400 lives. 40MM analyzed government data and determined that the speed reduction would cost the equivalent productivity of 200,000 workers annually at a net cost of US $4.4 billion. Again, that is per year.

It’s going to take much more of that type of analysis to stop the momentum created by anti-car, anti-driving groups amongst lawmakers and government agencies.

Graham Kozak wrote a beautiful piece for the August 12, 2019 issue of AutoWeek, “It’s Time to Make the Case for the Car.” Some of his observations provide an excellent counterpoint to Professor Shill’s dystopian outlook, and illustrate just what is at stake in this battle:

“It’s only once you strip all that away and take a step back that you start to recognize a rock upon which we can build a really strong argument for the car’s vitality. It’s so simple, and obvious, that it’s no wonder we missed it. You and I were probably too close to the subject, after all.

“Cars matter because they help us fulfill our nature as curious, restless beings. They embody our hardwired need to go, to move from where we are to where we think we want to be. They let us do this at any given moment with near total disregard for timetables . . .

“Cars lock us into certain ways of living as they promise freedom.”

Individual and societal freedoms. Once sacrificed, they are exceedingly difficult to get back.

–Join the NMA Today!
Support the NMA and the NMA Foundation
Subscribe to Driving News Daily
Start a Discussion on the Newsletter Topic in the NMA Forum

A CLASSIC FROM MARKUS CUFF—Indian John was a classic and rode that Indian for several decades. We rode to a Rod Steward music video shoot in the LA riverbed. –Bandit

TIME IS RUNNING OUT– Meeting of the Minds Register today!

You still have a little time before the pre-registration deadline ends for the 35th Annual Meeting of the Minds Conference!!!

The deadline is TOMORROW August 23rd to take advantage of the MOTM pre-registration price of $80.00 for MRF members or $90.00 for non-MRF members. Use this link to register: Meeting of the Minds 2019

As the MRF makes final preparations to Honor the Past with an induction of Legacy Members into the MRF Hall of Fame and gear up to Protect the Future with two days of information filled workshops and presentations, you still have time to register for this premier event and secure your hotel room.

Up to the minute legislative updates, topical workshops to assist you in building your SMRO, plus several hundred new and old friends you’ll be glad to see!
Workshop & presentations including…

NHTSA – Protecting our Future from their Past
Shared Goals & Working Together – SMROs & Motorcycle Clubs
Membership Promotion, Retention, Growth & Volunteers
Old Media – New Media … – Dealing with print, electronic & social media successfully

With less than a month to go, the final touches are being put on the 35th Annual Meeting of the Minds Conference, in Bloomington Minnesota. However, we don’t want you to miss it as we Honor the Past, Protect the Future and live up to meeting and exceeding the expectations of motorcyclists’ rights advocates from across the country.

After August 23rd, the event registration fee goes to $90.00 for members and $100.00 for non-members. And you’re not just getting a receipt for your efforts… You’ll get a few hundred years of experience from some of the most dedicated and knowledgeable motorcyclists’ rights advocates in the world!

The deadline to get the nightly room rate of $115.00 at the MOTM Conference hotel is September 4th. After that, rooms may be scarce. So, one more time… beat the deadlines and register for the 35th Annual Meeting of the Minds Conference.
While it’s on your mind, call (952) 854-9000 and use this code to get the MRF room rate: Block code MOT MOTM2019

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you in September at the Crowne Plaza Aire Hotel in Bloomington, Minnesota, for the 35th Annual Meeting of the Minds Conference!!!

Fredric Harrell
Director, Conferences & Events
Motorcycle Riders Foundation

[page break]

American Choppers Star Paul Teutel, Sr. Announces Launch of His New Consumer Product Tattseal™, Proceeds to Help Injured Veterans

Discovery Channel reality TV star and founder of Orange County Choppers (OCC) Paul Teutel, Sr., a world leader in handcrafted custom motorcycles, announced today the launch of a new, patented tattoo product that is poised to revolutionize an entire industry.

Tattseal is a patented natural product that combines bioceuticals designed to reduce pain and inflammation associated with the tattooing process.

