General Posts

Cyril Huze Bombshell

Looking at my computer screen this morning seems to require more effort than ever before. My life has been turned upside down with job craziness, bike-breakdowns, new-car fever, bitching wife, and ranting editor. It seems every direction I turn is prepping me for a smack in the mouth and the only thing I can do […]

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Riot Act From Holland

We recently discovered a wonderful connection to the European custom bike scene, Ela Dutch. She’s a photographer and roams all over the world sending us features on some of the finest bikes on the planet. We graciously thank her for her immense support. Here’s the latest, a Netherlands bike and a babe plastered to the

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Krugger Goodwood

I unfold my best English. Lucky enough the young Belgian understands me. We’re in the middle of Belgium’s nowhere on a dusty large cattle-farm far away from towns and villages. I ask him if we could shoot a bike and a girl on his grounds as location. He looks a little puzzled because I’m all

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