General Posts

September 20, 2001 Part 1

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–WORLD ABLAZE BUT WE’RE BACK TO OUR INSANE NORMAL I don’t know what to fuckin’ mumble about today. I’m frustrated with the Taliban interviews, and the cheering Pakistanis. Anyone from a 1%er club, a street gang or the mob would immediately recognize the bullshit gangster threats. As far as I’m concerned if Afghan […]

September 20, 2001 Part 1 Read More »

September 16, 2001

THE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE REPORTTHE AIM/NCOM MOTORCYCLE E-NEWS SERVICE is brought to you by Aid to Injured Motorcyclists (A.I.M.) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM), and is sponsored by the Law Offices of Richard M. Lester. For more information, call us at 1-(800) ON-A-BIKE. Visit us on our website at NCOM COAST

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September 14, 2001

JUDGE DISMISSED 300 TICKETS Postcard for the times. SAN DIEGO, Sept. 4 – A judge dismissed nearly 300 tickets Tuesday issuedto drivers caught by cameras that record motorists running red lights,handing ammunition to opponents of such systems. JUDGE RONALD STYN of San Diego County Superior Court said the camera evidence was inadmissible because a private

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September 13, 2001 Part 4

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–TERRORISTS ATTACK–BIG MISTAKE ON THEIR PART Continued From Page 3 UNDER ATTACK!–Buds, our country is under attack! What do you all think about this?The twenty-something says “oh, no, I don’t want to go to war, gee, that’s notright.”My mother, at seventy five says ” Rescue and Help first. then find thebastards and bomb

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September 13, 2001 Part 3

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–TERRORISTS ATTACK–BIG MISTAKE ON THEIR PART Continued From Page 3 TOTS REPORT FROM A RIDIN’ MARINE– I was shocked and outraged when I read the “Toys for Tots” e-mail beingforwarded around the biker community. Shocked that bikers would be criticalof the Marine Reservist donating countless hours of their time to collectand distribute toys

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September 13, 2001 Part 2

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–TERRORISTS ATTACK–BIG MISTAKE ON THEIR PART Continued From Page 1 ATTACK REFLECTIONS FROM A BROTHER– Yesterday was one of the most?devastating days?of my life I can ever remember. We kept working while listening to the reports on the radio. Every now and then we would go up front and watch this tragedy on

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September 13, 2001 Part 1

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–TERRORISTS ATTACK–BIG MISTAKE ON THEIR PART I don’t have a lot to say that so many other Americans haven’t expressed innumerable times already. I’ve been concerned about a loss of liberty, but I know that we will have to give during war times. We’ll get a renewed liberty returned after the conflict. I

September 13, 2001 Part 1 Read More »

September 11, 2001

MRF CLOSES IN WAKE OF NATIONAL TRAGEDY Effective immediately, the Motorcycle Riders Foundation office inWashington, DC will be closed until further notice. In light of thenational emergency that is taking place, and in keeping with thegovernment’s request to keep the phone lines clear, please do not try tocontact the office. Preparations for the upcoming Meeting

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September 6, 2001 Part 4

BIKERNET NEWS FLASH–HAMSTER’S FINEST HOLLYWOOD LOVER PASSES ON (CONTINUED) Continued From Page 3 HAD A HATE-MY-JOB DAY?–On your way home from work, stop at your pharmacy and go to thethermometer section. You will need to purchase a rectal thermometer madeby “Q-tip.” Be very sure that you get this brand. When you get home, lockyour doors,

September 6, 2001 Part 4 Read More »

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