I am proud and excited to launch this incredible product. TattSeal has exceeded anything I have ever used for tattoos. What could be better than more tattoos, less pain, and helping veterans?

TattSeal is a patented natural product that combines bioceuticals designed to reduce pain and inflammation associated with the tattooing process. In an effort to help raise money for injured veterans, a portion of the TattSeal™ proceeds will go to the Oscar Mike Foundation.

TattSeal is a patented natural product that combines bioceuticals designed to reduce pain and inflammation associated with the tattooing process. In an effort to help raise money for injured veterans, a portion of the TattSeal proceeds will go to the Oscar Mike Foundation.

“I am proud and excited to launch this incredible product,” said Paul, Sr. “As most people know, I am not easy to please. This product has exceeded anything I have ever used for tattoos. What could be better than more tattoos, less pain, and helping veterans?”

In an effort to help raise money for injured veterans, a portion of the Tattseal™ proceeds will go to the Oscar Mike Foundation, a cause near and dear to Paul, Sr. Oscar Mike assists injured veterans with life-changing adaptive sports.

The launch includes a national tattoo contest to win an OCC Chopper worth over $100,000. The contest winner to be announced at Villain Arts’ Tattoo Convention in Philadelphia in January 2020.

“We are humbled and thrilled to partner with Orange County Choppers. Through this unique collaboration, many lives will be changed for the better. Thank you Paul Sr.” -Noah Currier, CEO Oscar Mike

Artists using Tattseal™ as an applicator are seeing pieces that formerly required two or three appointments completed in just one sitting. The product’s proprietary and unique blend not only speeds healing, but also includes essential oils that enhance the artwork’s vibrancy for both new and old tattoos.

Paul Sr. teamed up with HW&B Enterprises, a highly respected research and manufacturing company known for its all-natural aloe-based products to create Tattseal™.

“We couldn’t be more excited to partner with Paul, Sr. and Orange County Choppers. Tattseal™ is positioned to disrupt the Tattoo and ink business because of its unique composition and patented formulation that encourage the body to do what it does naturally – repair itself. With early trials, it has far exceeded our expectations with consumers and artists alike.” -Christopher Hardy, CEO HW&B, Enterprises. LLC.

Paul and his tattoos have aired in over 150 countries spanning his 12 years as the lead character on Discovery Channel’s American Choppers. Find out more at

–Heather LaMarre

The Beef is Over: Big Win for Motorcycle Industry with EU Trade Deal

A trade dispute that threatened to place up to 100 percent tariffs on European Union motorcycles and mopeds between 51 and 500cc appears to have come to an end. President Trump and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer signed a deal with the EU ambassador on Aug. 2 that would allow more U.S. beef exports. In exchange, the USTR confirmed, the U.S. will not tax the European bikes.

“This is a fantastic win for the motorcycle industry and community that was facing significant tariffs under this beef dispute,” said Scott Schloegel, senior vice president of government relations at the MIC. “The government relations team worked closely with the potentially affected European motorcycle companies to oppose the proposed tariffs, and we are thrilled that this particular issue has reached a resolution.”

The dispute goes back to 1999 when a World Trade Organization panel ruled that the EU’s ban on U.S. beef was inconsistent with its WTO obligations and authorized the U.S. to impose $116.8 million in tariffs on EU products. Retaliatory tariffs of 100 percent were imposed on select European food products in 2000, but were suspended in 2009 after the U.S. and EU signed a memorandum of understanding regarding a phase-in of certain market access changes. In late 2016, representatives of the U.S. beef industry filed a request for reinstatement of retaliatory action.

This newly signed deal will go into effect after approval from the European Parliament, expected this fall. With the EU providing a country specific duty-free quota for U.S. beef, the United States has agreed to terminate the proceedings under Section 301 once the European Parliament approves the agreement.

Still, the powersports industry isn’t fully in the clear yet. “We face additional proposed tariffs from other trade disputes with China and the EU,” Schloegel said. “The MIC government relations team continues to voice opposition to any new tariffs that would impact our powersports industry.”


CHOW HALL OF THE WEEK— Small Batch BBQ in Forest Park, IL is doing real deal BBQ!!

