Born Free 2023 Rocks like Never Before

With all the buzz going around about Born Free 23, I couldn’t wait to jump on my bike and ride through the sunny Southern California canyons to get to the show.

The weather was perfect, It couldn’t have started out any better. Stopped for a quick bite and to top off my gas tank. This was about a 50 mile journey for me.

As I got closer to the venue, the bikes started stacking up in front and behind me. It was getting totally insane with all the traffic. I wasn’t the only one with the itch to get to the show.
Once I passed through the traffic down the bike lane, I pulled into the parking lot, which was a sea of bikes further than the I could see. I thought to myself, fuck. this is gonna be a great fucking show.

I thought I was the coolest guy there until he pulled in. His name was Joe with his 10’2″ board.

I parked my bike, hopped off and within one minute a youngster leaving the show, approached with a couple beers. He told me to have a great time! He said the show was amazing.

While I enjoyed my beer another fella named Eric gave me his wristband to get into the show. I noticed an old veteran walking down the lot and decided to hand off the entry wristband to him. His name was Patrick and this was his 12th Born Free show.

Once I made it through the entry gates, I realized that this was no ordinary Born Free show. They’re were more bikes, beers and babes than I’ve seen at previous shows.

As I walked through the Miles of bikes parked on the grass, I just couldn’t believe my eyes of all the wild machines ridden into the venue.

The invited bike builders came in hard with these incredible creations that would completely blow your mind. There were some from Canada, Japan and from all over the country, The details were impressive, I’ve never seen anything like it.

There were drunk people up and there were drunk people down, just like a good old bike show should have, and the biker babes didn’t disappoint.

The venders had all their new merchandise and upgrades on display to Lure in the potential buyers.

The Motley Crue and Van Halen cover bands entertained the crowd with their over the top shows. What more could you ask for.

Born free stepped up their game and sold their own beer which tasted great on this hot June afternoon.

In closing I had sore feet and sunburnt shoulders and quite a beer buzz, but that did not stop me from having a great day.

I can’t wait until next year for Born Free 2024.


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