Book Review, “One Light Coming”

“ONE LIGHT COMING, A Biker’s Story”–
As an avid reader, I delved into this book about the biker lifestyle with gusto. The first two chapters were a bit problematic for me, but certainly nothing that couldn’t be overcome. The writing felt forced in those chapters. It felt as though the authors were struggling to find their rhythm or cadence.

By the 3rd chapter the authors had settled into an easy to read step that keeps the story flowing with grace and natural rhythm. It wasn’t long before I realized it was going to be a distraction to my day to put the book down and do other chores. I wanted to read the book from cover to cover in one sitting. However, I didn’t do that. It’s gluttony to read such a well researched and written story without stopping to digest its meaning and possible outcomes.

As I understand Marc Teatum’s introduction, the storyline is written by Marc, with Edward Winterhalder’s expertise used in the fleshing out of the club life and brotherhood. The collaboration is one that agrees with me. Marc’s storyline is believable. Winterhalder’s knowledge of club life, brotherhood and bonds cement the story with its relationships between the independent biker and the 1%er.

The chronicle begins in Boston and travels from there throughout the northeast. With Axelrod (the main character in the story) escaping from police custody in Boston (with the help from an officer who sounds an awful lot like a police officer I knew in Melbourne, Florida). Axelrod finds himself riding a semi-truck out of state with his bike crated in the back of a moving van. Trouble finds him even here, but without the trouble he finds at this juncture, the story couldn’t have continued. This is where the tale picks up steam. It’s here the lifestyle of the Brotherhood actually becomes cohesive: weaving together the lives of strangers with a common thread of respect, honor and motorcycles.

This story is one that could possibly happen. It tells the story of men and women who understand “THE CODE”: people who live by it. It lets ya into a side of club life that’s open to the rare persona whose own personal code of individualism runs harmoniously alongside the code of a 1% club. At least that’s what I took away from this story. I believe the narrative is complex enough to give different meanings to all who open the cover and decide to read with an open mind.

Would I keep this book on my BIKER BOOKSHELF? Yup.

Pub. Date: October 2011

Publisher: Blockhead City, Incorporated
Format: Hardcover , 344pp
ISBN-13: 9780977174751
ISBN: 0977174751
List price: $24.95 Book is also available on KINDLE for $8.60

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