Pit master Greg is rocking out some of the best Brisket I have had in a long time. Massive flavor with minimal seasonings and so tender. That’s when you know the Pit master has ” The Gift”. The ribs were awesome.

The Mac N Cheese was cooked al dente and it was excellent. I wish more Mac N Cheese was cooked with the noodles al dente. The surprise for me was seeing Fried Okra on the menu so far North! Fried to perfection, definitely order the Okra! Greg’s medium and hot sauces are so tasty!

They have giardiniera blended into the sauce! Make sure you go early as they have been selling out every day! Get some!!

Subscribe here, to see more awesome food spots and follow me on IG at A Biker Dude


Rinehart Racing Adds 4.5-Inch End Caps
to Moto Series Lineup–Rinehart Racing® has expanded its lineup of options for the popular MotoPro45 and DBX45 Slip-On exhausts for Harley-Davidson® Touring models with the addition of the new 4.5-inch Moto Series end caps.

Rinehart’s Moto Series end caps are specially designed to stand out in the crowd and add a color-matched or contrasting accent to your Rinehart mufflers. The “Slot” and “Merge” styles are now available in the new 4.5-inch size in both black and chrome color options.

Rinehart CNC-machines its Moto Series end caps in their Asheville, North Carolina facility using U.S. sourced billet aluminum. Both designs perfectly complement Rinehart’s Moto Series Inverted Air Cleaners, a combination which provides a cohesive look throughout the motorcycle while improving its performance.

The 4.5-inch end caps are compatible with Rinehart’s 4.5-inch MotoPro45 and DBX45 Slip-On exhaust systems for 1995-Later Harley-Davidson® Touring models. The 4.5” end caps are available in pairs can be installed with basic tools. Additionally, MotoPro45 Slip-On systems for 2017-Later Harley Touring models are available preconfigured with either the Slot or Merge Moto Series end caps.

The Moto Series end caps are now available online and through authorized Rinehart Racing dealers nationwide. For more information about Rinehart Racing’s lineup of exhaust products for Harley-Davidson and Indian Motorcycles, visit

LAW ALERT, New Mexico Court–Warrant Needed To Open Car Door

New Mexico Court of Appeals rules that a police officer needs a good reason to open a car door during a traffic stop for speeding.

Police in New Mexico cannot open a car door during an ordinary traffic stop without first obtaining a warrant. That was the conclusion the state Court of Appeals reached last month in throwing out the evidence against motorist Liborio Martinez because his Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches was violated.

On September 27, 2015, New Mexico State Police Officer Anthony Perez decided to stop Martinez for allegedly driving ten miles per hour over the limit. The officer became angry, however, when Martinez continued driving carefully for two minutes before pulling over in a safe location. Once pulled over, Officer Perez saw through the front passenger’s side window that Martinez was holding a cell phone in one hand and trying to light a cigarette with the other.

Within four seconds, Officer Perez identified himself and opened the door. He said he thought Martinez might drive away. Once the door was open, though, the officer smelled alcohol. Martinez tried to explain this by pointing to an unopened bottle of beer in the back seat. That excuse was not good enough, as further investigation led to Martinez being convicted of drunk driving. He appealed, arguing that the officer never should have opened his door without a warrant, and the three-judge appellate panel agreed. The judges pointed out that the officer was investigating an alleged speeding violation, not a violent crime.

“The state has not cited authority to support the proposition that the possibility of a motorist’s flight in his or her vehicle during a traffic stop provides a basis to open the door to a defendant’s vehicle without a warrant or without some other justification under an exception to the warrant requirement,” Judge Julie J. Vargas wrote for the court. “Furthermore, neither Officer Perez’s testimony nor his dashcam video reveal any actions by defendant after pulling his car over that would demonstrate he might drive away.”

The judges found that defendant lighting up a cigarette during the encounter made it more likely that he was trying to relax, not flee. The court also rejected the argument that, even without opening the door, the officer could have smelled the alcohol given enough time.

“We are not tasked with speculating as to whether Officer Perez could have detected the odor of alcohol had he continued with his traffic investigation, but rather whether he would have obtained such evidence through lawful means wholly independent of his illegal actions,” Judge Vargas ruled.

The judges ordered the evidence against Martinez suppressed and sent the case back to the lower court. A copy of the ruling is available in a 200k PDF file at the source link below.

Source: PDF File New Mexico v. Martinez (Court of Appeal, State of New Mexico, 7/25/2019)


I think you will enjoy these pics. I’m up in Auburn Maine on biz and vacation and I went into the local half empty mall to get socks. I walked past empty store after store and then I blew my mind.

Store after store was filled with old Harley’s that looked mint. I couldn’t get in but talked to a local and he told me the local Harley dealership owner since the ‘50s put a brand new Sportster and big twin away each year into a warehouse. He then bought the local mall to store them. These are brand new bikes!

I mean to see one brand new 1957 Harley is a big deal but every year since like 1955.

Enjoy the fuzzy pics.


Just got word that Spectro Oils shared the ad I am on- check it out.

FLASH FORWARD FRIDAY! Flash forward to today and Spectro Performance Oils has 53 years of experience engineering the highest quality oils, lubes and fluids for anything with a motor! Golden Spectro Premix was just the start of our diverse line up of products! Visit to find a product for YOUR machine!

Old Iron Never Dies!
ACTION is what makes the presence of GOD felt in this world!

“Many people don’t know that I got started in Sci Fi illustration/concept art back when I was 19. I did some drawings for futuristic aliens and ships for Disney.

The genesis for this idea started after spending the last few years reading my friend Graham Hancock’s latest books. He has been working with a team of scientists that are certain we the earth experienced a major comet/meteor impact just 12,000 years ago.

This piece illustrates what it might look like if one slammed into the Atlantic . So being at the Sturgis rally, I naturally based it in that area. So that being said: here is a window into a mad max futuristic world. An interesting place to visit, but probably not wanting to live there.”

There is a LOT going on in this piece, so we produced a short video with close ups of the cool components.

The canvas print edition will consist of two sizes and will not included a smaller version (too much going on with this one to do it justice in a smaller size). This may be the start of a new, ongoing series as well.

** Image size 32×24, $1,295 framed (deduct $200 for a gallery wrap). Edition of 60 plus 10 Artist Proofs and 10 Hors d’ Commerce

** Image size 40×30, $1,895 framed (deduct $300 for a gallery wrap). Edition of 30 plus 7 Artist Proofs and 7 Hors d’Commerce.

Each canvas print will come hand-signed by David and numbered, with Certificate of Authenticity.

If you’d like to get on the list to reserve one, simply respond to this email or call me at 303-913-4840.

Thanks and have a great week!

–Greg Rhodes
International Sales Director

Uhl Studios
15801 W. Colfax Avenue
Golden, CO 80401

Uhl Studios Website

BRAND New Bikernet Reader Comment!–
Lured to the Dark Side, Thoughts about what to do with a new Bagger

Yeah, I remember my first bagger a 2003 Electra Glide Std. I felt like I had betrayed myself. I love the choppers and old school bikes but one 600 mile ride, and I was at home with it!

Enjoy the bike, EDGE!

–Mike pullin
Charlotte, nc


Just $4,995.00

See it here:

**JUST 7,110 MILES**

Whether your experienced and want a ‘twisties only’ kind of bike, or just learning, this bike could be just for you. The price is right and it has very low miles. Harley’s 2005 XL883L SuperLow is designed for beginners, and focuses on reducing the intimidation level of learning a potentially dangerous new skill and replacing it with that legendary sense of exhilaration and freedom. Unladen seat height of 26.8 inches and a bestraddled height of 25.5 in. It gets an estimated 51 mpg on the highway! Weighing in at just over 500 lbs this 883cc, 5-speed sportster handles very well and can be very very fast!


Vivid Black paint with tank graphics in good condition. Chrome bars, mirrors, blinkers, and black powder bar mounted speedo. Vivid black headlamp with a polished hood, silver cast aluminum 13 spoke wheels. Silver wrinkle motor, polished rocker covers, primary, derby cover, and trans/cam cover.

Chrome 2:2 shotgun exhaust. Vivid black oil and battery case. Polished calipers, silver drive sprocket, and vivid black swing arm. Solo seat with mid controls. Chrome fender support and adjustable shocks. Chrome rear blinkers and taillight. Tires in great shape and more… A good looking bike!

This bike has passed Lifestyle Cycles rigorous 100-point safety and mechanical inspection. Whether your looking to commute to work, ride the coast or take that dream vacation, this bike is ready to go!!!

THE LATEST FROM THE CLIMATE DEPOT— Gore’s quest to become a fake meat billionaire – Lobbies for climate policies that limit meat while his firm invests $200 million in meat substitutes

Watch Climate Depot’s Morano on Tucker Carlson Tonight discussing Gore’s latest money-making venture. Gore lobbies for regulations that will enrich himself.

Al Gore Poised To Profit Big From Anti-Meat Drive – Largest Investor in ‘Beyond Meat’ – Via No Tricks Zone website-“Al Gore is standing to rake in millions from a World Resources Institute meat consumption reduction report, a report that will certainly help boost profits for the meat substitute manufacturers – in which Gore just happens to be a big stakeholder…

Al Gore, partner and advisor to Kleiner Perkins, Beyond Meat’s big investor, stands to haul in millions, should governments move to restrict real meat consumption and force citizens to consume the dubious substitutes and fakes.”

–Climate Depot

“The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”— Margaret Thatcher

Yes, you should walk or exercise any other way at least 35 minutes 5 times a week. It holds at bay all the nasty diseases that plague people in their autumn days. ‘nough said, you are a big man, you know what to do!

I could not live without my daily walk outside in nature. The Japanese have created a word especially for what we could translate as “tree bathing.” It simply means that walking amongst the trees is like bathing in a nurturing environment that heals the body and soul.

By comparison, numerous studies have shown that walking in the city streets does not offer the same health and mental benefits.

I am fortunate enough to live 10 minutes away from the Pudding Stone Reservoir, bordered by hills teeming with rabbits, birds, skunks and coyotes. Once I counted as many as 81 rabbits, but I only saw a coyote once 🙂

The hills give me strength training, the tour of the lake gives me endurance (10K) and the walk allows me to meditate, in real communion with nature. Have you tried the tree meditation, where you stand or sit very still, your eyes half-closed, feeling the breeze (or the sun) on you as if you had branches instead of limbs, listening intently to all the forest noises, the thrill of a bird, the loud hammering of the woodpecker, the chattering of squirrels fighting for territory?… It does wonder to clear the mind.

Oh well, M. Bandit, I don’t want to take too much of your time away from the Torpedo.

Have a great day.

A LETTER FROM CHRIS COX–Will you help drain the swamp in Washington?
President Trump’s bold vision to Make America Great Again is constantly impeded by Nancy Pelosi and the socialist squad. I’m running as an ally of the President to rid the swamp of these radical politicians.


I’ve supported President Trump since day one when I founded Bikers for Trump in 2015 as a volunteer security force to protect innocent MAGA supporters at the President’s rallies.

And I will continue to fight tooth and nail in Congress as an ally to President Trump to protect our American values, our way of life, and his America First Agenda.

My commitment to this country and our American values runs deep.

During the government shutdown, I made the trip all the way to Washington to ensure our monuments were maintained and kept clean out of respect for our country’s veterans and heroes.

I’ve already taken out the trash in Washington, now it’s time to take out the trash in the halls of Congress and return the people’s House to the people.

Thank you,

–Chris Cox
Candidate for Congress (SC-1)
Founder of Bikers for Trump

IT’S NEVER DULL AROUND HERE—I need to jump back into the shop and work on the firewall. We need to install the Shroud’s Fire Suppression Systems.

Atomic Bob is working in some fresh Salt Torpedo Art. We discussed adding another starter relay for just the compression releases.

Markus Cuff shot this Harley in the year 2000. It was destined to be the future of Harleys. We may do a feature on it in the near future.

Hang on!

And don’t forget to ride Fast and Free, Forever!


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